
Photograph via //r/PoppyTea

A Subreddit Dedicated to Poppy Tea.

We strive to be an arcane subreddit, but now that you have found us, all information is available to you freely. We provide data-based harm reduction for the purpose of helping people make educated and informed decisions to maximize personal safety.

Welcome to /r/PoppyTea

This subreddit is dedicated to Poppy Tea and harm reduction. Read this before posting. Obey The Rules or be banned.

This sub is best viewed in classic mode.

Seeds are more potent than ever before. This subreddit is THE only accurate and up to date resource on poppy seeds, their potency and harm reduction. Do not base your dosage (your life) on outdated information from elsewhere online.

Private Quitting and Recovery Subreddit: /r/PoppyTeaRecovery

Private Tapering Subreddit: /r/PoppyTeaTaper

Want to join? Ask for an invite!

Thirsty for knowledge? /r/PoppyTeaUniversity is dedicated to data-based group discussion of all aspects of Papaver somniferum through in-depth literature review.

Read This First

Frequently Asked Questions

Species Identification

Alkaloids in Poppy Tea

Potential Pesticides in Poppy Tea

Current State of Our Seeds

Noteworthy Links

Health Guide

Withdrawal Guide

The Rules

Due to reddit sitewide policy and new law, vendor/bag reviews of any sort are strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to post a review will have their post removed, a second attempt will result in the user being banned.

The Rules

By participating in this subreddit, you agree to abide by the following rules:


This is a harm reduction subreddit. We work very hard to maintain this forum of the poppy tea community as a safe place for free speech. Discretion is essential. Each and every instance of poppy tea discussion outside of this forum increases the likelihood of legal or regulatory procedures being implemented, thereby ending legal (safe) access to poppy seeds. Violation of any part of Rule 1 undermines everything we do and stand for.

  1. Do not discuss or mention poppy tea outside of this subreddit.

1.1 Do not discuss or mention this subreddit elsewhere online or in public.

1.2 No cross-posting. No re-posting.

1.3 Only introduce people to poppy tea in private (one on one).

  • Absolutely NO sourcing of any type whatsoever. This is a reddit site-wide policy, is total and absolute, and is not up for discussion or debate.

  • 2.1 Vendor, bag, expiration date, lot number, or any other type of reviews are strictly prohibited.

    2.2 Photos of brand packaging, mascots, or other visual information, hints, or clues, are strictly prohibited.

    2.3 Megathreads or compilation posts are strictly prohibited.

    2.4 Do NOT return seeds. It endangers access for everyone.

    2.5 Coupons, codes, discount offers, rebates, swag, prizes, contests, brand-associated offers, promotional materials, or requests for any such items are strictly prohibited.

    2.6 Discussion of selling, trading, or gifting seeds is strictly prohibited.

    2.7 Sourcing in the form of abbreviations, misspellings, 1337, usernames, or any other forms of veiled sourcing will be met with permanent ban.

  • Remain civil at all times. No hate speech. Be kind to one another.

  • 3.1 Do not harass your peers. Do not attempt to control each other. If there is an issue, PM us.

    3.2 By participating in this subreddit, you agree to not make derogatory, disparaging, insulting, or belittling statements directed at others, or make direct or indirect personal attacks on choices, circumstances, ideas, opinions, occupations or personal situations of others. You agree not to post any comments or media which is abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, insulting, or otherwise offensive. All types of these comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate communication, damages our community, and are unequivocally forbidden. Please report any and all such posts to our mod team for removal.

  • Unsafe information is prohibited.

  • 4.1 Always provide context when discussing dosage (describe your past history and current tolerance).

    4.2 Do not attempt to post reviews of any sort. This includes vendors, expiration dates, lot numbers, and any other specific information about the source of your seeds.

    4.3 Do not give inappropriate dosage recommendations.

  • No SPAM. No advertising. No sourcing, sale, trade, exchange, or gift cards. No bulk-group purchases. No meetups. No bots. No exceptions.

