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Should I stay or quit my new career?

Hi all,

Looking for a bit of advice.

M 24, I've been diagnosed with ADHD from the age of 8 so I've always known I had it, However as of 2 weeks ago I've finally been on medication and it has completely changed my life.

My impulsivity has evaporated and I've taken on new hobbys like reading and writing, things I could never do prior to medication.

The issue comes however when I was 21 I worked in Finance and wanted to succeed but as a result of the ADHD I was unable to perform any of the tasks and went through 3 jobs.

I was fired from my 3rd job and decided to transition in to teaching, being unmedicated I was drawn to the idea of teaching thinking it would be games and fun.

I am currently a teachers aid and will in 3 months be qualified to teach, Im currently employed at a school with very clear behavioural issues so it may be clouding my judgement.

However now that I am medicated I have very little interest in teaching. Now that I am medicated my attention and orgsnization are phenomenal and I've been drawn to returning to finance and giving it a shot now that I've been through so much and organized.

However after studying teaching for a year I feel guilty leaving it behind as I've dedicated so much time to it, however this was a pre medicated decision so I question its validity.

The truth is im incredibly anxious and worried as all I want is stability I.e a happy job and not to be stressed about jobs and what I'll do. But also being 24 going on 25 I am not contempt with pursuing junior jobs and never progressing a career.

Sorry for the long winded message all advice welcomed and appreciated.

06:00 UTC


Where else to find a good paying job?

So, I have a CS degree but for me it has been so hard to get a job in tech that provides me with a good salary. I am looking to change career paths to something else where the profession can be more stable and provides room for growth.

I don't plan to go to college to get another degree. I'm aiming to reach the goal of making 80k a year.

Anyone here have any suggestions what could be a good profession that provides high paying income, stability and room for advancement that I would be able to find a job?

thanks guys!

05:53 UTC


Should I take a CSM certification or hold on for now?

I currently have only 2 year experience as a Digital Marketing Analyst. However for the last year I've been drawn towards CSM and would definitely take it up followed by PMP eventually. These certifications will definitely help me propell in my career. I know for the fact that CSM can be done in 2 days and get certified. What's bothering me is weather my 2 years of experience with a CSM certification would be appealing enough for recruiters in the job market? I'd really appreciate any kind of advice on how to go about with this.

05:35 UTC


Resume Advice & Talking to Recruiters after Long Term Travel Sabbatical?


I am partially looking for advice, but also interested in others stories who have taken extended time off abroad (1-2 years) for travel and returned to their field or the workforce. Or even advice from those in recruitment.

I am in the process of updating my resume and talking to recruiters, but I am incredibly hesitant on their reactions to my extended travel sabbatical. It has not all been "vacation", as my breakdown has been:

  • 6 mo. travel
  • 1 year working holiday in Australia
  • 6 mo. teaching science in Thailand

So I guess my question is two parts

  1. On my resume, do I leave all of this off completely and leave my last job as March 2022 - xxxxx without further updates and just explain the gap when I talk on the phone? Or how can I spin my time off into something more positive in the eyes of recruiters? I am itching to return to my field, but I want to come up with a truthful way that will NOT deter the recruiters.
  2. on Phone calls with recruiters, how do I spin the story positively about taking such an extended time off from my field (~2 years is pretty long). Should I be 100% honest, saying I was burnt out and after taking a working holiday opportunity, that opportunity led to the next in me teaching for a bit?

For those who have taken extended time off, and went back, how did you approach this? Did you list anything during travel on your resume? How did you spin it to the recruiters for them to see it positively?

Thank you all, I am very nervous to talk to a recruiter for a position I want and she is asking for my updated resume

05:35 UTC


How to negotiate a better job out of a second interview for a crappy job?

I have a second interview coming up for a Patient Communications Specialist position at a healthcare software company. When I got offered the initial interview I was very excited. I have 7 years experience as a patient coordinator in a clinic and want to move over into the tech part of healthcare.

After the first interview, I learned the pay for this role is incredibly low. I asked about the upward mobility in this position and it’s not great either. The company has a customer success role open that I’m interested in, but the person who interviewed me said they are looking for someone with project management experience for that role.

I agreed to a second interview for the low paying role, but feel I’m over qualified for it. I’d still like to work for this company though and feel I could do this customer success/ project management role if they just gave me a chance.

Has anyone here gotten a new/ better role out of an interview for a shitty role? I hope that makes sense.

I could use advice on how to navigate this conversation in my second interview. Any one have any tips to share?

Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
05:24 UTC


How to manage different people at work?

I’m currently in a creative career and am part of middle management. At work, I’m dealing with different personalities, but I’m stuck on how to deal with higly skilled designers with big ego.

