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785,436 Subscribers


What creatures should up casting find familiar grant?

Hello everyone! I'm making a wizard subclass with it's core feature being able to upcast find familiar. However I've been going through several databases but I'm not finding a lot of "Familiar"y creatures for cr's 1-8. Guard drake, Spector, and hellhound are examples of what I'm looking for. Any suggestions

21:31 UTC


Any spells for rouge swashbuckler 2014

I wanna learn spells

21:16 UTC


I'm considering homebrewing an Izzet league (batshit insane engineers form ravnica) inspired wild magic artificer who plays on the "Absent minded professor" and "accidentally explodey inventor" tropes. Any ideas for features I should give it or it's surge table? or what name I should give it?

The first and most obvious idea is adding the wand of wonder (as well as the greater rod of wonder, if that's still a thing?) as an option to add the wand of wonder to the list of options when creating a magic item, which I fully intend to do. I'll probably also let the artificer create a free one that doesn't take up an infusion slot.

Secondly, yes I do fully intend to give it it's own dedicated surge table. I've already written up several wild magic subclasses (a warlock, a cleric, and a paladin), all of which I gave their own dedicated surge tables (though when I got to the paladin I made that surge table just a twenty item d20 roll instead of a fifty item percentage roll, both because I thought that would make sense for a half-caster and because the surge table is the part that by far takes up the most effort). partly because I think that makes sense and party because I think the sorcerer table isn't funny enough. So far what I've got is that 1)a valve somewhere breaks and sprays you with lubricant, affectign you as per the grease spell, and 2)you polymorph into a flumph for 1 minute. Bring your comedy A-game, bros/sisses(sissi?).

Thirdly, the most important thing to include with a wild magic caster subclass is that the lv 1 feature give them a means of auto-triggering a surge, since otherwise they'd have to rly on random luck just to occasionally experience the main appeal of a wild magic subclass. For this one I plan to go with a "use your reaction to let you or someone else reroll a failed d20 roll" idea, though I'm not sure how to have that interact with the flash of genius ability.

Fourthly, every wild magic subclass needs "roll twice whenever you surge and choose either result" as a penultimate feature, but for this guy I feel it would be neat if that also applied to any wands of wonder they create (taking a short rest to upgrade any they already have, of course). If they created the wand then other people who use them gain this benefit as well, but the artificer themselves will have this benefit even when using a wand of wonder they find.

Fifthly, there's a consideration as to how your infusions should interact with the surge mechanic. Should other people using your infusions be able to trigger surges? What if the artificer could create infused items that did not count against their total number of active infusions, at the cost of the item in question being able to trigger surges?

20:59 UTC


Rare Magic Item for a Tempest Cleric

So, my DM gave us one rare magic item to choose.
I'm a High elf tempest cleric level6

My mods are:
Str +3
Dex +1
Con +3
Int +3
Wis +5
Cha +0

I was thinking in the Amulet of Devout or going straight for Wings of flying

What do you guys think?

20:39 UTC


Martrial gish build (mirror image)

Working on a PHB 2024 character Was hoping to use mirror image and sentinel combo. Maybe paladin warlock would be the right build for this. Trying to do something a little less cliche. At least with warlock I can get an extra attack sooner. Any thoughts? Or if you came up with any interesting gish ideas and want to share. Thanks

20:08 UTC


DM is running a module where he says "Spell Scrolls and Books are really hard to come by and integrate" after we started playing instead of before. I'm playing a Scribes Wizard, and this will really hinder me. What's the best way of aasking him to change something so I can play to my best potential?

We are playing Eve of Ruin (no spoilers please) and my DM only just told me after we did the first dungeon that I should stop asking shopkeepers or investigating for spell scrolls, as they are incredibly rare and would be incredibly expensive due to their rarity IF i found a person with one. As I'm playing a Scribes wizard, the wizard solely built around getting as many spells in the spellbook as possible, this is a massive bummer, as it means im not playing my class to the fullest. There are 2 ways I've thought of confronting him if he can modify something so I can actually play the class and I'm not sure what to do.

