
Photograph via snooOG

r/trans, the Reddit Home for everything Transgender.

Trans* related discussion, pictures, links, etc. A community moderated by trans people for trans people.

Make sure anything NSFW is marked as such. If it is NSFL, please tag your link title with [NSFL] and tag the post as NSFW. Please remember that although NSFW content is allowed, this is not a porn sub. If the point of your post is purely sexual in nature, it should go somewhere else.

Please also keep in mind that this subreddit is a safe space and we are not here to explain ourselves. Attempts to debate on topics related to trans people or the trans experience such as; trans participation in sports, whether or not certain words are slurs, or the validity of trans identities WILL RESULT IN A BAN. If you're curious about the trans experience, you would have better luck browsing /r/asktransgender.

Transphobia, bigotry, and hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated here.

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This subreddit is explicitly for and by trans people. We do not accept any ideology, political stance, or religious stance that would exclude ANY trans people as appropriate for this subreddit and will action accordingly if we see people trying to spread those sorts of things here. If that is not for you, there are other trans subreddits that might be more to your liking.

Related subreddits:

Link to our discord!

If you are questioning your gender or would like to help people who are questioning their gender, we have partnered with The Orchard, a discord server meant specifically for this.

r/trans Rules

Our expanded rules.

  1. No Hate Speech - No hate speech allowed whatsoever. This is a ZERO tolerance policy. This rule includes any terminology that is used as a slur or pejorative against anyone; even if you’ve personally reclaimed the word, does not mean everyone has, and we ask that you respect that when speaking with other users.

  2. Respect the Transgender Community - Respect the people who belong here. Including:

  • No treating being transgender as a mental illness or as being lesser in any way.
  • No insulting transgender people, their appearance, or purposeful misgendering.
  • No arguing with transgender people about their identity.
  • No arguing with transgender people about their vulnerabilities, including anything related to sports, laws, etc.
  • Anything else the Moderation Team deems disrespectful.
  • This is not a Debate Sub – Your opinions on transgender people’s participation in sports, bathroom use, whether it is transphobic to not date trans people, etc. These kinds of “debate” posts are not welcome here. You will be banned if you’re from outside the community asking these questions, as it breaks our rules on Respecting the Transgender Community.

  • This is not a Porn Sub – Posts that are pornographic or sexually explicit are prohibited. This includes: 1. Nudity below the waist or "female presenting nipples." 2. Images that entice through sexy or flirty posing. 3. Deliberately provocative titles (such as "Would you date me?") and Erotica/"text porn." These posts attract an unsavory element, and there are plenty of other subreddits out there for such content. Note that we do allow NSFW text posts that discuss issues a user may be having in their life.

  • Adult Content Accounts – Accounts that have a history of posting adult content are not permitted to participate in the sub. While we understand that many transgender people use adult content as their primary source of income, this sub is browsed by users under the legal age for consumption of such materials, and those users should not be exposed to it through our members. Please see this link for further information

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    For Research Surveys, please send in a ModMail to r/LGBTstudies, as that’s where you’ll be directed to if you message us.
    Message ModMail for anything else.

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    You are welcome to describe what you observed in a text post for the purposes of venting or seeking help

  • No “Do I pass?” Posts – Due to mental health concerns for our posters and commenters, posts that ask leading questions around whether or not you pass are prohibited. This includes “Do I Pass” as well as other such things that make people either guess your gender or criticize your appearance. We recommend that you visit subreddits such as r/transadorable, r/transtimelines, etc. if you would like to make posts such as these.
    Please include a gender in the title of posts that ask for appearance modification advice.

  • No Truscum, Transmedicalist, or Gatekeeping Ideologies – Our subreddit is one specifically aimed at allowing people to explore their identity and creating a safe space for those identities to be explored. Truscum, transmedicalist, and other gatekeeping ideologies do not serve our subreddit's goals and comments or posts promoting such are prohibited.

  • No Posts About Self Harm or Suicide – We understand that life can be difficult, and at times life can feel overwhelming or that you have no other options, but there are always options available, we promise you that. If you are experiencing a crisis, we ask that rather than making a post here, please reach out to one of the resources listed on this Wikipedia page, where most country’s crisis lines are listed, as we’re unable to host posts about suicide and self-harm here.