It’s come to a point where, unless this person is leading a project, any other support role - this person is hard to work with, there is always friction in collaboration.

To grow in my career I want to be able to resolve this or at least be able to successfully manage even these types of people.

What’s your advice on how to successfully manage this type of person at work, gain even their respect and create successful collaboration environment with others?

1 Comment
05:21 UTC


Is Kinesiology worth it? Plus other contemplations

I'm a hs senior right now about to graduate in less than a month. I have no idea if I actually like kinesiology. Reading about the programs and experiences at csuf and CPP excites me but you know what doesn't? When everyone says a BS in kinesiology is basically useless. I'm not sure if I would even want to do grad school or not for PT or athletic training. I've also been contemplating becoming a rad tech at my local cc but I've heard the waitlist is like 3-4 years (😬). I've also been contemplating pta programs but my biggest problem is trying to find a local cc that doesn't have a huge waitlist or that doesn't have the 18 year of age requirement (I'm 17 and won't be 18 until late October). Now this sounds like a rant but I guess I'm just really confused on how to go about not wasting time on something I'm not even sure I want to do or on something that will not earn me the type of pay I want (also job availability for BS in kin sucks).

05:15 UTC


can anyone help me or can give me some pieces of advice during job interview?

Hello. Im a fresh grad. and a registered Criminologist. I just got an interview about last week and it was a horrible experience because of my anxiety. I can't manage my anxiety during the actual interview. Can anyone help me?

05:12 UTC


Reference check?

Please explain

My previous employer responded to a reference check stating “ Satisfactory performance but not rehirable” will this hurt my chances of getting the job I applied for? I left the company because I accepted another position during my 6 months probationary period. I put in my 2 weeks but they cut it short.

05:05 UTC


60k debt public policy BS, worth anything?? or am i making a mistake

i’m likely going to go to law school bc i’ve always wanted to do employment law (employee side), but now i’m not 100% sure. just like 95%. so i want to take a gap year or two to see if i can make anything of myself in the political field. i’ve done 2 internships, both for grassroots orgs with ties to my states gov, mingled with state reps but not congressional, etc. i’m hoping to get in to a senators internship this fall when i can afford to work for her

but i’m thinking more and more about this degree and i don’t really go to a great school. standard state school in a country with a bunch of them. is this a waste of a major?

04:51 UTC


Should I quit my part time job on the spot?

So I’m a food runner at a local restaurant I just found out that almost all of my co-workers have quit should I follow along and quit too? I have been working at this place for 3 and a half years and have been treated subpar and planned on quitting formally in a few months. My only concern is i will be quitting on the spot and not putting in a notice I plan on getting a job right after and was worried about putting this job on a resume but I don’t want to leave it out due to working there for so long. The only reason I’m would like to just quit on the spot is because I’m going to be the only food runner working a busiest weekend of the year.

04:49 UTC


Is it worth it?

Dear community,

I am a data scientist with 4 yoe in India. I applied for data science masters this year in the US and received an admit from Indiana University Bloomington. Well, the reasons why I applied were:

  1. I did my UG in ECE, so doing a masters in DS would make my profile better
  2. Fill my gaps and iterate through good projects in my area of interests such as Stats, Optimisation etc.

However, I am confused whether to pursue masters considering the job market and the H1B visa process. I am happy with my job here which pays also really well (>40L).

I would eventually like to come back to India. So considering my reason for masters is upskilling and getting a masters degree from a reputed institution, what do you think I should do? Is there a better way?

04:43 UTC


Is Working 2 Internships Simultaneously Realistic?

I'm an undergraduate student, and I have found two internships, one of which is part time and a passion of mine (pro bono, labor rights, etc.), and the other being commercial law, and full-time. The second one is a very reputable firm, and has a moonlight clause, but the first doesn't; I talked about moving my working hours to fully online, so I can do it over weekends if necessary to which they agreed. Essentially, I think I can pass off the first internship as a volunteering position; Would this breach the clause below?

"This offer letter shall supersede any prior agreements, promises, representations or understandings of any kind, whether made orally in writing or otherwise with regard to the subject of your employment."

If I could, I would move the second internship over to the next summer, but I'm scared that if I ask them, they'll simply say I can't come in. Reason why I want to do this second internship is 1: It would be more experience at a respected firm, and it's paid, which would really help out (first internship is an unpaid volunteer-internship).

Caveat is that from what the hiring officer told me, I'm going to be the only undergraduate intern in the cohort, so I'll probably receive a lot less work.

