
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/trans!

This is a safe space for transgender people to discuss their lives and issues that surround them, find affirmation, and discover community. This is a radically inclusive subreddit for everyone under the trans umbrella; if you are binary, non-binary, genderqueer, agender, GNC, questioning, or any combination, this space is for you.

You don't need to be trans to comment here, but this is not the place for questions or statements of opinion from outside of the community.

Trans* related discussion, pictures, links, etc. A community moderated by trans people for trans people.

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Please also keep in mind that this subreddit is a safe space and we are not here to explain ourselves. Attempts to debate on topics related to trans people or the trans experience such as; trans participation in sports, whether or not certain words are slurs, or the validity of trans identities WILL RESULT IN A BAN. If you're curious about the trans experience, you would have better luck browsing /r/asktransgender.

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Related subreddits:

Link to our discord!

If you are questioning your gender or would like to help people who are questioning their gender, we have partnered with The Orchard, a discord server meant specifically for this.

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  1. No Hate Speech - No hate speech allowed whatsoever. This is a ZERO tolerance policy. This rule includes any terminology that is used as a slur or pejorative against anyone; even if you’ve personally reclaimed the word, does not mean everyone has, and we ask that you respect that when speaking with other users.
    If you must use a slur to in your submission, we ask that you censor it as follows: F-slur, T-slur, S-slur, etc. Using asterisks or other symbols to censor part or all of the word is not acceptable.

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  • No treating being transgender as a mental illness or as being lesser in any way.
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    566,807 Subscribers


    How would you describe to a cis person the difference between physical gender dysphoria and simply feeling "unhappy" and having to come to terms with parts of your body?

    Hi everyone. I've identified as non-binary for about a decade (though I've been fully out and thinking about medically transitioning for a shorter period of time) but I've always had trouble explaining this difference to people. I've come to terms with things like my weight and my body in general, but dysphoria has always felt... different. Having boobs is like having tumors on my chest.

    I got into an argument with a cis partner where I felt like they really weren't understanding the depth of how dysphoria affects us. He understands that gender as a social construct is pretty fake but that "he has parts of his body that he has to learn to accept, too." I think he is mentally approaching it through somewhat of a comparison to getting cosmetic surgery for physical attributes to align the self with beauty standards or the ideal self, and from a standpoint of distrusting the medical system. Which I truly understand and empathize with.

    I can be compassionate to that view and understand that as a cis person he hasn't had to deal with physical dysphoria in the same way. (And, to be very clear, I told him I was very hurt by this comparison and needed time to process.) I'm mostly stuck on how I can strike that difference in conversation effectively, to really communicate how much pain is caused by the internal and external mismatch that comes with experiencing dysphoria. I've come to terms with the fact that cis partners, friends, and family members may never fully understand to the extent that I do as someone who experiences it, but I want to more effectively communicate the difference and why medical transition is so life-saving and necessary.

    1 Comment
    17:09 UTC


    Any tips on getting my parents to respect me?

    I've been out as trans since July, and I've been asking my parents to address me by my new name and use the correct pronouns, but they haven't started doing so yet. They keep saying they're trying, but their actions don't reflect that—they actually call me female terms even more than before. My dad has been especially "funny" about it, making jokes about me starting testosterone (which I’m planning for February) and about surgeries, even claiming it's all in my head. This is really hurtful. My mom has used my preferred name a few times, but she also keeps saying, "You'll always be my daughter." I’m thinking about asking them to come to one of my appointments with the gender psychologist, but I’m not sure if it will make a difference.

    I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar experience—how long did it take for things to change? What did you do to help move things along? Any advice on how to navigate this would be really appreciated. Also, when did you tell your grandparents and other distant family members? I’m going to have to talk to them before I start testosterone, since I know it will really change things, but I’m not sure if I should tell them myself, ask my parents to do it, or just wait until they notice and question it. Any thoughts on the best way to handle that would be really helpful.

