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Scary Experience of Depersonalization/Derealization from Weed+Surgery

I recently experienced an episode of what I believe was depersonalization during a high on weed with my friends. I was with my friends smoking and suddenly none of my environment and friends seemed real and I was feeling like I was observing everything, including myself from a 3rd person perspective. My first flare up of this type of dissociation happened during a surgery which I was administered NOS for basically 2 hours straight, while being tied down to the operating table, and completely felt all that really existed was the hospital ceiling I was looking at and that I was just a floating entity that was able to think if that makes sense. Basically during both of these experiences I felt like I didn't really exist and that everything around me was completely fake.

I was only really shaken up recently when this happened during my weed high last saturday, the next day I felt small glimpses of depersonalization when I thought about the experience, which was pretty scary.

Since then I feel and believe i've fully recovered from the experience and have processed what really happened. I'm not questioning whether or not I exist and I feel like I really am who I am now

Now the reason im bringing all this up is because I want some opinions from anyone about smoking again, as I feel like I can return to smoking this friday (I only smoke on the weekends, have been for about a year). I plan to start really small just to feel it out to see if i'm ok, and if I can do it again Saturday at a party with my friends.

I'm just looking for some advice on whether or not you guys think smoking again (albeit lightly) can be a good idea and also if anybody has any experiences with depersonalization from weed they can share

tldr: Experienced an episode of depersonalization during a surgery and weed high and want opinions from you guys.

23:06 UTC


What is a cocaine high for your

Most of the experience I have with blow in general is self taught in solo seshes. I've only done it with a handful of people so I'm curious on others experiences and what their high was like. For me in would start as burst of energy but weirdly chill vibe then 10-15 minutes tops I'd crash and do another line and as the night went on I'd crash harder and harder until my body would force me to stop or I'd run out.

1 Comment
23:01 UTC


Shot up, bright red blood, no pain, more instant rush, artery injection?

I managed to have this happen twice after I pulled the needle out because I got scared because the blood was so red, but there was no pain while I injected. I was injecting meth btw. It was a little swollen while I was doing it, and is a little swollen still now. Felt kind of weightless after I injected. Idk..what exactly happened? I'm scared 😔

22:49 UTC


Inserting Ecstasy pills via anus? Is it safe? What are you guys experience? Does it hit harder? and more...

Is it safe? What are you guys experience? Does it hit harder? Does being a regular ciggarete smoker reduces the effects , does it hit harder in a party or apartment?

22:34 UTC


I developed a pregabalin addiction and get horrific withdrawal symptoms after consuming it. Will the same thing happen if i use gabapentin instead?

Basically title. I abused pregabalin for all of last year, and i noticed that as soon as the effects wore off, i got increasingly severe withdrawal/rebound symptoms (pain, shaking, suicidal thoughts, vomiting). If i decide to take gabapentin recreationally, will the same thing happen? I know that both gabapentin and pregabalin work in similar ways, which makes me think that if i take gabapentin for fun, i will experience the same horrific symptoms that i did upon pregabalin cessation. Or will it not happen because they're different drugs? I have no idea. I'm leaning towards, "yes it will", but i would just like to make sure.

22:34 UTC


Would this be a fatal od? Would it hurt a lot?

I have aprox 4.5g molly+ a month worth of 2 kinds of antidepressants+ about 300*0.25 xanax. Would this be fatal? Or would it just leave me disabled? Would i suffer a lot? Its just a thought so far please dont worry ab me. Thanks

22:32 UTC


i want to try adderall + oxy + xanas

i’ve tried xans and addy before and it was really good but i just know these 3 combos r good as shitttt, i can’t wait till i try it lol, has anyone done it before? btw idc how ‘dangerous’ it is pls spare me off that ik and believe me i’ve tried worse combos and i didn’t die.

