Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!
Welcome to Personal Finance for the Financially Challenged!
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2) Off-topic posts will be removed.
3) All content must be legal, ethical, and moral. Posts advocating theft, or practices that in any way exploit or harm others (criminal or not) will be removed.
4) This is not a place for politics, but rather a place to get advice on daily living and short-to-midterm financial planning. Political advocacy, debate, or grandstanding will be removed.
5) Racism, sexism, classism/poor-shaming, or any other inherent bias will not be tolerated. Any comments/posts stating or implying that the reason that people are poor is because of personal decision making or that people in poverty "deserve" to be in poverty will be removed.
6) No judgment on how people got to where they are at. Regardless of if someone was simply born into poverty, or earned it through drug use, criminal activity, gambling, having a lot of kids, working for LuLaRoe, etc. We're focused on the road forward, not the past.
7) No gatekeeping. This sub is for anyone who self identifies as struggling financially or as financially insecure.
8) Advice and comments must be in good faith. Anything that appears to be a scam, predatory, or downright dangerous will be removed. This includes most "get rich quick" schemes, including cryptocurrency which is too risky/volatile to be an investment for people with limited incomes.
9) Links to websites outside of Reddit: The titles of these posts must have clear, accurate titles, misleading or vague titles will be removed. URL shorteners are not permitted. Referral links, or links to your own content (whether monetized or not) are permitted. You need to disclose if you have an affiliation with a site or service you are linking to. You must disclose referral links and provide a non-ref link as well, no exceptions! During the Holidays, referral links are not permitted as the sub becomes inundated with them.
10) No soliciting, offering, or accepting public or private donations, loans, or crowdsourcing. All aid given must be in the form of information or advice. For financial donations please check out sites like r/donation r/charity and /r/randomactsofkindness
11) Unsolicited advice must be generally respectful of people's right to determine their own values, free of assumptions and judgments, and in otherwise fitting with the rules, guidelines, and spirit of the sub. This includes posts flaired as "Vent/Rant" where any advice/judgment is prohibited as these are reserved as posts where users can simply express themselves.
Check out our Wiki for general useful information!
Much of the financial advice online and on reddit is aimed at people who have varying degrees of disposable income, ability to invest, lots of free time, available transportation, no kids, a partner, access to credit, and beyond. This is a place for people who do not have a lot, nor ideal circumstances, to help each other get by and hopefully move up in the world.
You do not have to be absolutely destitute to be here. Whether you are a single parent only pulling 10k a year, or a single person trying to get past student loans at 28K, you are welcome here. The goal here is to help anyone who doesn't have a lot of breathing room get to a place where they have stability, comfort, contingency, and maybe even a little luxury.
We have a comprehensive sub wiki that can help with most poverty-related topics that you can access here:
If you have suggestions/recommendations for additional content/topics please let the mods know!
At this time there are not a lot of restrictions on what kind of topics or items can be posted here, so as long as it relates to getting by when you don't have much feel free. Overtime we if/as the community develops we might start to rein in the scope this sub features.
Answer the questions asked and stay on topic. If someone asks for advice on how to 'buy' a cheap oil change, don't reply with "Just do it yourself".
The sub is not for a single financial goal, but rather to help people with a range of goals. This may include but is not limited to:
This is not a one-size-fits all venture, so please be respectful of what other people might be looking for. We are here to help each other achieve their needs and wants, not to judge their priorities. We get enough judgment from people who do not know our situation all the time, this sub will respect people's right to live their lives on their terms, not condemn them from afar.
Useful subs:
r/personalfinance - a good place, especially once you have some money to play with.
r/middleclassfinance - For when you don't want personal finance, but the next step up.
r/FrugalPoverty - For those who prefer really frugal finance.
r/Assistance - For those in need of help in more tangible ways. And /r/UniversalScammerList - In case you need to check names against scammers.
Tangible Help:
r/Assistance - For those in need of help in more tangible ways. Account age/karma restriced.
r/assistanceanimals- For those in need of help with some food for their pets.
r/AlmostHomeless if you're almost homeless and need help.
r/homeless - if you are homeless.
r/Food_Pantry - account age/karma restricted
r/foodstamps and r/Medicaid are subreddits staffed by volunteer program experts who can help you make sense of applying/maintaining and utilizing benefits
r/frugal - a solid sub with lots of good advice
r/gardening - if you have some time and some land
r/eatcheapandhealthy - a fantastic sub with a friendly and welcoming community
r/beermoney & r/beermoneyglobal - guides to passive income, typically requires internet, spare phones, and lots of free time. YMMV
Random Acts:
r/randomactsofpetfood - Another place to get help with pet food.
r/RandomActsofDQ if you want Dairy Queen someone will pay it for you.
r/RandomActsOfTacoBell go here if you'd like some Taco Bell. Someone will pay it for you.
