Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!
Welcome to Personal Finance for the Financially Challenged!
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2) Off-topic posts will be removed.
3) All content must be legal, ethical, and moral. Posts advocating theft, or practices that in any way exploit or harm others (criminal or not) will be removed.
4) This is not a place for politics, but rather a place to get advice on daily living and short-to-midterm financial planning. Political advocacy, debate, or grandstanding will be removed.
5) Racism, sexism, classism/poor-shaming, or any other inherent bias will not be tolerated. Any comments/posts stating or implying that the reason that people are poor is because of personal decision making or that people in poverty "deserve" to be in poverty will be removed.
6) No judgment on how people got to where they are at. Regardless of if someone was simply born into poverty, or earned it through drug use, criminal activity, gambling, having a lot of kids, working for LuLaRoe, etc. We're focused on the road forward, not the past.
7) No gatekeeping. This sub is for anyone who self identifies as struggling financially or as financially insecure.
8) Advice and comments must be in good faith. Anything that appears to be a scam, predatory, or downright dangerous will be removed. This includes most "get rich quick" schemes, including cryptocurrency which is too risky/volatile to be an investment for people with limited incomes.
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10) No soliciting, offering, or accepting public or private donations, loans, or crowdsourcing. All aid given must be in the form of information or advice. For financial donations please check out sites like r/donation r/charity and /r/randomactsofkindness
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Much of the financial advice online and on reddit is aimed at people who have varying degrees of disposable income, ability to invest, lots of free time, available transportation, no kids, a partner, access to credit, and beyond. This is a place for people who do not have a lot, nor ideal circumstances, to help each other get by and hopefully move up in the world.
You do not have to be absolutely destitute to be here. Whether you are a single parent only pulling 10k a year, or a single person trying to get past student loans at 28K, you are welcome here. The goal here is to help anyone who doesn't have a lot of breathing room get to a place where they have stability, comfort, contingency, and maybe even a little luxury.
We have a comprehensive sub wiki that can help with most poverty-related topics that you can access here:
If you have suggestions/recommendations for additional content/topics please let the mods know!
At this time there are not a lot of restrictions on what kind of topics or items can be posted here, so as long as it relates to getting by when you don't have much feel free. Overtime we if/as the community develops we might start to rein in the scope this sub features.
Answer the questions asked and stay on topic. If someone asks for advice on how to 'buy' a cheap oil change, don't reply with "Just do it yourself".
The sub is not for a single financial goal, but rather to help people with a range of goals. This may include but is not limited to:
This is not a one-size-fits all venture, so please be respectful of what other people might be looking for. We are here to help each other achieve their needs and wants, not to judge their priorities. We get enough judgment from people who do not know our situation all the time, this sub will respect people's right to live their lives on their terms, not condemn them from afar.
Useful subs:
r/personalfinance - a good place, especially once you have some money to play with.
r/middleclassfinance - For when you don't want personal finance, but the next step up.
r/FrugalPoverty - For those who prefer really frugal finance.
r/Assistance - For those in need of help in more tangible ways. And /r/UniversalScammerList - In case you need to check names against scammers.
Tangible Help:
r/Assistance - For those in need of help in more tangible ways. Account age/karma restriced.
r/assistanceanimals- For those in need of help with some food for their pets.
r/AlmostHomeless if you're almost homeless and need help.
r/homeless - if you are homeless.
r/Food_Pantry - account age/karma restricted
r/foodstamps and r/Medicaid are subreddits staffed by volunteer program experts who can help you make sense of applying/maintaining and utilizing benefits
r/frugal - a solid sub with lots of good advice
r/gardening - if you have some time and some land
r/eatcheapandhealthy - a fantastic sub with a friendly and welcoming community
r/beermoney & r/beermoneyglobal - guides to passive income, typically requires internet, spare phones, and lots of free time. YMMV
Random Acts:
r/randomactsofpetfood - Another place to get help with pet food.
r/RandomActsofDQ if you want Dairy Queen someone will pay it for you.
r/RandomActsOfTacoBell go here if you'd like some Taco Bell. Someone will pay it for you.