Should I go through with both? If so, the dates overlap completely. Can I maybe "edit" the date for one of them, so that it doesn't overlap on my resume?

Should I wait until end of Summer to update my LinkedIn, or can I do it now?

04:42 UTC


What jobs to look for?

Hi I’m new here but I was wondering if anyone had any job ideas out there? I majored in Criminal Justice and minored in Computing Technology & Applicarions!

04:16 UTC


Hi I have a final interview coming as a service designer as part of a graduate program. How would I prepare for that any suggestions? Thanks!

The role looks like it’ll be CoE, service design and digital journeys. I did a degree that focused on research/UX/UI/product design/data visualisation and only one assessment on service/CX design

I’ve made it to the final stage of a graduate program in product and service design for customer experience for the biggest telecommunications company in the country. In the Q&A I’ll be meeting graduates in a virtual setting to get to know them about life of the company and ask them any questions I have. Is this more to get to know the company or are they assessing me? My dad said to read the annual report on the company to know about them. Any other suggestions?

Then the next stage is a case study on a topical issue prior to the interview where I’ll do a 3-5 minute pitch. I’ll have 30 minutes to prepare and it’s relevant to the companies current and future environment. They’ve told me the value is ‘trust each other to deliver and they said I’m not required to prepare anything prior. This is the one I’m most anxious for in my degree I didn’t much CX design in my degree I had like one assessment in my UX studio and a 30 minute prep time is giving me anxiety that I won’t know how to start it like in the case study I’ll focus on the user/org and what the problem is, draw out pain points, reframe the problem if it’s needed then make a solution. Idk how to do that in 30 minutes

Then the final one is an interview asking why was I motivated to apply and there’ll be several behavioral questions asking about past experiences in the workplace of at uni and to use the care method.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

I’m also anxious because there’s only been grad roles and I’ve been job searching for a bit and idk what I’ll do if I don’t get it because of how mad the job market is and the economy it’s been nearly a year

I’m also going to learn the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, values and learn about the company and their strategic and business values

03:44 UTC


Is becoming an accountant a solution?

I'm korean. During 2000s, english education was considered the most important one. I went to int school, several english academies, my family bought me books if they were in english etc. typical asian elite parents.

But the problem started in high school. Obviously im a native korean so no issue with talking and reading. However, taking korean SAT was a big obstacle to me. The korean reading subject gave me a big fuck.

Written korean words are usually derived from chinese characters(han ja), and figuring out the meanings of those words was not in my system bc i was way too immeresed in eng.

Too long paragraphs with too hard vocabularies. I couldnt get a decent score. And this subject takes up a large portion.

Long story short. I spent my age 20-22 in a no sunlight indoor academy, 7am-10pm, to get into college. It was my decision to do this and altho i do not regret this, idk sometimes i have some issues like anxiety attacks and depression.

If those years led to a top tier school, i wouldnt have this feeling. I landed on a low tier, which i cannot say the name to any friends or cousins. At the end of the day, i failed on korean reading subject. Nice grades on the other subjects but lower than avg score in korean led to hemorrhage.

Now im in this party school in Seoul studying econ. Noticed that low tier school means that exchange students' level are also low. Most of them are here to get some long term visa and run to rural area to work illegally. Learned this when trying to small talk to them. Lectures are bad and colleagues are worse.

Been thru rough phase figuring what to do with my life, thought of getting a us cpa could be a solution. Accountant job is highly valued here, and since my korean is so bad and korean cpa is a bloodbath, this is the only way.

Question is, is this plan good? Running away to oversea after a getting cpa? My parents make a nice living here so part of me wants to stay here with them, while that means no development in my life and no job cuz u need korean cpa to work here.

03:44 UTC


Is it ever a good idea to take a pay cut for a title promotion?

The company I worked at just closed like.. this week. Before they closed things were weird so I was already looking for a new role. Due to that I was able to land a interview just a few days after being laid off.

Here's the catch. The remote company that closed was paying me 100k as a trainer in the L&D department so the compensation was great but I absolutely lacked passion in the role. I stayed because I knew how to do it and it paid well. I was looking for roles similar to mine that payed similar or more and they are HARD to come by. I've been applying to jobs casually, to jobs that I'm qualified for, since November 2023 and only landed 2 interviews.

My latest job interview pushed me straight through to the second round, which is exciting. It's a job at a non-profit with a strong mission that I can stand behind, absolutely a passion job. It also comes with an upgrade on title, and if I get the job I would be the Manager of Training, as opposed to a L& D specialist/ training facilitator, which is huge because im pretty early in my career (graduated college in 2018). The catch is it only pays 63-66k which is a SIGNIFICANT drop from where I was.