I know this game is incredibly pay to win, but it's not pay to play and I've enjoyed it for months without putting a penny into it. There was a Thanksgiving event today that gave rewards regardless, but alliance members could pay to add more rewards for all members. I know this person has spent an absolute ton, but I saw the price of the item she bought over and over... and added it up. In the span of 5-10 minutes, she had spent over $1000 USD and only stopped because, in her own words, "they won't let me buy more".
She just blasted through an amount of money that would cover an entire month's living expenses for my partner and I in Grenada. On a mobile app, for nothing special even. I'm usually pretty chill about people just living very different lives and that's just reality, I don't get upset every time I see someone spending money on something I think is wasteful. But this.... at a time where money is incredibly tight.... to see that amount of money just thrown around when it would make a significant impact in our quality of life. It would let us sleep at night. It would let us have a proper appetite because stress wouldn't be gnawing at our stomachs all day. And to this person, that's chump change.
I'm just letting it out to a community I know would understand. That's life and that's what I get for being involved in such a game that attracts that kind of spending. It just really hit me hard this time.
Need a loan from a direct lender. Getting tired of third party sites handing me off like a basketball. I overdrew my bank account over 300 dollars and i want to clear it up quickly. My credit isnt very good and its hard to keep up with bills since i dont make enough at my job, just under 300 a week. Any suggestions would be nice.
Hooooooo wow guys. This is the most I’ve spent all year on anything. I did a lot of Black Friday shopping and bought gifts for Christmas for people. And I don’t really know how much I spent, but I know it’s probaly atleast 500 on me and people I bought for.
I’m thinking I need to do a no buy probably until the summer. I feel super bad. 😅😅😅
How do yall do no buys? I really just, yeah I don’t wanna spend like I just did these past two days.
I have a couple cavities that need filled. I’ve already lost a back molar at only 20 years old due to poor genetics. I brush, floss daily but my enamel is just naturally weaker and thinner than most people. I haven’t seen a dentist in years. The last time I got a cleaning/exam was 2021 and I paid $350 for that. I’m barely getting by with what I have and can’t afford dental insurance. I don’t have money to fly to Mexico and get work done cheaper there either. I’d like to save my teeth that have cavities but I’m worried by the time I can afford it they’ll be so bad that they can’t be saved. I’ve been quoted a couple places, aspen dental told me it’d be $280 with care credit for just the exam alone, but I’ve heard the one in my area scams people and claims you need more work done than what you actually need. Every other dentist in the area charges more than that for an exam. I’ve called clinics that will see me for free and bill me later, but they only do emergency visits, like for broken teeth/same day extractions. They won’t do fillings or root canals, anything like that. I hate that dentistry is so expensive.
Adulthood has been tough for me. I didn’t have friends growing up because of my financial situation. My family literally lived in poverty and I spent all of my time studying and focusing on school. First it was focusing on college, and now I’m 24 about to start working full time and have no friends.
I’ve met people in college but everyone’s hyper competitive and focused on their career. I didn’t make enough money to live on campus and get involved in the social experience that comes with it. I lived off campus and worked side jobs while enrolled as a full time student. No time for clubs. So my college years have only been marginally better than my reclusive high school years. I want to change this.
Is it possible to create a more vibrant social life once I start working full time? I don’t come from a social family, and so I’ve been set back years behind other people my age it seems. I worry sometimes that it’s only gonna get more and more difficult from here.
I'm just wondering if anyone here has had any luck with those sites where you can sell your gift cards. I've seen mixed reviews but they generally seem like scams so I'm hesitant to try.
