
Photograph via //r/minnesota

r/Minnesota is what YOU make it! We are a neutral grounds where Minnesotans come from all four corners of our great state to discuss the latest news, share great photography...and memes, discuss politics, the outdoors, and so much more! Keep it clean, keep it Minnesotan, please.

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330,280 Subscribers


Northern Neighbour Here - A Possible Temporary Way Out for Minnesotans to Canada

Good morning Minnesotan cousins.

I'm Manitoban who has been to your lovely state many times and have been receiving some WhatsApp messages from some old friends in your state asking about how to move to Canada. I keep telling them the same thing so I figured I'd blast this out publically since it's a good option for young Minnesotans who want to take a break from the USA for a bit.

Manitoba and Minnesota have an agreement where each other's citizens are prioritized for and considered "domestic" for post-secondary education. What this means for you is you are essentially considered Manitoban for admissions and tuition. Tuition is generally cheaper in Canada than the USA so combine that with a weaker Canadian dollar and you'd be looking at roughly 3,500 bucks a year for an Arts degree at the University of Manitoba, for example. Study permits are generally four years for post-secondary so you can probably see why this can be attractive to those looking to avoid a presidential cycle, many did during Trump's first term and either went back with a degree or began working and have since become permanent residents or citizens.

TLDR: this post is a way to immigrate or spend roughly fours away from the US in the Canadian province of Manitoba.

Program Link: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ie/domestic/minnesota.html

Tuition Rates (You would fall under the citizen/PR rate): https://umanitoba.ca/explore/student-experience/tuition-and-financial-supports https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/fees/tuition.html https://www.rrc.ca/future-students/fees/

I hope this finds you well and if you need a way out, this is an option.

12:50 UTC


Does anyone know what made this contrail?

Saw the contrail not the object going up then turn and go east ish. Was in Plymouth and was looking west.

12:27 UTC


Be safe, shoot straight

The title was always the last thing my grandfather said before we headed to the stand. So, to all the MN rifle hunters heading out this morning. Enjoy that first hour of serenity and be safe. I haven’t been out for a couple seasons but I’ll be there in spirit!

10:41 UTC


Looking to talk to someone

Anyone want to talk?? I’m 33 female from Minnesota just want to talk to a guy probably. I’m fun easy going and like volleyball and pickleball :))

09:00 UTC


What is Walz doing to protect low income Minnesotan’s Medicare?

Asking because a relative I care for makes around $ 1300/mo and is on low-income Medicaid, and he's really worried. I know there's no guarantee, but I keep trying to reassure him that even if things are changed, he's not likely to be the one to lose insurance. Someone like me is actually the one to lose it since I have a preexisting condition and rely on subsidies vs him, but idk. Is Walz doing stuff like California to codify stuff like this and MinnesotaCare? Is he overthinking this given where we are? Is there anything I can read up on this about this? Fingers crossed he's getting all bent over it for nothing, but it sucks I can't be more reassuring.

07:28 UTC


I made it, y’all! ✨✨✨✨

Yesterday, I posted that I'm uprooting from Tennessee to Minnesota to gender transition after high school, and after telling a longtime female friend this plan, she told me she was coming here too and asked me to be her roommate! <3

With all this in mind, what should I know about your wonderful state? What cultural norms separate it from the south, and how can I best assimilate?

I'll see you all in the Twin Cities. Make sure to bring me some hotdish :)

Thank you,

Ellie xo

05:46 UTC


Meteor at 23:27 on November 8th?

I was in Falcon Heights and it appeared greenish and to the NW. Anyone else see anything?

05:32 UTC


Thank you for everything, Coach.

03:51 UTC


Am I the only one who thinks he would win again?

02:40 UTC


Crafters cult

Wanna have a cup of coffee, work on you project and hang out. Come join us on Sunday 17th 12-2pm at ember coffee. Follow facebook group for updates.

02:37 UTC


An expression of my gratitude and love for Walz and Minnesota as a trans person

I sit here writing this after listening to Tim Walz's speech, choked up and full of emotion. I am not a man who cries easily, I am generally underwhelming in my emotions, but this election has stirred something in me and even more so, Tim Walz's speech.

As a member of the LGBTQ community in a red state, I feel the fear. I see it. Ive seen it for awhile as trans people have been targeted again and again, yet Minnesota felt like a beacon of light for many of us midwesterner trans people. A story personal to me is back in October of 2023 a friend of mine reached out to me and my fiance for help; to help her leave her abusive home where she couldn't live her authentic self and move to Minnesota. We set a date, drove to her home where we watched her jump out her bedroom window in our cars rearview mirror and packed her few belongings in a trunk. We drove straight to MN, the entire 12 hour drive without stopping save for gas. In the year she has been there she has been able to start hormone replacement therapy and find work without fear. She was welcomed and accepted into the state as a stranger when she wasnt even welcome in her hometown.

I still live in that red state. Ive been able to get by, but that anxiety lingers in me and even moreso now with Trump being re-elected. I know my state will not fight for me, they have no love for trans people and will gladly watch us lose everything. Ive seen Newsom and Pritzker announce theyre ready to fight for their people, and I anxiously waited to hear Tim Walz say the same, and he mostly delivered.

To hear this man hasnt given up, wont give up, struck something in me. To know there is still a safe haven in Minnesota for people like us, to know there will be some sort of a fight if need be. Ive had the difficult conversation with my partner, with trans people I know in real life and online, with my doctor. My family is here, but Im tired of the sinking feeling in my gut, never knowing if my state will turn on me again.

I hope Minnesota stays strong. You have accomplished so much in such little time for workers and the marginalized. The DFL is what the democrat party nationwide should be- willing to fight, unafraid of the "radicalness" that is free breakfast and lunch for kids, for guranteed sick leave, for paid medical leave, to allow women the right to choose. Please do not give up easily, you must fight for what you've earned. You have allies in in other states, we want you to succeed. I hope I will one day be able to call Minnesota my home.

