A Reddit community about arachnids (spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, mites and more)
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I have a juvenile WS in a 3 gallon tank. I read that they can reach very large leg spans. So I bought him a 36x24x18 tank. If I have enough cork bark and furnishings that reach the top would this be too large a space for one? I kinda had a freak-out of regret for buying it once I put his home together. Is this do-able as so long i make sure he is eating properly?
Hi! I am looking to buy some vaejovis carolinianus. Does anyone have any for sale? Or in their basements? Thank you! :)
New scorpion owner. I don't have a black light yet but I'm going to invest in one
So I’ve recently decided that I may want to have a spider as a pet because they all seem so cool! The problem is I have no idea where to start on the type of spider I could get. All I know so far is I want a spider that will stay on the smaller side and not get super huge, I also want it to be beginner friendly just so I can have an easier time taking care of it while learning more about spider keeping. (Also a fyi if I do take one of these recommendations I will not go out and Impulse buy it without doing the proper research that I need to do and I’ll make sure that I can take proper care of it at the time I decide to get it). But if you have may suggestions I would love to hear them, Thanks!