
Photograph via snooOG

GoFundMe allows regular people to accomplish extraordinary things with easy-to-use personal donation websites. From exciting life events like weddings & graduations to challenging circumstances like accidents & illnesses, the GoFundMe fundraising software remains one of the best ways to raise money online.

Reddit's Side-wide Spam Filter

Reddit's Site-wide Spam Filter often catches links to GoFundMe, even though we've set the subReddit setting to the lowest possible.

If your post is missing and was not removed for lack of account requirements, it is likely the spam filter flagged your post.

No action is necessary, as the mods periodically restore messages flagged as spam throughout the day.

Account Requirements

  • Accounts must be over 30 days old AND have over 250 COMMENT Karma. Earn your karma organically. Using a karma-farming subreddit will earn a ban.

The following circumventions will result in a ban:

  • Using a karma farming subreddit, such as Karma4You.
  • Unsolicited private messaging to push your campaign.
  • Posting your campaign on someone else's post.


  1. Posts must be more than just a link to your campaign. Be descriptive! Show evidence . This includes:

  • If this is for your pet, photos of your pet in question, with your username on a handwritten note in the picture.
  • School documentation showing enrollment if you are asking for assistance for school.
  • Redacted bills showing your situation.
  • Or other relevant documentation that can help establish credibility.
  • At minimum, please attach an unobstructed selfie photo of yourself(the submitter) with a handwritten note of your username.
  • Low effort posts that simply say to the effect of, "everything is listed in the GoFundMe" will be removed.
  • Please Flair your posts, once created.

  • Only 1 GoFundMe per user. We want you have some personal connection to the campaign, and not submit multiple GFMs simply because they were in the news.

  • Reposts are allowed once a week. 4 times total.

  • Acceptable transfer methods for individuals are for crowdfunding sites only, such as GoFundme, YouCaring, etc. Individuals should avoid using crypto, or direct banking aps (like Chase). Paypal Pool campaigns are okay, but not regular Paypal accounts. 501c(3) and NGOs may use whatever method they wish. (Updated 1/27/2021)

  • Don't PM people to make requests. If you receive an unsolicited private message, please let us know!

  • Do not post politically-related campaigns. They're just too divisive. Also scammers like to take advantage of people just because of a popular topic.

  • Trolling will not be tolerated and offending users will be banned.

  • Don't bug the mods for an exception to the account requirements. None will be given. If you attempt to circumvent the requirement by karma farming or by commenting on someone else's post, your account will be banned.

  • No posting for other Redditors. No Alts. This is viewed as a circumvention of the requirements and the accounts in question will be banned. (New Oct 22, 2020)

  • No referral links. A referral link like that isn't likely to solve anyone's financial problems in the time frame they need. Any referral links posted here will be flagged as spam, and may trigger your account to be added to Reddit's site-wide spammer list. (New March 16, 2024)

  • Miscellaneous

    • List of Other Resources on Reddit and on the Internet can be found HERE.
    • The New User Introduction can be found HERE.

    /r/gofundme is a participant in the /r/UniversalScammerList. If you have been banned elsewhere, please resolve your ban from the originating subReddit.


    158,084 Subscribers


    Why is GoFundMe forcing me to sign up to view some posts but not others?

    It makes zero sense. I'm watching a YouTube video of someone coming to my city and interviewing a community. A GoFundMe was created for a school garden and put in the videos description. Every single time I open it it forces me to sign up and I'm not about to do all that just to view a post (it's ridiculously unnecessary), however I was perfectly fine and able to open another GoFundMe link I came across on another video a few days ago without having to sign up or log in. I even went to the GoFundMe homepage and was able to tap on and view other posts without having to log in. So what on earth gives?

    08:30 UTC


    Only car broke down (I'm a delivery driver)

    Anything helps, even just a share. I cannot work or transport my kids anywhere without a running vehicle. Please do not direct message me or spam/scam. I've shared everywhere that I possibly can at this point and I'm panicking because my bills are due this coming week GoFundMe- https://gofund.me/fb89e1cb Cashtag- $01nemo

    21:54 UTC


    Recently Lost Partner to a Severe Stroke - Question

    We were partners for 22 years, but never married. We shared a home that is too much for one person, and we used to share the expenses. But now, despite my efforts I'm starting to fall behind a bit.