1: Subclass change. Changing to Abjuration or Evocation instead of Scribes. Wouldn't affect my character massively, and the only scribes feature I use is it's damage-swap, but I only do it for flavour, not function (I don't really use Manifest Mind as I have a familiar) So this is a good option. But I'm not sure if the lack of scribing will still hinder me.

2: Asking for 3 spells per level up, instead of 2. This means I'll get 20 more spells total, but I'm still not sure if that's enough for features like One With the Word or if this'd match a campaign where scrolls can be bought.

I could ask for both, but I feel I'll be denied if I do so. So I'm wondering how I can best phrase it to try and convince him to let me both swap subclass and get the extra spells, but if worst comes to worst and he won't let me, what option would be better? Or is there a 3rd way of going about this?

EDIT: Thanks for the advice. I'm going to stick as Scribes for another session or two, and if I'm really not liking it, I'll ask to swap to Abjuration

19:23 UTC


Procedural Dungeon Generation?

I was looking through my friend's new DMG and a lot of it looks really cool but I couldn't seem to find an equivalent to my favorite part of the first DMG: the dungeon generation tables. I loved those things so much, is there a particular reason they were omitted from the new DMG? I saw a bunch of setting dressing tables and such but no more procedural generation tools. I thought it was so cool how you could use them to build structural layouts without online tools, I'm really bummed they took them out.

19:20 UTC


When to call a session off?

There's 5 of us (not including DM) and if only 3 can play it gets called off.

Today, only the Wizard, Bard and cleric/paladin/fighter can make it.

So, called off 😢

18:14 UTC


New Monk is Stomping my Monsters and other players are feeling useless

So like the title says I am DMing Vecna eve of ruin and my monk is literally doing 60 damage a round with nick and flurry of blows. He is melting bosses even with multiple encounters and my other players feel like they do not contribute what do I do?

Edit: The party is a warlock pally a fighter/cleric multi class a dance bard and a halfling evocation wizard they level 13 right now. Another problem with this combination is that they all get absurd initiative roles from the dance bard ability they all have someway to see inside magical darkness because they designed the party around the monk shadow abilities. Not only are my monsters not being able to see they are always going last. And specifically the paladin feels like he isn’t contributing

17:41 UTC


MCDM's Illrigger Class now available on DnDBeyond

17:17 UTC


2024 - Move Between Attacks?

Hey All!

So, I started flipping through the 2024 PHB and I think I see a rather massive change if I’m reading it correctly?

In the original 5e PHB there was specifically a section that allows you to move in between your attacks. In PHB 2024, that section is no longer there, and it states that you can use your movement in between actions.

But if you have a feature like Extra Attack, it just says you can do 2 attacks when you use the Attack Action. Since you can move between actions, it feels like you can’t because you’re in the middle of an action after you’ve made one attack.

Is there something I’m missing or can you just not move in between attacks anymore?

EDIT: Thank you all for the responses! I certainly did not look in the rules glossary, which helps clear things up for me! Much appreciated!

16:59 UTC


Need someone who can include me in an online session of DND as a complete beginner here.

And i am really sorry i don't have a character ready yer.Since I am yet to understand some perspectives of the same.So if you can please educate about the same it would be really helpful.

1 Comment
16:34 UTC


Battle Smith Artificer 2014 Homebrew Setting Build Advice

Background: We are playing a homebrew setting and among the homebrew the DM gave us was the max stat cap is moved to 30, free feat, and character creation has standard array + point buy (without explaining it completely, I started with 8 Str, 16 Dex, 16 Con, 20 Int, 12 Wis, 8 Cha). I picked Auto Gnome for my race and Battle Smith Artificer with sharpshooter (going ranged option) as my free feat. Lvl 4 I boosted Int to 22.

My conundrum is Artificer's are so SAD , with nearly everything tied to Int, that I could totally justify just continuing to boost Int until the max of 30. But then I lose out on any extra feat options at the expensive of boosting the core Artificer abilities.

So do I stay the course and shoot for 30 Int or detour a little for some feats.