02:17 UTC


Definitive ranking of MPS grocery chains.

This list is very scientific and has been meticulously curated. There is no need to question its methodology. Instead, you should accept it as fact.

  1. Fresh Thyme
  2. Lakewinds Co Op
  3. Jerry’s Foods
  4. Whole Foods
  5. Hyvee
  6. The Wedge / Linden Hills Co Op
  7. Trader Joe’s
  8. Kowalski’s Market
  9. Aldi
  10. Steward Co Op
  11. Festival Foods
  12. L&B
  13. Cub Foods
02:00 UTC


A solution for the locked threads

So the election is over. The Governor is back in the Governor's house. A new dynamic exists in the State house that needs to be navigated so the strategy of obscruction does not set in.

There is no point for all these additional non-Minnesota residing trolls to be allowed to get every 1 of the posts locked down. Is there a need for controls to be implemented like /r/blackpeopletwitter (prove you reside in MN for ex.)?

I'm not looking forward to another few months as we move into maybe having a real winter not being able to read w/o commenting bc bad faith actors have decided to turn the subreddit into a landfill.

How does this & its sibling subreddits going forward fix this issue?

01:58 UTC


Marriage Equality in MN

Hello! As the title states I'm trying to understand if MN has codified any laws for marriage equality in the case the federal protections are repealed. I'm specifically interested in laws protecting interracial marriages. They were also protected under the The Respect for Marriage Act.

01:24 UTC


Help in Identifying Escape House from 2010s

Hi all! I need help in remembering an escape house I had gone into when I was younger. All I remember is that the escape room was the whole upstairs (bathroom, hall, office, bedroom) and that the “door” was stairs underneath the bed.

The escape house was playing “Riptide” so I’m thinking that it may have possibly been 2013 or 2014. Also, the house may have been on Lyndale (Could possibly be Legend of Lyndale House but I can’t find information on it)

00:59 UTC


I Believe - Spotted today on Hiawatha Ave

00:41 UTC


Rainbow Foods kids cassette and toys?

This is SUCH an odd request, but in the 90s, my grandmother got me a kids cassette tape (which may have been accompanied by toys) that I am 95% certain was produced for Rainbow Foods. It had Old MacDonald farm songs on it - one about a dog, one about a horse, etc. It was a staple of my childhood but I've had zero luck ever tracking it down, so I figured I'd ask fellow Minnesotans - does anyone remember this or still have it?

00:22 UTC


Keep an eye out, we gotta fight this.

23:56 UTC


What MN Means To Me

Gonna try keep this short and sweet. The world's chaos sucks ass right now so maybe a bit of positivity will help.

5 and a half years ago I fled my home-state to get away from a very abusive family. Minnesota welcomed me with open arms.

This state has allowed me to get healthcare and mental healthcare for the first time in my adult life. Minnesota has given me a real home, and a place I feel genuinely safe. Now more than ever in the last 5 years, I find myself intensely grateful to be here, and be accepted here. I normally hate politcal stuff, and have never favored any politicians...but Walz is also just such a wonderful man, and I am so happy that we at least have him at the front of the line, ready to fight for ALL of us.

So, thank you Minnesota. Thank you to all your people, thank you to your beautiful land, and your respect for every person. I have so much love for this state.

23:23 UTC


So, what *can* we do to make Minnesota a haven?

Main things I wanna know more about -

  1. Education - is there a way to teach people basic economics and basic government structures? At least someway to give people basic critical thinking to ask questions? Internet safety, too.

  2. Helping out transplants/immigrants - This one is kinda general, but I think we should probably be doing more than telling people to bundle up. Most worried for the potential people who are just worried about getting here in the first place without much else planned.

  3. Mental health - It's been a lot, and it's gonna be a lot more. That takes a toll on people.

Is there resources for any of this, and is there any way people can help out? Even stuff not on my list. Free community programs at the library or something?

23:17 UTC


Don't isolate yourselves

I am predicting that things will get scary at times over the next four years. Nobody knows for sure what will happen, and it is easy to catastrophize. A lot of people feel just like you and have lost hope in other citizens. I just want to reiterate how important it is to meet new people IN PERSON and validate what you're feeling.

I could use some group therapy. It's just nuts, and it is better to vent in person than online. I'm not sure where those opportunities are right now, but people need to know that they're not alone.

In a way, it is exciting to be so clear-eyed in a historic time for the country and world. Your grandchildren can know that you were on the right side.

23:11 UTC


Why were these two flavored nut items taxed, but the 3rd flavored nut item I purchased in the same transaction not taxed?

I am asking Target customer service, but everyone keeps referring me to the state tax laws and I still don't understand.

23:01 UTC


Restaurants between Medina and Maple Grove

Hey all! I will be in Medina (going through Maple Grove) tomorrow night for a concert. We are wanting to grab supper first. We're not picky, at all, but like to change it up and go places we haven't been or that at least aren't chains. We don't mind the bar/restaurant scene, looking for nice but not black tie or too upscale. Bonus points if it's also easy on the pocketbook but again, not a requirement. It's that specific enough? 😅

22:06 UTC


Mayo Clinic and United Healthcare

I’m a cancer patient at Mayo Clinic. I just received notice from Mayo that the UHC network no longer includes them so I have to look at other options.

Has anyone else heard of this? Thanks.

21:29 UTC


Kool 108 Christmas Music

Does anyone know when KOOL 108 starts their Christmas music? We caught the beginning of the transition from the regular programming to the holiday themed one year and it was really fun. We want to hear what they have in store this year.

21:26 UTC

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