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Rate My Lvl. 20 One-Shot Wizard Prepared Spell List.

Level 20 Wizard, Bladesinger. Playing a 12hr marathon one-shot this weekend. Please rate my prepared spell list.

Good day to all,

Knowing my DM long rests are gonna be rare, so I tried prepping spells that’ll fit a controler/skirmisher when im not just being a regular wizard (i.e when I start to feel the squish). Choosing spells to prepare is such a chore for me, I never feel sure of it when I make it. Please be honest. Thanks.

Note: Spells in asterisk come from magical item (Ring of Elemental Air Command) and feat (Gift of the Metallic Dragon & Telekinetic)

Cantrips: Booming Blade, Message, Mind Sliver, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand*

lvl 1: Absorb Elements, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield(Mastered), Silvery Barbs, Cure Wounds*

lvl 2: Hold Person, Misty Step(Mastered), Tashas Mind Whip, Vortex Warp, Gust of Wind*

lvl 3: Counterspell(Signature), Dispel Magic, Haste(Signature), Lightning Bolt, Wind Wall*.

lvl 4: Fabricate, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, Ride the Lightning

lvl 5: Steel Wind Strike, Synaptic Static, Telekinesis, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force

lvl 6: Arcane Gate, Disintegrate, Chain Lightning*.

lvl 7: Forcecage, Teleport

lvl 8: Demiplane, Feeblemind, Dominate Monster*

lvl 9: Wish

15:26 UTC


Help for a dungeon

I want to make a classic #donjon, but the twist is it's actually a spell book. When you try to examine this wizard's book, a magical effect triggers and you're dragged into the book.

I think the enemies will be living spells, à la Eberron.

My problem is, I should design the dungeon or find one that fits the idea. Do you have any suggestion?

EDIT: it's going to be played on roll20

12:40 UTC


Yet another Echo Knight mechanic exploitation question

Hi evrybody!

I was wondering: is it legit for a knight to basically keep flying during combat in the following way: I move the echo up in the air - bonus action I teleport to his location - end of turn - start of new turn - I move echo up in the air - and so on in loop?

Out of combat this would basically mean having the equivalent of 30feet of flying speed.

Am I missing something?

EDIT: Yeah I was missing how falling to the ground in D&D 5e works! Thank to a all who commented!

12:06 UTC


While not opposed to them, what could be a could alternative to cast a spell without a costly material component?

First let me say, I'm not 100% against costly spell components, mostly because they can make for a good goal of a quest, where you can also add at the same time magical items for the rest of the party, but other than that they can few a bit annoying to deal with. A necessary evil, but still annoying.

This then reminded me of Spell Focus and how they are used to bypass the mundane material component. Imagine then a situation where you whant to cast a spell, but you don't possess the costly component right now, what if you could still cast it?

So in the case of casting a spell without the costly component, what would its cost be instead? HP? Exaustions? You receive a condition?

I still think the costly component should feel necessary, so the alternative casting could be really steep

11:40 UTC


Cursed/infected forest - Main monster/villain?

I want to design a one shot for some friends of mine and i need a main monster/villain to start building my story.

They will be agents of a (violently) growing kingdom and are send to pacify the already conquered regions. In this case a village whose inhabitants started to disapear when they enter the main forest some weeks/months ago.

I need a cool main encounter/monster (+ maybe some thematic matching smaller threats) from which i can start to think about the background of why this is happening.

(I'm open to original content and homebrew)

thanks a lot!

09:12 UTC


Archfey Bladelock

Hi folks. Soon i'll be playing Descend into Avernus. I thought to roleplay a Wooden Warforged made by an Elf as a bargain for their freedom for Oberon and Titania. The Warforged (whose name will be just "servant" or "bargain" - i still have to choose one) will be tricked into believing he's a chosen vessel from the green lord Oberon, while in reality it will just be a weapon to use at will.

So i came up with Blade pact Warlock, with all the features of the Archfey Patron and improved pact weapon to use a longbow, repositioning multiple times with misty step.