I work at a high school Monday-Friday in the evenings. I went to college for one of those worthless degrees(Mathematics). I make 18 an hour. It's absolutely peanuts. My friend invited me to his wedding and they brought a home. I'm wondering where I went wrong in life. I wanted to work in statistics but it seems like any entry level field for white collar jobs is flooded. My car is 30 years old. I live in an old couple's basement. My parents are drug/alcohol addicts so not a strong support system. I don't know what to do.
i keep having random unexpected expenses. cat vet visits, dental work on my teeth, car needed battery, new brakes, car insurance spiked this year its nearly double, groceries have gone up, bills from electric to internet have increased. ive cut back a lot and negotiated some of my bills down like my phone and wifi. i am just wondering if anyone has any similar experiences just constantly feeling like you’re chasing stability.
ive been using You Need A Budget and have a google sheet to budget everything, it’s been super helpful but i am still unable to save because of the random things that pop up. i am planning to get a part time job for a while to catch up and make a savings bubble, but any advice is super appreciated!!!
thank you fellow humans.
I work at sprouts and our post holiday directive is to mark down excess product from thanksgiving. In my store we have 8lb bags of potatoes marked down to $2 and all our onions and potatoes are 77¢ a pound. Bagged salads we have at 99¢. It's a good time to stock up on items like these. I can't say what stores near you prices would be, but if they have a lot of stuff, then they will mark it low. So if you have a sprouts near you, definitely check it out!
So if yall go through my profile and read my past posts, I’ve been going through a hard time.
Divorce. Possible homelessness. Etc. I’ve got the housing situation figured out and while that’s a huge load lifted off my shoulders, life keeps slapping me in the face.
Last night, I was getting ready for bed. I plugged my phone on the charger, started a true crime podcast (I always fall asleep to them. Can’t sleep in silence), and proceeded to take off my glasses so I can lay down and go to sleep.
I wasn’t rough. I wasn’t being fast. Nothing like that. I just gently removed my glasses from my face. As I remove them, one of the ear pieces just fell off.
W. T. F.
I almost fell apart right then and there.
I have $2 to my name. I don’t even have gas in my car at the moment. I don’t get paid until December 10th.
I’ve tried all day today to figure it out and I can’t. So I’m going to have to call out of work tomorrow to give me another day to try to figure it out.
I CANNOT see without my glasses.
So I made the decision to call out of work. Before I go to call my employer, I decided to check the schedule to see who is there at the moment so I know who I’m going to talk to. Also wanted to check the schedule to see who is supposed to work tomorrow.
As I’m looking at the schedule I see the amount of arrivals we have for tomorrow (I work the front desk at a privately owned luxury hotel). We have 150+ arrivals for tomorrow. They will be LIVID if I call out tomorrow.
I feel like I’m screwed. Life keeps slapping me in the face. I feel like I try so hard to be a good mom, employee, and person in general but NOTHING ever works out in my favor. I always have some sort of issue or problem. I can’t handle it anymore. I’m overwhelmed and stressed out.
It’s to the point where I can’t enjoy even the little things in life. I barely smile. Nothing makes me even the littlest bit happy. I don’t get excited. I don’t experience joy anymore. To be honest I don’t feel good feelings anymore. My emotions other than despair and stress and sadness are non existent. I can’t feel anything other than those horrible emotions.
I used to be a goofy, silly, happy person. Never assuming the worst. Very happy go lucky. I’m not that person anymore. I feel like a shell of a human being.
I don’t really have the energy or the will to keep going. Not sure what to do. I feel like I’ve been dealt bad cards since the moment I was born. I can’t do it anymore.
In need of a $1000. Credits low 500s. Trying to find a loan company that deals with West Virginia. I make good income. Don’t really care about rates. Any ideas
And conversely, the easiest way to stay in poverty is to date/marry someone awful with money/with no income growth and have kids with them.
I recently applied for food stamps as I’m only making around $800-1000 a month. I work part time (20 hours weekly) and around $700 goes to my rent, utilities, phone bills and school bills. This leaves me with about $100- 200 a month for food. Doable but my balance just came in for about $30 a month from Calfresh. I’m honestly just sick of eating ramen every other day and wanted to be able to afford some snacks and more fresh produce.
For starters I’m 20M and reside in third world Caribbean country. These numbers are in my currency (EC Dollars)
I currently make 2,100 a month (was making 1,300 initially). While making 1,300 I was focusing all my cash into my education and completed my associates. I’m on my way to applying for a bachelors degree with the government 1st generation full scholarship (should be hearing back sometime in late December)
I started an electronics fixing and reselling business 4 months back. In the first month I made $617 profits and for the past 3 months I’ve been doing $900-$1200 profits, I’ve been taking 50% and reinvesting the other 50% due to some family complications but now I’m wanting to invest more into this as I’m done with my associates and no longer have to worry about the cost.
