A subreddit for sharpening edged tools.
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Being nice is not optional
Posts and comments should be limited to the care, use, or purchase of sharpening tools
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Promotional posts made by purely promotion accounts will be removed.
Pictures should include detailed descriptions that tell us what we're looking at including the makes and grits of all stones, abrasives, or other equipment used for any sharpness demonstrations or bevel polishes.
ID requests must include as much information as possible including full pictures of the item in question
This is an abridged version of the rules. View the full rules here.
Sharpening related subs you might enjoy:
I recently got a shapton 1000 glass stone, am I able to flatten this stone with my atoma 140.
I'm not looking for anything fancy.
just looking to sharpen up old tools like hatchet, meat cleaver, garden sheers etc.
I tidied up the meat cleaver with a file then some cheap no name no spec stone with a handle I got handed down. finished it with 400g wet/dry sand paper. I was actually impressed with the condition I got it from where it started but it still wasnt great but know im going to need something better to get a decent job.
anyone recommend something cheap? thinking something around the 1000g to finish off better after the hack job to get it in shape but still course enough to help shape it
Two different knives I sharpened to two different degrees yet they are pretty much the same width, both of these are kind of narrow compared to my other knives with factory sharpening which have a wider edge, why is that?
Sharpened my Tenacious for the first time, its more narrow than my pm2 and manix and the shaman. I sharpened it at 20 degrees, if i sharpened it on a lower degree would that mean a wider edge? New to sharpening thanks.
So, I've seen quite a few posts on here about what brands are best but unfortunately that was all for chefs knives, general kitchen knives or exotic blades.
I'm look for a good brand/product for sharpening my EDC knives, I have a few gerbers right now and 2 or 3 benchmades which I use more often if that helps anything. I want something that works really well but also isn't going to make me or my wallet cry. Any recommendations would be much appreciated🙏🙏
Looking for some advice on which whetstones to buy to maintain my new Masahiro 210mm, and whether I should try and keep the factory bevel (80/20 I believe) or create a new 50/50.
I am chiefly a woodworker who never took my pocketknife sharpening too seriously, but I have decided I want to get hair splitting edges on my edcs.
I have the full line of shapton pro stones from 1k to 16k and atoma diamond plates, all of which have served me well on hand planes, chisels, and the like. I also have a set of cbn wheels but knowing how rough I am on turning tools I do not want to reprofile a pocket knife on one...
I have plenty of knives I love with more complicated profiles and I simply am not that great at freehanding them. I have messed up the nice lines of several pricy tantos (my favorite blade shape) over the years with half hearted touch ups. I'm also pretty leery of hand sharpening dagger blades and I rarely seem to get them as sharp as I want.
Seems most of the guided sharpening systems either use proprietary stones or 4 or 6 inch stones. Do any of them allow for "full size" stones? I realize that would be quite heavy but figured I'd ask. If not I'll buy a kme or hapstone most likely and get an inexpensive set unless someone has something else in mind.
I have Bark River 8 micron (2k grit) CBN compound and was wondering if using higher grit stones and stropping with coarse compound would affect the finish. Will the compound remove the burr more aggressively or will I have problems with rolling the edge?
Just got the Cashew lacquer today, that stuff is NOT cheap! Also just got the JNAT which came with a "thank you" for the order in the form of a free Tomo Nagura!
Apparently this stuff smells like cat piss, I'm about to find out 😂
Looking for non-recurves for testing sharpening tools and methods, will buy 3x of each
3-6", then 5-8", then 7-10" and maybe one longer
don't HAVE to be for kitchen use but prefer that to outdoor use EDC folders, daggers etc
Really want an easy-to sharpen steel with good retention softer than what's fashionable these days.
I realize cheap-Chinese may not ship what they claim, willing to pay a bit more to increase certainty I'm getting 440C
Xintuo? had a chef knife on Ali that was well reviewed, actually a "Gyuto" style, thinner than the Euro type
Xinxuo looks like a knockoff competitor, any good?
Purchase links would be greatly appreciated
Hi! i completly new to this, i want to sharp my chisels and planes blades i recently got. What stones can u suggest me to begin with? I've seen Amazon basic stones that are cheap but i guess that are trash, right?
Anyone have experience with the DMTD8EEME? It's the 4000/8000 dual sided stone. I just purchased one to pair with my sharpal 162n 325/1200. I like a course stone but I want to try my hand with an ultra fine diamond stone.
This should just fit into the base that came with the sharpal and should store away in it as well. 2 in 1 and I can just swap them out for progression.
I'll post updates when I receive it. Haven't seen much about them.
Stumbled upon this stone and hardly any info on it on the Web. Anyone had experience using it? How is it for mirror polish?
Also generaly speaking, which superfine stone would you recommend for mirror? Not a big fan of soaking stones.
I am looking into a brand new setup for my knives. A little infomation about myself and my knifes. I primarily have Mayabi 5000MCD Birch, they are pretty hard, about 63 HRC. I have been sharpening for 3 years at this point, on cheap aluminium oxide Stones, with pretty good results.
I looking for Stones that wil sharpen my knives, and im looking mostly into 2 different options
Option 1 sharpton kurumaki prof series or Glas HR series, and buying somethimg like 320, 1000, 2000 & 5000. And 2 strops with jende diamond compound
Option 2 diamond stones, maybe a sharpal 167, and a higher grit dmt stone, around 2000 grit, and finish with strop with diamond compound.
What option is best? For Price, and for the knives i intend to sharpen - do you have any otter suggestions ?
Thank you in advance
Hey all first post but I just bought a set of hapstone premium cbn stones however it's like the grits are way off when compared to my work sharp professional diamond plates the 24p grit hapstone is like the worksharp 800 am I crazy or do i need to do something before use? any help would be much appreciated first set of nice stone so all this is new to me.
i posted a day or two ago asked about a shapton glass setup for my KME. seems like that’s just not possible, so i’ve come to the conclusion i need to just spend the money on venev. am curious if anyone has anything positive or negative to say ab the centaur line stone.
Hello. I want to start my journey with whetstones but Im not sure which type of these should I pick. My main question is what grit level I should choose to start with. Looking for some recommendations and maybe tips. Thank you!
Well, I'm looking to jump into the deep end of the Sharpening Pool and buy a clipper blade sharpener. I would prefer to stay lower priced for now, as I know once the business picks up, I will end up with one of those $2K machines.
Any suggestions? Any equipment you want to sell?
I've had this stuff for 20 years. Finally have a space to set it up and try it out
I made a huge mistake of using my 12" granton slicer for my first knife I tried to sharpen with my first ever whetstone. Any suggestions on what I should use to try to polish the scratches out?