Hi, I’m a young male here living in Texas and currently work a regular 9-5 that is just enough to afford my rent, bills and other living expenses.
I’ve been dedicated and working really hard building a business that started all from scratch and a vision. I’ve setup my customer service, my billing and invoice systems, CRM, Terms and Agreements, website, IVR phone system, automated systems and other related disclosures to the business which is a commercial and residential cleaning business with the plans to sell consumer products as well.
I believe this could be a success and I’m ready to launch soon. It’s a low risk and low cost start up, and supplies is mainly something I need. Feel free to inbox me to chat directly. I would love to show my business plan.
I'm basically swimming in debt to just about every payday loan advance app and service on the market right now. My truck blew up at the beginning of the year and while it is now fixed I have lost every dime I've saved and have gotten further into debt trying to play catchup with all the loans I'm under.
I'm supporting myself, my partner, and my partner's mom who are both unable to work and are trying like hell to get on disability.
I make 17 an hour, more than I've ever made and go back and forth between SC and NC. I do gig work as well to help. All I know is that I'm working 60-80 hour weeks and my wheels keep spinning.
I'm debating just getting a new bank account, changing my phone number, and just taking the hits to my credit score because I feel like that would be an easier fix at this point. Idk. I'm just stuck and don't know how to fix this problem I've gotten myself in to. Any advice is appreciated.
I’m in a really shitty living situation right now and I’m trying to get an ID in my abusive boyfriend cut mine up so I couldn’t get a job with another man. Is there anyone out there who is willing to help or give advice I’ve already gone to local fire stations and stuff like that And it didn’t help I have no family near me no family at all honestly just seeing if anyone can bless me
I love my younger sister so much but I am so jealous of her. She went to a ivy league school and ended marrying a guy she went to school with. They got married bought a really nice house in a wealthy neighborhood. Her husband makes well over 8 figures she’s a stay at home wife. She’s pregnant now and he got her a "push present". The gift was a luxury suv and a couple of designer handbags. I can barely afford to buy groceries and she’s living her best life. Not to mention this man adores her.
She invited me to come visit after she gives birth. she offered to pay for my plane ticket. I want to go, but every time I visit her, I just feel like I failed in life. She deserves this but I also want to live in a 5 bedroom house that’s fully paid off with a huge pool and a nice kitchen and an cute dog.
I’m so upset my financial situation is terrible and my love life is nonexistent. 🫤🫤🫤
I'm in a bad spot financially. I need to consolidate a couple high interest and weekly paid loans into a monthly payment. My credit sucks but I have decent income. Can anyone give me some legit companies to contact?
I posted this and I feel terrible that I had to, but I had no choice. It's pretty long so strap in: I’m the type of person who would prefer to suffer than ask for help. But I’m in a position where I’m about to be homeless and I’m more scared than I’ve ever been in my life. I haven’t worked since 2018 and it seems every job I get approached for is a scam. I have extensive experience in income tax preparation as I’ve been doing it for at least thirty years. I used to work for myself for the majority of the years but have lost my entire client base. I also have years of experience as administrative assistant but I guess I’m now too old to be hired. I’ve done so many jobs in the past to make ends meet especially when my children were young. I’ve been a security guard, home health aide, receptionist, hotel cleaner, independent house cleaner. I’ve applied for every job I can think of over the past 2 years. I’ve seen a ton of people on reddit saying the job market is awful and they can’t get jobs not even in retail or fast food. Idk what is going on. I’ve even tried wfh positions but they never contacted me back, not one of them. Even if they did, I couldn’t even DO work from home. The house I live in doesn’t seem electricity, wifi, gas or running water. Everything has been shut off. I’ve been living this way for at least 3 years now. It is awful. My son was helping me out all this time but he recently got a significant cut in his hours. Because the company he works for is going under, he only works with them once maybe twice a week. Then he tries to do delivery with uber but he doesn’t make half as much as he used to with his real job. The only “good" part of this is that the house I live in was my mother’s. She passed away in 2013 and the house had been in disarray before I ever moved back here. Back in 2010, I used to work for NYS, had pretty good income, got a dog, had my own apartment, was thinking of moving to a different state. But because of my