
Photograph via snooOG

/r/DungeonsAndDragons is a community dedicated to the tabletop RPG 'Dungeons And Dragons' and it's various iterations and branches

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A most potent brew

I DM a group and we did the Adventure A most potent brew as a introduction to DnD. When the group defeated the Inferno Spider and got to name the new beer composition from Glowkindle. They called it Inferno Ale… also the name of their group was Inferno Group from that time. Now a few Sessions later one of my players showed up with a homemade beer called the Inferno Ale. We all had a blast, was a very nice idea for our DnD Sessions 🍺

1 Comment
09:48 UTC


The snow fighter

An art I did in pen and ink

1 Comment
09:25 UTC


[OC] [ART] MageQuest: Episode 3: Page 15 – by Catilus

08:26 UTC


How Should I Role Play This Character?

Hi there all, for obviously needed context. I am about to start as a player in a heavily homebrewed 3.5 pirate themed campaign. I will be playing a neutral/evil aligned character and despite having played/DM'd D&D and other table tops for years. I still find myself struggling to role play my own actual characters oddly enough. I have played the polar opposite ends of the spectrum and a prim and proper cleric and murder hobo lich sorcerer in the same edition but those felt pretty easy to keep in the "wheel house" of morals and personality wise.

This new character however is my first playing in this edition in several ways making him rather more complicated to me and I've been wracking my brain about this in my free time before this game starts. We are starting at level 7, and I will be playing a 4/3 Barbarian/ Monk multiclass focusing on unarmed combat. I am human however I am also a natural lycanthrope (Monsters of Fearun, stat block) wereshark (hammerhead).

Backstory wise, my character was born to a nomadic barbarian tribe that roamed the coasts, but was adopted by a sect of gnomish monks, after being found floating alone in a rowboat, and the gnomes determined that my tribe had came to a violent end for what ever reason. I left that detail opened ended for our DM in case they decided our pasts are important to the flow of their plot.

So, raised by gnomish monks until adult age (15) and given the option to take their vows or go out into the world. He leaves and ends up as a sailor for years lugging cargo. On the wildly dangerous "cursed waters" that this game will for the majority take place upon. The ship my character was working on was attacked and sunk by pirates. Later wakes up wash up on some shoreline now in their wereshark form, after being exposed to the literally cursed waters, that normally magically mutates if not just kill the living. The DM has ruled for their own reasons the players are "immune" to the negative effects of the cursed waters.

When the game starts, my character will have been employed as the first mate to a human vampire pirate captain (another player character) for a couple years. There is a decided backstory to how they met however that isn't all that relative to the topic of the post.

Essentially I am asking how you would play this N/E evil character yourself or if you have suggestion on mannerisms or personality quirks I'm open to ideas. Despite being a wereshark barbarian, this character is quite intelligent and wise stat spealiong, though as a quirk I also decided that even though he understands multiple languages no matter how hard the monks tried he still can not read nor write. While wanton unhinged violence is never off the table, I'm not sure if murder hobo is way I want to play this character.

Thanks, ahead of everything for any input. If there are any questions to better help your own advice feel to ask I will elaborate where I can.

06:12 UTC


COMBAT too slow!

I've ran off and on since 2nd edition. I took a VERY LONG break between 2nd and 5th ed. That is probably very important here.

My problem is simple. I have started running again with the new system of 5e and am I the only one that thinks they truly slowed combat down to a snails pace crawl?

Maybe it's because a FEW of my players are newer, but they've all played before, and some as long as I have without the pause.

But this new system seems to DRAG everything down to a crawling pace and I literally hate it. Every turn, no matter how many times I've said to prepare before hand, there is a pause to look up some rule that was never a problem before.

We used to play for HOURS on end without EVER cracking open a handbook or a guide. Now, it seems necessary that we must look it up, have an algebra lesson and a mathematical pop quiz just to roll a damn D20. What in the ninth Hell happened to DnD?

It used to be so much fun. We'd be lost for hours and if something came up, we'd just roll with it as we seen it in our heads. But now, with maps, figurines and all of the detailed distances and ranges, it has become more of a math quiz than a fun game?

What can I do to convince my players that it is so unnecessary so long as we are having fun? I'm a relaxed DM, and if they want to try something cool, I nine out of ten times will let them WITHIN REASON.

But the new generation of gamers are all about the distances, the height of the ceiling, the width of the room, what the walls and floors are made of, etc. Why is this sucking the fun and life out of a game?

For example. Last week, I had a battle map ready to go and I was so eager to dive in and get started. I was immediately bombarded with every single form and wording of every single question above to the point that I was literally OVER it before we even began.

I get it when it comes to range of spells and movement etc, but are all players this annoying these days with the details to the point that it slows the game down to a snail's pace? Seriously. What's the fun in this, especially for a DM just trying to tell a wicked story?