I personally think, flavor wise, the concept is solid (the character will look similar to Archfey Oberon skin from Warframe, if you want to take a peek), but i know that both archfey patron and pact of the blade aren't the best choices if you want to play a strong character.

I'm not a guy that wants to min-max, but what do you suggest to not just be useless to the party? Should i prioritize dexterity over charisma and act as a pseudo-ranger? Or still max charisma and have better spells/checks? Which invocations do you suggest? I'd pick improved pact weapon and devil's sight (i will call fae sight for flavor) to overcome the lack of Darkvision and be able to shooting while using Darkness.

Thank you!

08:38 UTC



Hey all,

Looking at using firearms in a campaign I'm making, however slightly disappointed that the only official ones I can find is the pistol and the musket (Dungeon Master Guide).

What other resources do people know for good firearms rules and stats for DND. Id love a bit more variety 😊

Cheers in advance

08:27 UTC


is there an in between realms in the feywild shadowfell

i guess the first question is do they share borders? if so is there any detail about that area?

07:25 UTC


What build makes best use of Halfling Luck?

What character (sub)class or multi class build profits the most of Halfling Luck? If you absolutely want to play a Halfling and have no other preriquisites what kind of character could make the most out of their Luck feature?

07:20 UTC


Help me name my character, an android pilot looking for freedom.

I'll be playing an Android (modified Warforged) Fighter in a Sci-fi campaign. He will be the Helmsmen of a large exploration vessel that's arriving in the Andromeda Galaxy. I'm open to simple human names, pop culture names or names of myth. If choosing names of meaning, think along the lines of one seeking freedom. Bonus points if they can be gender neutral.

This guy is largely inspired off of Murderbot from the Murderbot Diaries and Wash from Firefly.

06:18 UTC


Anyone else find that flanking rules slows combat down?

Playing with flanking Im finding that combat is really drawn out. Not due to the extra dice rolls, due to turtling.

Ive found it functions the opposite of how its supposed to, instead of rewarding good movement (tactics) in combat it incentivizes turtling. When fighting a swarm of enemies there is zero insentive to be agressive as a front liner. You get swarmed and end out with multiple enemies getting advantage on you.

Which means instead of being in the room with lots of sides to be hit and other Pcs not cowering in the hallway you end out with one or two front liners clogging the doorway (technically not a bad tactic but boring as hell) three creatures attacking ( only one not at -2 or -5) while everyone else gathers round back for the front ones to fall.

Possible that this is a table dependent issue, wondering if anyone else has had the same issue.

06:13 UTC


I need help understanding Drakewarden rule.

With drakewardens it says when the drake gets has zero hit points you can respawn it once a long rest, does this mean the drake cannot die?

05:19 UTC


Language choices for a mycologist

What languages are most appropriate for my Wizard (diviner) scholar who studies mushrooms? DnD 5e considers mushrooms to be plants, so I guess I want languages of things that live in moist or dark places. Slight preference for things that might write scientific papers on these "plants".

I was going to start with Undercommon, then maybe Dwarvish (they live deep underground and their script is used by several languauges) and Elvish (woodland and another important script). Probably not Druidic, because it's secret (unless the DM wants to give it to me later).

04:47 UTC


Does a Mummy Lord’s regional effect spoil food and water from an Alchemy Jug?

Pretty much title.

have a party that is entering a mummy lords domain, and I described how all of their food spoiled and water evaporated due to the lord regional effect. They have an alchemy jug that can create water and mayonnaise which would help people survive, along with a creating food and drink spells. Would that food and water that is magically created spoil right away?

They are entering its lair so this could change how they take long rests throughout the dungeon. Let me know your thoughts!

04:37 UTC


What would be a good class or multi-class to add to this group?

ive recently been invited to a campaign thats heavily combat based and im in the process of making my character but i need advice picking what to play. the other three characters are playing a rogue/warlock, fighter/warlock (long bow), and rogue/grave cleric. any suggestions?

04:17 UTC


I need help creating a list of mini plot hooks to expand on later.

Basically title.

