The subreddit dedicated to all species of the order uropygi. Also known as vinegaroons or whipscorpions.
The subreddit dedicated to all species of the order uropygi. Also known as vinegaroons or whipscorpions.
I have a problem with humidity being bone dry in my vinegaroons enclosure. I mist the enclosure every day in the morning and usually again at night when I get home. This is around 13 hours apart when I mist x2 a day. I've gone through 3 different types of misting devices and the ones I've had have either been leaky at the nozzel or the pump itself breaks so part of me thinks it's that. I think some of it may also be the mixture I made for the substrate in the enclosure. The moisture never really penetrates any of the substrate and instead almost sits on top of it. What do you use for your substrate? I used a mix of eco earth, sphagnum moss, and peat moss when i made the enclosure. What else can I do to keep it from getting so dry? I live in a dessert climate, the actual native habitat (NM, USA) for my vinegaroon, so I don't know if it's okay or not that it is so dry. It just makes me nervous, especially when she could be molting at this time of year.
Hi can you tell me the baisics? The humidity levels neded, temp needed etc
So I got a Vinny recently and I know they burrow but mine seems to have closed off his burrow I’m worried Jimmy is gonna suffocate in there! I don’t wanna dig him out as I heard that can be bad any comments or answers?
I have my M. giganteus in a standard 5.5 gallon enclosure. She just molted into what I’m pretty sure is her mature size. She seems fine in that enclosure, for the most part, except for right before her last molt, when she did seem a bit stir crazy, constantly trying to climb out. She’s not doing that anymore, but I just upgraded my tomato frog, so I have a spare 10 gallon sitting around, and I’m wondering if I should go ahead and upgrade her.
Hey guys, so my Vinny buried herself about 10 months ago when I had to change my substrate. I haven't seen her come out since interboro has been sealed since. I can see into it through the bottom of the tank and she's progressively gotten fatter and slower almost to the point that I thought she was dead when I checked today but I saw her leg and feeler move very slowly. Is this normal before a molt or should I be more concerned?
My vinegaroon is fed 3 crickets and very other week, and usually it eats them quite quickly. I left on a trip for about 8 days, (my house may have gotten quite cold, as I live in Minnesota and it’s winter currently, but nowhere near freezing and the house isn’t cold really, it keeps warm) but now I got back today and it moves very sluggishly, there’s still a cricket somehow, and it’s abdomen looks deflated and arched instead of round and plump like it did just a week ago. Any thoughts? Any solutions if possible?
Hello, I have a baby M. giganteus who has been underground for about 2 months now, all was well until some minutes ago i found a pair of adult mealworms (i never gave her any, so idk how they got there), i removed them but i'm afraid there could be more and could injure her, any advice?
My juvenile vinnie is not eating and I think it could be because substrate/humidity? I use a coconut fibre substrate but it often dries out as seen in picture. it gets wayy too dry which concerns me for when he burrows that it might be too loose to dig and hold up a underground hide. Before what I would do is take him out and completely rehydrate it by adding cups of water and mixing it which would work for a bit but it made his humidity too high and then would dry out again and I realized I couldn’t keep doing it anyways because when he burrows I do not want to have to take him out. His humidity sits at just below 70 if I don’t spray the top of the substrate with water but when I do it is just below 80. I have tried feeding him crickets, sparkling beetles, and mealworms in various sizes and he just won’t eat anything. Do I get new substrate? Should I keep spraying to top? What do I do to make him better
If anyone can help me? I’m starting to think my male is female.
Okay, so I'm getting a vinegaroon for my birthday once they're on sale again at the place I'm planning to get it from since they sold out. This will be my first time owning a vinegaroon. Can anyone tell me about what the enclosure should be like and stuff?? Or a feeding schedule. It's kinda been hard to find much about it.
I’m just wondering if my Vinny (Vincent) is getting ready for a deep sleep? I caught him in the wild, Summer of this year. He’s been vigorously remodeling his tank. Been at it for days, with little rest in between. He has so many entry points for his tunnel system, it’s honestly fascinating how hard these dudes work. 😂 I know winter is approaching, and I am just wondering if there’s any experts that may know the reason for his rambunctious activity. 🙂
If so how did you do it I’ve heard there’s a handful of problems they can face ?
So like the title says I found a living cricket in my juvenile vinegaroons enclosure. I don’t remember how it got in there but I guess I tried feeding it to her and she didn’t take it? The cricket looked full and although there’s a couple plants in there that it probably nibbled on I’m worried that while my vinnie was molting the cricket ate parts of him. I know I shouldn’t dig around in vinegaroon enclosures but I’m super super worried. The cricket must have been in there for MONTHS and I feel very upset about not noticing earlier. I can’t see her burrows so I can’t check from the side or bottom. She’s been hibernating since August. What do I do? Do I wait it out?
By that I mean, do you see them out often, or is it more like keeping a pet hole? To be more specific I'm interested mainly in the red back vinegaroon (thelyphonus sp. Java).
Didn't even have time to rehouse her from the tub we got her in at an expo before she did this
Thinking of buying a juvenile vinegaroon, any recommendations for a substrate that's holds moisture and is good for burrowing?
Yesterday I noticed my vinnie had dumped a lot of substrate into one corner, and he didn't come out last night. I figured that he was ready to "hibernate", so I turned his tank around, and I was right. Amazingly enough, he did the same thing on the exact same day as last year!! There's something about November 11 that calls to him 😅 Hopefully he doesn't take as long to come back out this time, since he doesn't need to molt anymore.
So I'm planning one getting one soon and I'm just wondering how big they get (giant whip scorpion or thai red leg vinegaroon) also if someone can give a trusted website where they sell them as I'm still deciding on the species. Any help is appreciated
I've been interested in vinegaroons and amblypygi for a while now, but part of my hesitation has been a reluctance to buy a wild-caught individual. The only inverts I've kept up until now are my nesodillo archangelli isopods. I now have the chance to get a captive bred Thai red-leg, but information on this species is far more scarce. Does anyone have experience with these little guys? I don't want to be impulsive with my first arachnid, but I do want to make sure I get my chance if they'll be out of stock again soon.