I would walk away but seeing as I don't have a job at all right now, I'm leaning towards taking it. Is it worth it or should I just live off of my severance and keep looking until I run out of that money?

03:30 UTC


Is there any hope for a Bioeconomist in this economy ?

Losing time and options as a Bioeconomist

Its been almost a year since I graduated in Bioeconomy. My friends went in all directions some went for the start-up, some in consulting and others are selling jewellery online. I want to know my options. I have been applying for phd and jobs at the same time just so I dont sit at home unemployed and pull out my hair.

Undergrad in STEM and then Masters in Bioeconomy. What are my chances in this economy ? What are my career options ? Do I see the light at the end of the tunnel sooner or later ? Seeking advice from professionals and people who are in the field.

03:25 UTC


How do I ask a company that I interned at two years ago if could intern again this summer?

I was able to intern at a company in the summer of 2022 and genuinely enjoyed my time there.

I haven't had the opportunity to keep in touch with them as I got busier, but I was able to leave an impression as I was their sole intern.

How could I go around asking if there's an opportunity and if there is, that I'd also be willing to go through the interview and application process again?

03:24 UTC


Is this job hopping!?!?

I’ve worked at the same company for nearly a decade.

I had a short stint 8 years ago where I left for a short stint and came back.

I’ve had a few different roles within the company over the years. Accountant for nearly five, and then switched to a Business Unit Budget Manager and then a year to the central Budget team. In those four years in finance I had the same title and worked in the same subsidiary; I would argue it was the same job just a different team. I just accepted a people manager in another department of the company but I’m worried I’ve backed myself into a niche finance component of the company after working on this team for a few months. What sounded really neat has turned out to be very dry and not what I was hoping.

My issue was I was getting great performance reviews but had nowhere to go.

If this doesn’t work out, I may have to consider leaving the company. My issue has been that our org chart is messy and there aren’t clear paths to moving up the chain.

I assume if I have to update my resume externally I can show my four year stint in finance as one position because the title and the subsidiary I was on were congruent between the two teams?

I’ve been told internal transfers are not job hopping but wanted to get others thoughts?

My path to breakdown:

3 years BU Budget Manager 1 Year Central Budget

The job title and subsidiary I was on was the same for both. I could list these combined on an external resume.

New role 4 months, was a step up to a people manager role, but the finance function is much more niche than I anticipated and worried about future prospects on this path

I could argue from an external perspective I’ve been at one company for nearly 10 years and there are no job hopping issues because it was within the same company? Is this wrong to think this way?!?

Thoughts on all this welcome

03:17 UTC


Flying to an out of state interview?

Hey guys,

I interviewed for an entry level role with my university in a different state as a support role. The first interview went really great and they seemed really interested. They offered me a second interview (I couldn't make it because I currently live outside of the state my university is in).

My university is in a high COL area and the salary is $38K a year. It would give me tuition waiver assistance, an employee scholarship, health insurance, etc., and flexibility of being able to work on campus and study there.

They said interviews are closing down within 1-2 weeks, so flight costs are a bit on the extreme higher end. I applied 2 months ago, and had my first interview 2 weeks ago.

I was debating "flying" down there for an interview at my own expense, but I had to rescind on the second interview given my circumstances. It seems a bit absurd / extreme that I'd do that, but they seemed really interested and supportive of my academic and career goals in the interview.

As stupid as this is, due to some personal / housing / family / financial reasons, I purposely applied for this job to be closer to my campus (I'm an online student). Would it be okay to email / call the recruiter and request another second interview if I could "fly" down for the day for the interview, or is that a bit extreme?

03:11 UTC


Has anyone done a Procter and Gamble internship?

Has anybody been through the Procter and Gamble Internship for HR Managers? Did you receive a full time offer after? Do you have any tips on how to be successful?

03:08 UTC


Rapid assistants thoughts?

Hi I'm a breadwinner switching from BPO industry to VA world is Rapid assistants stable agency to work with? Kasi di ako pwede na mawalan ng sahod ng matagal dahil madami akong bills na binabayadan.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts in advance ❤️

02:54 UTC



1 Comment
02:48 UTC


Should I get out of tech?

Thinking of a career change from tech

I’ve been working in tech since graduating college some 4.5 years ago. I’ve had a pretty solid career progression in this path and managed to pull in over 300k in total comp in 2023 and will likely be able to do it this year as well.

I’ve put in a lot of work and effort into my growth and knowledge in my field in tech thus far, and have a loose plan I’ve been following to continue that trajectory. However, I’ve been asking myself recently if this is even the route I want to be going. Every morning I wake up and feel like it’s Groundhog Day. I work remote, and wouldn’t want to go back into an office in this position, so am constantly under fear there will be a RTO.

