For the hunting, growing, and consuming of mushrooms.
For the hunting, growing, and consuming of mushrooms.
What psilocybin mushrooms grow in my area?
A simple guide to growing mushrooms using the BRF technique
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Fr why with all this tomfoolery its getting put of pocket and more into pocker🤯🤯🤯🥸💯💰💸🔫🥳🥶🥶
Bought some shrooms for the first time today but the grey “fluff” concerns me. Is this safe to take?
This yellow thing is just a myc piss or contam?
Hello ll, recently got started with grow kit, about 2 weeks ago started the fruiting process, but mine doesn't look like any of the pics i have seen, Any help identifying if these are contaminated , ready to cut or should wait longer. Thanks
First flush of my first grow, I made a spore print. My plan is to do this with every grow. It truly is art. And no two will be the same.
Ummm 🤔
Well I wonder what happened.
after i harvest one of my mushroom i realized the rest looks darker. is that normal?
Hey everyone I just got a big batch of Golden Teachers. I don’t think I’ve ever had this strain. Is a potent strain?
This is from the third flush. Can I wait for these to finish and harvest? Or should I just toss?
I was doing great, then took a couple years off due to life getting rough. I don't know what is going on, but amongst other issues, my jars seem to be getting real sour, real quick. And if mycelium starts growing, it's not strong. I've never had my rice jars ferment. Any ideas?
Woke up this morning to some of the veils broken on my BMs. Should I be harvesting just those ones? Or should I start harvesting all from the tub? There are so many pins coming up under all of the taller fruits. I'm happy I even got to this point. But I don't want them to sporalate, right?
I’ve grown a small hand full of tubs and gathered a fair share of fruits from them. I’ve noticed though that all of my tubs have seemed to pin similarly to the one in the picture. Kind of scattered around and developing kind of staggered. I was just wondering if anyone might have tips to get fuller canopies like the ones we all scroll past on this app. More or less fae? Super stable specific temps? Humidity? Just a little lost on how to get a fuller and even flush. Thanks for any help!
First time grower, S2B 5 days ago in monotub. The color looks off to me. The outsides are bright white but the insides of all the mycelium areas are like a grey color. Is this normal or is it contaminated?