
Photograph via snooOG

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Chai the Avic. Avic says hello!

07:28 UTC


Pissed about empty water dish

1 Comment
06:38 UTC


First feed !

Just got my Theraposa Apophysis and she is a great eater. 1.5 years old, 2.5" Rehousing her she threw a tantrum, shot hairs, threat posed all 9 yards but she's all calmed down and just a beautiful spider, in love with her.

05:41 UTC


I lost my T, should I get another one?

So a couple months ago, I made a really stupid and avoidable mistake by accidentally leaving the top of my Gbb sling’s enclosure off. After tearing my room apart trying to find her, I kinda gave up. It's just now hitting me that I really did lose my second-ever tarantula and that it was my fault. My Az blonde just decided to block off the entrance to her hide, so she won't be seen for a while and now I'm thinking I should maybe get another Gbb. But at the same time, I worry that I may make the same mistake and feel that I cannot trust myself to take care of another delicate sling. Should I get one or should I just enjoy my Arizona blonde?

04:49 UTC


She's at it again...

04:44 UTC


I guess you don't need water today

I thought it was funny

03:51 UTC



I am very concerned about my T, she is missing hair on her bum and I don’t know what it means

03:40 UTC


Lil Reggie.

P. regalis

02:34 UTC


Look how fast 😀😀😀😳

Was feeding my E. Cyanognathus sling, earlier in the day I was rehousing a B.albiceps sling and let it wander around on my hand, also held my 4.5" T.albo, first time I handled anything other than a sling. I never usually handle any of my spiders. So I got really complacent and thought well if it scrambles around a bit that's fine I can deal with it, so I gave the dude a gentle poke. Very stupid. Wasn't expecting it to just up and leave like that. These fellas are super quick and I knew this one was quite flighty. Ended up under my desk, after some more scrambling and almost losing the poor thing I safely got it back into its home. Won't be silly with any of my critters again.

02:08 UTC


Grumpiss just hooked out and is looking beautiful.

P. Atrichromatus

00:34 UTC


Pink toe problems Any ideas?

I’ve been looking a to get a pink toe t and I’ve done research and my biggest concern is the inclosure for the pink toe the biggest problems are size and ventilation I know that a pink toe need cross vent but can’t find a inclosure for that and one got any inclosure that could do the trick?

00:11 UTC


I don't know what happened

My giant white knee was molting 2 days ago. So, I walked away to give it time. I just checked on it and it died while molting. This would be it's 3rd molt. I got it when it was about the size of a pin head. We are in the middle of a heat wave and my house doesn't have a/c. We don't really need it...usually. It is very moist in the set up with good air flow. Is it possible that it got too hot? My spoods have a fan for them. Anyhow, I am very sad.

1 Comment
00:02 UTC


Will a T Test if it has enough room to molt?

I have an Avicularia Jurensis and when I got home, it was in the top of its enclosure laying web, in what looks like a molt mat in my absolutely uneducated opinon, and it seemed to... like practice laying on it? then got up and kept spinning? Is this normal? And if they're spinning a lot of web like that, should I offer them an extra meal for the energy?

1 Comment
23:55 UTC


Is my tarantula okay??

My tarantula (mexican copperhead) won’t really eat and I’ve never seen her drink. I’m not positive but it seems like her butt has shrank and I’m really not sure if she’s dehydrated or sick. Her cage does lack a little bit of humidity as my room is pretty dry so I’ve been trying to use a spray bottle and room humidifier to help keep a little moisture in her cage, but it always seems to evaporate due to her heat pad. Someone please lmk what I can do to keep moisture in and if there’s anything wrong with her. Also not the greatest picture because her back legs make her butt look bigger than it actually is

1 Comment
23:16 UTC



A. Seemanni

23:08 UTC


It appears hornworms are a fan fav 🐛

1 Comment
23:01 UTC


I see many pink toes...

I'm home from work and just fed and watered pinky. Seems this spider is becoming more and more popular. With more and more deaths reported by keepers, I just wanted to rant a little. Forgive me if I seem to talk myself up. Anyway, i purchased pinky from a big box store. I thought, as many do, one size fits all. Oh how I was wrong. From the hops to shooting poop, that wasn't even the beginning. They need much more than we provide for them. Keeping them safe from predators seems like an all inclusive luxury vacation. WRONG!! The husbandry is the most important aspect of keeping these critters. Simple things like being able to have freash air and water is the best start. I doubted my ability to take care of this spider, but, it just won't die!! I'm more than thrilled with my ability to keep pinky going. He/she hates to be in my hands but LOVES to soft skin of those who do not lift a finger to pay our bills.

It's easy to redirect and figure it out if you do the research. Not everyone keeps the thermostat the same. These creatures need somthing different compared to other "beginners" species.

I don't have 47 old worlds and a few thousand new worlds, I just have the one for now. All this is, I just want to bring awareness to those who are not. They are easy to care for if you do it right. Pinky is devouring a huge cricket right now, freash water, and I'm going to shower up. Keep it up freaks. Spread the word. Spiders are the answer to true happiness or solace, if you will.

22:44 UTC

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