mother’s illness, I ended up losing my job. I was her main caregiver when she started to show signs of dementia. I ended up moving back in with her when mostly everything went downhill. Her health declined rapidly even with my best efforts. My parents has gotten this house in 1992 and never did anything to improve it. They let it deteriorate and never even got a gate put up in front of the house. Even before her illness, she’d constantly hit me up for money. I’d willingly give what I could but I found out from my sister that she’d always complain about any amount I gave. It was never enough in her opinion. I had my own children to raise, my own household to maintain but I was still supplying her but it wasn’t good enough. I guess I can’t win for losing. Her house went into foreclosure around the same time I had my last job, 2018 so there is no rent due, just the 300+K we owe. Before this, I single handedly did everything. Paid all the bills the mortgage, basically everything. My kids helped, I have 2. My sister only saw fit to take care of herself like she always does. It’s ok I guess as long as she’s not a major burden to me. They turned off our water, light, gas around 2019. My son and daughter both left. My son moved with his girlfriend, my daughter left to her boyfriends moms apartment upstate. they’d venmo me money when they could. It helped tremendously because I was able to go to hotels weekly to shower and charge my phone, tablet and multiple chargers I’d bought to keep my phone charged through the week. The bank is about to auction the house. I’m putting in a motion on Tuesday with the courts to get a stay. This is not the first time I got a stay. I did it before by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Since that is no longer in play, I have to hope the judge will grant me time. But that’s the problem. There are two options I have to be able to sell this property. My realtor was quick to get a buyer who has strangely been waiting for a good 4 months to get this property. I have one of the worst pro bono lawyers “helping” me. Other than giving terrible or half truth advice, I basically have done everything myself. She hasn’t helped file one motion, won’t give me paperwork vital to help me with the sale and refuses to write out a contract. Without going into too much details since this is all legal information I can’t really share. Now I’m stalled because the buyers title company is being picky about documents I have to substantiate my mother’s list of heirs. Besides that, the other option might take long and may cost money I don’t have. I’m very worried about the outcome. Its about to be full blown winter and I could be homeless in 3 months if the auction goes through. I’ve done all I can here, trying to get an apartment but because no one works full time its literally impossible. I’m on every waiting list but what good is a list with no luck. Just a few weeks ago, our dog we had for over 14 years was diagnosed with lymphoma. We did all we could but we sat here watching him die and on the 5th, we had to have him humanely euthanized. I’m still going through so much agony over that. But I can’t lose sight of my own fate. Jerry meant everything to me. My only positive is he won’t be in pain anymore and he won’t have to suffer with us living like this anymore. I love him so much its breaking me to my core. I hate this, hate this situation. On the 20th of October I decided to apply for governmental assistance. They gave me an emergency grant of $126 but everyone knows that is nothing for 2 grown people to use. I bought a few necessities like deodorant, wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, etc but I need to put funds on for my metrocard since I’ve been back and forth at court and I have to pay $45 to file the motion next week and another $75 for paperwork to be sent in. We’ve had food stamps from since around May. We use butane stoves and fuel to cook with. We use candles and charge portable lights at the library to see with. We get water from the laundromat to clean up and wash dishes. It’s pretty terrible but it can actually get worse, they can auction the house. This is why I’m here. This was extremely hard for me to type. I feel like crap. I’m extremely depressed and feel like I’m living in a fog since Jerry’s passing. Idk what else to do. I’m desperate. I know I’m here asking for financial help but I’d really want a job more than anything. I’m an independent person and don’t like the idea of asking for money. I like to stand on my own two feet and take care of myself always. Income taxes make good money but it’s only seasonal. I know the bare basics of accounting but I am very willing to learn so I could have a full time position. I’m a very hard worker, have worked since I was 16 and have never been unemployed longer than 4 months before the 2018 fiasco. If anyone knows anyone who wants an employee in this field, I have my resume and can provide references.
So yesterday I posted about my current situation and a lot of people reached out with kind words and advice and thought I just post a follow up for anyone interested.