22:30 UTC


Drugs lessen my hyperactivity

Hey guys, so I have ADHD and I'm very hyperactive. I really like it to be so active but sometimes when I want to have a good night with some friends I get really quiet from cannabis or alcohol. I get completely non-verbal and just sit around in full quietness. I do like the effects of uppers but my friends had some problems with substances like mdma and speed so they would get triggered if I would take those in their presence. The thing is that I want to be open like others when they are drunk but I'm already very open and relaxed when sober. Does anyone of you know my situation? I dont drink or smoke something that often so I dont have any kind of tolerance to any substance. If theres some kind of subtle "upper" drug please let me know or some other way to prevent these kinds of effects?

22:26 UTC


Using meth to study for exams

I have papers in less than a week and I can’t focus on studying. I have tried finding adhd medicines but I can’t find them in local pharmacies. I want to know if I should use meth to study for my exams and leave meth after exams. Will it do a lot of damage to my brain to not being able to study again or I’ll be fine. And if I do use it how should I use it and how much dosage will be good for me?

22:16 UTC


Bad k hole - thought I died

Usually I enjoy a k hole but this time I had a k hole that felt like death and I literally ‘died’ within the hallucinations.

Any issues I may experience? Or should I be worried about my mental health. I seem okay at the moment. Thanks

22:15 UTC


How To Make Millions Selling Drugs Under the CIA

How ironic. The one that started the war on drugs, turns out he was the one selling drugs. Ronald Reagan can burn

22:10 UTC


unusual weed experience

i got high the other week and everything felt like a video-game, i also could not remember anyt from my life and my heart was sbea very fast and abnormal for mul days after but the thing im intrigued most about is things were changing sizes (the wall next to me when walking). its been about 2 weeks since i did it, were all of the symptoms normal and if not should i still go to the doctor?

22:08 UTC


How to bring up weed tolerance quick?

So I only get the benefits and enjoy weed when I have a high tolerance. Yes I know it’s weird, but I’ve tried all medications and nothing works except THC but only if I’ve got a tolerance. Otherwise I feel paranoid. It’s been this way for years and when I drop my tolerance it usually takes a month to get back to where I like it.

Anyways, what would be the best way to go from no tolerance to a high tolerance quick? I was thinking 1000mg edibles everyday until I get where I need to go? Smoking doesn’t seem to be very quick at all.

1 Comment
22:05 UTC


why do I feel 4mmc more by bombing rather than snorting, im bombing 300mg

I dont feel 4mmc as much as I do snorting than I do bombing its so weird, it dont make sense, i even snorted 100mg line

21:59 UTC


I think I cooked my brain with 80g of shrooms in 2 mo. Should I quit weed?

Didn’t smoke for 3 months cuz of probation. The first 2 months I spent like 500 collectively on somewhere around 80g of shrooms. No problems happen on my last month of probation where I just stayed sober. Then I get off probation and finish 5 carts in 2 week. Sober again and I don’t feel normal. My skin feels like it’s clothes. and my vision dosnt feel real like I’m watching tv. My movements also feel wired as hell. I don’t know how to describe it, but my upper body feels more clumsy. My thoughts have also been super odd, like when I’m talking to family for some reason, the switch in my brain that makes them feel familiar to me doesn’t go off. I know them just as well but I don’t have that feeling of recognition towards them. I’m going sober for a few months to see if this happens again or if my brain just needs a break.

21:51 UTC


Boofing Fetty for first time

I’ve boofed 120mg morphine pills but never Boofing fet got this dope it’s white and almost a soft white powder that lumps together smokes great, great buzz but I wanna nod and get very fucked up I popped 3 12.5mg xr ambien and took a bar a few hours ago but what is the best way to boof this I’m gonna try it anyway just want to know the prop way I have a animal oral syringe with the lines that show the ml and other amounts to measure dosages I also have a scale and a way to measure it but idk the percentage of fent in it so please help me my opiate family.

21:47 UTC


Switching From Robotripping to Weed and CBD. Will It Work in a Similar Fashion?

