
Photograph via snooOG

Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediƦval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history?

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Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediƦval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the Steppes & Tibet.

Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history?


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Are you guys going to boot up as soon as RTP comes out or wait for your mod play set to fully update?

I know some modders get the update early so they can start working on their mods as early as possible and get their updates released (or something like that, idrk how coding or modding works) but are you guys waiting for the mods to update or just diving in?

I usually wait for the mods to catch up cause I feel like without my mods the game is not as interesting, but with the amount of updates and features the base game has received plus the landless feature (which I want to dive into ASAP) I think this will be the first time since I first got CK3 in 2022 that I do a vanilla playthrough.

18:53 UTC


Will the new start date be exclusive to those that buy the dlc

I don't buy dlc but I really wanna play the new start date 3:

1 Comment
17:27 UTC


Is there a way to set your steam workshop mods don't update.

I have made a good stable load order. Now by September 24, new DLC will drop. And I don't plan on buying it on launch. But slowly mod authors will update their mods and they will ultimately broken for my game version. I also don't plan to update my CK3 version for this year atleast, keep older version with steam options. So is there a way to keep things static for a while.

Since steam mods get updated and no way to access older versions unlike Skyrim modding on Nexus and MO2.

17:01 UTC


Woman Rulers and Polygamy Suggestion

Considering how as a female ruler, you can pass off bastards as trueborn, I think you should also be allowed to pass off any of your husbands' children as all of theirs.

Mechanically it would give some advantage to women polygamist regnants over men who can have many more children throughout their life and it would kind of make sense, without DNA testing probably not even the mother could be sure who's the sperm donor in that situation (barring eunuchs).

Men would face challenges in their wives wanting their children to be favored while women would be challenged with a more vulnerable succession pool but fewer rival spouses (at least towards your children) and male rulers with their own land/claims being less willing to enter those relationships because they wouldn't be able to know. Thoughts?

16:30 UTC


I love Ai Borders

15:59 UTC


Why can't I form the Outremer Empire?

I control Egypt, Jerusalem, Arabia, jazaria , Syria and mesopotamia with all of their de jure territories under my wing , I'm independent, religious icon and a living legend but I still can't form it , wdid?

14:48 UTC


Any mod for map colours?

one thing i hate about ck3 is when you lose the map colours of realms when you go closer in, is there any mod out there can counters this, similar to the screenshot above/base ck2? thanks

14:26 UTC


There can only be one Rome (But conquering the Germans would create too much border gore)

14:12 UTC


Do you think we'll be able to play as the Ottomans in Roads to Power? Osman I's grandfather is around 12 years old in 1178 and he'd be a great landless character to play as

13:55 UTC


Accidentally changed dynasty by electing a bastard.

How do i change the dynasty im playing as? I accidentally elected a bastard as my heir and he founded his own dynasty. Im trying to marry my old dynasty back into the new one but i cant elect them as heirs.

13:52 UTC


Why don't there seeem to be any prominant alt-history mods for CK3 that utilize the vanilla map and startdates?

No hate at all on super-ambitious total conversion works like EK2, AGOT, ATE ect ect. But it's just really surpring to me that EU4 has quite a few wellknown alt-history 1444 starts and CK3 doesnt.

Given that CK3's flavour is mostly implemented "generically" - that is, acessable through being of the correct culture, or religion ect, you'd think it'd be a perfect fit. Whereas alt-histories for EU4 have to write a tonne of unique mission trees and events often unique to a single tag to even begin to compare to the vanilla experience.

Like this isn't so much even a complain as it is confusion. You'd think the workshop would full of "what if the Vikings beat Alfred the Great" 1066 starts.

13:40 UTC


The head cook busts into the kitchen, "get rid of the cilantro, now! Good god for all our sakes just do it, I'll explain later!"

13:29 UTC


My Height, my Husbands Height, my Heir's Height

13:25 UTC


Tune in tomorrow at 2pm CEST for our final Dev Diary before the release of Roads to Power! In this DD we're covering the new Scheme system, as well as new story content for certain bookmark characters.

11:56 UTC


Why is my character's daughter my player heir and not his 1st born son who's the heir to both kingdoms (thanks to Tanistry).

11:42 UTC


Healthiest old man I've ever had

11:37 UTC


Finally, I understood why clan succession doesn't make sense. The tooltips are wrong.

I have tried to fully understand the mechanism behind succession laws for quite some time. While the wiki and this guide explain feudal succession laws well, I couldn't make sense of clan succession laws as they often led to unexpected results. I did a lot of testing to understand how clan succession exactly works, which showed me that something has to be wrong. Finally, I looked into the code only to find out that the tooltips are indeed wrong:

`clan_impassive_partition_succession_law = {`

	`succession = {`

		`primary_heir_minimum_share = 0.25`


clan_friendly_partition_succession_law = {

	`succession = {`

		`primary_heir_minimum_share = 0.33`



`clan_harmonious_partition_succession_law = {`

	`succession = {`

		`primary_heir_minimum_share = 0.66`



So, impassive partition gives 25% of titles, as stated in the tooltip. But friendly gives 33% instead of 50%, and harmonious gives 66% instead of 75%. So with harmonious succession, if you have 12 duchy+ titles and multiple landless heirs, the primary heir will get 8 of these. Empire, kingdom, and duchy titles are added together for the calculation, and rounding always favors the primary heir. Non-primary heirs always get lower ranking de jure titles belonging to inherited titles. So if a non-primary heir inherits a kingdom of which you hold more than three de jure duchies, your primary heir will get fewer than 8 duchy+ titles.