  • This is not a Dating Sub – Using the sub to attempt to date other users, or otherwise meet up with them, is prohibited. Do not ask people to DM or chat with you. This does NOT prohibit people from making posts/comments looking for support groups in their area or other such activities. We are particularly hard on users who make suggestive comments or otherwise asking for meetups with users under 18 years old, and you will be banned and properly reported.

  • No Chasers – r/trans is a safe space for trans people, their stories, discussions, and content. It is NOT a place for people to fetishize us, attempt to hit on or pick up users, or any other general creepy behavior. Similarly, if such behavior is seen in your account’s post/comment history, you are not permitted to participate in r/trans. The Moderation Team maintains discretion as to what is included in this rule.

  • No Name Request Posts - Please direct any and all such posts to r/transnames, the subreddit dedicated to such requests. Please see this post for further details.

  • Address The Community Respectfully - When addressing the community; please keep in mind that we are a diverse community, with many different experiences, and we expect our members to respect that when making posts/comments. When making posts/comments do not apply a singular gender to everyone, do not apply slurs to users who are uncomfortable with them, and treat people with the same respect you'd expect. In particular, we ask that you remember that this is not a community specifically for any one gender, and that you don't address the community in that way. This includes things that says something like "Hey (guys/girls/dudes/women/men)" and the like.

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    507,101 Subscribers


    Question for anyone

    Dose anyone have any experience with University of Utah Transgender Health? I have been getting my HRT for 5 weeks now and I asked about bottom surgery they lead me to University of Utah. On the website they seam to be ok I’m just curious if anyone has had good results with them.

    04:53 UTC


    6 months of self discovery 🖤

    04:45 UTC


    Any humans here play d&d?

    l like d&d but I always end up playing with that part of the d&d community.

    04:11 UTC


    I don't think I'm trans, at all.

    Nothing about any of my body is "me." Masculine, feminine, a mix- it's just always wrong. Feels like my body is a doll to dress up, not something to literally exist in. I am so incredibly detached from my own physical body. I'm not trans, I was trying to figure out how the fuck to fix this. And I just don't care. Facial hair, body hair, whatever name people call me, I don't give a single fuck about any of it. I could go any way with anything.

    I... I don't know. I had more to say, but I can't be arsed to continue. It doesn't make sense, not the way I could describe it, at least. Because it's never "exact." I could explain in as much detail as possible, but there's always going to be a, "Yeah, that, kind of. Sorta. But also..." And things are going to be true to how I feel, but still contradict each other.

    Anyway. Tl;dr: not trans, just incredibly fucked, mentally, and floating in an abyss of my own existence. Or something. I really don't fucking know.

    1 Comment
    04:05 UTC


    JUST QUIT FOR GOOD!!! (CW: S/H mention)

    I (FtM 17) have been struggling with self harm since around 2021, and today I finally disposed* of my razors PERMANENTLY. It's been a real battle these past years, but I'm finally ready to turn a new page in my life. I've been clean for a few months so I might as well stop myself from ever starting that cycle again. I'm so happy to be alive!!! :]

    *I disposed of them in a proper and safe manner. Don't worry, I didn't just throw naked razors in the trash lol.

    04:04 UTC


    Has anybody else watched this? Cried for a lot of it. Trigger warning.

    Expresses the lives of a few intersex people and the struggles they go through on a daily. I must admit, even my broad view was stretched even more.

    Also shows how the system is arranged to keep the binary illusion in view. Worth a watch. Lovely people too.

    Peace ☮️ 💙

    03:50 UTC


    About to start estrogen but..

    I'm about to start estrogen in a few days or weeks. I've been questioning for almost 3 years, and certain for a year and a bit. But after being so certain that estrogen would be what I need to move forward, solving a good portion of my issues, now that I'm almost there, it feels weirdly unceremonious. I've had this idea I'd take it and it would be a moment of optimism and new beginnings, but now that I'm here I don't really feel anything. Not even a faint sense of relief. Nothing at all.

    1 Comment
    03:39 UTC


    Outfits for a questioning trans girl

    Does anyone have any good outfit ideas I could try as a guy who’s been thinking about transitioning? I want to experiment with my gender identity and I plan on getting some sort of skirt, but if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!! (Sorry if this kind of post is irrelevant to the subreddit, I rarely ever use this app and just wanted to find a place where I can try to get advice)

    03:39 UTC


    Gender-neutral word like 'daddy' or 'mommy'...