First off. I'm not a serious robotussin addict. I was sick 2 weeks ago. Wtas going through half bottles just to ease the cough. When I started to recover, I did one legitimate robotrip. It was eye opening. I realized how speedy, angry and closeminded I tend to be, and how I normalize those qualities as acceptable and masculine.
Right now I'm doing like 20 MG of robotussin a day. Just trying to slow things down and keep the vibes right. Even today, I did my usual Vyvanse and gym thing.. And you know.. I was just being extremely stubborn and aggy. Trying to make music. Forcing it.
Ill be up in a legal area pretty soon. Should I grab some CBD and weed? That shit used to work pretty well for me. And I was like, a retarded person back then. So now I work full time, make good money, kill it at the gym, make crazy ass beats. All types of shit. So I don't think the anxiety will be too bad.
Does weed have the chemical make up to interact with Vyvanse in a healthy way? I am a little worried that it won't stand up tlo the speed. DXM always does, for some reason...

1 Comment
21:43 UTC


Recognizing a pattern of abuse, when does it become unhealthy?

Don’t want to make this post several paragraphs, so I’ll keep it short for y’all.

Recently, I have gotten a fake ID, granting me access to purchase weed pens and alcohol, and with this newfound freedom I have been drinking and smoking on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I feel the toll of these substances on my body throughout the week yet always go back on the weekends. Is this remotely safe to continue doing, should I cut back, or cut off completely? Thanks.

21:29 UTC


Is it normal to fall asleep on addy?

Woke up this morning around 10:30 after taking have a xan last night around midnight. Usually the xan makes me fall asleep but I stayed up to enjoy the high a little longer and didn’t fall asleep till about 4:50 am or 5. Woke up unusually early since (about 10:45 am) the xan usually makes me sleep in. I got up, took a shower and got ready, ate some breakfast/ water and took a 30 mg addy so I could make my afternoon apartment clean up more enjoyable. Sat down on the couch with my bf tried to wake him up by laying down with him and talking to him. Didn’t even feel the addy kick in and I just woke up from a 2 hour nap. Is that normal? I have an ok xan tolerance and have only taken addy once before and definitely did not feel drowsy at all.

Edit: I ate after taking the xan last night too and didn’t really feel groggy this morning. I guess I do still feel the addy considering the giant paragraph I just typed out about my situation lol but feeling confused about zonking out after taking a stim and my bf is thinks it’s weird that happened too

21:25 UTC


Do i have to wait to take Oxycodone after snorting 1mg of buprenorphib about 6-8 hours ago?

Do i have to wait to take Oxycodone after snorting 1mg of buprenorphib about 6-8 hours ago?

I have been addicted to oxycodone for about 6 months now an i only take oxycodone, today i scored 2mg of buprenorphin (without naloxone) and snorten 1mg of it, i didnt feel anything so i just went on with my day, now (6-8 hours later) i just took 60mg of oxycodone and 1000mg of gabapentin and have 100mg of oxycodone (instant release) left, would it be a waste to take any oxycodone and/or will the buprenorphin (it was the first time i ever took it) cancel out the oxycodone? I also have some xanax and would like to have a great night but i‘m scared that the 1mg of bupe that i snorted (again, without naloxone) will make the oxycodone useless.

Note: i have a pretty high opiate tolerance.

TL;DR: Snorted 1mg of buprenorphin (without naloxone), didnt feel anything, 6-8 hours pass by and i took 60mg of oxycodone and 1000mg of gabapentin with 100mg oxy left, will the buprenorphin make the oxy useless? Can i take the other 100mg and have a nice time?

Thanks in advance!