I'm taking a greyhound back home and have employment lined up when I get there. Staying with a friend to save up and he's lending me his bike to commute to and from the new job. Plan on staying there until I find better employment and will probably take back up trucking as many suggested.
I'm concerned for the future a little still but have some gameplan to move forward. To all the people who messaged me financial help I was greatly appreciative but my conviction just won't let me accept anything from nice strangers on the Internet. For what it matters if you felt like giving the shelter I stayed, Lumberton Christian Care, was an amazing place but they could always use additional funding for the amazing work they do. If you were going to do any charitable giving, I would like if you threw them some donations to continue to help the people of Robeson county.
I talked to my wife and left her with all my remaining savings and will start sending her whatever to make sure my family is taken care of and we are arranging when we can meet up so I can spend quality time with my kids. We are both committed to taking care of them first and foremost even if we don't feel about each other like we used to.
My next step afterwards will be either finding local housing and a car if I find good employment back home or return to trucking if I can find a quality carrier.
I'm extremely thankful for the advice and kindest and to all who personally reached out, thank you sincerely.
Recently at 27 I’ve managed to secure my first full-time job, and finally (slowly) building back up some savings. Huge win, and I enjoy the work. However I just calculated my year’s earnings and it’s still super low at £14k. I split rent (which is pretty low, with the tradeoff being the house constantly growing mold) with my gf and we’re on benefits too.
Despite being hyped that I’ve got more money coming in than before, I know it’s still not that much, we’re both on our way to 30 and it feels like we will never be able to afford a holiday, have a beautiful wedding, etc. UK cost of living sure doesnt help!
I have time to spare in the evenings and weekends, So i wanted to know what do people do for side hustles? Would like to know what some good options are that are decent earners.
I am creative and somewhat tech smart, if that helps. I know for example I could set up website design services on Fiverr, but does that require having a following? I am terrible at social media engagement 😅 and could do with some passive income options i guess. Anyway. Thanks for reading and advice..!
I'm stuck in need help
So basically I bought a car for 30k in April, went to sell it and it's selling for 22,23k
Currently on the sick from work income has dropped massively and I now earn 400 ish a month
I owe 15k on the car still and pay out £430 a month, I have got around 5k in savings but do I sell the car or keep going untill I can't afford it and take the loss
I know tons of people just barely making it but then every once in a while you will know of someone who has no income, or very very little income, and they somehow are able to just keep floating along in life just fine.
How does that work? I know if I had no reserves and no income I'd be homeless in a week.
Back story: My fancy job caused me to become cognitively disabled 2.5 years ago. I stupidly didn't want to get people in trouble that caused this. Instead of going for workman's comp I tried to be a team player and went on short term disability which turned into long term disability. I then unfairly lost my long term disability due to literal dishonesty from my case worker.
This set off a chain of events that has been horrific. I had fought my way back to health years ago. Rebuilt my credit. Finished putting my kids through college.
While disabled, I worked my ass off whenever my brain was working, even it if was just one hour a day. I created a unique and helpful AI that I used to help me get back to cognitive health. I was excited to get my startup going so I could get my AI in the hands of people like me. The tech is ready and if it helped me it can help others.
I have been unable to generate an income. I cannot drive in a metro area with no public transportation. I applied for and thankfully got some food assistance and Medicaid. Medicaid has been a life saver. Due to no income I fell behind on rent, to the point that my landlord decided he had enough and began to evict me. I was able to get help to keep me in my residence while I was in the hospital and so on.
I got out of the hospital the first week in October and had to be out of the place by 10/11. I was so ill that everything came down to the last minute. By some miracle I was able to scrape up enough money to get storage and put my belongings in there, giving up plenty of them, sadly. I had to move everything out with only my 98 lb daughter's help. I had a bum leg and foot that day. I had turned into a walking old fashioned country music song.
I sold most of the easy stuff I had accumulated in my better days. It was rough to let it all go but also liberating. I have now reached the end of that money, and the money friends and family have given me to help. I spent a week on the phone trying to get help, everyone sent me back to the same place COMMUNITY HOUSING NETWORK IN TROY MICHIGAN who, despite their regular fundraisers, offered no help. One person at CHN, when I explained I was about to be homeless and had a lot to offer if I could get some stable housing or hotel vouchers, told me to get a job at United Wholesale Mortgage. r/wowthanksimcured If I could work I could pull in very good money, so this was insulting and unhelpful.