  • 5.1 Any and all forms of brigading and doxing are strictly prohibited, against reddit site rules, and are illegal.

    5.2 Mods have no liability over user posts. Mods will remove all instances of sourcing, and sourcing attempts, to the best of their abilities.

    Minor Rules

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    • No mobile, shortened, or disguised links.

    • Low-quality posts may be removed at moderator discretion.

    • There are MANY answered questions on the FAQ, and it is frequently updated! Please check if your answer is there before posting.

    • Discussion of ANY brands or vendors is strictly prohibited. Just in case you forgot.


    13,332 Subscribers


    Aus seeds any better yet?

    Not sourcing, just checking in:)

    05:40 UTC


    To all the daily full time users how long does a dose last? Also how long after dose til withdrawls set in? Im asking all the addicts specifically.

    So im just curious the duration of a dose once you have a tolerance to it and are basically high 24/7 and the other thing in curious about is how long after your last dose until withdrawals start setting in? Thankyou guys.

    20:48 UTC


    Looking to get into tea for back pain.

    So ive been wondering where the best place to start is. I don’t have any tolerance and what’s the best route using seeds or using pods I’ve seen examples of both but not sure how to do it and haven’t had much luck online.

    03:29 UTC



    What fertilizer and when to score?

    21:21 UTC


    Making PST in advance?

    Hey all!

    Just a quick question, how long does Poppy Seed Tea last after being made?

    If I want some in the morning can I make it the night before?

    If so, do I have to refrigerate it or room temp etc?

    Cheers in advance!

    13:06 UTC


    How does this glass look guys?

    Kinda new, just wondering what you guys think about this glass of seed tea.

    02:29 UTC


    Will shop start asking questions?

    In Aus, a certain place I’ve found have almost the same type of seed I used to have back in 2021…. Super earthy flavour with that nice sour tinge to it, and smooth effects. However, they only sell in small amounts…. What are the chances of questions being asked if I order online and go in store as well too often, I went today, but I must have more of this for weekend..Anybody have any suggestions? I’m sh*t out of luck with oxy atm.

    11:45 UTC


    Measure the content of alkoids in poppies

    As the header states, I wonder if you somehow can measure the content of alkoids of the latex in the poppies - not the seeds! Like, what's the percentage.

    Why I'm wondering is because I have a variety of different high alkoids strains and is curious, and also for safety.

    1 Comment
    14:57 UTC



    Have crushed up some of my harvest. Maybe 40 pods. Seemed suprised by the weight? Deseeded the total weight came to 35g. Ive heard most pods are atleast a gram? I don't believe any went missing and the average size was maybe bit smaller than a golf ball.

    So it's confusing me about dosing. Some say 3 to 5 pods or 10g but considering each pod was under a gram im a bit confused?

    20:49 UTC


    The internet is your Oyster when it comes to research

    03:33 UTC


    Extraction question

    Is it possible to evaporate the tea and get left with a paste or a powder from the poppy seeds and use that to dose or smoke. Idk if silly question or not just curious if anyone else has tried.

    02:55 UTC


    What's the difference between these two pods?

    12:27 UTC


    Is Pod Tea Worth it?

    Hey newbie here who rather liked the feeling of hydromorphone when I used some after my back surgery. My recreational drug policy has always been natural products only, such as shrooms, weed, kratom, etc, and I recently became curious to try the one and only opium.

    I'm big on product safety so decided the only way I'm going to try this is if I grow my own. It's been a few years with a few failed crops (learned a lot, this year I'll succeed), and this year will be the first year I have a successful harvest.

    I like to be in social settings with friends having deep conversations while I'm using drugs. With that said I've read experiences of people recounting exciting tales of "nodding off" on opium. Personally I dislike the idea of taking drugs to turn into a motionless zombie.

    Does this happen every time on opium? Is there a dose/strength level I can take to feel good/euphoria/social while not being comatose at the peak?

    Thank you for reading.