I really just don’t have much of a passion or motivation to continue to go this direction. And to be honest, I don’t really know which direction I should be going.

I’m thinking of taking a career break to think about what I want to do. I’ve thought about potentially going to flight school, learning electrical engineering, or even getting into trading jewelry. I have saved enough money to potentially put myself through 2 years of schooling if need be.

Has anyone gone through a significant career change? How did it formulate and play out?

02:38 UTC


Path for Someone Picky, with Health Issues? Medical Coding?

Hey everyone! I'm looking to explore new paths, but I recognize that I am a particularly picky. I think it's better to be honest with myself about what won't work for me long-term - especially before I spend any money on a new degree :)


  • I have gallbladder issues, which will eventually need surgery. Sometimes it causes digestive issues. Hard labor is out, since then I would need much longer recovery time. Remote work would be ideal.

  • I absolutely need a regular sleep schedule, or I fall into deep depression. I don't want to do something where working nights is expected.

  • I don't want to work around children.

  • I would ideally prefer to not do another 4-year degree.

Interests & Skills:

  • I have one of those "worthless" humanities degree (I know), but for jobs that just care about having any bachelor's - got that covered.
  • I took online classes throughout my degree. I excelled in that sort of independent time management.
  • I really enjoy stats and algebra. I tutored another student in stats for a semester.
  • I really enjoy writing long research papers.
  • I have customer service and management experience.


  • Health maintenance & work-life balance matter more than the highest pay for me.

I am thinking about looking into medical coding? Are there any other options you would suggest I research?

1 Comment
02:37 UTC


What are the jobs can one get as a literature major?

I'm a science major. I'm in high school. I'm choosing majors for universities. Though i like science a lot. I've been thinking about literature major. But I want a stable future. I have some options like genetic Engineering, Biochemistry, Applied Chemistry and some other subjects. Now I've always loved literature. It was like an escape to me whenever I was feeling restless with my studies. but it was always like a hobby. So I don't know much about It's career perspective. For example the job market of it,what are the common jobs I can get, if i want a stable & good income what jobs would I be able to do, or what would be the future of those jobs? .. ( I don't mean to offend anyone. I really want some guidance). Thank you.

02:37 UTC


call back the same day as the final round interview- did i get the job?

Hi! I recently went through a couple rounds at a top law firm for a role that I am prioritizing. I had the final round interview with a partner at the firm and the conversation went really well- did not feel like an interview. She asked me one question; why did I want this role and then went into great depth about what the work entails as well as the work environment. Often stressing that it was a great working environment with lots of work life balance, almost like "selling" me on the position. Additionally, she asked when I could start and expressed that it was really nice to talk with me. The interview also went over 30 minutes by ten minutes.

A couple hours later I received a phone call from the recruiter in a very enthusiastictone and was asked how did the interview go as well as when could I start and if I was ok with the start date (they had not told me of the start date until this call). Additionally, she told me that she would be following up with me regarding next steps. Wouldn't they discuss sending over a job offer? I am not sure where I stand? Has anyone gone through anything similar like this? Am I a backup candidate?

02:23 UTC


What are your thoughts about shifting to the medical as a caretaker or nurse?

Hello, do you think it's advisable to shift from current career ( teacher with customer service and admin work experience) to the medical field, preferably care taker or nurse? What are your thoughts on this?

The goal is of course the pay (with the assumption that being in the medical field has better pay) and the person (f35) has a great knack for taking care of others.

With this, she was offered to study nursing but is unsure if she'll push through being that she's the sole provider for her family. They're thinking 3-4 years she be able to finish it but both her and I are not so sure about nursing here in the country ( Philippines) considering she has to get experience before going abroad to increase her chances of getting hired abroad plus she'll be on the older side when that happens.

Thank you in advance for the input and insights.

02:17 UTC


Is it wise to try my shot at MBA in IIM or just play safe with MS in CS in CSULB?

Currently I am a 23yr old BE computer science graduate with 1.5yr work experience as a full stack developer. Now I have a admit to California State University Long beach for Ms in CS program. But due to the job market state in US, I am rethinking my decisions. Should I give up my dream and go try to get into IIMs for MBA or just move forward with full faith. Ps I need to take out a loan of 30lakhs if I am moving aboard. Plus I have 8.64 cgpa and above 90 percent in both 10th n 12th. But need to start prepping for CAT. I am very confused about whether I will miss out on my only opportunity to go to the US. But, I want to know if doing an MBA here in India is worth it, provided I try and land in a good business school.

02:14 UTC

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