    Is my scenario appropriate for GoFundMe? Is there a different crowdfunding site that would be a better fit?

    I am not greedy or looking for a huge payout. Just a little to help with the adjustment. I'll probably need to move so this would help with that also. Like a few thousand or something.

    22:38 UTC


    Please consider helping my MIL rebuild after the unexpected death of her child

    On 9/13/24, my sibling in law Leigh passed away unexpectedly. Their mother, my MIL, is devastated, as is my partner of 11 years, who is Leigh's older brother.

    The sadness in our family is unimaginable. I'm doing my best to help them figure out financial help and I want to ease the pain as much as I can.
    Leigh was a beautiful soul inside and out. They truly cared about people, they were a voice for those who couldn't stand up for themselves.
    Please consider supporting us during this period of loss. Thank you


    05:24 UTC


    Raising money for an adoption

    My wife can't have children anymore after the doctor told her another one might kill her. (The first two almost did) and she has always wanted to adopt a child ever since she was little, it was just a part of her plan. We have been accepted by the adoption agency (meaning we passed an enhanced background check, went to all of the educational classes/ group meetings, and completed an accredited home study. Now we are just raising the money to be able to pay the adoption legal fees.

    For those who don't know, adoption fees can easily exceed $50,000 depending on if the birth mother has insurance or not and we have already been paying our way using out savings, but we could really use some help to make this a reality. Unfortunately my company insurance is terrible and has no adoption coverage, so that avenue is out. We're not asking for massive donations or anything, just any little help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time!


    16:58 UTC


    Fund raising ideas?

    So basically I went through almost all of last year with aplastic anemia (a disease of the bone marrow causing it to fail and stop producing new blood cells, similar to leukemia) as a 17 year old, I am now 11 months into my bmt and recovering. My mom came across these 2 15 year old Philippine boys who both have been diagnosed with aplastic anemia. They met in the hospital and became best friends due to their illness. One has a family and one doesn't. Recently one of the boys had a stroke and a brain bleed due to low platelets. My mom is in contact with their family and they cannot afford treatment and can barely afford transfusions every week, this is extremely sad right now and we would like do to some kind of funding to atleast give them hope. Thinking of starting a gofund me. What are good ways to get the word out?

    17:56 UTC


    Tips for sharing GoFundMe

    Hi everyone!

    I started a GoFundMe for my dad recently and have been sharing it as much as I could but was wondering if there are more effective ways to share it? Right now I have direct messaged people and also am waiting to be approved for Facebook groups so I can post there.

    Thank you!

    13:46 UTC


    Please help me pay off my debt so I can keep my home

    12:57 UTC


    Homeless 2 yrs+ & addressing scoliosis & degenerative disc disease


    I've been recently evaluated in San Francisco for housing again after applying for SSI with x-rays of my back and neck and a doctor's letter corroborating my severe arthritis symptoms and cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck).

    The city determined me as not in need of housing through episcopal community services once again despite 5 stitches a surgery and the aforementioned diagnoses this year.

    I will be going back to appeal my score with a friend who is a social worker, God willing, and I hope this will have an impact. Beyond that, I am waiting for determination for SSI. I have physical therapy this month and two chiropractor appointments.

    As it was explained to me by my surgeon the work I've done for my posture has been nearly for nothing as the bar I had removed was there for years and prevented movement around it.

    I've noticed a difference since recovering from the surgery and so my hope is another 6 months to a year of consistent effort and therapy I'll be able to go back to work in the restaurant industry.

    Anything helps, this GoFundMe has been running just shy of one year and the donations are actively spent on necessities and temporary housing. I was just recently housed a week and used the remaining funds to extend it a day. I'm living dollar to dollar right now.

    Cheers and all the best If you want to know anything please explore the updates tab of the GoFundMe

    16:37 UTC


    Please Help Support The Kelley Family After Asheville Flood


    Please Help Support The Kelley Family After Asheville Flood.