21:11 UTC


Hydromorphone to zenes

I've been doing 8mg hydromorphones for roughly 5 months now and the price is just getting wild, I've been thinking about getting some isotonitazene pressed M30's but I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle it yet, I've never done anything over Hydromorphone opioid wise, if anyone been here before let me know if I'm safe to switch, I know "safe" is hard to determine because everyones tolerance is different but I am a safe user but this is probably the thinnest ice I've walked on in my drug use, never EVER thought about switching to pressies but here we are, because opioids are getting so expensive.

21:11 UTC


how often can I inject the same vein?

Can i do the same vein twice a day? what creams can I use to get it to heal faster?

Do you guys also use hand veins or only elbow/forearm? The hand veins are very visible but very thin.

21:09 UTC


Question about tapentadol/soma

I’m starting to wake up feeling like I’ve been ran over by a bus. Is this typical? I guess I’ve taken enough at this point for my body to be dependent on them all ready. Just curious if other experience achy joins and muscles are all sore. Is this typical withdrawal starting to kick in? Should I take a break? Literally feels like the flu til I pop a Dre

20:54 UTC


Twitching after taking tolerance break

This hasn’t happened recently but I want to know why it does.

Last time I took a tolerance break when I went back to smoking I would start having full body twitches while I was high, it went away after I started smoking more often but it occasionally still happens but less often and less severe.

I don’t like when this happens because I’ll be in a McDonald’s eating or something and ill start twitching out of no where and I’m sure it looks very bizarre to others.

20:52 UTC


best medication for generalised anxiety disorder

I have it long time, tried few meds didnt work in my opinion but i dont wanna give up. From your knowledge or experiences what medication help the most for generalised anxiety disorder?

20:49 UTC


It it safe to use benzodiazepines 1 mouth

And I mean like smoke a bunch weed the take 3 benzodiazepines then not touch em till like a month or 2 has gone past?

20:37 UTC


Anyone know what this could be ?

Ok so I can’t stop thinking about this. I work a cashier job and I’ve had about a dozen different people chewing something that smelled of cough drops, like strong menthol. Their mouths would be tinted a dark color. Even standing 6+ ft away I could smell it behind my counter. I typically mind my business but I worked up the nerve to ask a guy what was it. I asked - is that candy ? “No” Oh. What is it ?? He just mumbled something, took his change and walked off. For him to be so weird about it I’m thinking it’s an illegal substance. I’m just curious wtf these people are chewing/sucking on that stinks up my whole counter area. Even after they leave.

20:05 UTC


Is it ok to do Ketamine 20 hours after taking tramadol?

As the title says, I did 250mg, with my last 50 mg being around 20 hours ago. Would it be ok for me to do ketamine?

1 Comment
20:02 UTC


Oral morphine Brasil

Oral morphine = dimorph in Brazil Will 400mg of dimorph + 3 alpra of 2mg be good? My dose of codein is 480mg (I've already taken more) I take Tramadol 1g (always with benzo to avoid seizures) Methadone 70 to 100mg I can take 500mg of dimorph but is 400 good enough?

20:01 UTC


I’m quitting Kratom tomorrow. I’m taking 2g of shrooms tonight

I’ve been taking 30-40gpd of Kratom for the last 5 years because I used to be addicted to heavier opioids and benzodiazepines. I also tapered from 40gpd to 15gpd

Recently, I’ve been getting full body tremors and severe anxiety to the point that I needed to go to the hospital. When I’ve tried to admit myself to the psychiatric ward, the doctor told me that I shouldn’t be admitted and that I needed to quit Kratom ASAP

To make the first day of withdrawals a bit more pleasant, I’m going to take 1.5-2gs of shrooms. I also got prescribed 2mg Ativan and 0.1mg Clonidine to counteract the Kratom withdrawals. Kratom has decreased my quality of life for the last month and I want to quit

Based on what I’ve heard, the worst of the withdrawals last between 3-5 days. I know I’ll get through this and come out better in the end

Edit- I just got home and I don’t think taking shrooms now would be the best idea. I’ll just continue to taper off Kratom until my psychiatrist calls and talks to me

19:57 UTC

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