I'm gonna be running a campaign about dimension jumping. I can go into the details if people ask for it; but the general concept is that all of the players will be in a new universe, after being bought there to help create it. This new universe will act as the hub world and will - in most cases - be the only place they can take a Long Rest. Each session will be about travelling to a different universe, and taking something from it, to help create new elements of the new one. Sometimes it'll create abstract things, like concepts. Other times it'll be fundamental things like rivers and mountains. The hub will be very much "normal", think Firelink Shrine from Dark Souls; but the space around it will be pure chaos, that becomes less chaotic the more they bring. The end goal, I suppose, will be something to do with obtaining Godhood. There'll also be a string of hints that'd appear at some point to do with a BBEG; some kind of universe eater maybe, or an entity that is attempting to alter the universe they're helping to create in nefarious ways.

So yeah, each new universe they go to will be around 1-3 sessions of playtime, maybe 4. Here are my current ideas;

  • A very standard feeling dungeon or catacomb, filled with cursed undead.
  • An Alice in Wonderland inspired place, Feywild vibes; with some sort of plot twist where the sweet little fairies they interact with are actually cannibals.
  • A large medieval style city in a universe where magic exists, but is outlawed, controlled by a shadow government who puppets the Royal family (I'd want this to be the first one that'd take more than 2 sessions).
  • A spelljammer inspired universe where they walk into a battle between Gith and Mind Flayers.
  • A Dark Souls inspired Universe with a heavy focus on Dragons.
  • The "real world", sort of; inspired by JJK and Bleach. Magic and Monsters exist, but most humans can't perceive them. Maybe there's some sort of mechanical limit on how and where they can cast magic.

I'm also absolutely just gonna use canon universes. For example they'll definitely meet the actual, real Doctor Who.

The things they take from each universe back to the one they're building will be a little loosey goosey with what they actually do. Obviously sometimes I'll know what they'll help create in the universe beforehand; but I want the events to help shape it.

So yeah, I'm just looking for fun little plot hooks to build on over time. Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
04:07 UTC


Don't be the bad guy: oracle wild magic arbitration

Sometimes players use spells in unexpected ways. As a DM, it's hard to come up with a fair ruling every time. We tried something at the table tonight and it worked pretty well: wild magic table and an oracle die.

Pushing a spell past what the text described resulted in a roll on the table. Along with the oracle die to see if it was detrimental or not. It ended up coming up twice due to some unorthodox misty stepping:

-a tethering rope ended up extending in a crack of lighting that zapped our metal helmeted fighter

-using the spell at a different point to try to get a goblin out of a cave in that ended up surrounding them by motes of claustrophobia (sorrowsworn reflavored rot grubs) and we ended up with a half sized goblin for a few hours

Has anyone tried anything similar to this?

04:00 UTC


So my DM wants to change my Familiar

Here’s the scenario. I am playing an EK and took the Find Familiar spell. I went with a Fey owl. He finally got killed when he didn’t get quite out of range of an enemy.

Now I and the DM both know I can just summon him back for basically 10GP once I have an hour where I won’t be interrupted. However the DM has an idea…

We’re running Curse of Strahd and as I’m sure most of y’all know, Barovia does weird things to you magic. The DM messaged me and asked “what if your familiar comes back undead but immune to turn undead?”

He referenced Alterations to Magic in the DM specific part of the Curse of Strahd campaign book so apparently this is a thing that can be done. He’s suggesting Zeke comes back as a sort of zombie bird and suggesting that I could use him to gain advantage on Intimidation attempts or other situations where I might want to scare someone.

Secretly, I suspect he’s tired of me basically always attacking with advantage or guaranteeing the rogue gets the sneak attack. /j [edit: I’m joking, to be clear. Eventually the Owl got hulk smashed by a flesh golem when he didn’t fly far enough away.]

Apparently, when done as a Barovian corruption of magic, the familiar counts as undead, but is specifically immune to Turn Undead. Basically a flavor change but the DM wants to give him some thematic utility or perk.

I want to do something a little more interesting than just gain advantage on Intimidation attempts. Who’s got some worthwhile but not necessarily game breaking ideas?