I currently run into 2 problems
Would it be worth it taking a $10,000 loan at 8.99% interest for 5 years? The payment would be about $200 a month. I’m confident I will have my job and be able to work if I get the scholarship since that’s what I’ve been doing for the past 2 years.
Just wanted advice if the loan is worth it to buy a cheap vehicle for around $7,000 and use the remaining 3,000ish to invest in products and have the business pay it off itself? NB: I haven’t discussed this with any of my family as I like to keep my personal stuff away from them since they’re very negative.
They won't be there to help.
I love my daughter with all my heart and I give her everything I can. I DONT regret her.
But I really take issue with that comment when people try to dissuade you from having an abortion.
It's SO unfair to the child(ren) if you can't afford basic necessities and even then some. And I'm calling myself out.
The first few months, I could barely afford to feed myself. I'd have to skip meals to buy the rest of the formula my daughter needed (WIC covered most of it, but not all), because my tits decided not to work. I could not afford all the time I took off for her doctors appointments, nor her constantly outgrowing clothes. I did it, but it was extremely hard and almost impossible
Now that it's winter, she's needed hats, mittens, leggings, jackets, and other expensive clothes. I've bought them as I can, and I still haven't been able to buy her hats, but I'm trying.
The alternative is to not buy her those things and just layer her in the summer clothes she had that was her size now. But her head would be cold, her hands would be cold. She wouldn't have appropriate winter shoes.
And of course, all the people who pressured me to keep her were nowhere to help when I needed it. But they sure loved to tell me I could "make it work".
I'm slowly figuring out my financial situation, but do NOT listen to people who tell you this if you're on the fence. Make your own informed decision. Do not let yourself get guilt tripped.
So I had to borrow money to make it through until the 15th. It's 3 adults in the house. General 2 of us drink $1.09 2 liters and 1 drinks milk or soda if we're out of milk. So I bought 18 gallons of water, 1 gallon of milk and a 24 pack of 10 oz apple juice. Problem is 2 of us HATES water. So I looked up flavor packets which are about $1 each bringing flavor water up to $10 a gallon. Which would make almost any gallon drink cheaper. Is there any cheap flavor water without fake sugar? We can't make it to a food bank until Wednesday.
I am searching for a payday lender in the UK that folks here recommend. Please before anyone says anything, I know payday lenders are horrific and stupid to go for but I have exhausted all other avenues. Please if anyone has used a payday lender and had success with them (not too much stress or them trying to screw you over with funny business and shady tactics) let me know which lenders they are so I can make applications.
Thank you in advance, much appreciated.
I have asthma so I can’t join the military. I live in an expensive HCOL(outside of DC). I make 2600 a month roughly. I have an associates degree in computer science but can’t afford to finish my college degree. I was living with my grandmother that allowed me to pay out of pocket for tuition then she died in 2021 so I’ve been working full time to support myself. I feel like I’m stuck on a hamster wheel. I’m lost and confused. Any advice?
I’m in university and I only work weekends, I was sick for 2 shifts and it completely fucked my pay. I’m thinking of getting a loan but I’m scared I won’t be able to pay it back…
I get a student maintenance loan but that barely covers 2 months rent because I’ve got the smallest amount given. My parents don’t help me and I’m at a loss at what to do, I don’t want my partner (who I live with) to pay for everything. This is genuinely terrifying.
I've not lived with my ex wife for two years. For reasons I won't get into, she has a no-contact order against me.
There is a car that is in both our names.
She's not paid on the loan in several months, and went out and got another car (in her name) just to spite me.
The credit union is saying I can either refinance it in my name, which I can't afford to do, or take the hit of a repossession.
Is there anything else I could do to remove my name off the car loan?
hi all!!! i hope this is the correct subreddit to post this on, but if not, please feel free to let me know. i am currently getting kicked out of my toxic household by my father who i was forced to be financially dependent on for a long time. my keys were taken away, and i have a deadline to leave the house. i am 22, making $20 an hour and my current credit score is 683 from the student apartments i lived in before i graduated college. being forced to uber to work from now on, so i am trying to get a car for myself in my name ,then an apartment, which both require good credit. as someone who is unfortunately VERY uneducated about the financial world and building credit, (i literally got my first debit card at 21, sad, ik) please explain ways i could better my situation by building my credit. my therapist told me something about a gas card, or getting a credit card and paying small bills on it. any tips, tricks or hacks for me to improve credit, preferrably dumbed-down as if you were speaking to a 12 year old? i am willing to apply for loans if i need to, etc to have enough money to both get my car and move out. anything helps; personal preferences or ways that have worked for you all. thank you SO much in advance, i really do appreaciate it!!!
