
Photograph via snooOG

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This is a safe space for transgender people to discuss their lives and issues that surround them, find affirmation, and discover community. This is a radically inclusive subreddit for everyone under the trans umbrella; if you are binary, non-binary, genderqueer, agender, GNC, questioning, or any combination, this space is for you.

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    586,965 Subscribers


    TW: needles Places to get needles and syringes for HRT (not shopmedvet)

    15:54 UTC


    FWB with my best friend

    Hello everyone

    I got a big issue in my life. I know this girl for a year and a half now. From the second time I saw her, I'm madly in love with her! In my point of view, we are totally perfect for each other. We are both trans.

    I have told her everything last summer. Since that time, we just got more and more... friends... we became best friends. She doesn't have any love feeliny for me but my feeling for her are intense. I never been in love that much with a girl.

    For the first few month, she couldnt had sex at all because of a surgery. I know she didnt had this sexual attraction to me. Since the last 6 weeks, she started seeing someone 13 years older than her who got 2 kids (i got 2 too) and who live 1h45min away. They are pretty open sexually.

    My BF is REALLY open minded sexually. I never knew people who had sex that much (they did 30hour a week). And they are both working... ok, that week, my BF wasnt working (christmas).

    I know my BF don't want to be a "couple" at all. She need her freedom. She is not in love with that woman even if she like her a lot.

    In my mind, it's only the sex that make us not be a trouple.

    What do you think of being FWB with your best friends? In that kind of relationship...

    I got really big issue for 2 options: seeing them together (sexually speaking) and not having her in my life.

    She is more than just a best friend to me. She is the most important person in my life except my kids.

    1 Comment
    15:32 UTC


    My mother keeps trying to prevent me from getting HRT; TW: transphobia

    Hi, 21 pre-everything MtF. I’ve had a TeleHealth appointment for a while to see a doctor about getting started on HRT, and it will be this Thursday. However, as the date has gotten closer, my mother keeps sending me things trying to dissuade me. This morning she sends me a screenshot from Google that says, “What will estrogen do to a man?: Although the male body needs estrogen to function correctly, too much estrogen can cause health problems. Increased levels of estrogen can cause symptoms such as infertility, erectile dysfunction, and depression. A person who is concerned about their estrogen levels should contact their doctor.” Accompanied by a text from her that says, “You need to make sure the doctor knows you have Major Depressive Disorder and you are not seeing a therapist. I am worried this online doctor may just give you what you want without truly discussing all the risks. The potential to be more depressed is something to seriously consider.” Does anyone have any advice on what to say to her to get her to stop doing this while sounding not dumb?

    15:30 UTC


    Miss genderd and then gendered correctly

    I got duded basically i told em im not a dude next time i see em he calls me madam and i get all warm and didn't know what feel, next up he apologizes for calling me a dude, apology exepted 😁

    1 Comment
    15:21 UTC


    Has anyone had a BBL?

    14:56 UTC


    Partner not accepting transition - prefers me as a husband rather than wife

    Okay so, im writing to mostly vent i guess, I havent been completely well ever since I came out to my partner, who has shown alot of rejection towards me being a woman instead of a feminine boy.

    Im in a relatiosnhip of almost 3 years with a gorgeous kind partner. She's asexual, which has made us face some challenges, but we've mostly managed to go beyond them. It's one of the hardest things in life, knowing you're trans but constantly pushing it or ignoring it cause you feel its just not possible or its too hard to do.
    But I finally did it and started taking a micro dose 5 months ago.

    Coming out to people and telling them I've started doing this has met different reactions, some supportive, some trying to be supportive while hoping 'its just a phase (im bpd so ppl see me jump onto things suddenly)' , while other outright refusing it saying things that indicate im 'not trans enough' or not like the other trans people they know, and i can just cope with it by being a 'feminine boy'. To say this infuriates me to my core is an understatement but it is what it is, I've tried to educate or persuade people of that, but the one part that's been he most difficult on me (and my partner) is convincing her to accept the change.

    I'm masc-presenting most times, and even though im transitioning, I most likely will be a very masculine woman (think ambessa from Arcane) or i might end up being transfem nonbinary. I'm still exploring things, but I had hoped over time, with patience and communication, my partner would understand and support me. But given that I'm masculine to begin with, my partner, who is panromantic, has learned to be attracted to my masculinity. Which is something she sees as going the more I transition. She's okay with me transitioning (not completely, but she can cope with it) as long as the 'man' part stays stable. Think of feminine boys instead of masculine girls. We've had conversations about it, but she often distances herself and tries to avoid saying things that could hurt me or anything that could be interpreted as not supporting me. I believe supporting me as a 'friend' would be something she could do, but when im her partner, it affects her and its hard for her to do.