Which duchy+ title gets inherited to which heir depends on the order they appear in the character screen; landless non-primary heirs tend to inherit "younger" titles, so if you want to give them another title, you can destroy an "old" title, and create it again to make the title "younger."

Landed non-primary heirs prioritize titles of which they already own de jure parts. So if a non-primary heir will inherit a kingdom title you don't want to lose, you may grant them a duchy title that belongs to another kingdom so they will inherit that kingdom instead. This only works with titles one rank below, so giving counties of the de jure kingdom will not affect the order of succession.

09:49 UTC


I had a vision of Jarl Haestenn while being severely ill

It happened yesterday, the day that came before today. I had a fever dream, and in that dream i saw many, but then i saw him, Jarl Haesteinn. I saw him, and he spoke to me. He said that he, is Jarl Haesteinn, the legendary viking, the Haesteinn, who plundered Rome, and who razed and plundered many more. He said that, and I've listened. He said that i must go to Jerusalem, to Israel, i must go there, and become the very ruler of that land. He said that, and I've listened. He said that after that, i must defeat Iran and his proxie states, and that this is my holy duty, proclamed by him, proclamed bu Jarl Haesteinn. He said that, and I've listened. Then he said, i must go further north. I must remove Erdogan, the ruler of Turkey, and that what I must do, because that what he said to me, that was what said Jarl Haesteinn. Then, i must connect great nations of Turkey, Azerbaijan, and many more nations, descendants of the Turks, and that there will be much of rejoice. He said that, and I've listened. Then he said, i must gather all my loyal troops, and I must go even further north. I must go to Russia, and remove Putin, and retake Moscow, the third Rome. He said I must take Moscow, and then i must sacrifice many, in the name of him, in the name pf Jarl Haesteinn. I asked him, who i must sacrifice, I asked him, and he'd listened. He 'd listened, and he replied, that I already know who i must sacrifice to him, to Jarl Haesteinn, in the name of him, the first of his name. He said that, and I've listened, and i felt much of rejoice. Then he said, i must go into Belarus, and remove Lukashenko, and then i must go into Hungary, and remove Orban. He said that, and I've listened. Then he said, I must unite Europe, against all odds, and that I will, I will reunite it even without bloodshed, because he said, that Europe will let me reunite it willingly. He said that, and I've listened. Then he said, I must go to China, and conquer it, in the name of Jarl Haesteinn, the first of his name. After I will conquer China, he said, I must sacrifice even much more in the name of Jarl Haesteinn, and democracy. He said that, and I've listened, and I've felt much of rejoice. He said that I must do all of that, and after that, there will be even more much of rejoice. He said that, and I've listened. He askede at last, would I do it, and if I could do it for him, and his fame, fame of Jarl Haesteinn, the first of his name. He said that, and I've listened. I've listened, and I've replied, if all enemies of mine, and all enemies of him, Jarl Haesteinn, the first of his name, will unite against us, they may cause me a little trouble. Then he asked me: "but would you loose?", and I've responded: "nah, I'd win". I said that, and there were much of rejoice. At last, Jarl Haesteinn went. And I've at last felt much of rejoice, and my very own will to make his will come true, in the name and fame of Legendary Jarl Haesteinn, and so I will do. That was my vision, and that was what happened, and there were much of rejoice

09:48 UTC


Mina di Eufrosina? More like Claude Frollo.

09:02 UTC


Will I remain in iron man mode?

If I lose all of land and become unlanded will I stay in iron man mode and can continue my game?

08:46 UTC


Forming Kurdistan?

Is there a way to form kurdistan in ck3? If so, what culture and religion work best?? Thanks!

07:20 UTC


It would be cool if the title history could include the Co-Emperors.

Like, on the date a co-king or co-emperor is appointed, you can see their tiny portrait next to a bigger portrait showing the senior monarch.

07:15 UTC


I dearly love CK3, but the game is really too easy.

I fired up a new campaign (with all DLCs), and my goal was just to form Lombardy and play tall.

But the game makes it impossible, because my liege is just too inept. Keeps losing all manner of faction wars or defensive wars, to the point where if I wanted to be in peace and quiet I had to become king of Italy.

Legitimacy is... nice, but it's not really that limiting. Money fixes everything.

The AI is just resolutely terrible at everything it does. I don't understand why I cannot, in the base game, have a difficulty setting where the AI is either better or has massive hidden boni, because it really needs them.

As the game is right now, if you focus on stewardship and revenue, by 1100 just with your demesne you have more cash flow that even the larget AI empires. You end up conquering the world almost accidentally.

For a game with "crusade" in its title, the reality of it is that I never actually go on crusades until I actually have a stack of 30k men and I can win it on my own. Otherwise those are pointless endeavours.

06:46 UTC


somehow had 700+ reserves right after a war

06:34 UTC


What do we actually know about Landless Adventuring?

I don't know a whole lot (even though I'm very excited) for it. I'm assuming you can have some kind of mercenary band, and I know you can eventually settle down after going from court to court. I'm also just assuming you can be a master seducer (like normal, but with more options because you can travel further I guess). But what if you want to pick a religion and try to spread (or revive) it without having land? I honestly don't know what you can do and would love to know more (without hunting down dev diaries and reading a bunch of stuff I don't care about at the moment).

06:27 UTC

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