
Photograph via snooOG

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Freelancers who switched from regular job - do you still work as subcontractors for your old employer?

Has it worked out for you? Or maybe its better to "start fresh"?

23:06 UTC


Webdev - do clients trust single freelancers or web agencies more?

Currently i work as a freelancer and my clients know they interact with someone who does that work instead of some boss who delegates things to do. Some probably like this personal level of communication.

But i am wondering if this makes me miss some opportunities. Maybe some clients think that some "guy in the basement" is not professional enough? Maybe they would be more inclined to work with some "web agency", which suggest they deal with some serious organization?

22:58 UTC


Freelance Architect & Interior designer, how did you start?

I have been trying to shift from an office job to full time freelancing for the past few years. I worked with a company that basically considered my work as part time while giving me full time workload, just allowed me to work from home. I am now seeking better freelance work but I don't know how to go about it. My hope is to get more international work than anything local to me. Do you have advice? (I have a behance set up).

20:00 UTC


Help Client

Hello friends, im new to freelancing and luckily i have some clients that asks me about the price for a mobile app project. How can i price this ? The task is relatively easy but at the same time i want it to be priced the way it is (on average) and not be taken advantaged / lowballed ;-;

18:35 UTC


Expanding network - which conferences / fairs are you visiting for networking ?

I am based in EU would also travel to other continents. I work in fashion and marketing but would also consider other kind of fairs etc for networking for cross-marketing purposes and simply broaden my network and learn more about other fields.

Which events do you like to visit ?

1 Comment
17:03 UTC


Need help as a beginner.

I'm thinking to learn video editing to freelance, what tutorials should I follow? And what sites should I use to get hired. Please help

07:14 UTC


Retainer negotiating

I’m a 3D artist located in California, client as well. I was presented an opportunity to take on a client on retainer from a client I’ve had before. He has a large marketing company with some major clients. I’ve done some projects for him before with other companies everything being social media advertising content. This retainer situation would be to create 4 3D animations for their social media a month and also creating animated billboard advertisements. The offer was $2000 a month. This would be my first retainer situation as im newer to the business side of all this. Is this an accurate offer? I tried negotiating closer to $3000 and still waiting for a response but im concerned I made a mistake attempting to negotiate the deal.

To add I would also be required to be a large part of the creative direction aspect of the animations as well as possibly shoot videos on site for when we do vfx content.

03:53 UTC


First portfolio website: Adobe portfolio or skip to something better? (SEO)

I'm at the phase of wanting to put a simple and compact photography portfolio online. Main purpose would be to point potential clients I've already approached in person towards one single place showcasing my best photos + about me and contact info. These basic requirements would normally be perfectly handled by something like Adobe portfolio, however:

Let's say I give a client a link to my portfolio site and they decide to revisit the site at a later time, forget about the link, and try googling my name. This, or they mention my name to other potential clients instead of retrieving the link I gave them. Would they immediately bump onto my adobe portfolio site through Google's search results, or would I need a higher grade website host for better SEO so people can find me more easily?

I'm pretty much new to SEO as you might guess. I know what it is in essence, but not at all how it operates or how it is improved and through which means.

Apart from Adobe portfolio's basic layout functionalities, which isn't really a concern to me at this point, would you say there are other impediments to using this instead of something more advanced for my first portfolio?

So in summary: a site builder with decent showcasing features + easy to find would be my main requirements. Don't really know how to manage the latter part yet.

14:34 UTC


Stagnant Growth as a Freelancer

So I have been a freelancer for almost three years now and have had some good clients but have only made around $10k. Now I am at a point where my proposals are not even viewed, no invitations, and the jobs are very quickly filled. I am based in Australia and we seem to be asleep when the rest of the world is posting jobs and getting hired. So my question is, what should I do, or is there some expert of some sort that I can get in touch with who can review my profile? I am just stuck and I am studying so I don't know what to do. Any comments are welcomed.

23:34 UTC


How to deal with inconsistent income?

I left full-time teaching (8 years) and have been freelance private tutoring my own students for 10 months. It's all very new to me.

There are months where I'd make double or even triple than what I used to make. But now I've hit a month where I barely made anything as my (mostly wealthy) students are off on summer holidays.

Doesn't feel great. The uncertainty of how much $ I'd make at the end of each month gives me anxiety.

How do you guys deal with it?

17:17 UTC


When to walk away from a potential client?

