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Community Asset Bundle takes too long to install

Is this normal? I am trying Battlefield Extended and unfortunately CAB is required. It looks like the installer is trying to download it from somewhere and there is a download speed cap cause it is so slow.

I have a pretty great internet connection so I was wondering where I can download it directly and skip this installer thing. Otherwise, looks like I just have to skip this overhaul. Or do the other overhauls like Rougetech and XAI use this as well?

00:29 UTC


Are there custom campaigns? New Maps, etc?

Haven't played since launch, I like mods that create their own story line, quests etc. (like in Skyrim, Enderal)

Was wondering if there are mods that do that, or if it's even possible.

20:35 UTC


Noob here: Just completed the campaign for the first time ever, heres my best lance

15:29 UTC


Help a new player out

I say new player but i have over 80 hours in the game, ive been starting a career after career and cant seem to get a hang of the game.

I specialise the mechs and my pilots. Try to concentrait fire on the heavy hitting enemies, gang up and never fight fair and so on.

But i always end up very badly damaged with mechs and weapons falling apart and eventually going bankrupt.

I know its a skill issue but i just cant figure out which skill, something in mechlab? Battlefield tactics? Choosing wrong type of mission? Weapon choice? I dunno but i love the setting and will continue to smash my face against it.

Oh and any recomended mods? I wanna see the entire inner sphere and stuff

13:54 UTC


Reliable way of finding high skull contracts?

Hey Guys,

Playing Vanilla - I have allied with House Steiner but am struggling to find contracts with them. I use the skulls filter on the galaxy map to identify planets with high skulls and that also have a Steiner presence but often when I get there there are no contracts to fulfill. I'm seemingly wasting my time travelling across the map and not getting anywhere.

Surely this is not how it's supposed to be? Am I missing a trick to finding contracts?

Any help much appreciated.

11:36 UTC


SLDF Highlander or Warhammer?

So my 3025 career has gone somewhat different to what I expected, and I've now got both of these fine mechs for sale at the same planet. With only enough money to buy one.

I've put some pros and cons below. Advice accepted.

Highlander - Jumps but slow. All the armour. Can't overheat. Gauss Cannon nice sounds. LRMs. Can intimidate other mechs. A little boring.

Warhammer - Faster but earthbound. Armour average. Can cook itself with an alpha. Electric sounds. Direct fire. Can evaporate other mechs easily. Very very exciting.

10:35 UTC


Some Kerensky extra tips

I finally managed to get Kerensky. I've followed a lot of the awesome guide everybody knows but there are some odd tips that I did not come upon later and maybe this helps complement that resource:

  1. On the video he does not mention the mech surgery part (but on a text in some blog he did), but it IS very important. I sadly started really using it only half way through. There is an easy way for those who are a bit on the lazy side: just make it a habit to first hit to destroy a leg+torso (as damage transfers from leg to same side torso) before going for the head cap. Even if you do not do the clean job if destroying all the rest, this usually suffices to help one get lots of good salvage. That is particularly good against opponents like a Hunchie P or Grasshoppers that have lots of material on the same side.

  2. Plan around getting the Tarragona Flashpoint for Kurita and making it 100% REP only so as to get to 20 points there fast. This will make you less dependent on luck on Brockway or Lindsey in order to fight the harder Kurita fights in Davion space, which has way less opportunity for battles than Lyrans have on FWL (and CC space).

  3. One thing I did not use because I never did it before was the Bull Shark flashpoint. Once I read that it makes a 2.6m assault appear in battles I do believe it is a must for an easier Kerensky run, the problem being that the missions appear only down there in the merc space... so one has to plan to stay go back there once the time comes.

  4. Never ever sell mechs directly from the salvage screen, always sell from a store for a 20% gain.

  5. You don't need to save scum to get the acchievement, but I admit I had to do it on the final 150 days part for Brockway when the game denied me any Kurita battles.

  6. It is good to keep a record (excel) of the planets you LANDED on, because at the final part, the planets you may have passed but did NOT land, will have the normal 7 contracts possibility, while the ones you landed have way less. So plan accordingly.

09:54 UTC


The day is almost ruined.

09:05 UTC


Changing the starting Blackjack?

I am super new to Battletech and the game, and it may just be me, but is our starting Blackjack just... absolute dogwater? Damn thing literally cannot stop overheating, and it doesn't even do enough damage to make up for it. God knows I'd love a big and slow gun, but this feels like a super soaker strapped to an industrial heating unit. Dekker in his tiny light Mech has been more useful to me.

Is it just the weapons? Or can the whole thing just wander straight into the "do not use" corner?

08:44 UTC


Raven and ECM suite

I reinstalled the game last week to give a go at the BEX, and so far I am having a blast with it. I am playing with the option that rebuild mechs are stripped, and so far whenever I had a mech with something special (Shadowhawk, Phoenix Hawk, etc) that extra component was an inherent piece of the chasis. So I went to farm some Liao to get me a Raven with ECM suite and to my surprise, when I had finally the 5th bit and built it up ... the ECM was missing.

