Post pictures of cars with terrible mods
Our Ethos (written Feb 2013):
Shitty does not mean bad - Feel free to post shitty mods that are awesome! There are many pieces of junk that we all wish we could own (who wouldn't want a Toyota Tercel with a LS V8 swap?).
Just because it's well done, It doesn't mean it's not shitty. Sorry guys stuck in a scene from "The Fast and the furious - 2001"
This subreddit is subjective! your idea of shitty isn't everyone's and vice versa.
Welcome to /r/Shitty_Car_Mods.
RULE 1 : NO GATEKEEPING. No complaining about "that's not a shitty mod" use your upvotes and downvotes.
RULE 2 : NO MEMES or funny pictures of cars that are not modified. This includes TEXT pasted over photos.
RULE 2B : Wrecks, bad repairs and worn out parts are Off-Topic. Close-ups of accessories must be accompanied with a pic of the car it is attached to.
RULE 3 : NO SPAM. Including off topic pewdiepie posts or “mods are asleep” and any kind of marketing.
RULE 4 : No begging for Karma.
RULE 5 : No recent reposts. Sort by “new” and check recent posts before posting. If you found the photo somewhere popular then it may have been posted already. Mods can use discretion when removing.
RULE 6 : Be Nice/don’t be an asshole.
Whether it's your OWN plate, someone you know, or a stranger. Posts with a plate number have to be deleted.
• No digital renders.
• No photos of art.
• No shots of screens.
• No blurry, low resolution, low effort posting.
RULE 9 : USE DESCRIPTIVE TITLES. No questions, or editorials, or sub meta, or single word titles. Just describe the thing you are posting.
Shitty does not mean bad - Feel free to post shitty mods that are awesome! There are many pieces of junk that we all wish we could own (who wouldn't want a Toyota Tercel with a LS V8 swap?).
Just because it's well done, It doesn't mean it's not shitty. Sorry guys stuck in a scene from "The Fast and the furious - 2001"
This subreddit is subjective! Your idea of shitty isn't everyone's and vice versa.
Check out these other great car subreddits :
Spotted this while on vacation. The badging shows VersR , and not sure what tail lights have been grafted onto the partial widebody massacre
Isn't dangerous at all 🤦
When the family gets a little bigger.
(sorry the photo isn't great)
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