I have been denied cash assistance and emergency assistance every time I have applied. This has been the back breaker for me.
I'm in the unique position of being almost healthy enough to make AI money, or launch my mostly set up startup, but have run out of time/funds. I stay hopeful by telling myself that being an entrepreneur is about overcoming challenges which I have to do on a daily basis, like most here. It sucks, though, because I could have been launching my business or looking for part time work instead of having to fight every day to keep a roof over my head.
I am now spending my last night in this hotel with nowhere to go tomorrow. I can throw my stuff in storage, thankfully, and throw essentials into a backpack and experience homeless life. I fear I may not be able to get into a shelter. There are weird rules about what city you lived in, which makes no sense when I literally do not have a home.
I apologize for the long preamble. I think my story shows how easily it is to fall into this situation with health issues. I have an echocardiogram and MRI scheduled for next week, they were supposed to be the final steps on this health recovery journey through hell. Now I don't even know where I will be so have to cancel them and hope when I stabilize pre-existing conditions are still covered.
Okay, enough whining. My question is, for others who have been through this, what can I expect in a shelter? I'm in a high crime area. I get along well enough with others. I have street smarts. Unfortunately my disability worsens considerably with stress so I have to try to limit that as much as possible.
My ask here is, what should I prepare for and be aware of? I have 12 hours to get myself ready. How dangerous are the shelters? Do I need to be concerned? Will there be help available to possibly get the damn benefits from the state that have been continually denied? Should I try to get on a bus or train somewhere? Has anyone sold off their furniture and things like that, if so how? Any tips or advice will be greatly appreciated.
In case I am breaking the rules of this sub, any financial tips are greatly appreciated. My skills are worth a lot of money but I'm about 2-3 months of recovery from being able to use them. Unless I lose cognitive function with this detour.
If I am unable to respond, due to stress, I will review all answers and at some point respond with my appreciation.
Stay safe, it is tough out here.
tldr: failed at life, need tips for homeless shelter survival. Financial tips for destroyed credit/limited income also appreciated.
Edit: grammar mistakes and some clarification added.
I was in a four year relationship and out of no where he started coming at me hard about minor things. I noticed his comments were incredibly harsh and I let it go but then I started to react. Once I voiced my opinion all hell broke loose. He told me to leave and I was not prepared to do so. Out of fear for what could happen next I went and bought a travel trailer and left with some of my belongings and put the majority of my things in storage. I was on the road for a whole month and he tells me he wanted me back. I went back and now I regret it. My travel trailer is sitting in his driveway and I am still going through my own disbelief of how bad I have made my situation. Now I am drowning in debt and do not have the cash to move out into a new place. I am looking for a second job, but have a feeling I will need a better strategy. I need some advice
Can't afford current apartment anymore with bills and rent increases, thought my work pay would be able to cover it but can't, decided to leave and downsize to smaller cheaper apartment.
I haven't paid my rent since October and property management send me and my neighbors weekly letters threatening to bring us to eviction court if we don't pay (don't plan to pay anymore, paid for September but can't afford any more). I still haven't found a new place and I only have 2 days left to vacate before they file to bring me to eviction court.
I plan to pay court costs if they bring me to eviction court but plan to be out of here before having to show up in courty. Would it be best to email them I plan to vacate or quietly vacate not tell them my plan as it could backfire on me?
Last year I stopped working from my cook job I was forced to quit because I felt a spark in my neck and now I can’t turn it well and it stiffens up and then out of no where my coccyx got numb and now I can’t sit for a long time or stand
I went to the doctors for it and they ran tests and nothing came back but the only medicine that takes the pain away is dulexotine but it makes me very sick so I never take it unless I’m forced to
I have side gig where I watch friends pets or kids
But my dad is sick and it’s worse now and I know he doesn’t have 2 or 3 years to live probably he says he could feel himself dying
I want to work a cashier job or something so I can sit and stand
But either way they both hurt so bad I have to lay on the floor I can’t stand for an hour or sit
It gets numb and I feel heavy and need to lay flat but even that hurts too the pressure is unbearable
Do you recommend a job I could do ?