    A few days ago I was thinking about what sort of gender-neutral term could exist that mirrors the likes of Daddy or Mommy. I asked GPT what sort of cool nicknames may work because I was out of ideas. It suggested many crappy names, but one of them was 'Ren' as short for 'Parent' and I thought that it had a nice ring to it.

    Going off of that, I came up with 'Renny' as a gender-neutral term that mirrors 'Daddy' or 'Mommy'.

    I also think something like 'Renen' sounds cute like Mama, Dada, Papa even though it doesn't really match the structure fully. I just imagine in the future, my partner and I picking up our kid from school yelling "Mommy! Renny!", I can't help but find it fitting.

    What are your thoughts, do you think it sounds cool, what would you use instead?

    Cheers and best wishes!

    03:32 UTC


    Need some advice about a wedding

    Hey, I am 22(mtf) and I've been socially transitioned outside of my family for 3 years. My parents know but expressed I am not to tell anyone because they are essentially ashamed of me.

    I recently got invited to my half brother's, sisters (not related to me) wedding. I want to go but I wanted advice on if I should tell the bride. I'm worried it could spiral out of control knowing my family, the LAST thing I want to do is ruin someone's big day. Or if I should just go and attempt to boy mode (I don't think it would be very successful) I typically pass and I am unsure I could even pass as a man anymore. My brother knows I'm trans and implored me to go, however I think he expects me to go as a man.

    Just wanted some advice on this since I'm not great with social stuff.

    03:24 UTC


    What are some outfits I (MtF) can try to see how I want to express my gender identity?

    What the title says, I’m looking for outfit suggestions.

    03:24 UTC


    Did you ever feel like that?

    Lately I've been thinking again about how i feel and identify myself. I am definitely a man but sometimes i feel nonbinary and go for they them which is pretty hard for people cause in german it's pretty not the same word and i would prefer english but i think its still okay if they just call me he. I wear make up and look very feminine on these nonbinary days. I would never accept someone calling me she. But if I'm outside with my boyfriend and idk how im feeling some random people just assume genders and maybe calling me him or like his girlfriend. And i don't mind being called girlfriend somehow but the thought of getting called she or her is the worst thing for me. Did some of you ever feel something like that?

    03:23 UTC


    Do I want to be a woman, or or am I just admiring women?

    Or, just to put it more bluntly, am I just lusting over some type of women I never got to be with? I truly love my wife but she's not exactly girly or dressing like it, but I so, I wondering if I'm not confusing or wanting to be a woman with some kind of coping mechanism by becoming one myself (I just started to out girly clothes on later on in life, but I'm "afraid" I this could go further)

    Besides my own situation, do you have any anecdotes, personal opinions, or advices about confusing feelings like these ones? I'm sure some people must have contemplated the fact of becoming another gender, but maybe noticed it was actually cope for something else? I'm just being careful here. Wouldn't want to jump to conclusions, and I truly don't know where to go from here. If I actually decided to be more and more like a woman, I would also be in a bad spot in some way, as I would be discovering this pretty late in life, and my body not being really appropriate (balding, looking ugly with a big beard... Also I couldn't ever take surgery or any kind of treatment as I'm quite anxious medically and not stable enough mentally to make such big change to my body)

    03:22 UTC


    trans support

    Are there subreddits out there that can point me to some resources as I am 16 and live with my transphobic parents

    03:14 UTC


    How to make the girl I like comfortable

    Hi so… I’m 20m and an education major, I met this girl (also 20) this year in my intro to teaching class. We quickly became friends and due to having a similar schedule we hang out a lot. I’ve grown to like her and we generally vibe together. Tonight I was texting her about my situation (she was the first person I told, it’s a long story I have another post about it.) and she said that she’d go to urgent care with me which of course convinced me to go. I took it as a sign that maybe she feels the same about me and told her I liked her and maybe after going to urgent care we could have a study date. She left me on read for a little and then suddenly she texted me a paragraph saying that she really likes me too but she’s trans and she was scared to tell me and she understands if I’m not interested anymore and even apologized for “leading me on” and she understands if my feelings are hurt. I let her know that I don’t care that she’s trans, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest and I’d still love to have that study date with her. We continued to chat and she once again apologized for the paragraph stating that the last couple of guys she was into hadn’t had a positive reaction to finding out. Obviously I’m new to all of this and I just want to make her comfortable so does anyone have advice? lol (Really glad I decided to download Reddit again)

    03:13 UTC


    Gender Marker Change on Florida Driver's License Still Possible

    Hi all, this is a follow up post following the posts below. There was a lot of confusion and now there is an extra step you have to go through, but it is definitely still possible. I got my new license today without issue. 