15:21 UTC


[Advice] My DM has a crush on me, and it’s affecting the campaign—what do I do?

Hey everyone, I’ve been playing DnD for about two years now with a group that I really love. The DM has built an incredible homebrew world that I’m low-key obsessed with, and I’ve been super invested in my character’s story, usually messaging the DM theories and what not. But lately, I’ve noticed some things that are making me uncomfortable, and I’m not sure how to handle it.

Over the past few months, the DM has been giving my character a lot more focus in the campaign—more backstory storylines integrations, specific loot just for me, some really cool story moments that are only for her character. While I enjoy the spotlight for somethings (or think everyone deserves it at certain points during the campaign), it doesn’t feel fair to the other players with how long my spotlight is going on.

On top of that, the DM has been messaging me a lot more outside of the game to chat about my character, which seemed fine at first but has started to venture into chatting about other stuff. I didn’t mind because I thought we were just doing it as friends.

However, I just I found out through a mutual friend in the party that the DM has talked about his crush on me. This came at a terrible time because I just broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago (which I think is why he thinks it’s okay to act on it). And so now I’m just worried that the extra attention in-game might be tied to his feelings, and now I don’t know how to address it. As I want to keep playing, because I adore this campaign and the group, and I genuinely like the DM as a friend. But I also don’t want to encourage the crush or have an awkward conversation where I directly acknowledge it.

I’m really stuck here—how do I handle this without ruining the game or our friendship (or ending up on Rpghorrorstories?)Any advice is appreciated!

UPDATE: Thank you for everyone telling me this is or isn't a DnD issue, and more of a relationship issue. I do agree, however, I wanted some advice from DnD players given I would like to keep playing the game and only DnD players understand and can give advice on that. Thank you for all the responses I'm getting! Lots of advice to sort through.

15:20 UTC


Check out Roll 4 Gravity to start your next adventure, schedule games, and find your perfect party

Hey there Dungeon Masters, players and adventurers of all stripes!

Along with some friends and fellow players, I've been working on a new community and game scheduling tool. We're calling it Roll 4 Gravity, or 'R4G' for short. Our platform is a LFG (Looking For Group) and scheduling site designed with the community front and center. Our goal is tackling the modern challenges of online play—finding the right DM, group, or game; organizing & scheduling, and building trust & safety within the community. We want to make it easier for new and veteran players alike to discover and jump into games they’ll love.

Roll 4 Gravity offers tools for game discovery, organization, trust/safety, and community building—all with DMs and players in mind. And for those interested, we’ve also included optional monetization tools so DMs can offer premium sessions, accept tips, or both. But that's all optional—DMs are always able to organize games just for fun, and players don't need to spend a cent if they don't want to. We just provide the tools, and you decide what fits your game best. We also JUST launched a new polling feature to help you DMs defeat the dreaded scheduling monster! With "Poll 4 Gravity", you can poll your players to gauge interest and availability for new games, and ceate polls from past games to schedule future sessions in an ongoing adventure.

If you'd like to give us a go, you can sign up anytime at www.roll4gravity.com. And of course, we'd love to hear from you with any thoughts, feedback, feature requests or anything, really -- feel free to drop a comment or check out our discord to get involved in the convo!

15:00 UTC


Sad music for session tonight

A PC died during phase 1 of a boss fight last session and they aren't coming back, phase 2 of the fight is tonight but after it I'm looking for some sad background music to play through Spotify as the party collects themselves and processes who they've lost.

I really tried to find vax from critical roles sad tune "Elven dirge" but sadly the artist doesn't seem to of posted it on Spotify so i can't use that one sadly

14:26 UTC


DMs. Where did you take your Campaign after LMoP?

I’ve just finished running Lost Mines of Phandelver with my party and we’ll be playing on with me homebrewing their next adventure (still set in the sword coast).

For those DMs who ran LMoP and homebrewed their next adventures/arc in the Sword Coast, where did you take the story after Phandalin?

I’d love to hear your stories !