I feel guilty for not being able to do much and my mom sometimes thinks I’m just lazing and sleeping but that’s the only thing I can do I feel like I’m a spoiled brat for just living with them and here my dad is dying trying to work so we can have a good health insurance
I never thought I’d be in a place where I could share a success story, but here I am. For years, I was barely making it. I went through periods where even paying for basic things like rent or food felt like an impossible task. But I’ve finally started to find some stability, and I wanted to share what worked for me in case it helps anyone else.
The first thing that helped me was learning to be relentless about my budget. I know everyone talks about budgeting, but I made it super detailed. I tracked every single penny to see where my money was going, and I realized I had to be brutally honest with myself. It meant making painful cuts and sticking to a plan, but it paid off in the long run.
The other thing that helped was finding a side hustle that didn’t completely drain me. I started freelancing in the evenings doing work related to my skills, and it slowly but surely started to make a difference. It wasn’t a ton of money at first, but it added up, and I was able to pay down debt bit by bit. The moment I had even a small emergency fund, I felt a sense of relief I hadn’t had in years.
Now, I’m not out of the woods yet. Things are still tight, and I’m still working hard to stay afloat. But I’m not living paycheck to paycheck in the same desperate way I used to, and that feels like a huge win. I know how rough it can get, and if anyone’s struggling, just know that small steps really can add up over time. It’s not easy, but progress is possible.
For context, use to live in a apartment complex that charges $1450 per month for one bedroom apartment. After the pandemic scare, the apartment got bought out and was under new "management". I never received any news of this and one bed room apartment became $1800 per month, they also added a $35 "convenience fee" to pay online.
I since left the place and they been hounding me non stop. I told them to stop calling my workplace but they have not. I am at a loss here.
I’m pretty good at digital art and I’m trying to make some extra cash on the side. Which fetish is the most profitable for making some good commission money? I have no morals. I’ll draw anything legal
Hi everyone I'm a 25 year old female and I have really been neglecting myself the past few years. I look on tiktok and see all these routines. Which ones do you recommend to follow? I sometimes cant tell if the skincare is for show to get you to buy more products or if others really are using them as staples.I'd love to hear your suggestions
I was able to find turkey at 88 cents a pound. So I ordered 6 but only got 2. Still it is a win.
I found turkey at 77 cents a pound but after looking at that store and doing the math at how much gas round trip it would be the 88 cents a pound would be cheaper unless I bought 16 turkeys. I would buy that much but I would need a deep freezer.
Make sure you all check walmart and Aldi for these deals they can really rescue your monthly food budget.
I know I have a more likely chance of getting mauled by a shark (I live in a landlocked state), but I'm going to help out as many of you mfers that I can reasonably help out.
I’ve made a post several days ago that my kid was taken away from me by social workers.
For the past few days, I couldn’t fucking eat nor sleep. Went to a public attorney the day after my kid was taken from me to seek some help. Luckily, I was able to get a free attorney. Was told that it’s for the best to make sure that I stay composed and present that all the utilities that were cut off has been paid.
Met my kid last Tuesday too and the couple that were taking care of her seems genuinely nice. My kid doesnt look scared so I think thats a good sign that she’s being treated well.
Worked so hard for the past few days that I didnt really sleep. Reached out to several friends for help. Was able to pay my water bill but Im still short with the heating bill.
Im glad that my landlord was very understanding about the situation and agreed for a payment plan and she will provide a written letter that I can present to the court.
If I can take care of the last fucking bill and I intend to grind my ass off this weekend to do, i could have my kid back in weeks. Otherwise it could take months. But I dont really want to he pessimistic and just wanna stay positive for the sake of my kid.
I am using a throwaway because I don't know if maybe asking this might come off as me being naive and I apologize in advance if it does. I also must mention that I'm not American but I understand that you guys have food banks where you can go if you are struggling to afford food and they just simply give you groceries without having to jump hoops?