    1 Comment
    17:07 UTC


    Just a little question I had for a couple of days now

    1 Comment
    16:43 UTC


    did you guys grow on T?

    im 3 months on it so i cant tell rn

    1 Comment
    16:35 UTC


    Dúvida real

    Alguém pode me enviar um vídeo ilustrando uma cirurgia de adequação genital do masculino ao feminino? Uma amiga minha é psicóloga e não achou nada ilustrativo o suficiente para orientar os pacientes que levam essa demanda. Até para podermos nos inteirar melhor e fugir dos achismos. Obrigado!

    1 Comment
    16:30 UTC


    Uncertainty with gender

    Not used to posting on reddit, so sorry if my words or anything comes off as odd.

    Since I was ~12/13 (19 as of now) I've been battling with my identity gender-wise. I used to think I was a trans man, then it became transmasc, and now I'm lost on where I am. My Dysphoria comes in waves, where some days I can't even stand the clothes I wear no matter how masculine they are, and others where I'm fine.

    I feel like my whole identity is a fraud, I dont know what I am anymore. Since the start of this month it's been extra bad. It's been long enough where I want to come out, but I'm scared that I'll change my mind and then I have to explain myself all over again. It feels as though the hesitance isn't talked about often, and everyone just knows what they are.

    I just wanna be happy, but it feels like I can't even figure out what I need to do so. It's hard waking up sometimes and wondering if this is all one long phase.

    16:13 UTC


    Fighting the trolls doesn't mean engaging them

    I know y'all are as tired as I am, so I'll make this quick. If you get sent threatening/ harassing messages, don't engage. Don't try to be clever, don't tell the transphobe to suck your dick, just don't.

    Trolls don't have feelings. They feed off of ours.

    Report / block / realize that person is clearly in a worse off position than you mentally if they think that behavior is acceptable.

    I know that there's a rule saying not to post here encouraging you to go to other subs and start shit, but that's not the same thing as standing up for yourself. You can and should go directly to the mods of the subs you see the harasser in and let them know what is happening. I also encourage this outside of reddit, but some platforms take it more seriously than others.

    It's exhausting, I know, and safety comes first. No one will fault you for panicking and blocking without reporting.

    But if you have the spoons to fight that day, I'll be fighting with ya 💙

    16:08 UTC



    If there is anyone planning to or considering moving to Minnesota and they have any questions please feel free to hmu I’ve lived here my entire life(minus 1 year in Florida🙄🙃) it’s a wonderful place to live and I’m happy to answer any and all questions 😇 sending love, support and good vibes to you all -B

    16:03 UTC


    im done with everything

    last night, i was feeling dysphoric so i looked in my secret hiding place to see if my thigh highs and fishnets were there, but they werent and i think this might be the last straw. my mom has been nothing but a transphobic bitch since she snooped in my room and found them, any advice help or words of encouragement would be very much needed. if things dont change i think i might fall back into that dark place i was in before... if this is my last reddit post then goodbye all you amazing people who kept me sane and alive in this tough time, and if im still here then ill update you on the situation whenevr i can

    15:51 UTC


    Just started injections!

    My doctor prescribed me injections nearly 3 months ago but due to the shortage of estradiol cypionate I had to keep taking tablets until now. OMG the shot is so easy. It didn't hurt at all. So much easier than trying to remember to take 3 tablets a day spread out evenly. Hopefully the shortage doesn't come back and bite me when it's time to refill.

    I know it has some health advantages over the tablets but my main reason was lifestyle. With work and college it was hard to make sure I took the tablets at the same time. Taking them sublingually also means it was like 5-10 minute process to take one so it was awkward trying talk at work with one under my tongue 🤣 yay for once a week shots!

    15:48 UTC


    I am confused

    Okay so I have been identifying as a girl for a week or so being amab and I was thinking I was trans cause like if I had the chance to be reborn I'd choose woman but I don't really want ti change by being. Like I want to be perceived as a woman in society but physically transitioning doesn't feel right to me. Am I trans?

    15:46 UTC


    I fear for the loss of trans rep in animated media.