04:57 UTC







Derived from the Latin root flōs, Fiori is of Italian origin and means “flower” or “blossom,” encouraging baby to grow and bloom into their unique personality.From Middle High German lintwurm, from Old High German lint (“snake”) + wurm (“wyrm, dragon”). The combined form is attested farther back in the cognate Old Norse linnormr.

1 Comment
04:22 UTC


What makes a good villain?

What are some things that make for a good villain? Do you have any examples? What are ways you have, or would, used them in your campaign?

Anything goes, from giant ooze lords to uber liches-- show me what you got!

03:50 UTC


A thank you to those that saw me at my lowest

So yeah, I made an ass of myself here the other day. It’s in my profile.

I am extremely sorry to this community, and thankful for all of the honesty. I’m 80% back to normal and I am mortified.

But … some good came. So I wanted to share. Some things clicked into place in my head and I realized: I liked playing 5e a lot, it has a fun super hero feel. But I don’t like to run super hero games, I like gritty fantasy. Then I realized I still had my 3.5 content (I did end up moving over eventually, and the games that were ended both went ‘hey these are out, I’m going to use’, ‘I don’t have those, can’t afford them. We’re not using them’, <player descends into a rant on ‘I paid money you have to let me use it>, and everyone quit. )

And then I remembered a random act of kindness from my best friend and his wife: if mentioned if I ever got ahold of a copy of Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, I’d run it in a heart beat’. And his wife bought it on eBay an hour later. Amd it’s sat ever since, on my shelf, with my 5e stuff. Being thought about.

So, I’m getting to introduce my two good friends to 3.5, both are stoked and have builds going. Two other friends who used to play a lot of 3.5 are toying with concepts. I decided to make my wife a DM NPC to run if she wants to sit in for a night. (I always wanted to play a Healer from the minis handbook, so I’m putting a background heal-bot NPC in the party. I get to see it played, my wife gets to play something if she wants. I’m very pleased with the idea.

I’ve spent the last 3 hours transferring the overland map to my notebook, and modifying it to add in two short adventures to get them ready for return. Howling Caves and Sunless Citadel, one I’ve not done but had been given, and my all time favorite adventure to run. I get to introduce my three best friends and my wife to my favorite adventure in my favorite edition.

I told my wife this was the first joy I’ve felt in hobby in a long while.

Many of you called me out, made me realize something was very wrong. I dedicate this and any updates about the campaign to you guys. I honestly wouldn’t have found help without you guys.

Thank you.

03:33 UTC


Rune Knight Fighter buffs?

Starting a campaign as level 8 rune knight fighter but the party has no healers, and I know how useful they can be. I am willing to re-work my fighter with a level or two of this or that, but still kinda new to DnD and would appreciate some advice on how best to add some healing skills?

02:20 UTC


When a challenger comes forth to question the Outrider horde, they must be tested in single combat against the champion. Within the stampeding arena under the light of a great Bonfire.

1 Comment
00:53 UTC


[Offline][In-person session][5E][Long-term Campaign][Character Development Focused][Combat Focused as well][Looking for committed players][Welcoming newcomers as well]

Hello adventurers! My name is Timmy (25), I am a forever GM and I am looking for players who like to embark on an awesome, challenging and sometimes merciless adventure.

Being a writer myself, my DM-ing style is mainly focused on the development of my players' characters and from which would eventually affect world events. I like characters that drawn from tough past, struggling turned liberated, but also like funny and jolly characters. I am a huge fan of twist and turns, thus, I will never run out of surprises and will keep everyone on their toes. In addtion, aside from loving the story-telling aspect of the game, I'm also big on the combat side of it. With challenging combat sequences, my players will have to think and strategize with one another in order to defeat the enemies. Solving puzzle is one thing, but solving puzzle during combat will be a whole new level of challenge. And to make combat feel realistic, I am a big fan of props/miniatures and have a rather large collection (around 300+ miniatures), thus, combat sequence will be a thrilling and realistic experience each and everytime.

I also do voices, like a lot, which I believe helps making the NPCs more lively and unique. I have portraited around 75+ NPCs thus far, with voices and different thought process and goals and personalities,...and I can switch between them with a snap of a finger, to the point where I think might have developed DID haha

Ideally, I'm looking for a party of 4 to 6 players, though my biggest group I DM-ed before was 9 people so number is not a problem, but smaller group does mean easier to DM and the flow would be better.

With an already fleshed out world and a set of backbone NPCs and world story/events, which I spent around a year and a half creating, with enough content to last at least 2 years if we were to play EVERY SINGLE DAY for 5 to 6 hours each day minimum.

With that being said, my only hope is to able to share this beloved child of mine with others and have a fun time being nerds together. I welcome newcomers as well, so if you have been interested in dnd for a while now, I can guide you into this magical world of fantasy and imagination!