14:25 UTC


If my weapon git shillelahy and I use icy blade dose the main target take the shillelahy damage and the icy blade damage?

I'm trying to make a char and I got a shillelahy and an icy blade and I want to know if I can use them as a combo? Or one cancel the other?

12:53 UTC


How to create a custom Stat-Block-Generator?

11:16 UTC


What rules have you taken back to your 5.14 game

What 5.24 rule changes are you taking back into your 5.14 games? I'm thinking of going thru my 5.14 books and marking some rules with the new versions. Certainly 5.24 overall I'm not a fan of but i do like the odd thing.

10:12 UTC


How would you design an insert "one shot" where the players play as their PC's familiars?

A friend told me about their group where every player character had a familiar. Which got me thinking... How would you design a one shot for a group where the players play as their character's familiars, animal companions or other support critters? What could lead to the familiars having to act on their own? A rescue mission breaking the characters out of a prison? How would you handle the inherent deaslyness of such an adventure? Would you circumvent it by setting it in the home realm of the familiars? How would you handle the annual shapes? How fast and loose could you play it?

07:29 UTC


Trying to be suportive

Hi there! For the context, i DM for a group of 6 other players/friands and one of them recently asked if he could take a go at DMing. We agreed on a rotation between main adventure and shorter ones led by him (3 to 4 sessions max) for a nice change of path and the opportunity for me to be a PC again after years of DMing (yeaaah!). The shorts adventure are often dungeon crawl with a good mix of puzzles and fighting but i noticed that, being the most experienced players, my build tends to stay a bit above the rest of the party and i was like "you know what? For the next one i'm gonna make enverybody shine ! So i was thinking of playing a support bard for the next short but i'm not super familiar with the class and wanted your advice. What would be the best race/background/sub-class combination for a good/fun(/min-max maybe) support bard?

Ps: we're in eberron setting if that matters

Edit: forgot to say, we will most likely be lvl 5 or 6 and starting with a free feat

Second edit: we're still using the 2014 rules

06:43 UTC


Need help with class ideas for character!

Hi! Im a newbie DND player joining a fey-wild campaign and I'm super excited!

I love making characters and designs and don't really think about classes until I've basically made a whole character. Sometimes it's fine and the character fits an obvious class, but sometimes (like this time) I feel a bit stumped on what class would fit the best.

Am I overthinking it? Probably. But, I thought it couldn't hurt to ask for some opinions from DND players who know a bit more about classes than I do!

SO the character I made is for a fey wild kingdom, the story focuses more on rp and political intrigue. There's a lot of home-brew on the races and looks of the characters but classes are pretty standard (+bloodhunter). The game is low on combat, so I'm not really worried about maximizing traits, just want a class that suits the character!

Her name is Viatrix and she's a moth fae from the Court of Carapace. Her whole thing is that she loves gossip, gathering secrets and information... a bit too much. She's very sweet, but kind of naive and insensitive. I thought rogue at first but I felt like that was too "batman-ish", I really can't see her sneak attacking with a knife... but IDK! I was also thinking druid, like a stealth druid,,, but there's like, two other druids on the team lol

I really appreciate any thoughts or ideas for classes if you have any! Thank y'all!

05:53 UTC


Roll for creating defenses

I'm planning on running a oneshot loosely based on Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, and part of the session will involve building defenses for the town. However I'm not sure what to have them roll for this. Would a simple Strength roll suffice or would a specific skill be better?

05:30 UTC


Need help creating an evil ritual to command a dragon

A band of orcish necromancers have resurrected a long dead Black Dragon, in the hopes of using it in their war efforts to take down a dwarvish kingdom. The orcs succeeded in the resurrection, at great personal cost, and believed their job done. They strapped some magical collars to it, and perform grand rituals in order to command the dragon to do their bidding.

Plot Twist:
Over the course of its new undead existence, the dragon has begun to regain its old memories and intelligence. It has no desire to be a puppet, and would gladly murder the necromancers given the opportunity. However, it remains bound to their command, and thus has elected to hide its newfound intellect until said opportunity arises.