I got laid off from my job a year and a half ago. I now work a few part time jobs to get by. I'm struggling with a health problem that I need brain surgery for but can't take the time off work because I no longer have health benefits. I informed my elderly parents that I can't afford to travel this holiday season to see them and will have to work extra shifts before the work slow down in January. My Dad sent me money and I sent it back to him. I really need the money but I just feel like such a loser. I don't want people to think I'm trying to take advantage of my parents financially. Just so very depressed right now.
Thanks in advance.
I am not opposed to onlyfans or content, I don't know how to use reddit enough to post in the sub reddits about advertising.
I am open to apps that cash advance. I signed up for a couple, some I am not eligible for, I'm sure there are ones I don't know about...
I am a photographer, model and artist based in New england so I am available for hire for those things but gigs have been slim since covid.
Thanks for advice. Hope yall are well.
Just curious if anyone else has this sort of buyers regret when they treat themselves with something small like a chocolate or takeout? I think this was this first time in years I’ve bought something from McDonald’s and after paying I feel so guilty. It’s a horrible way to have to live.
So My cousin gets paid ~$5000 at her new job. I was really happy for her. Fast forward and TWO DAYS after she got paid she asked me to come over and hang out… and buy beer and chips and other snacks for our hangout because she blew through her paycheck and was flat broke. I just stared at her. Normally, I'd be fine with buying snacks or dinner or anything! It's a shared evening to hang out, but I sputtered out a question as to what happened to all of her money…she just said she spent it all. Her mom was buying her groceries…but you know what the real kicker is? She THEN spent about $80 on Chinese food and beer. She had money the whole time; she just wanted me to spend money instead of her.
So I’ve had a less than ideal start to life and throughout I’ve learnt to save. I don’t spoil myself, I prioritise necessity. I invest time into looking into more cost effective solutions/deals and it works for me. I’m a good saver. I don’t buy myself anything and if I really need it I’ll find the cheapest alternative. I’ve never had anyone teach me how to invest my savings though. Right now my savings is in a 5.5% account. I don’t have a credit card but have taken out a loan to get a credit score and paid back a few payments on schedule and the rest in advance for a better score. My score is above average. I have autism and a trauma brain so investment techniques make my brain stop working. I do need help. I’ve tried reading up on how to invest and CPI’s etc. and my brain doesn’t compute. I had a horrific start to life and I’m trying to catch up so what my parents did to me doesn’t affect the rest of my life. I’ve called my super for advice and I didn’t understand half of what they said either. I’m trying, if anyone knows of any good resources that are easy spoken and broken down I’d appreciate it
There is a way up if you keep looking for one and counting on yourself. Just last year I was on the verge of being evicted and felt hopeless. I got a second job and some state assistance and I’m finally back on my feet with a real savings account again. I hope to carry this feeling for a while. For those of you struggling get out there and meet people. Someone could help change your life forever.
In 2023, I purchased a used 2020 Range Rover evoque. Fast forward, three months ago, the car stopped working. I owe $30k, the car doesn’t work. I’ve taken it different places and I get told engine has no compression and needs replacement. I have been quoted $10k-27k with labor.
I still pay my car, after trying to trade it in and considering a trade in. They only offer me very little and I’m still stuck with the $30k loan.
My last resort is a voluntary repo. I know I’ll be responsible for the $30k. But will I have some break in explaining it to lenders?
No warranty’s help me because I did a mobile mechanic.
Hello, I’m new here. This is mostly a rant but I’d love some advice too. My grandparents were poor, my parents are poor, I grew up poor, and will continue the cycle if I don’t learn how to save but it feels impossible. I’m 23, I live on the west coast, I work nearly 40 hours a week, and my bills take up roughly 58% of my monthly income. After groceries, household needs, and paying for rides (I don’t drive) I have barely anything left at the end of the month. I save as much as I can but it’s not much. I don’t have any debt. In fact, I’ve never accumulated credit (my score is 0 I guess?). My rent is a lot, but that’s just how it is in my area and if I did find somewhere cheaper to move, I wouldn’t be able to come up with moving costs. I’m feeling hopeless. Will I ever be able to support a family of my own? Or buy a house? I work so hard for what?