Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and other tabletop games
Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures dank memes, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. that are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k and is deemed too heretical to post elsewhere.
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I'm so confused right now, Im remembering a meme thats a drawing of a beaky with his eyebrow raised holding a coffee mug and I don't know if thats real or if Im just losing my mind. I cant find it, please if anyone knows something about it send it through.
Here are my two cents on this recent hot topic:
Fact: beastmen are accepted/tolerated within imperial society (or in other words they aren't getting exterminated like others)
-If 40k beastmen societies are like the ones in pre AoS it would be a quite conflicting issue because in the original fantasy material they are very savage and chaotic on purpose (as they are children of chaos corruption)
-If 40k beastmen are people with horns, just like felinids are people with hair it would be unfair to assume their societes to be savage despite their faith in the emperor and their sanctioned status.
If what we see about that poor lady in the group picture is a cultural and/or disciplinary thing. This means the imperium tolerates practices within its ranks that would make a word bearer blush; also making the limits between the worlds of order and disorder even nore blurred than they already are (and some people are fine with it)
About the author, i hate how they had to add their strange fetishization of violence towards women in an otherwise wholesome and meaningful picture with unique characters; So subtle and overt at the same time, like an insult to the viewer, i can imagine them teheeing at the thought of adding this messed up twist to the work.
Grimdark doesnt mean hopeless, take real life for example, in today's headlines you will read about people dying, people killing and also people helping and people being together.
I love that our protagonist has friends, i love how she's holding on to the ogryn and i love how there's a moment she can experience what the imperium can't shut up about. Humanity.
(Edit, typing mistakes, can't find how to fix the title though)
And at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.
Not mine. Found on the interwebs