Edit: some have contributed ideas and I appreciate. Some of y’all are just gate keeping and complaining about somebody else’s table. Really?? If you don’t have ideas for the alternative familiar, then kindly scroll on. The way we’re doing our campaign isn’t going to hurt you.

01:44 UTC


Is there a way people who want to play as a Tank or Healer more viable overall?

For Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, the game mechanics are built in a way so no one is forced to play a certain way just for the game to function.

You can run 4 Human Fighters basically be fine in most cases.

Generally, this is good because it doesn't constraint player choice and allows for more freedom during character creation process.

However despite this focus, it does leave some concepts as Healer or Tank as less than desirable either because it's very limited in practice or just not strong enough to justify outside of thematics.

Sure, players don't have to play as a meat shield or heal hot, but some players do want to do it. A lot of games or media they enjoy have those roles be important elements within the story or game, wanting to replicate that fantasy.

Yo-yo healing because damage is too much and 1 HP is the only thing that matters

A tank not needed because everyone is self-sufficient enough take a few hits.

But the mechanics don't really lend themselves to it, requiring a lot of changes from the DM to make it work and not be unbalanced.

Some of the best choices for fufilling these possible role desires are often constrainted to a few options.

So ultimately the main question revolivng this part of the game.

Is there a way to make tanking and healing a desirable but effective choice for the game at a baseline?

Is this idea not compatible with current DND?

Is this not an issue at all?

How could the tank and healer concepts be applied to more than the typical classes like Paladin and Cleric?

01:26 UTC


Hand Drawn Animated Magic Rune Traps

Hi guys!

I wanted to share some of my recent artwork. I’m still practicing my drawing, but I had a lot of fun designing these magic rune traps. I even created activation sounds for each rune, and yes the chicken rune sounds like a squawking chicken. 🐓😂

The runes are part of a magic themed release that also contains the “Ancient Wizards Library” soundscape, where wizards from all over go to discover the ancient art of rune magic. The sound of turning pages, footsteps, and magic, echo through the halls of the library. 

Watch the animation of the Magic Rune Traps by RPG Audio Vault here.

From left to right: Chicken Rune, Rune of Healing, Rune of Illusions, Rune of Deafening, Web Rune. I’d love to hear how you might use these in your campaign! (Treasure chest + Chicken Rune combo, anyone?)

The runes work for both top down and isometric maps. You can find these over at the RPG Audio Vault Patreon

Happy travels! 🗺️

01:07 UTC


So my party rolled 21 pink toads. Need help choosing monsters

Long story short, I gave my level 7 party of 4 people a bag of beans as one of their treasures, and 2 of the beans were the pink toad rolls. 12 toads for one, 9 for another (21 in total). I need help choosing some monsters for each one. Any advice is appreciated.

Just to also make it known, yes, they also summoned the pyramid on their last bean. There is now just a giant ass pyramid in the swamp, not far away from the town of Saltmarsh. My, do I have plans for that >:D

Edit: Higher CR shit is not unwelcome, as there could be encounters that are just "survive 10 rounds so it despawns"

00:27 UTC


I just got a cool idea, Decanter of Endless Water+ levitate = fly?

Decanter of Endless Water can Geyser 30-gallon water, with a bonus action. According to the Conservation of momentum, a character with levitate should be pushed in the opposite direction. GPT told me it can push character 7.72 feet at max; I have not calculated it by myself yet.

23:14 UTC


The Drake Serpent Race Draft

The Drake Serpent Race

I got the green light to be a Half Dragon Yuan Ti Abomination by my DM. So I've been plugging away at trying to balance him out I looked the fan made Unearthed Arcana entry for the Abomination as a race which was really well balanced. I need help balancing out the dragonic part and I've typed it out to get all of your opinions on it and I would like some suggestions and I'm very open to maybe tweaked traits and abilities in the comments. I do hope you all enjoy taking a look at my concept that I hope becomes usable! :)

Drake Serpent Race Born of a rituals performed in the Drake Seprent tribe, a cult group who believed that the true way to ascend to godhood after becoming abominations would be through the blood of dragons. Than as malevolent warriors made through rituals performed time and time again devoted to dragon kind, you are drake serpents, finally ascended to a higher power enough to kill the very gods and made to conquer the Material Plain. You MUST ONLY pick a chromatic dragon race.