    12:01 UTC


    Question about varieties

    I read that breadseed poppies(somnifer) have almost no morphine and primarily contain papavaine I'm looking to obtain papavaine or all the minor alkaloids without the opiates. But when I looked to see which variety would be best I found that opium poppy is also somnifer. So when they have the exact same name but different chemical profiles how would I know which seeds contain papavain and are for food and which contain morphine.

    05:18 UTC


    pod tea and kratom tolerance

    hi Guys, ive got some poppies, made tea out of 'em but i dont know if it works..it looks very dark, tastes really bitter. Im on +-20g kratom a Day. Is there a cross-tolerance or are my poppies shit..

    13:41 UTC


    pods in europe

    Anyone get pods in europe? i have seen them in decoration stores, but i wonder if there is somewhere online to get them in bulk and cheaper?

    13:33 UTC


    Does anyone feel like refrigeration changes the efficacy?

    I usually make my batch at night and refrigerate the leftovers for the next day. It always feels to me that the refrigerated tea isn’t as effective as when it was warm and just made. Is that all in my head or is there some science behind that?

    19:56 UTC


    Was anyone kinda shocked at how much time had passed?

    When the seeds were good I was in what felt like a years long dream that I only realised I was in once the poppy seed drought forced me to quit.. I was just constantly high. Poppy tea is insane like that compared to other opiates with the half life being so lengthy. You literally never come down. Can't believe I was on this stuff for five years.

    11:33 UTC


    How is this level of inconsistency possible

    It’s literally 50:50 with one bag being decent and then next pallet the supplier gets is entirely bunk (currently the case fyi) and this is the case whether from Netherlands or EU (iykyk)?!? I just can’t figure out how the apparent exact same crop (would have to be if it’s mere weeks between supply) produces such markedly differing quality (or lack thereof)

    11:46 UTC


    What kind of poppy seeds should you use to get an effect?

    +how much?

    13:08 UTC


    50 poppy pods

    I got 50 poppy pods my idea is to make them all powder and mix them all together so I have a base consistency in my doses it would be my first time so how many grams should I do ?

    I seen people recommending for a first time 5 or 10 grams it would be my first opiate experience the other close experience I could say I have is kratom. I know the risk that why I want to know how much should I dose to be safe

    20:39 UTC


    Are those somnis

    21:20 UTC


    Do poppy seeds still work?


    01:00 UTC


    Anyone in Tazzie

    Anyone in Tazzie and tried some of the Dec harvest yet? Was thinking to order some.

    03:49 UTC


    Lomotil for withdrawal

    Hey all, I plan on jumping off after Christmas day this year, seeds in Aus have been pretty average but I’ve still managed to maintain a decent habit some how even through the bad drought, I had a very niche source.

    Anyways I’m over it and ready to stop, tried tapering a million and one different ways and it just doesn’t work, so cold Turkey with comfort meds is what I’m going for as I’ve got like 2 and a half weeks of work and can basically just chill and go to the beach everyday.

    Anyways I’m looking for advice on using lomotil. I’ve used lope in the past and it honestly worked really well I’d pop like 4 in the morning and 4 at night and it took the edge of big time. I’m thinking lomotil will be similar but potentially work better ?

    I’ve also got access to pretty much unlimited benzos, which I’m gunna be using freely. I know the risks and everything I’ve used them plenty over the years and can quit them very easily when I need to.

    I’m thinking the benzos to take away that anxious restless feeling as well as general anxiety, sleep and RLS. Then the lomotil or lope for that anxious stomach feeling like it’s in a knot feeling as well as the obvious diarrhoea as well as just that faint little warmth it can bring back to your body. Also got plenty of good bud and cbd/thc tincture which is a god send for the RLS and boredom. And of course some vitamins/supplements.

    Sorry for the essay, just writing it is helping me get things prepared in my head to. Thanks for hearing me out.

    09:48 UTC


    how does this look? i realize probably not great but is it possible to get any high from this? looks more yellow in person.

    05:57 UTC

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