I am a new freelancer animator and a content creator with a huge following. I was thrilled when I was approached by a marketing campaign to create an animation for their client. A small business with plans for one year usage rights for TV and billboard exposure. The whole thing started as an excitement project (give that even tho they are a small business, they would be my first big client), but it has slowly turned into four months of constant back and forth, multiple quotes, multiple meetings and phone calls and emails, even one in person meeting. I’ve done hours of work preparing documents, contracts, even a estimate timetable, without seeing any fruits. We’re in the final stages of the contract revisions, on our third revision and recent requests have left me feeling very disheartened and slightly mad. I took a day to cool off. I’ve realized I’m not sure if this client is the right fit for me anymore. I believe this will probably be the last revision since they took one week and like three people revising the contract but still. While the project could stabilize my income (given that prior I was still educating myself on everything freelance related and now I’m starting to pursue clients) I feel like the time lost over the last four months have prevented me from pursuing other opportunities. The project potential timeline is around three months and that doesn’t count revisions. Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated, even if you work in another field like graphic design or etc. It feels like we’ve been planning a wedding for months and now I’m thinking of walking away before the big day. I know it’s also not entirely the marketing agency’s fault because it was the client who also had them waiting but yeah.

Any advice would be great.

16:04 UTC


What's a good subject line for an "asking for reviews" email?

I'm a one-person show and don't want to come across phony or corporate. I hate the "_____, tell us how we did!" BS

15:09 UTC


Advice on a client/friend who keep changing their mind about the final product?

Basically the client explains what he wants (its content photos/reels for instagram coffee shop page)

So I go ahead and make these content based on his vision and examples he showed me from other instagram pages so I know which ball park I'm playing at. Comes to submitting the finished images/videos then its suddenly "can we change this, can we change that. can we remove this and that...we can do better"

This is suppose to be a side hustle that can be done in 1 day and now its taking a week to even do a 15seconds video or a whole day to do an image. at the start He said he is giving me the creative freedom to just do whatever but now it feels like...Do what I described to you and when youre done ill decide if I want to change it. My creativity is absolutely drained, I just feel like everything I do will need changing at the end, its a waste of time even when producing the images/videos thats how it was described.

13:48 UTC


Contract Language for a Retainer

Good evening. Does anybody have language for retainer contracts? Or advice where to find a good template I can chop up?

We want to do a 6 month period where they pay for 2 days of work each month, and then we'll re-assess on how to continue after that (probably another retainer but for a year).

I'm just unsure how to write it myself. It'd help to see how others have that worded so I can adapt it to my situation.

02:55 UTC


What to do if there is no contract for a freelance gig?

I applied for my first freelance gig in graphic design. It's a project-based gig and only lasts about three weeks. After the interview, they asked me to join the team and start immediately without mentioning the contract. Should I ask them about it because I feel like it has to be something there like a proper written agreement. Otherwise they can do anything like firing me without paying for the work I do. If I ask them, they say I can start working and will talk about the contract later. Is that a red flag? If that's the case, should I get out right away as it saves both of us time?

17:32 UTC


Do you sometimes allow client some small additions to the project for free?

If it is a big project, i sometimes reserve some time for last moment additions or modifications for free. If a client is asshole thought i just stick to original scope.

I mean it sometimes makes me feel like this when i add some stuff for free when client asks :)


All with the moderation of course. But i also like to believe that actions like this also make it more probable for client to come back with some other work for me in the future.

16:10 UTC


Dropped a client a few weeks ago, now my biggest client is dropping me.

Shitty situation to be in, I had to drop my 2nd biggest client because I didn't have bandwidth, now my biggest client is more or less dropping me. I might be exaggerating but I'll know for sure tomorrow depending on how many more clients they sign to the app I built by tomorrow....

Whatever direction this may go in, this made me realize that it's not great to rely on 1 client only for your livelihood. Especially more since I willingly dropped other clients to make time for this client...

Rant over

11:05 UTC


How and Where to begin?

