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It's a joke, we are still allowed to do that right?
On the hunt for the Target Light Up Christmas Village Houses in the Bullseye section!!! Target South has none left… unfortunately they went out weeks ago (I have been in Halloween mode) and they are a hot commodity!! Target North has not put their Bullseye Christmas merchandise out yet… please let me know if you see these in store, or if you know when Target North will be putting their Bullseye Christmas things out!!!
I have been having THE WORSt migraine for the last two days from this weather system. Anyone else?
it's snowing on HALLOWEEN and a year ago today, it was raining. i just wish the snow would've waited until November 1st.
Having two snow dogs is killing my knees. They have been in and out about 57 times today. The stairs are becoming a problem for my jacked up knees.
Hi all,
I'm Kristin, a reporter at Marketplace, a business show that airs on NPR stations, including MPR. I grew up in the Twin Cities exurbs and am hoping to feature a Minnesotan in the project I'm working on.
I'm looking to tell in-depth stories about the economy and how people are living in it: how they're making financial decisions, how they spend their money day to day and how they feel about the economy and where they sit in it.
We're looking for a diverse pool of people when it comes to family structure, household income, age, etc. I'm especially lacking responses from soon-to-be retirees and older right now. But I'm still looking for people across all ages.
Interested in potentially participating? Please fill out the form linked below. And please share with anyone you know who might be interested.
Thanks for considering,
Hello all,
It’s that time of the season where the weather is all over the place and I’m having trouble deciding when to install my winter tires.
I’m up in St. Cloud and the snow today had me a little worried since I was rolling on summers, but I’m seeing online to expect a warmer-than-average November. I don’t wanna chew up all the tread on my winters if there’s gonna be no snow.
So I’m curious, when do you guys decide to swap your tires?
anyone else not have any power right now? All the neighborhoods surrounding Wayzata Hugh School are completely put off power at the moment, including the high school. im a student at WHS and we can’t even eat lunch, and its getting pretty warm in the building. anyone know Xcel’s response time??
Muahahaha 😈 Have a great day and drive safe ya’ll! Happy Halloween! 🎃
Hastings is on track for a 10 percent increase in water bills, mostly due to 3m contamination of the water, with a further increase of up to 10 percent coming this summer. The current settlement money from 3m is enough to cover around half of one plant, with three treatment plants required to make the water safe to drink.
For a while now, I've been trying to find any information on county or city level nominees. I can find all sorts of information on the national and state level, but I cannot find any reputable info for other ballot items such as county commissioner or school board members. What resources have any of you used? Our local paper is definitely one-sided, so their information is biased. (I'm in a smaller, non-suburb town.)
Keith Ellison sent out a letter to many distributors and businesses that said they had to stop selling flavored Tobacco products but I did a little more research and even went to the page of the bill “MN HF2177” and it says it died on 5/20/24. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
This sure turned to shit real fast. Currently by Rockford.