    Im caught between two overwhelming fears. I deeply care about her and dont want to lose her, on the other hand, its been hard to navigate my identity and im frankly starting to hate my transition because im equating transitioning = losing her sometimes. I've rejected myself for far too long, and now that I am, it comes with consequences and costs, which makes me associate accepting myself with losing alot for myself as well. I don want to force her to stay in a relationship with someone like me, I already feel like a 'problem' and me wanting to transition has 'screwed things up'.

    I cant help but feel, with a bit of rage, that she wants a 'manly husband to take care of her' when I could still have been a 'masculine women who takes care of her'.
    I'm stuck with gender roles regarding this one too. Im feeling lost, could anyone advise me, because Im starting to feel my relationship is not sustainable anymore without hurting myself and stopping the transition, or hurting her for being who I want to be.

    14:32 UTC


    Would moving to NYC be enough?

    Hey everyone,

    I have the opportunity to move to Spain right now, but my partner also got a job in NYC. I'm hopeful that moving to NYC would be enough as a trans man, but worried that it won't.

    I am honestly just looking for other peoples perspectives here, am I taking it a step too far?

    The plan is for me to move to Spain alone with the dog for the time being, considering I work remotely and can do so, and my partner goes to NYC to keep home base so when things calm down I can come back. Essentially, this is a temporary solution that I'm fortunate enough to have presented to me.

    My thoughts here are that a) if I'm overreacting, I get to live abroad for a year or two and return when things calm down and b) if I'm NOT overreacting, I now have a home base abroad for my partner to also come to.

    My partner also works in public health researching LGBTQIA+ healthcare and has over a dozen published scientific articles revolving around gender and the likes. So we are also worried about her career in the states as well. She is not as willing to move right now, but we have discussed the logistics of our relationship with this arrangement, so there is no issue there thankfully. I've done LDR before, I know it's not easy, but right now we are most concerned about my safety and access to HRT in the future.

    I know things are uncertain and scary right now for everyone, if anyone needs anything at all, even just a friend to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    14:22 UTC


    Tucking underwear (amab)

    Please I really need help the dysphoria is killing me How much should they cost, are they uncomfortable and where do I get them?

    14:11 UTC


    Does anyone else just dont get dysphoria?

    14:06 UTC


    Besides gender, what is worth voice training for?

    I'm thinking of finally getting into voice training but I'm unsure what to train for besides gender.

    Like, what voice skills do you wish you had also trained for? (e.g. stern warnings, sexy/intimate voice, impersonating/acting characters, clarity/eloquence, musical-like vocals, etc.)

    13:59 UTC


    I don't even really have a title for this.... relationships and feeling valid?

    1 Comment
    13:42 UTC


    Requirement for "personal history of gender dysphoria"

    Hello, first I'm sorry for the rant/vent. I've watched many videos of YouTube creator Samantha Lux and agree on many things with her.

    I just watched one of her videos where she went into a bit of detail on how she figured out she's trans. She stated how important and beneficial it was for her to have had gender therapy before starting her medical transition and recommended it to anyone in the position where they're considering starting hrt.

    However when describing what the gender therapist did she said the therapist wanted to talk to her parents (understandable, as Samantha was just 17 back then), but also to her siblings and basically "anyone in my life who wanted to talk about this with her".

    To be honest this triggered me and I'm still shaking (I might be a special snowflake, bo-hoo!). I don't have a single person in my life who would confirm to such a therapist I had "teh signs". My parents would probably use such a meeting to vehemently deny I had any signs of, am or would in any way be trans.

    In my social life I was playing a tough guy for such a long, long time- it was a matter of survival and very palpable, very physical safety in a post-communist, Eastern European country. My wife is one of the very few people I've known I would actually call an "empath" and she's the only person who guessed I'm trans before I told her (but this ability of hers borders on the supernatural).

    So, although clearly a YouTube video won't make me say "Right, I should've known- I'm not trans at all!" and make me go back to living like an empty shell of a person, it was triggering and very invalidating. Samantha went on to even suggest hrt is too accessible (?!?) and her tone was showing she would make gender therapy a requirement for it, if she had the power to do it.