    Step 1: Get Finger Prints and Background check done. I'll let you Google this, but you NEED the Originating Agency Identification (ORI) Number for the court. Example I live in Orange County so my number is - FL923990Z (the "0" before the "Z" is a zero) to the fingerprinting agency

    Step 2: Petition the court, fill out the forms goto your clerk of courts office and file them.

    Step 3: Hearing, this is easy, more of a formality. Get TWO certified copies of the final judgement 

    Step 4: Social security office with final judgement. Get new SSN card with name and gender marker 

    Step 5*************: Super important to do this next. Get a passport with your new name and gender 

    Step 6: get your new driver's license using your passport as your primary documentation source.

    FloridaNameChange.org is okay, but it has not been updated with the passport coming before the driver's license.

    Memo that caused panic:

    The memo that sett off the panic:


    Memo Clarification:

    Southern Legal Council Clarifying the memo:


    Related Posts:




    Edited for formatting

    03:13 UTC



    Hi! So i was doing my T dose like normal, ive been doing them on mondays. I wasnt having any issues with leaking before, but this time i was having a lot of trouble with drawing and injecting it. It kept leaking out of the vial when drawing, and when i injected after id gotten my dose, i think it may have not stayed in my skin? Which didnt happen before. There was like a lot running down on my skin. Should i just leave it as is, since im unsure and dont want to double dose? It was a decent amount and since im on such a small dose im worried i did it completely wrong and didnt get a proper dose at all. Ive also been using the same vial because the pharmacist said it should be fine because it has preservative, but i think maybe the previous times ive drew made too many holes and maybe thats why it leaked?

    1 Comment
    03:04 UTC


    just selfie posting idk

    02:37 UTC


    Need help with hiding stuff from transphobic family members.

    Currently I have 4 things: 2 dresses, a skirt, and a bra. I have 3 places, also I have a curtain that covers all the places.

    1: in the bed Pros:

    • nobody but me goes up there


    • easy for things to fall off

    2: next to toy box Pros:

    • easy to access and store stuff


    • Easily visible, looks kinda suspicious even with a coverup item in the way.

    3: in toy box Pros:

    • Literally almost invisible


    • inside of toy box is dirty
    02:32 UTC


    I realized i’m trans and i hate it

    warning for self harm and nsfw topics // Realized i’m trans (ftm) recently, i guess i’ve kinda known for a while but just didn’t want to admit it to myself. I’m 18, but i still am dependent on my parents (i have a disability that i need to figure out how to manage before i can even get a job) and they’re transphobic. They wouldn’t kick me out i don’t think, but they would still be quite verbally abusive. My trans friend ive been talking to a lot about this says they may come around but idk. I know having a queer kid usually helps people come around to stuff easier but my parents say awful things. My dad loves the daily wire so i think that says enough. They don’t believe in transgender and non binary people, so there’s that. I made a post the other day about this so i won’t be too repetitive.

    I think my biggest thing is i’m not sure what i’m doing now, it takes months to even get a first appointment with a therapist even though i desperately need one now. I was clean from self harm for over two years but i’m stupid and started up again, every day this week. I’m just really disappointed in myself. The dysphoria and trans thoughts won’t go away like they used to, i’ve ignored them for years. I have nobody aside from an online friend to talk to and it sucks.

    I hate my body, it’s just too female and i can’t stand it. I can’t even get off anymore, every time i attempt i just get so consumed by dysphoria. I’m so aware my body is wrong i just can’t. I don’t even like showering or going to the bathroom because everything is a reminder. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

    02:31 UTC


    Maybe it's best if I stop being around trans communities?

    Context. I am transfem (she/her) I've known this for like 4 years now.. I'm comfortable in my identity. However, recently I've decided it's in my best interest to not transition for many reasons. I have already been on hrt (for 3 months back in 2022) before i had to stop, at least I know 100% that I am in fact transfem. But.. since this decision means I will not transition either socially or start hrt, is this really a space I'm welcomed in? Effectively, I'll never "really" be trans. And the last thing I'd want is make people uncomfortable. I think it's best honestly if I just leave these spaces. It's that unreasonable? I just wanna hear other people's thoughts.. I apologize for the rant.. hope yall have a great day

    02:29 UTC


    questioning gender after over a year of confident transition

    I'm FTM and have been on hormones for over a year now. I know for sure I'm happy with what HRT has done for me but that's the only part of my identity that i have confidence in.

