For people who enjoy both gardening and drugs. A subreddit dedicated to people who have their own drug gardens. Hunting ethnobotanicals is also encouraged. Pictures and discussions. Plants, cactus, mushrooms, herbs, and others are welcome. Examples: morning glory, peyote, San Pedro, datura, Hawaiian baby woodrose, mimosa hostilis, etc. If you don't see your submission or have a problem feel free to message the moderators. Check out our wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/wiki/index
1. No trading, sourcing, giveaways or sales
2. No ID requests for: Cacti, Cannabis, Poppy or Mushrooms. go to: r/whatsthisplant, r/cactus, r/PlantIdentification, r/ShroomID
3. Recognize that enforcing rules is at moderator discretion
4. Follow the Reddit wide rules
5. no redundant questions google this: site:reddit.com/r/druggardening/ your question here
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Anybody got pollen? lol. All mine are monoculture.
Now that the Fascism is blatant: What do we do about this as a community given that some users use this platform to share their stuff. Does it have more value to the community to remove Fascist propaganda sites or to allow cross platform activities?
A friend of mine got this Peyote which doesn’t look very healthy. Is it possible to safe it and if so how? I think it may have been overwatered. I was told it was watered like 3 times a week. Would not watering for some time help? Or is there any other way to safe it?
Plant on the left is a Kalimantan cultivar and the one on the right is the dreaded Thai “Bumblebee”. What makes this cultivar so much hardier? It’s basically turned into a house plant as opposed to winter dormancy.
B. Caapi & Turbina Corymbosa
Weird post on this sub but I was wondering if someone downloaded a certain video off YouTube of a British man in his back garden cutting and processing poppy pods into putty to the song golden brown. Later in the video he feeds the cooked seeds to his crows on a stone Buddha offering alter of some kind and gives some to his koi? Any help would be great.
Unexpected addition to my collection, found at a local garden centre. Definitely not what I'd anticipated finding! They had lots of them in tiny pots.
I have made this leonotis resin via water extraction. I was hoping someone could please answer my questions. How long will this be viable for? Will potency degrade? And what is the best way to use this? I lit it with a lighter and it boiled and crumbled up, it did not catch fire but there was some smoke. I inhaled the smoke and felt a very light almost immediate cannabis like buzz. I’ve read online that vaporising it works better because you’re not cooking the alkaloids, is this true?