    I'm sorry, but this reeks of "pulling up the ladder after you" and I find it extremely repulsive, especially coming from people of influence who possess a wide platform. Instead of using it to help people who suffer the same way they did, they decide to stand with those who want to deny us access to life-saving medical treatment. Simply because we lacked "signs" (or people willing to confirm we did. Of course I was effeminate as a boy and was bullied relentlessly because of that. But even if I wasn't- should that condemn me to a living hell?).

    Please, tell me if I'm going too far in my critique? BTW the video is called "How I knew I was transgender & the next steps I took..."

    13:07 UTC



    I have finally gotten my hrt meds and took the first dose tonight, I’m so excited to begin this new stage of my life

    1 Comment
    13:15 UTC


    (Tfem) 50% chance i can't go on HRT because of a mutation (read below)

    So, my mom has BRCA-1, a mutation that increases lifetime risk of breast cancer up to 90% in born females. She had breast cancer at 32, thankfully lived. Thing is, there's minimal research in regards to the interaction between the gene deletion and HRT. HOWEVER, given how the mutation works, it's likely that i would have cancer at some point on HRT. What i want help & advice with, is; if i do test positive, i want advice on alternatives and what courses of action there is without HRT. I know a positive result will hit me hard, so i want somewhat of a plan.


    13:06 UTC


    Do you think the Tria 4X is worth it for me?

    Hi, I'm a trans girl, 18, pre-HRT. I'm not currently in a position where I can afford professional laser hair removal. I've heard about the Tria 4X at home laser machine. From the reviews I've read it seems like it rather doesn't work on facial hair, however it has worked for some people. I haven't completely gone through male puberty and only have a small mustache and some chin and sideburn hair so far. I'll start finasteride in a week and probably HRT in a couple of months, so it shouldn't get much worse. Do you think it's worth buying a Tria 4X laser if I can't pay for a professional laser? I don't mind shaving everyday, but I want to get rid of the beard shadow.

    12:49 UTC


    so confused right now

    Ok so basically about a month and a half ago I was thinking and I realized I might be trans (mtf). I have had some thoughts about it for years, just as "I think I would make a better woman than man," but I never really thought anything of it. Idk what it was but that day I just had a epiphany. So anyone I thought about it and got more and more confident abt it and told I friend who I trust with my life. I shortly after realized I am bi as well. I told my therapist and she didn't seem super reactant. She mostly told me to do some research. I told my mom a day later (she's a therapist) and she said she didn't see any signs from youth, and that I may just be curious, which tbh felt hurtful but maybe I'm just being too sensitive. About 2 hours later she came down to my room crying and apologizing for how it came out because she felt bad. We had a good talk, but I feel like every time we have talked about it sense, she's reacted kinda similarly to that first time, so nothing really changed. It has now been a bit more than a month of watching videos, looking and other people's stories/progress, and I have paragraphs of notes I have been taking. I haven't really talked to my therapist about it much more. I have been getting slowly more and more sure that I am a woman, but the past few days I have been unsure and tonight I had a panic attack of "what if I'm making this up" and "what if this fully isn't me at all." I just need to know if I'm going crazy and need to talk to other people who have been through this.

    06:30 UTC


    Hormones blood test advice

    Hi! I’m going for a blood test tomorrow to check my hormone levels, and I know that it’s recommended to take your hrt four hours before your blood is taken. However, this means I’d be taking my hrt, 5 hours before I usually do.

    If I took the hormones at the regular time that I do, then I wouldn’t take them until an hour after the blood is taken. What should I do?

    I can either take them 5 hours before usual, or not take them at all before the blood test, and take them at the usual time. Does anyone know which is best, for the most accurate reading?

    1 Comment
    12:34 UTC


    My partner (26M) has shared with me that they're considering transitioning (MTF)

    My partner has expressed that they want to transition one day. They want to grow out their hair, but aren't ready for HRT or any further steps. They've asked me to continue using he/him pronouns for now, but appreciate feminine compliments. How can I best support them on their journey? I just want them to be able to live their life the way they want to.

    12:28 UTC


    What could Trump do next to transgender people?

    Obviously he's done a lot of bad things with his executive orders - but what are the limits? What could he do next? What are some things he would need Congress' support to be able to do?

    08:05 UTC


    The way that everyone is just bending over for the EOs

    The way that some hospitals in blue states have capitulated to Trump's EO (we've seen from NY now that they didn't have to) just reminds me of Hannah Arendt's banality of evil from the Eichmann trials. Removing pronouns from email signatures, shutting down DEI initiatives, obviously I get that these are real people who need to put food on the table but Eichmann was just a cog in a machine too, just doing his job. So many people are acting out of an entirely unexceptional complacency. Evil actions are never taken by as monstrous of people as we want to think.

