
Photograph via snooOG

Everything e-ink. This subreddit is about reading - no netflix, no games, and no company bias.






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Recommend me an Ereader!


I'm looking for an Ereader with the following features /abilities. Can anyone give me a steer?

  • to read books, papers, mags
  • to clip to Evernote from it
  • to make notes with a stylus which will also save to Evernote
  • as paperlike and easy on the eyes as possible
  • good battery life


13:09 UTC


Could you suggest some ereaders?

So what I am looking for is something that makes highlighting easy as well as exporting these highlights or notes. I know with Kindle you can easily have them synced and access online however I would be mainly reading side-loaded books so from what I have seen I would have to export these files myself?

05:47 UTC


Get Calibre Library on Onyx Boox

I have an Onyx Boox, it runs Android 6. I use Calibre to manage my ebooks, covert, deDRM, and more. I k ow I can make a catalog/server but I only have a laptop and can't leave it on 100% of the time. How can I browse my Calibre Collection on my Ereader?

17:30 UTC


Why you should give the Tolino Shine 3/Kobo Clara HD a try if you're on the fence.

Hello everyone,

I feel myself inclined to share this with you due to the extremely positive experience I've had with the Tolino Shine 3, which is a german version of the Kobo Clara HD, sporting exactly the same specs, hardware and features, their difference being more on the stores they're connected with.

I've had a kindle ever since they came out. I remember my big ass keyboard kindle with fondness. I learned to love ereaders with it, and I stuck to kindles all the way up to the paperwhite 4. In between, I tried other ereaders and found them lacking mostly due to the frontlight issues they had and the slowness, but it seems those times are now past and we have proper contenders in the ereaders market.

The best ereader I've had before the Tolino Shine 3 was the paperwhite 2. I liked it because it had a good light for its time, was snappy, easy to use, and the bezzles didn't reflect. I upgraded to the paperwhite 4 thinking what's good can only get better, and gifted my PW2 to my daughter.

Oh, how I missed the PW2...

The paperwhite 4 is a great ereader, but I found myself dealing with some annoyances that put me off of it.

  1. The bezzles reflect light, making it very uncomfortable to read in the train or daylight. Having to turn the reader in this or that angle in order to avoid the light being annoying made me eventually just leave it at home and read paperbacks instead.

  2. The bezzles were huge yet uncomfortable. It's a tall reader but I don't grab it by the top or buttom, rather by the side, where it's thinnest.

  3. The power on/off button sticks out a bit, enough so that if I mistakenly hold the reader from the bottom or let it rest on my stomach while laying down reading, it turns off... That was annoying and made me paranoid of how I was holding it.

  4. It is heavy. Heavy enough that I have to switch hands while reading.

  5. It is big, it doesn't fit in my pocket and I can't sneak off to the bathroom to read 2-3 pages without it being obvious.

  6. It doesn't have a warmlight feature. For that I'd have to get the Oasis 3, which is even bigger. The thought of such a simple feature not being available in this most standards of amazon readers made me feel forced to unnecessarily upgrade in order to get the feature if I wanted to stay within the ecosystem.

  7. The screen is at the same level of the bezzles, which makes it feel like a tablet.

Now, after some research, I decided to give the Kobo a try, but I live in Austria so getting a Kobo felt shady since I had to order and wait a few weeks ever since it pulled off the german market. I researched why this was so hard and found out that the company is somewhat merged with the Tolino company, and these are the equivalent readers for the german market. I compared specs and saw they were basically clones off each other. Perfect.

I had the chance to go to the bookstore and play with it for a while, and before even buying it I noticed:

  1. It was lighter.
  2. It had a warmlight feature.
  3. It felt snappy and fast.
  4. It read epubs.
  5. It can connect to my local library and dozens of other stores in a sort of a german alliance.
  6. The power button is wider, but its a bit sunken in so you have to use a nail to press it, which is perfect for me because I won't accidentally turn it off.
  7. The screen was a bit deeper than the bezzles, creating a more classic ereader device than a tablet.