I am playing in 3047, 3048 now, and so far every single Raven I had faced had such suite on. So what should I do to get one? Play nice with Liao to get one new?

16:44 UTC


Just curious

Is there anyway to choose the mechs in the beginning of a career because I want to do a crab run with one king crab and 3 crabs just because I think it would be funny to make a mercenary group obsessed with crabs and see where that goes on youtube

14:08 UTC


Cored by a Flea!

Running a 2-skull mission, get notification that reinforcements have dropped.

Onto the screen runs a Flea with a purple shimmer on it. It runs up behind my Crab and cores it with a Medium COIL. Pilot out for 95 days.

Have to share because it made me laugh & shake my head. Killed by a Flea.

13:46 UTC


Battle Console (Damaged) - how to fix or just sell?

For those who finished the series of FP's to get this, any idea how to fix it? And what does it actually do when fixed?

08:33 UTC


Modding this game nowadays makes me wanna blow my brains out.

As in title. About every mod that im trying to use is broken or outdated.

I'm trying to get back into the game after a few years of hiatus. I've wanted to install the XLRP as from what i remeber it was a mod that i've used in my recent playthrough (tldr it's outdated) After a light research i found out that some of you folks are using BattleTech Extended mod. I've decided to give it a try.

First issue that i've encountered was installing the CAB patch, it took me two game reinstalls and about 20 retries to make it work (tho i've found that it's a common issue, so no big deal). When CAB actually installed i was greeted with this pop-up suggesting that the Extended mod itself is broken.


log txt says that these files are conflicting - idk with what as they're from the same mod lol.

Any ideas to what should i do? I'm trying to avoid another reinstall because of CAB issues - but if it's a must, then it's a must.

What mods that ACTUALLY work are you using? I doubt that i did something wrong while installing the mods - they're as simple as drag and drop with ocasional installer lol.

20:55 UTC


Some BTA Questions

I'm not very far into it and I'm figuring out a lot, but there are two things that neither googling nor my own observations are helping with.

1: The first is airburst ammo. I salvaged a mortar carrier. I like using it, and it has all these different ammo types. I figured out AOE ammo is for shooting at multiple enemies or things I cant see, fire ammo (specifically the fires on the ground) is so the enemy mechs overheat too much to shoot back at me, Fascam ammo denies them free movement and evasion, and precision ammo is for shooting at only one enemy and not hitting my own mechs standing close to it. What I can't figure out is the sky shotguns. What exactly are Airbursts supposed to do other than tickling the target for less than even the AOE rounds?

2: Second question is about the Thumper/Arrow artillery weapons that can only fire every other round. If all the enemies bail out of the big red circles, and if I rush my own units out of the big red cicles, are these weapons actually useful outside of niche situations involving bases or other stationary targets? Neither myself nor the opfor is hitting much with them.

.... It suddenly occurs to me that Fascam mortars + that Arrow tank I picked up yesterday might make for an interesting combination. I wonder what takes priority for the AI, carefully exiting the minefield or sprinting out of the death circle.

3: Edit: Third question, Firestarters. These don't seem to be the magic death machines from Vanilla and BEX. If I want things hot I feel like I need more flamers than a Firestarter can carry, and if I want things ripped apart from behind I'm better off with rockets. Am I right to conclude that Firestarters are not so great in BTA compared to other options?

Edit 2:

Thank you all for the replies!

I did some messing around in game, the Fascam + artillery works well together and I got many direct hits. Only problem is that artillery does very little damage and lags the hell out of my game. I don't like it and I'm not going to bother with it any further. If it didn't lag me out so hard I imagine five or so of them hitting the same target would actually be effective, but with the lag its a hard no-go.

Airburst mortars are still pretty useless even against open targets. I'm not going to bother with them any further either unless I'm out of the other ammo types on the mortar carrier. If battle armor or aircraft ever show up and I'm still using the mortar carrier when they do, I'll try it out on them but I'm not expecting miracles.

19:26 UTC


Mods that allow deployment with damaged equipment/structure.

I have been playing BEX and BTA over the past few months (not the most recent release). Admittedly, I had to go through a few restarts before a successful run. During these failed runs, I was always forced to have a fully repaired mech (no destroyed equipment, components, or internal structure) like in vanilla. This got me wondering if there was a mod or settings that allowed you to drop with damaged internals. l mainly just want to experience a greater degree of periphery scrappyness where you are rushing jury rigged repairs to desperately prepare for your next drop which started yesturday. Any mods or setting that allow for dropping with damaged internals?

04:01 UTC


Modding Max Number of Available Contracts in BEX

I'm hoping that someone here has had success modding their BEX game to allow for more missions per planet in career mode. I asked in the BEX Discord but couldn't get a response.

