DnDMemes is a community dedicated to memes about DnD and TTRPGS.
Rule 1. Be Excellent to One Another: No trolling, harassment, personal attacks, sea-lioning, hate speech, slurs, or name-calling. Overly off-topic, political, or hateful debates will be removed, and bans may be issued based on severity. This includes both posts and comments. We reserve the right to remove content or comments that contain discrimination or distasteful content. Be kind and stay on topic.
Rule 2. No Reposts: Posts must not have been posted in /r/DnDMemes before. Reports with direct links to the original post will greatly expedite their removal process. Reposts from other subreddits are allowed, but once a meme is posted to /r/DnDMemes, it will forever after be considered a repost.
Rule 3. Post Style Guide: Posts must be strongly relevant to D&D (or other TTRPGs) and must include an attempt at humor or entertainment. Posts must be legible, understandable for a general audience and have some effort put into them, including titles. Video posts may be up to 3 minutes long, and they must be humorous in nature. Only one meme is allowed per post; posts with multiple images inside of them, such as a collage, will be removed. Posts must not rely solely on the title to relate to D&D.
Rule 4. No Advertising: Meme culture is non-profit. No links to stores, fundraising/payment sites, or comments asking for money/followers. Social media handles or website watermarks on original content are acceptable, unless these are monetized, and self promotion of one’s own social media should be limited to once per week. Accounts whose sole purpose are to push products, whether legitimately or fraudulently, will be permanently banned and their content removed.
Rule 5. No Piracy: Do not share or request pirated content. No linking, hinting at, or naming hosts of illicit non-SRD D&D content. You are allowed to copy-paste relevant rules or sections from sources, but large blocks of text may be removed.
Rule 6. No Beating a Dead Horse: Moderators may step in to issue a 3 month prohibition on certain meme topics and formats. The requirements for placing a topic on hiatus are 1. The topic has been prominent on the front page for at least 3 days or 2. The debate topic is toxic in nature. Certain historically overdone themes or formats may be retired permanently at moderator discretion/per user poll. Please see the current list.
The rules listed above are not exhaustive and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Such decisions can be appealed in mod mail, and the mods will do their best to come to a productive resolution. All "borderline" mod decisions are the product of informed and objective internal discussion. We welcome feedback on our rules and are always seeking to improve them for better clarity and creating a friendly, social environment here at /r/DnDMemes.
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Also yes I am deeply aware of the irony in using Cyberpunk 2077 footage for this. Also Richter comboing Drolta perfectly to the song wasn't intentional, but I'm so happy it panned out that way
I don’t know if this classifies as a meme but dragons or lobsters and I can’t see it now as many of you don’t know lobsters are immortal. The bigger the lobster the less predators has cause lobsters don’t have predators unless they’re younger than about 3-5 years old. But anyway, before I get on my rant about lobsters. First off there dragons are reptiles kind of they shed. That’s what I’m getting at. So do lobsters. And I’m looking at like dragons and like all these fantasy scenarios ever and what I noticing is that dragons just get bigger and bigger as they shed more and more and eventually they’ll get to a size where it’s just too tedious for them to shed and they’ll die, which is the same thing lobsters do.. and lobsters have their crusher claw which gets bigger and more powerful as they get older… much like a dragon’s breath weapon. (mind you the shedding thing to become immortal… lobsters are the only known animal to do that) So in conclusion dragons are lobsters… and if that doesn’t count as a meme here you go
We were told before that this sword is dangerous
Incase you’re wondering the silver rope negated his werewolf powers leaving him with just his air cultist powers
Inspired by a racist npc I played last night
Nearly every session now.