I took it home confidently and played with it.

At home, I set it up and made a list of the authors and books I wanted to read. I organized all the ebooks in folders locally and then connected the ereader, transfered the folders, and turned on my ereader.

My first surprise: all the folders are configured as collections within my ereader, which makes that much less of a hassle to organize.

My second surprise: I had dictionaries to define and translate to, from, and in 8 different languages, which is fantastic for me since I read in four different ones.

My third surprise: it fits into my pocket

My fourth surprise: the bezzles do not reflect light. It is VERY comfortable to read.

My fifth surprise: the sensor that adapts the warmth and brightness of the light to my atmosphere works fantastically.

I am incredibly pleased with this device and just had to share my experience because it's been quite a long time since I've been so pleased with something beyond kindles. We've come a long way in the topic of options for the public and I think that's a good thing. In terms of limitations, I can think of none beyond being able to read samples immediately on the kindle since it has 3g, but that's something I can live without and is far outweighted by the benefits of this little beauty.

Anyhow, I'm sure I've missed some things but these are the points that come to mind at the time of writing. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

So if you are on the fence about buying an ereader, or wanting to try something other than kindles, please consider either the Tolino Shine 3 in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, or go for the Kobo Clara HD in other parts of the world if you're anywhere else.

They are truly a beautiful, comfortable, and immersive experience in reading! I can literally forget WHERE I'm reading the book in and focus more on the reading itself.

Have a great day!

09:09 UTC


Android ereader to substitute an old Onyx

Hi all! I'm new to the sub, so please excuse me if I'm doing something wrong.

I'm looking for some advice on a new ereader. I've been using an Onyx Boox Aurora for the longest time now (literally probably for 5 years now) and, to be honest, it's still fine. You can lighten up the screen, there's a wifi module which I rarely use and it's, you know, just fine, nothing wrong with it overall.

But I recently started using an app called Bookmate for audiobooks and it has a subscription for reading books as well. So I thought how cool would it be to have the app installed on my ereader. And also I use Google books to purchase my books and it would also be cool to have it directly installed, so you don't need to use the Adobe Digital Editions every time you need to upload a new book on the device.

So here are my requirements for a new book:

  • light, as I often read past my husband's bed time in the dark of our bedroom
  • Android OS, preferably a newer version and with a promise that it will be updated at least for some while, because some of the Onyx Boox I've seen still run Android 4
  • Wifi module to install the apps and download the books

I will be installing Bookmate and Google Books to both read directly from their respective reader apps and download onto the device.

What doesn't matter:

  • size - I don't need a 10 inch tablet per se, because I don't read any illustrated content and often take the book with me, but on the other hand, I'm not too obsessed with the reader to be tiny as I often use a backpack to travel around, so it's ok if the reader isn't "pocketsize"
  • audio module - I will still be listening to audio books on my phone, so there's no need for the device to be able to play sound

I've been looking at this device recently: Airon Pro 8S

But honestly it's a bit too overpriced for a no name brand which can go as quick as it has emerged. It's some local Ukrainian brand that I think started selling their devices about a year ago. And it's also a bit overloaded with features like audio and bluetooth for wireless headphones etc.

Maybe some of you had similar requirements and could give me a hint about where to start looking (brandwise or even modelwise!).

I'm pretty sure I can order anything from Amazon, but would definitely prefer a brand that's represented officially in my country (Pocketbook and Onyx).

12:26 UTC


Looking for deals on Onyx Note Pro or Onyx Nova Pro.

Anyone have any leads on refurbished or used options?

Found this on their site but was hoping to spend $250 or so. It’s not a deal breaker but I would love to save some money if possible.


05:15 UTC


Linux on E Reader

New to the forum so forgive me.

Is there any current E Reader that allows for running Linux?

Or ROMS that can exploit the software?

03:58 UTC


What is the most durable e-reader?