    I've had these desires recently to dress more feminine or androgynously or to identify as something other than a man - however, every time I do I feel dysphoric. Despite this, the desire hasn't really subsided after experimenting (i.e. wearing a dress or using neutral terms to refer to myself). It's kinda worked in the reverse as well - I previously went by an androgynous name, but I decided to change to a more typically "male" name to fit in better and this also feels incredibly wrong. It's like people are talking to a different person.

    I think these feelings aren't actually relevant to my gender identity, but rather I'm subconsciously trying to change parts of myself to gain some sense of control over my life. Currently I'm at a pretty low point (mentally and financially) and the fact that these feelings just happen to show up now makes me wonder if they're genuine.

    This also makes me wonder if I'm actually trans at all - I figured out I was trans during a point in my life where I was seriously struggling, similar to what I'm going through now. How do I know those feelings back then were genuine, and not an attempt of obtaining a sense of control over my life by "choosing" my gender? What if this is caused by some undiagnosed condition like autism or ADHD, how do I know that I'm actually happy as a man and not just coping with having no treatment for a medical condition?

    If I really am nonbinary or cis, how come these feelings only show up when I'm having issues and not when things are going well? Why do I feel like a man without question when I'm happy, but I feel like a woman when I'm down (or sometimes I feel like I'm not a real human person at all, what's up with that?)

    1 Comment
    02:23 UTC


    Is it possible to pass as a guy with long hair? (sorry if it post breaks rule 9)

    I mean realistically. Obviously it's possible if you're optimistic, but if you were just walking around in public.

    Basically, in the case that my mom allows me to transition (very unlikely, she's known about my dysphoria for years and claims not to be a bigot but I doubt it'd be true in my case) I'm worried that my she won't let me get a haircut. My hair is pretty long, goes down to about my waist as well as the sideburn area, not man facial hair its like the area right in front of your ears, are long(apparently that can read as female). I could ask my sister to cut my hair without my mom's consent, but she also doesn't think I'd look good with shorter hair, so I doubt she'd do such. In addition to all of that... I like having my hair long, it makes me feel more like a man in a strange sense.

    And also, I'd do the other things like use a chest binder and wear 'man' clothes etc so I would pass maybe easier, with the hair length exception.

    02:22 UTC


    Do you ever sit in your room and think about how easier life would be if you where born the gender you want to be?

    02:20 UTC


    coming out at work?

    Hello everyone,

    I (18FtM) am going to be starting HRT soon, but I'm not out at work yet (or to my family for that matter, but I'll deal with that when I have to). How did you all come out at work?

    Personally, I live in a Dutch town that's filled to the brim with conservatives (about 75%-80% are PVV-voters for any Dutch people here) and I work at a Chinese place with mostly conservative coworkers. Additionally, a large part of my coworkers doesn't speak Dutch very well and while this is normally not an issue, I'm not sure how to communicate to them properly that I'm trans and get them to understand.

    If it was up to me, I probably wouldn't come out at all. I don't see this being an option though, seeing as when my voice'll drop that's going to be kind of hard to hide. What do you think? Try to keep it under wraps until I move out for college (hopefully next year)? Delay starting HRT (I really don't want to but I will if I have to)?

    Any advice? I've been struggling how to come out since I started working here 3 years ago and I'm really hoping you all can help me.

    17:36 UTC


    My heart kinda hurts.

    My brother knows I'm trans and has known for almost ten years now. We're very far apart in age so we weren't very close to begin with but before I transitioned we were kinda close. I overheard him and my mom (who supports me 100% btw, she shut him down immediately) on the phone and he called trans people the trans slur. My mom told him I heard what he said and he should apologize to me and he never did.

    He's very right wing (loves Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Candace Owens etc). I don't like texting him often now and when I do he takes days to respond. He seemed supportive when I came out but immediately asked if it was okay for him to keep making jokes about trans people.

    I am so jealous of people who have good relationships with their brothers. I always wanted to be his little brother when I was a kid, and now I am his little brother and he's probably calling me a slur behind my back. Go figure.

    02:09 UTC

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