I know I can change the MaxContracts line in the simgameconstants.json file for the campaign, but I'm not sure how to do it for my career, as modifying that value is under the "story" section in the .json file and doesn't seem to affect career contracts.

Thank you!

02:24 UTC


Best Mechs for hunting ComGuards?

[BEX, 3046 May 24TH / Day 7813]

Fellow Merc Commanders:

After a long dry spell with no news and no ComGuard encounters I received a report about a Kurita incursion on an obscure border system in Fed space. I don't want to break any timelines so won't name the system; you'll know what I'm referring to if you hear it.

Darius' notes on Sumire's charts indicated Comstar and Pirates were lurking there, and we had just taken a beating from an "A Team" contract against the Proserpina Hussars so needed to let Yang's crew work in quiet for a couple weeks. So, I decided to eat the 47 days of travel time and set a course to see about scavenging some of those pearly white bones.

When we dropped into orbit and checked in with the MRB I did a double, then a triple-take when we saw Feds offering a Tag Team (vs Pirates) and 2x Search Denial contracts (vs Pirates and Kurita) on the board. Strap in, Team!

Y'all are welcome to join us but I'm fixin to tap this hole till it's dry so can't make any promises about what prospects may remain in the event of your delayed arrival.

I've been hunting these ComGuard Pukes for years, and am partial to heavies and assaults with at least one ECM, good TTS optics, and packing plenty of LLs and PPCs to kite the White Hordes from good terrain without running dry on ammo.

That said, I'm always on the hunt for ways to maximize salvage and keep our mech bay free to treat the occasional hangover or exotic rash.

Tl;dr: I'd be much obliged to hear your pearls of wisdom for hunting these meddling churls.

With Humility and Honor, Gritty

The Reckoning

(Edited for accuracy and profanity)

20:35 UTC


[BEXT] Just got my SLDF Highlander from Campaign, how do I make use of this, what do I put in there?

13:10 UTC


My best Vanilla Killer so far

11:15 UTC


So I'm back to HBS after MW5 Clans....

.... so what's new? I have played all three major mods (BEX, BTA and RT) but the last time I played was BTA around 4 years ago. What's new and what's nice to try out?

07:47 UTC


Custom Voice Packs

Hello everybody. I need help with a voice pack. I am trying to make a pilot voice pack at add the Sister of Battle, from Dawn of War: Soulstorm, to BattleTech. I have try two difference technique 1) Using bnk files, as show by KMiSSioN on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q89cneezcAo&pp=ygUTa21pc3Npb24gdm9pY2UgcGFjaw%3D%3D and 2) Using wav files, as show on the BattleTech Advanced Universe Discord channel. Both technique will show up in the character customer voice option. Ether of them will play sounds. I have uploaded both versions to the Rogue Tech Discord (https://discord.com/channels/565106671693856778/649711326129553421). I would like to post the files here, not sure now. If anyone want to take a look, thank you. I have try placing them in CustomVoices folder, made by KMiSSioN. I have try placing them in their own folders. Ether one work. I have ask the BattleTech Advanced Universe Discord channel. They told to me to follower the YouTube videos. I am grateful for any help.

22:34 UTC


Battletech Extended Tactics mod load error - help?

I am getting an error when loading all the mods, there are two maps that it is saying failed to load.



Does this matter? Can I just load up a new career and forget about it?

1 Comment
19:12 UTC


Battletech Extended Tactics question.

If I wanted to collect and fight all the classic clan mechs (Madcat, Vulture, etc.), which year/era should I start in?

Is Normal mode really hard? I would like the difficulty to be about what the regular campaign was. I don't want to be struggling in every single mission against the clans, but I don't want it to too easy.


I am getting an error when loading all the mods, there are two maps that it is saying failed to load.



Does this matter?

02:37 UTC



How do you manage to get enough reputation to ally with anyone? I want to increase my reputation with the Magistracy so I'm snooping around their border, but I can't reliably get enough contracts with them to juice my reputation enough to actually do it. Am I missing something?

00:26 UTC


Jumping Daishi? Yes please.

I didn't know this was a thing. Haha

14:39 UTC


[BEXT] Strange Flashpoint issue

Hi fellow Mechwarriors, I have a strange Flashpoint problem with BEX Tactics. A Flashpoint named The Raid appears in Tiverton. I change my route to go there, 179 days remaining. Travel time 44 days. And the Flashpoint is gone 10 after 10 days or so. Gaming on, Flashpoint reappears in Tiverton (with message in Argo Time Screen). 166 days remaining, 60 days travel time. I try it again, Flashpoint no longer there after the next jump. Anybody knows what may be the problem there and how I can fix this? One of the few Flashpoints I did never play yet - I AM CRAVING NEW STORIES

09:27 UTC

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