I have owned 2 Kobo Glo's and 1 Tolino Shine and I have broken them all. 1 Kobo randomly froze and the other 2 e-readers' screens cracked while carrying them in a bag with other items.

I am committed to using e-readers but I am now faced with a dilemma. I can repair my Tolino - which would be cheap but it would likely break again - or I can buy a new e-reader.

Can anyone recommend me a new e-reader? I value the following characteristics in this order of importance.

1 - Durability

2 - Light up display

3 - Large battery

Also I would prefer minimalist software - eg. no more than dictionary, translation, font/format changing and ability to mark books as finished. Also I would like epub compatibility, an sd card slot, open source software, and a screen saver of my book cover - but these features are not very important.

Any advice would be appreciated!

22:31 UTC


Looking on opinions on note taking on a 7.8” device, mainly bullet points for meetings.

Looking at the Onyx Nova Pro 7.8 but not sure if I should be looking at 10.3 screens. It would not be used for annotating PDFs or PDF reading.

08:51 UTC


Questions about Onyx Boox Note

I'm thinking of buying Onyx Boox Note, not sure yet which version.

Currently I use Kobo Aura H2O which is really good for reading epubs, but I'm looking for something to read PDFs, often in form of scans and not text, so I was looking for something bigger. Kobo is also very sluggish in terms of highlighting text which is annoying.

I would also like to have access to all my documents on gdrive without the need to transfer specific document before, is that kind of cloud sync possible with Boox Note devices?

I read a lot of articles too, can I install and use Pocket and Medium apps? That would also be very important for me and can't find confirmation anywhere.


11:31 UTC


What e reader should I get?

Hello everyone not sure if this sub can help me. I am a kindle user and I currently still on a kindle fire hdx 3rd gen but thinking about upgrading to something that has expandable storage while still allowing me to sideload my on content to the device. Any recommendations? Or should I just hold on to my current kindle as I see specs wise mine is actually better than the modern ones

10:49 UTC


E-Ink Reader and Apps Question

Okay...if I have a tablet, I can download Nook and Kindle apps that allow me to directly access my books without having to use any third-party program such as Caliber. So... Is there a non Kindle or non Nook E-Ink reader that allows me to do the same thing?

20:54 UTC


Onyx owner, can you sync your ebook and notes cross device ?

I’m a kindle user, I own several ePub books (mainly programming) and I’d like to have them on my ereader, do some highlighting and taking notes, and then to have all this sync with my Mac. However, kindle does not allow to sync your own ebook between the ereader and the Mac/pc kindle app. I was wondering if you are able to achieve this with an onyx/android ereader?

22:39 UTC


Onyx Boox Note 2 Walkthru

1 Comment
23:09 UTC


Looking for an ereader that won't force me to be tethered to their "book store" to read books.

Basically I need help looking for an ereader, I don't want to be stuck with only being able to buy and read books from Amazon on a kindle. I want to be able to get books from free sites and use some of my other books I have in epub format. I've been using a tablet but I want to get a paperback ereader to help with my eyes. Any suggestions? Thanks.

13:35 UTC


External e-ink display, does it exist?

Got to think of a thing I would like to have, but I don't know if it exist.

I want an pocket-book sized e-ink external display that can connect to my android phone so I can read ebooks without a dedicated e-reader tablet.

If it exist, where could i buy one in Norway?

13:48 UTC


Original Nook Glow upgrade time ?

Hey all I have an origin nook Glow that I have read dozens of books on. The damn thing just keeps working! However the new Kindle Paperwhite is on sale and I really like the ability to send articles to the Kindle via instapaper. Is it worth the 89 bucks or nah ?

18:38 UTC


Best budget suggestions for 8" screen?

Looking to not go over $250 unless it's worth it and what are my best options?

17:58 UTC


Cheapest site to buy a Kobo forma?

First time e-reader here wanting a forma because it's the best price for an 8inch screen with good battery. What sites do you all use?

1 Comment
17:47 UTC


Please help my preferences and I

I’m sure this has been posted on here but all of the gadgets can be a bit overwhelming so I need your help choosing one that best fits my individuality and preferences.