    Shows like High Guardian Spice, The Owl House, Dead End: Paranormal Park, and many other animated shows in the past few years have just begun to scratch the surface of trans and NB rep in the past few years. Now with Poject 2025 on the horizon, the HS may start censoring all explicit trans rep from future shows for years to come.

    This saddens me so much, as it was so beautiful seeing our stories told. We need to preserve what shows we have and look to indie animated projects to see our lives represented in this medium.

    If anyone has recommendations, I would love to hear them

    15:38 UTC


    Why am I like this? I wanna make these thoughts disappear

    I am M19, who has daydreamed about becoming a woman more or less during my whole life. Over the course of the past couple of years, these thoughts have increased and I've started to feel bad about my appearance because I am 6'5" with strong jawline and an enormous nose (which i HATE and hope to undergo a rhinoplasty someday). However, I can absolutely feel good about my current appearance as well. For example, I enjoy working out and seeing my muscles pumped, but then I see a gorgeous looking woman at the gym and I start wishing I could be like her. Recently I got upset that my tiny bit of facial hair has become dense enough to leave a noticeable shadow when I shave it off.

    I cope with my feelings by roleplaying online as a woman and sometimes when I am home alone, I like dressing up and doing makeup. I can't wait to move out to feel more comfortable with expanding my feminine wardrobe. I have spoken to my mom about my feelings and she knows that sometimes I like dressing up as a woman, however when she brought up the topic later on, I refused to talk about it because I am super embarrassed about being like this.

    If I transitioned, I would have more to lose than gain. I might be living a wrong life at the moment but it's a decent life nonetheless. I am about to begin a business school soon, I wish to work in automotive sales or marketing in the future, I am trying to make myself look better in others' eyes to feel more confident and I wish to find a girlfriend who would be accepting of me, because I cannot live without dressing up as a woman sometimes. And I know it's unhealthy but honestly I thrive on external validation because internally I feel like shit about myself. I have practically no self-esteem and throughout my life I have always been a people-pleaser, because one of my biggest fears is people turning against me. But I don't know if transitioning would necessarily help with battling these feelings.

    Transitioning is also expensive, if I went through the public healthcare route in my country, that would take years until I have undergone all the procedures needed and the only two gender clinics in this country, locate hundreds of kilometers away from me. I already got a referral there earlier this year which they declined, saying I haven't felt dysphoric for long enough to take me in. And honestly I am glad they declined me because I am not by any means ready to face these feelings yet, if ever. Also they surely would have found any smallest reason to gatekeep the treatment from me. So if I transitioned, I would have to go through GenderGP or something which is expensive and I am not expecting my earnings to increase until I have graduated and found a job.

    I can keep living as a man, at least for now. There's so many things I wanna do without being at the risk of being discriminated, because as a 6'5" woman I would certainly draw too much unwanted attention. HRT could shrink me a bit but it doesn't happen to everyone from what I have heard. So yeah, being a guy is it for me.

    1 Comment
    15:38 UTC


    I just need to go to church

    As i was already starting the journey of starting my transition. Already came to my parents and told them how i felt and they are supportive. But i finally came across the first family member to reject my transness.

    My mom was on the phone with my uncle and she had told him about my transition. All he said to her was that all i need to do is go to church and find jesus, and that will cure my transness. Hah im already in church and im still trans and the pastor is queer lmao.

    15:36 UTC


    How did you all meet your loved ones?

    Hello lovely people, i wanted to ask, how did you meet your friends and/or partner(s)?

    I personally can't imagine ever finding my people, although it is one of my main life goals. So i try not to overthink it too much and to focus on becoming my most authentic self. And I thought it could be uplifting to let people share their stories during these difficult times.

    1 Comment
    15:23 UTC


    I feel, powerful

    For the longest time I have been afraid, constantly stepping on eggshells around everyone hoping to be accepted by people around me.

    I was waiting, for something to happen in my life or something to come along to change it or someone to change things for me. I am done waiting, recent events something snapped in my brain. I no longer wish to wait, no longer wish to cut my feet on eggshells.