    The Kelley family nearly lost everything during hurricane Helene. Funds will be used to obtain new housing, clothing, food and various household items. Travis had to siphon gas from Carly’s car to get the family safely out of the flood zone. They are setting up a new home in Gastonia, NC. They found an apartment there, but they need everyday items to get their lives back on track. Please help!

    00:51 UTC


    Help me get into my new place after a marriage separation

    Hi all, I posted this before but a few things have changed. Thankfully, my family and friends were able to help some, but I am still needing a little help. I'm trying to sell some furniture and things but so far that hasn't gone well. I've never lived alone before and this separation is hard and totally alien to to me. I appreciate the help.


    01:43 UTC


    Relief for my mother's Medical bills

    Hey all

    Currently my mother has been hit by medical bills that have been putting her in a hole, and I'm trying my best to take it on to help, but I'm struggling. She's currently only on social security, and because of her physical shape(has trouble walking and needs to use a cane) she can't work. I've tried my best to take on her medical bills to help relieve her from the stress, but it's becoming to be to much on top of the bills I have that I need to take care of. I didn't know where to turn and someone suggested me starting a GoFundMe so I decided to do so for any kind of help.

    I hate having to ask for help but I'm in a very bad spot. Any little bit will help.

    Thank you!


    11:31 UTC


    After his father SAd of my toddler: Desperately need money for legal costs, otherwise I lose him to the monster. Please help.

    Feel free to ask anything. I'm a 38 year old Finnish woman living in Malta.

    You can find my Campaign Here

    For several reasons that I can't explain here, his father never faced any legal consequences of the s-abuse that continued for over a year when my son was only 1y4months at first.

    Since his father would also beat us, threaten to kill us, used horrific domestic abuse on us, I didn't realize what else was going on. The only way I was able to separate was to secretly talk to a lawyer, and police and then wait. One night he went to sleep early so we finally got the opportunity to escape when we was sleeping. He had not only threatened to kill me, he had plans to do through with it. We didn't get caught thank god because he always said that he will beat me to death in front of my child if I even think about leaving with him.

    We managed to get away but due to his significant financial power over out heads, his connections to professonal crime and ruthlessness, HE has managed to gain a situation where he can get the sole custody of our son. That would mean to spend the rest of his childhood being severly beaten, graped and horrible things.

    I'm absolutely horrified. I have spend all the money I have on the legal case but I just got an invoice of over 5k euro and I have other legal fees I have to pay. I want to hire a REAL Professional to defend me because in NOVEMBER the court will make decisions. Currently I don't have money to do that.

    I'm begging you kind people, please please please help us. Everything help! You can DM me and I'm glad to tell you my identity and everything you need to know. This is not a scam.

    13:18 UTC


    31 m with stage 4 esophageal cancer

    Hi my name is Randy I’m a 31 m with stage four esophageal cancer and I’m having an extremely hard time paying for my medication, food and other day to day items. Literally anything helps. Even thoughts and prayers. This has been extremely difficult for me and my family. Thank you and fuck cancer


    04:58 UTC


    Server Upgrade for LGBTQ+ safe zone minecraft server

    Hai everyone c: i have a cool LGBTQ+ minecraft server i run its compatible for both bedrock edition and java edition! We're a mostly small super friendly community trying to expand. Server isn't paid for but i am trying to put money together to make it larger to allow more people. Would love if anyone could put money towards it. Its turned into a large amount of love and fun for me to do. Would love for it to become others home as well. https://gofund.me/228b76df

    21:58 UTC


    Rehab for autoimmune disease


    This go fund me account was started for a dear friend who is currently in rehab recovering from a autoimmune disease. Six of our closest friends have already donated so I'm trying to share the link in hopes of getting more donations sent to him. He is a good man who has always put others before him. He has helped organize relief funds for many people and I would like to take this opportunity to help him out. Now is his time. This link is not for me and only benefits my friend. Please consider sharing the link above or donating yourself. I screenshot his pic above and posted his link. Thank you in advance for reading my post.

    23:02 UTC

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