Ability Score Increase- Your Strength, Constitution, and Charisma increase by 1 You have proficiency in the Intimidation Skill Yuan Ti Abominations stand at about 5 feet tall, but have a length of 10 to 20 feet your size is Medium. Speed- you base walking speed is 30 ft.

Yuan Ti Half Darkvision - You are acceptional with your vision in the dark you can see up to 60 ft in dim light as if it were bright light and darkness as if it were dim. You cannot discern color in darkness.

Innate Spell Casting- you can cast Animal Friendship at will but only for snakes.

Natural Weapons - If you want to constrict you deal bludgeoning equal to 1d4+ your Strength modifier. Your target must succeed on a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 8+ your proficiency+ your Strength modifier or become grappled, while grappling your speed is 0 and can't constrict another target. At the start of your next turn you can use your bonus action to squeeze dealing damage to your Strength modifier.

Self Cleansing Veins- you have advantage on saving throws against poison but no resistance for all Chromatics besides Green. Green halfdragons receive resistance to poison but no advantage on saving throws

Enchantment Resistance- You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Drake Serpent-

Natural Armor- You have natural armor of 13 when not wearing armor

Elemental Maw- you bite with your fangs dealing damage associated with your dragon ancestry type and piercing damage equal to 2d6+ your Strength modifier. This attack uses up two of your proficiency bonus uses of your Breath Weapon this will be usable once you perform a long rest

Breath Weapon- Due to power balancing the 2d6 will be used instead of Fizbans change to 2d8, and the same increase system will be used. At 5th level 3d6, 8th 4d6, 5d6 at 11th, 6d6 at 17th. You may use this depending on your proficiency bonus. This can be used again after a long rest

Dragonic Ancestry- you have a resistance type associated with your dragon ancestry

Gift of Chromatic Weapon You will only be able to imbue your weapon with your damage type for 1 minute each hit take 1d4 of damage associated with ancestry.

At level 20 True Amphiptere- . You gain the ability to sprout wings and fly at a speed of 30ft.Your dragonic strength allows you to fly with no armor to medium armor. If wearing heavy armor your speed is halved to 15ft. If you are knocked on the ground, stop flying, or the battle has ended you can only use this again after a short rest.

Please give your best in the comments and keep it civil I'm still working on balancing and to eventually make this versatile for any table I may play at :)

22:36 UTC


Druid attack spells?

My party is in a special battle where we are getting 3 attempts to take out a god's avatar that has a lot of immunities and resistances. From what I understand, this is likely a home-brew version of an existing monster. I'm playing a level 15 circle of spores druid with access to spells up to level 8.

Any save spells are likely going to be saved, so at a minimum they'd have to be save for half damage. My spell attack bonus is +12 (+5 prof, +5 wis, +2 from staff of the woodlands), so I'm more likely to hit for more damage with an attack, but saves are at least guaranteed damage.

I know radiant, necrotic and force damage all hit for full. I know fire is resisted and poison is immune. Any spells cast below level 4 (including cantrips) is resisted. So, a level 3 fire attack will be 1/4 damage where a level 4 fire attack will be 1/2 and a level 4 radiant will be full. He's also immune to mundane damage, so surrounding him with 16 wolves will do nothing.

We failed our first attempt, so for the second attempt I'm getting to pick all new spells, will have all abilities back and all spell slots back. We get to pre-buff and it is possible that my concentration will be taken up by some buff.

I know this isn't the typical role of druid, but my control options aren't great in this battle. Hoping I can contribute some damage here.

Do you have any thoughts for good attack spells that may help? There is a long list of spells to go through and my head is starting to spin.

22:12 UTC


The Lair of Gorlack the Supremely Corpulent - A free 6th level dungeon.