    I am empowered, I feel like I no longer care about those who do not accept me, I am doing what I want when I want because that's how it's going to be.

    I feel more energy than I have in 25 years. Every day for the last week I have woken up feeling energetic and excited to seize the day and I am going to. I am no longer just a scared trans women but a budding entrepreneur, a rights activist, I will take the world for what it's worth and mold it for me and those I love including all of you.

    No longer chained.

    1 Comment
    15:21 UTC


    My mom found out i’m trans

    My mom went through my youtube account without me knowing and found the trans channels i watch and now she's threatening to tell my dad and she says that trans people are a cult and i'm panicking and scared someone please help

    14:06 UTC


    Changing gender marker in the Netherlands

    Hey, I’m a trans woman moving to the Netherlands to start my MA in a couple months. I’m a Dutch citizen through my mom but have never lived in the country. I wanted to ask anyone who’s gone through it recently—how difficult is it to change my gender marker on my Dutch passport? How long are the waiting lists for the approved “expert opinions”? Thanks in advance 🙏🏼❤️

    1 Comment
    15:05 UTC


    Help with growing facial hair!?

    Hey all! I’ve been struggling with gender dysphoria since I was about 5-6

    It got a lot worse as friends hit puberty and started growing facial hair and getting deeper voices etc. it really hurts when I realise I am literally the shortest teenage boy you’ve ever seen, with a girls voice and not even a little moustache. I need to find something that will help grow facial hair, I know it’s out there, I just want to find the best result. I’ve seen people use these products and they genuinely work! So if you have any you use, please let me know.

    I am really tired of being called young lady or referred to as female, even dressed as the most manly cowboy. My mother said a while ago that if I still feel the way I do when I’m 16 (here I am at 16) she will consider hrt. Now she has said I have to be at least 25. So I’m kinda really struggling rn.. self image, confidence… a lot. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    1 Comment
    15:04 UTC


    Younger Brother Came Out

    Hello. I got a call from my mum saying my twelve-year-old brother (ftm) talked to them, and would like to go by a new name. My parents are taking it well, and there haven't been any issues with it so far. I imagine problems with NHS and extended family come later. However, she did mention that he is slightly awkward about telling me and my other brother. I imagine this is because we're both guys as well, and because we're older, but your thoughts would be appreciated.

    I would like to send a message basically saying I'm cool with it. Currently, I'm a few hundred miles away at university, but I'll see him again over Christmas break. I'm considering making a joke about having to shower more as a dude. Yay or nay? Any thoughts? Do's or don't's?

    15:01 UTC


    Mom says I don’t look like a woman

    I’m fine just a vent because I’m annoyed. My mom is like either brutally honest or/and has no social awareness or is just traditional. Idk but she’s accepting and i only been out for a monthish to them. I realized i was a femby this year and been on HRT for 3 months. I’m also 26 and would say im androgynous.

    But i was explaining her to my concerns about the future and the possibility of the public and society being not so friendly towards me and other Queer people. She first said maybe you should go back into the closet when in public and be myself in safe spaces…so i was like erm noo. Then i also said i get weird looks in public if i dont cover my face. (My hair is short and i have a beard shadow but my body is androgynous at least.) idk why she thought it would be okay to say. “Idk why anyone would be confused, you don’t look like a woman to me”. My heart kinda sank and i stopped talking and didnt really say much for next 30mins tilll i left. My family like says 2 rights and a wrong like all the time

    15:01 UTC


    Want to try massaging prostate - but hard to find and also makes me super dysphoric

    So, I really want to achieve multiple orgasms, I've bought a small vibrator to use on the head - this does feel good. But I've heard bringing the prostate in can help achieve multiple orgasms but it makes me feel super dysphoric - like it's a reminder that I'm AMAB and don't have a vagina (well not yet - maybe) is there a way to massage it without anal play.

    15:00 UTC


    mom keeps guilt tripping me

    Hey everyone. I’m a trans man and a legal adult, and I’ve known who I am my entire life. Starting testosterone would be life-saving for me, but my mom keeps finding ways to hold me back, and it’s wearing me down.