If you are interested and local to the Westminster, Anaheim, Garden Grove and Irvine area, California, please send me a message. I would love to have you join my campaign.

1 Comment
00:12 UTC


My cat loves DnD

My cat loves when we have friends over for DnD, she's been made an honorary member and is one of our players familiar!

22:53 UTC


Best bard multiclass and why?

22:45 UTC


In need of advice for an oneshot for a TTRPG event

Greetings fellow DMs. I came here to request your aid.

As stated in the title, I will be preparing a one-shot for a convention where people who play TTRPGs and those who want to learn come together. My oneshot is a DnD 5e oneshot, with the following plot:

A group of adventurers, who passed the entrance test to the Adventurers Guild, take on their first mission: in a nearby village, a few kids went missing, and the village elder asks the Guild for help. The adventurers take on this task, travel to the village to take on the job. They get the information that the kids were going to play within the forest and never returned. As the group will take it on themselves to find the kids (or what remains of them in the worst case), they follow the childrens footsteps into the forest.

After a while, they come across a small creek, where they have a randomly determined encounter with wild life. They also notice how a new pair of footsteps appeared, which turn out to be the footsteps of a grown woman. As they decide to follow them, the ground becomes a bit soggy, and after one hour of folowing the footsteps, they find a small wooden hut.

Upon entering, they find a few things. The living room has a few chairs and a fireplace, with a fire burning that emits no heat. A successful Arcana check will reveal that the flames were produced by the Continual Flame spell, and a close examination reveals an item of my creation, a Flame Ruby, basically a magic ruby that can be used to cast Continual Flame. If they happen to search the bedroom, they also find a Hat of Wizardry and two sets of word down clothes.

Upon entering the cellar, they will find the kids locked in cages, tired and hungry. There is also a cauldron in the middle of the room. If the players ask the kids how they got here, they tell them that they met a friendly old lady that offered them some apple pie. The kids agreed and followed the lady to her hut. As they began to eat the pie, they fell asleep, awakening in the cage. The characters can attempt to either lockpick the cages, bend the bars, or search of the key, which the old lady has in her possession (more on that now).

As they leave the hut, with or without the kids, the old lady stands before them, demanding to know what they do in her hut. If the characters mention the kids, the old lady reveals her true nature: a Green Hag. She also summons a few creatures to her side: Twig Blights (1 per characters), Needle Blights (1 per two characters, rounded down) and a Vine Blight. If victory occurs, the kids are safed and brought home. Upon defeat, the hag will sacrifice the kids and use their hearts to summon her sisters to her place, forming a Coven.

Okay, that was the rundown of the planned oneshot. My question would be, would you say that the characters have realistic chances in defeating the hag and her Blights? The characters will be Level 3, and according to Encounter Calculator, this might be a deadly encounter, although they might have the vast majority of their resources. How would you say are the chances of survival?

22:22 UTC


Difference between sorcerer, Wizard and warlock

22:13 UTC


He seems like a fungi 🍄

21:12 UTC


[OC] [Art] Do Kobolds still scream Yee-Haw? - Gunslinger Kobold Outlaw

20:35 UTC


Sylona Glynar

1 Comment
20:19 UTC


Gifts of Apprecation for my Players

I’ve been D.M.ing for the same group for the past four years and decided to make them little thank you cards. Especially since we’ve hit our 100th session, which has never happened for me in my (admittedly) few years playing. I’ve got two more cards to make what do you think?

18:31 UTC


Ambush Predator Fish for my party to encounter while diving for some loot.

I tried following the Giant Constrictor Snake stat block as a baseline but I am just looking for guidance to make sure this accurately a CR 2 creature. Also I do see other homebrewers put theirs int he same format that WOTC uses for their books. Where does one find that to make the stat block look pretty?


1 Comment
16:54 UTC


My view for the next 8 hours. LMOP Wave Echo Cave!

5 brave adventurers enter Wave Echo Cave this fine day. Who will make it out? The Tempest Cleric, Kobold Bard, Vengance Paladin, Drake Warden Ranger or the Thief?

15:49 UTC


Pictures of people's hand drawn maps/worlds


I was wondering if anyone would be up for sharing their hand drawn maps for campaigns they've used or are currently using or any board game displays you have made? I just want to admire your hard work and get lost in the magic of how much people create their own bits and pieces towards building a dungeon and dragons world.

1 Comment
14:45 UTC


[OC][Map] Desert Canyon City | Free HD Settlement Map

13:58 UTC


[ART] Character I designed

12:53 UTC


[OC] [ART] Quest, Tiefling Fey Warlock; and Geth, Human Rogue and Wizard – by Catilus

12:04 UTC


A Chart of 20 Books

11:08 UTC


If you could live an RPG adventure in real life, what would be your biggest wish for that journey?

09:17 UTC

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