I’m an undergraduate chemistry student, I plan on becoming a doctor, and I’m seeking ways to maximize my study time. I don’t particularly enjoy using ereaders and tablets to write out notes per say but I find that having a resource like an ereader open on my desk during lectures can be beneficial especially without having to carry my laptop with me and distract others. I’m the kind of person who turns off my cell phone during class. I find the idea of studying in the library without textbooks or laptops also exciting. I would love to carry a notebook and an ereader and keep it simple in this way, something that doesn’t bing with notifications rather something that is simply paperless.

I’m wondering what the best ereader would be to read PDFs, make highlights throughout textbooks, etc, I want something that is lightweight but not a small display. I’m a fan of B5 sized notebooks and would enjoy something near or slightly smaller than that size as I would also like to go into bed at night and read it as I would use a kindle. At first I was going to get a kindle but I hear they’re not the best for reading pdf materials or textbooks so I want the best of class accessibility, studying without a textbook, and reading in bed at night. Like I said I take notes on paper, I’m not particularly techy but I would love something that I can highlight and be able to access easily during lecture and I want something I can read in the library alongside my paper note taking. I understand I wouldn’t be using this ereader as my main laptop, but the idea intrigues me and I’m looking for an upgrade instead of carrying all of these heavy materials on me at once.

A plus would be Bluetooth because I want to hook up wireless headphones at some point.

I hear good things about so many products but I want to keep it somewhat simple. Again, something with a good enough display to read and highlight as if it were a textbook at the library but lightweight enough to carry and read in bed at night. Plus would be Bluetooth and maybe something easy on the eyes. Maybe I can switch my paper to do lists to something eligible on an ereader display as well but I’m not sure of going iPad. There must be something out there that’s better for me.

What do you think of the yoga devices? I also like the idea of flipping to a keyboard if the device is a good size!

Please help!

1 Comment
01:23 UTC


For all you avid readers: what are some of the challenges you face reading via Kobo e reader vs. A paper book. What are some of the most important features you look for in an electronic book? (I'm trying to come up with an insight for a marketing campaign)

14:19 UTC


E-Reader with images

Is there an E-Reader that does images in color or B/W ? For use for kids books, comics and graphic novels. I've also thought about repurposing a tablet I have or buying a new one. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

1 Comment
21:11 UTC


eReaders with USB Type C

Unfortunately the new Kindle Oasis still has MicroUSB so I cannot buy.

What are the current eReader options with USB Type C?

01:50 UTC


Why Have Page-turn Buttons Gone out of Fashion?

I have an old Kindle 4th gen (I think), and I've been looking around for a new e-reader to prepare for the time when this one dies. But it would appear that page-turn buttons aren't really a thing any more, and I wonder why...

They're just so convenient, and isn't the point of an e-reader to be convenient? E-readers are too big to fiddle around with in one hand, so having a button at the side makes it so much easier to turn the page. So why have these buttons gone missing?

Yes, NOOKs appear to have them, but they're a bit meh tbh. And I know the oasis and the forma have them, but even they only have it on one side, and with a huge chin for some reason.

I'd honestly rather they continued to produce them than the "all new kindle" tbh

What are your thoughts?

20:55 UTC


Kindle Oasis question


I'd like to buy a new ereader since my previous one got stolen. (I previously had a Kindle Paperwhite 3)

I really like the idea of the asymmetric design and the physical page turn buttons, but I can't decide which version to buy. Is the 32GB model only usable if I want to download audiobooks from Audible or can I sync up ones that I got from elsewhere, too?

I know Kindle devices are pretty closed and I didn't mind using Calibre for syncing my books with my Paperwhite. I'm also debating if the 3G/4G option would be usable for me as it is only for buying books from Amazon and browsing Wikipedia if I understand it correctly.

I checked out the Kobo Forma, too, but I read that it doesn't feel as premium and light as the Oasis.

09:47 UTC

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