    After years of slowly coming around to “accept” my identity, she still deadnames and misgenders me regularly. Now she’s asking me to wait another year or two before starting T, but I know how this goes—she’ll just keep saying that, and I’ll never get to move forward. I actually have my first consult for testosterone in a month, and this is something I need to do for myself.

    But my mom is making it hard. She says she’s “worried about me” and keeps crying over her “lost daughter,” making it all about her while ignoring who I really am. She’s made it clear she’s against me starting T, yet she wants me to tell her when I go through with it, which feels like she’s still trying to control the process.

    It’s even more frustrating because she’s always been emotionally unstable and manipulative, which makes real conversations impossible. She’ll break down, and somehow, I’m the one who ends up feeling guilty for wanting to live as myself. Every time I bring it up, it turns into a guilt trip or an emotional breakdown, and I don’t know how much longer I can take this.

    I’m stuck. I know I need to start T sooner rather than later, but I can’t seem to get past her guilt-tripping and emotional outbursts. Has anyone else dealt with a situation like this? Any advice or shared experiences would mean a lot. Thanks for reading.

    14:44 UTC


    PSA - most doctors view E on part with habitual hard-drug use. Act accordingly.

    So I've had a lot of personal experiences with doctors refusing to stop treating me "until I stop E", or being denied care or further tests because "you have abormal E levels for amab/male, it's probably that". Best case were "you have high E for a trans person, let's wait until it goes down so you get tested more accurately" (my levels were mostly fine).

    Seeing a lot of posts here about "I had XYZ issue, doctors asked me to stop E forever", or "my doctors said I can't take T. I guess that's it".

    So here is a little secret from having had some friends in the medical fields - most doctors think that trans people should never do HRT. Very few doctors (even in trans-friendly clinics) actually want people to transition, because they see it as an "needless risk" or "last-resort".

    If someone tells you that your levels are high, or a health issues is connected to E -> it most likely isn't. It' just Trans Broken Arm Syndrome.

    14:43 UTC


    Problem with terminology

    So, im a trans person. Nonbinary, but comfortable with being fem presenting. So, i know that the term transfemminine refers to a person who is transgender of ANY gender, but presents to be femminine. But i am AFAB, so, am i technically valid as transfemminine?

    1 Comment
    14:41 UTC


    Support Groups in London that help with hormones

    Are there any support groups in london that help you get hormones, eg diy hormones, or discounted private doctors. Thank you

    14:34 UTC


    I need advices for FFS.

    I am french girl, on HRT since one year, and the next STEP for me will be the FFS. I'm a bit afraid, and I need to know your feeling abt this, your advices, your results, everything I should know before. I'm rid of being called Mr, even with makeup, fel clothes and everything. I don't have rendez-vous I'm waiting for money, I want to be able to pay before.

    Does it make disappear beard ? Even partially ?

    Thats all for me, your turn !

    14:23 UTC


    Help Coming out

    Hey, I'm 17 and just came out as trans to some of my friends, but whenever I think of coming out to my parents I get extremely anxious. Even though I know they'll accept me (My Stepmom is Bi, and my dad is Married to her) I still have trouble even thi king of doing it.

    If you have any advice at all, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

    14:20 UTC


    I'm building up the courage of coming out to my best friend!!

    Ok so, I had the thought of wanting to come out to my best friend for months because it hurts me that she still thinks I'm a girl, so, I'm trying to build up the courage to come out to her. So yesterday I finally decided to test the waters, since I didn't know if she would be accepting of trans people as much as gay people, and decided to do so by telling her about a trans celebrity, and she showed support of trans people!! The next step should be coming out to her, I don't really want to do it by text, I want to come out to her in person but there's not much chance of meeting each other because of school (sad story lol), so texting her is my only way of telling her. I'm soo nervous!! She's the first person I'll ever tell OMGGG

    14:00 UTC


    A Modest Proposal

    We need our own country. I suggest we call it Transylvania. Anyone with me?

    1 Comment
    14:00 UTC

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