But with the amount of posts that are related to food insecurity, it doesn't seem to me that a lot of people make use of them? Are there reasons why? I understand the having to swallow your pride part of it but honestly I have seen pictures of people posting their food bank hauls and the amount of food that food banks give is much better compared to the groceries I can afford to buy.
I also understand that churches/sikhs can also give you food even when you are not a member of that church or religion. That truly amazes me! It is not common here. Churches do run food donation programs but it's reserved for only members. I actually got turned away with attitude by a church because of not being part of their congregation. It stung because I was raised Catholic and taught about how a big part of Christianity is about helping others but I digress.
Anyway having food insecurity here means that you are on your own. It would be humane if food banks were universal. It would help a lot of people, myself included. I really hope that more people use the resources that are accessible to them. They are meant to help you in your time of need and there is no shame in that. Don't starve yourself if you don't have to.
It is so incredibly scary right now, and especially with winter coming how hourly work in fast food, and retail just keeps cutting hours. And we just keep hiring more people to keep our turnover rate at a net 0. Like I have to find a 3rd job just to feel comfortable at this point (which I have been aggressively applying for two weeks now). My hours will fluctuate to 20 hours to just 12 hours sometimes at work from week to week.
I just feel like I am reaching a dead end soon with all my bills and expenses not being met with my current amount of work.
I lived in my car for a year, but even the amount of money I saved was not enough to help me avoid the stress that came from bills, and the worry of where the money will come to pay it next month.
Im just feeling really defeated right now.
This year total is $5,000 and It’s hard to say no to your own mother. I know I’m being robbed. But I’m living free with them. And I’m only able to use her car when she’s off work around night. It suck’s that I keep being set back from trying to save up for a car when she gets on my ass about me needing to get one. I can’t have a life if i can’t go outside or just spend $50+ ubering if i want to go out during the day. I feel like im going to be stuck like this forever and I know it won’t stop. At this point it’s like I’m working for her if all my money goes to her.. months paycheck straight gone. I just want to get up and flee
So I’m one of those people when it comes to Christmas so I’m already putting gifts together. Gift giving is my love language what can I say. I have an aunt and uncle (50yo) who are really struggling with their finances. I know that they are very uncomfortable with the situation and feel they should “have it together” because of their ages. I want to give them a Christmas gift that they can actually use and will help them not have to spend money on something. I do not want to embarrass them by giving them like a gift card to a grocery store in front of the whole family and I wanted it to be a bit more thoughtful. Any ideas on a practical gift that would help them out? $50-60 range.
Hey there i hope you'll good , im going to be 20s old in the next months and i just dropped off the university for financial reasons my parents aren't that much to support me , so I'm feeling lost right now i wanna invest my time in something that's can earn me some money ,i knew some of electronics repair but im not sure if it's good career, and i have intereste in AI and machine learning and i heard frome someone on YouTube it's not for who have no coding skills , pls clear me up or you can suggest some finance advice
So I need some cash short term. Any tips on choosing a job? My friend worked at both Panera and McD said that McD was way easier because the sandwiches are a lot simpler.
I'm thinking 3 months...possibly switch to 15 hours/week long term but we'll see.
Besides that, I have the entire ocean of minimum wage jobs to choose from. Any tips?
A year ago, I sold my apartment and invested in crypto in hopes of doubling my money. But due to my financial illiteracy and the risks associated with crypto, I lost everything on “buy and sell” on crypto exchanges and their futures. It was stupidity on my part. But at that time there was a good income but also big losses. In the end, my balance went to zero. I had to take loans from the bank and try to make a profit on futures, but I was not successful. All the cards were blocked because of the loans - and I could not get my salary from work - because the banks took 80 percent of my salary from my card.
But I really wanted to move to another country where the sun shines much more often and closer to the sea - and oh miracle everything worked out so well that I had to leave my home country because of debts and go where I wanted to go. Yes, I get my salary, I have new cards from other banks in another country - but the thirst for fast money does not let me go. I still go to the stock exchanges to trade - it's horrible. I'm ashamed to admit the addiction, but it's there.
How to overcome it and live life. And realize myself in a new place in a new country.