Following a failed attack on a dwarven city (thwarted by our heroic party), the orcs have regathered and have decided to drop their figurative nuke. To this end, they have prepared to perform the ritual required to command the dragon to attack the city.

Here's where I'm struggling.

I want to create an encounter where the party infiltrate this ritual and try to disrupt it. If they succeed, the dragon will remain sidelined, and thus out of the picture for now. But I want there to be an option for partial success/failure.

The orcs fail to command the dragon, and due to the party's actions, it breaks free of its restraints. For the current moment, it may be perceived as a neutral figure. Taking revenge on the orcs but happily attacking any pesky pc's that choose to confront it.

I'm struggling on how to create a scenario where I don't just handwave away their success. Punishing them for doing an inarguably good thing.

Can you help me?

04:34 UTC



Just wanna preface this post by saying, yes I know the gunslinger subclass exists but it doesn’t seem too appealing tbh so gonna disregard that for now, also I plan to use the new dnd 2024 rules. I wanna make a spaghetti western/Arthur Morgan type gunslinger and am looking at dual wielding hand crossbows on a fighter. Important to mention I intend to take the crossbow expert feat and am considering sharpshooter as well. I have two major questions:

A) Is Ranger better so this build?

B) Should I be carrying a heavy crossbow as well, if not what other weapons should I be carrying?

04:29 UTC


Questions about rolling speed

For context : We left off last session as the party tried to pull out a sword stuck in a rock (king Arthur style) But surprise the rock is actually a hurt Galeb Durh with sword planted in his back.

Actual question : In the stats block of the Galeb Durh I stumble upon the rolling speed for the first time. It has 10ft, 30ft rolling speed and even 60 downhill What makes it different from a normal speed, why would I ever use the 10 feet of walinkg speed instead of the 30 rolling speed ? Can the creature turn or just roll in straight line ? What if a large creature roll and a smaller creature is in the way ? Is it crushed somehow ? Does it take bludgeoning damage ? The Galeb Durh is a large creature (this one is anyway) since they will probably will try to mount him to take the sword, what if he rolls but someone is ON him ?

I read the movement section in the MM and in the PHB but it’s one of the few that is not mentioned..

Thanks for your help

04:11 UTC


Spellcaster multiclass advice?

Hi! I'm planning on playing a fate domain cleric, and was wondering if I should dip into divination wizard for two levels to get portent rolls , and on a lesser note arcane recovery/ spellbook hoarding. I'd definitely get war caster as my first feat, but do you guys think it's worth it? I've never done double full spellcaster multiclass, and from what I've read it's mainly wizard's dipping for domain and medium armor, but I can't find a ton of info on it working the other way around.

Any advice or opinions appreciated! I'm not in a very power game-y table, so it doesn't have to be perfectly optimized, but I at least want to carry my weight at the table, especially as I'd be the primary healer. Thanks!

EDIT: This would be for 2014 rules!

03:46 UTC


Mirror Image or Blink?

Reposting here too for more possible thoughts:

Hello everyone!

My character is an Arcane Trickster Rogue 4/Order of Scribes Wizard 5. Stats are 12 STR, 18 DEX, 12 CON, 13 WIS, 16 INT, CHA 14.

After the last fight, I got damaged pretty badly from a few attacks and want your guys’ opinions on which of the two defensive spells I should take. I’m in an area where I may get free time to shop for either of these spells and I have the money to copy either of these spells.

I’m just curious which is better for my character. I’m thinking Mirror Image is best as it’s a spell level lower than blink and I can still use reactions. But Blink may last longer throughout a combat compared to Mirror Image.

I also do have meta magic adept to quicken either of these spells to set up btw.

Also didn't mention in my other post that I'm a melee fighter a good chunk of the time, so I'm vulnerable to attacks.

So what are your guys’ thoughts? Thank you for your time in advance!

03:39 UTC


CUSTOM character shirt sale

Hey everybody,

Loot for the Party

Message us on Etsy for a custom tshirt design with your D&D character on it. Current sale starts at $25.49 for a limited time!

03:14 UTC

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