Hello everyone, Im new to this subreddit and I have recently turned 18. I wanted to start with freelancing but am very confused as to where and how i can begin. I am well versed in Python web development, do photo and video editing And play guitar as well. Please guide me…. Any help will be highly appreciated Thanks :)

09:49 UTC


Are there any cheap, intimate co- working spaces in London?

are there any cheap co-working spaces in London which actually have a community e.g group chats and events meet ups, and isn’t huge because anymore than 1 room and 20 people would not be sociable and I don’t need anything fancy just a room with a coffee machine to sit with the same people every day. I keep seeing ones which are quite big and the lay out is like a coffee shop which doesn’t encourage interaction. Would be really cool to have one which has similar age groups too but I doubt that exists

05:37 UTC


need cheap easy website

i applied for data annotation and they never got back to me. i’m confident i passed the test but it was 6 months ago. i’m a writer but i want some really really mindless tasks that i can make $20 an hour from for just clicking things. data entry or something. i’m almost a senior in college and work 40 hours a week but really need money. i dont have time or resources to get to another in person job. somebody please tell me if they know an easy website. i will even write if its easy enough (i get burnt out after copywriting all day at work).

12:18 UTC


International contractor liability insurance for SEO?

I'm based in Poland and about to sign a contact with USA company. But they need me to have a business liability insurance. How I can do that?

10:32 UTC


Transition from employment to freelancing

I was working for a company as a developer for more than 5 years and I have recently lost my job.

I want to start freelancing instead of finding another job, But the problem is that all my previous work is under an NDA and I don't have a portfolio. And I discovered you can't get any freelance work without one.

So advice can you give me about building one.

09:42 UTC


Client Treating Me Like Employee

Hello fellow freelancers! I would like some advice.

My largest client is a non-profit, and our contracted hours are 30 hours a month. But they definitely do not see me as a business owner they’ve hired.

They treat me very much like a full time employee and expect me to be “on” all day. Lately, I am constantly scrambling to answer emails all day (they send me emails at night!) and do the never ending pile of tasks they give me. I have had no time for my other clients, nor even putting energy into building and marketing my business! I have been working over the 30 hours a month limit (they do pay me for it though).

I’m not enjoying it. I have had a lot of anxiety lately and this work takes up much of my brain space. I have a “supervisor” there, and another employee admonished me for saying “you” about the non-profit and not “we” (he said I am a part of the team and must be using we when I describe the non-profit to others).

What should I do? This is my biggest source of income and I need it. But I have no time and energy for my other clients and being an actual freelancer in control of my schedule and projects. I want to talk to my “supervisor” about it but don’t feel like I have the clout to since I am very much seen as an employee.

Thank you!

Edit: they also pay me $30/hr, but that doesn’t cover my expenses and I feel like I deserve more for the design and marketing work I do.

03:41 UTC


Loneliness being a freelancer

I am a freelancer from last 4 years and it's been a hard journey working alone, any other freelancers have similar issues or its only me ? If yes how do you handle it ?

01:12 UTC


I really hope that AI will soon reach some stable point when it will stop improving in rapid rate as it was in recent years

I'm web developer and this point i just use AI as a "junior developer" that helps me with stuff. But if this things keeps on improving, at some point i could be just replaced.

Maybe that's selfish of me but i don't want to be replaced. Yeah, people would be able to get things i provide them for much cheaper, just by writing some prompts. Or maybe some "prompt designer" will be able to replace me and 99 other devs, just like factory line operator replaced 100 artisans in the past.

Fortunately i read somewhere that recently language models development started to reach point of diminishing returns.

22:46 UTC


Reaching steady stream of work / clients without outreach a matter of time?

I’ve been running a small data analytics consultancy for about 1.5 years and it’s been exhausting finding clients constantly to guarantee steady flow of work whilst performing work for existing clients. I was wondering whether it becomes easier as you slowly build your client base to a point where you no longer have to proactively market yourself to prospects and rely on client referrals / word of mouth?

21:44 UTC


How to create an online presence

I've been writing professionally for six months or so, so far though, nothing credited with my name.

I've contacted various people and have had a couple of promising responses, regarding writing credited articles for their magazine or website, but as of yet I have absolutely 0 online presence.

What os the best way to go about that? Medium? LinkedIn? A free DIY website? Substack?

And how should I go about using it? Use it merely as an online portfolio, or actually push it as a publication in its own right?


20:05 UTC


Are there any mobile engineers who freelance?or is it just contract roles ?

I’m seeing some positions every once in a while for contracts, but are there any engineers who just build and deliver an app?or a feature?

16:20 UTC


Do you work with SMA or cold outreach for lead generation?

Hi everyone,

Do you work with SMA for lead generation? Or are you more reactive and find job listings online?

Thank you

03:09 UTC


How much money do you earn monthly? In which sector do you work?

Hello everyone. I'm looking into working as a freelancer but I don't know if it's a profitable activity. I would like to know your experiences and how you managed to make the activity profitable.

01:53 UTC

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