    08:06 UTC


    Would it be cowardly to leave?

    I'm bipolar and trans and it's only in the past few years I've been able to stabilize but it's a constant battle and I just can't deal with the stress and the fear, I don't have what it takes to fight back I just want to leave. I'm so scared for everyone who isn't white, straight, or cis. I'm seriously considering going to a different country. Would that be wrong?

    10:36 UTC


    How do I know if I'm trans (update)

    Hey guys, so basically yesterday I wrote the previous post at dawn and forgot to tell some stuff

    In Portugal the girl and boy scouts basically use the same uniform, the only thing changing is the shape of it, to better fit each gender. My family accidentally bought me the boy's uniform and we found out too late cause the badges were sewn and I loved it and couldn't care less

    I also try my best to look as flat as possible, I hate my curves and try to hide them at all costs

    I also hate the push-up bras and jeans I want my body to be flat and those things just make everything worse

    When I was going through puberty I hated that my chest was growing so I stretched my shirts to look like they never existed

    1 Comment
    11:53 UTC


    Hey im need some friends

    11:24 UTC


    Is it okay If i live in New Mexico

    Im 17 (MTF) and have only socially transitioned with some close friends. I have no supportive family and need to know if I’ll be safe to transition during the next 4 years. I can’t afford to move out quite yet and I constantly read news of my rights being stripped away. I’m scared to even leave the house anymore. Is New Mexico a safe haven?

    11:06 UTC


    Fuming - Toddler's Two Year Review

    Our toddler turned two in November and we've just had his two year review. Our son is doing great, we want to encourage his speech to develop a bit more but it's not far behind, he's well ahead in gross and fine motor skills

    But the doctor has left me absolutely fuming. I'm really fucking pissed off and I don't think my fiancée gets why

    The entire time, the doctor only spoke to my fiancée and ignored anything I had to say. And it was so palpably obvious because she saw me as the "dad". A) It's disgusting that they'd ignore dads talking about the development of their children. And B) I'm not exactly male presenting and the entire time we referred to both of us as our son's mommies. The doctor never once referred to me using pronouns or as either father or mother, just as parent

    1 Comment
    11:03 UTC


    They approved my passport!

    It officially started processing the 16th of January and was set to be expedited. It’s been in Boston for a few weeks and is now out for shipping. I honestly didn’t know if I’d get a response at all because of this whole executive order thing and the fact that I changed my gender marker on it.

    I’ve been hearing a lot of theories and rumors about the government trying to steal people’s passports so I just wanted to give y’all some hope that some of us might still get ours depending on when it was sent in.

    10:57 UTC


    Blood test

    Hi I'm (mtf) and i live in the UK and really need to get some blood tests done but I'm really struggling with finding a good option as I'm trying to go through private healthcare services but everywhere says I need a referral which I don't have. Does anyone know where I can just pay to get my blood tests done in the UK or where I can get a referral.

    1 Comment
    10:54 UTC


    Tucking underwear (amab)

    Please I really need help the dysphoria is killing me How much should they cost, are they uncomfortable and where do I get them?

    10:42 UTC


    Struggling with my gender

    (Reupload because I didn't add a flair lmao)

    To start it off, I'm 16FtM (Female to Male), and I am struggling with my gender.

    I have been struggling with my gender for the past 4-5ish years. The thing is, I don't want to be a boy nor a girl, but I want to be perceived as a boy to people around me by the way I look (and sound but that's not an option atm from what I know of), then I say 'haha jokes on you I'm actually a girl'

    This thought is only recent since over the years I have changed from cis, genderfluid, unlabeled (here I didn't really care for my gender, I really only changed my pronouns so I'm just putting it as unlabeled) , transmasc, and currently transgender, but that label just does not sound right to me.

    I have thought about my birth name, and I am fine with it. I've rotated alternate names throughout the years, but none have ever stuck with me, and my most recent one is currently not feeling good either, yet I have had it for the longest.

    I'm just wondering if I should leave myself unlabeled, or maybe there is a label that explains how I feel

    1 Comment
    10:36 UTC


    Im trying to get to canada

    As the tittle says im trying to get to canada to be with my girlfriend who is also trans, if anyone could help me figure out what i need to do and the process that would be very helpful.

    10:29 UTC

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