Fear the plague castle of Gorlack, he who is supremely corpulent! This module promises flesh in abundence, filth on most every wall, horrors the likes of which you'll be glad to have never seen. With plenty of fancy loot to find along the way, will your party come out of it alive, or even sane?


21:23 UTC


What class for Curse of Strahd?

Others in the party have already made their choices:

  • Bard, college of the spirits
  • Paladin, oath of devotion
  • Multiclass - 1 level cleric, twilight / 2 levels sorceror, divine soul

I don't want to stand on toes, and do want an interesting class that will be able to damage in combat and resonant to the campaign to RP. Lots of the advice online is v paladin / cleric heavy, but as those are already taken I'm wondering what will be best. At the moment torn between the list below, although also happy to hear other suggestions!

  • warlock, hexblade
  • warlock, celestial
  • barbarian, zealot
  • monk, sun
  • druid, stars

any thoughts that minimise spoilers?

21:06 UTC


Best word to group Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning?

I like to print out magic items on little cards to hand to my players to make it feel like theyve actually found something. Do to limited space I try to make this simpler items. Let's say I have an weapon that ignores Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning resistance. That one sentence takes up a good chunk of the item card. I've been looking for a single word to describe these 3 damage types. I started off with "non-magic" because it's already a term in the game, but an issue with that is some of the other damage types such as fire or electric aren't necessarily magical. I also considered "Physical" but I feel like force or even thunder could be classified as that as well. I've established in my group the use of the word "Mundane" but that does still have the issues that non-magic has, just a less specific. Any words come to mind?

Edit: For people saying "just change the weapon description" it's an example, there's other items where all 3 would need to be listed. Also the general consensus seems to be "Physical" with both "Mundane" or "B/P/S" also being acceptable

20:22 UTC


Can a human become a cambion or demon threw a deal?

Can a human become a cambion or demon through a deal with a higher entity? I know it’s mostly up to DM’s to decide but would it be under acceptable terms for dnd logic as a whole?

19:39 UTC


I don’t understand the Thief Rogue and Champion long jump features, even with the context they were released in

So I’m aware that as the game got streamlined and changed over the last 10 years, certain features from PHB subclasses aren’t as relevant. The Thief’s 3rd level feature, Fast Hands, that lets you use an item as a bonus action has become a bit watered down since bonus action potions became a given homebrew rule. The old Ranger might have aged the quickest, as the exploration pillar of the game collects more and more dust in popular play. Two features from the PHB also a victim of this are part of the Thief’s “Second-Story Work” feature and the Champion’s “Remarkable Athlete” feature. The upgrades I'm speaking of both have essentially the same benefit:

When you make a running long jump, the distance you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to a physical stat modifier. Strength for the Champion, and Dexterity for the Thief.

I don’t see many tables adhere strictly to the jumping rules in DnD - usually just abstracting things with an athletics roll. However, I play on a VTT that has both maps with elevation and a built in jump calculator. My group actually follows these rules. Those features would actually apply to our game. But… even then, I don’t understand the benefit. It means a maximum of 5 feet is added to your jump, due to how ability scores work. One grid square. If you have less than a +5, you may not even get any benefit, considering that by default you round numbers down when doing in-game math.

A point-buy rogue has a +3 to dex and wants to jump over to another platform in combat? If playing in theater of the mind, nobody's going to be calculating specific numeric distances. If playing on a map, chances are that most of them are apart in increments of five feet. That +3 feet is not going to matter, unless it's just enough to bring your default running jump height to the next 5 foot threshold - and at that point it means that getting a +4,+5, or even a +6 to your dexterity in the future won't do anything more for this feature. In almost every situation, barring very special exceptions due to magic or special items, you will always be getting one square at most of extra movement. Not very helpful.

Now, both of these features are packaged in with other and more useful benefits as well. It's clear that the running long jump bonus is supposed to be a minor upgrade, a small extra included with the real feature. Even so, it's just so clunky and strangely designed. Even if their intention was to give you only one square of movement, why not just say you get a 5 ft. bonus to running long jumps? Why have it scale off of your main stat, only to scale so poorly? What was the design philosophy behind this?

19:12 UTC

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