
Photograph via snooOG

Get help with your resume! Checkout the wiki and/or sidebar for resources and info!

Post your anonymized resume for feedback from other community members. In your post, please include the following info:

  1. Who you are as a professional (i.e., engineer, developer, salesperson).

  2. Tell us why you're you seeking help. (i.e., just fine-tuning, not getting called back for interviews etc.).

  3. Type of roles you're looking for.

How does post flair work?

Assign one of the following post flairs to your post:

  • I need feedback: Use this flair if you need someone to critique your resume. Choose the location corresponding to where you will be applying, not where you are currently located.

  • I have a question: Use this flair if you have a specific (not open-ended) question.

  • I'm sharing advice: Use this flair if you're sharing valuable tips/advice with the community. Please ask the mods before posting links to external sites. Paid sites are always not allowed.

  • Discussion: Use this flair if you'd like to have an open-ended discussion on a particular topic within the realm of resumes or resume writing.


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Free Resume Writing Guide

Considering hiring a resume writer? Read this

Want to understand how ATS works? Read this


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Tips for listing unfinished degree without using dates? Don't want it to scream "I dropped out" but also don't want hiring staff to assume I have a degree that I don't have

Long story short, I worked full time during college to pay for everything. I ended up loosing my job due to COVID and subsequently having to drop out during my senior year. I started taking courses for my 7th semester but ended up not being able to pay for them, putting me in bad financial standing with my university. I know I should finish my degree, but being in bad financial standing has made the process of going back pretty difficult and I no longer qualify for loans.

I have been avoiding putting the dates I went to school on my resume because 1. I keep hearing HR people recommend it so its less obvious how young you are, and 2. If I put the dates I was in school, they can see that the years I was working at the main job on my resume overlaps with when I was a student. I feel like jobs held as a student hold less weight than jobs held after college, and are assumed to be part time.

Also fwiw, yes I know I really fucked myself over with the school situation and think about it literally every night as I fall asleep, so no need to drill it in

16:19 UTC


Does anyone know about ATS?

I’ve been hearing a lot about applicant tracking system (ATS) lately and how many companies use it for resumes. Does anyone have any tips on how to make your resume ATS or any websites/sources that do ATS checks?

1 Comment
15:56 UTC


Review my resume and give me some tips to improve that.

Hello, I'm Raj Kumar Sahu and looking for an opportunity to get a job or internship, and I have applied to many companies and didn't get a positive response. So please review my resume and please give me some tips. I have learned ReactJS, JavaScript, Python, Django, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and many technologies. And also, I have created some projects like YouTube clone, Netflix clone, e-commerce website, etc. I want to apply for a React developer profile. 


1 Comment
15:50 UTC


Seeking Feedback on Accounting Career Transition

Hey all,

I’m looking to get started in accounting and would appreciate any advice or feedback you might have. Earlier this year, a role I held didn’t pan out, resulting in a 9-month gap in my employment history. To address this, I recently started an accounting program and am currently seeking positions such as Accounting Clerk, Accounting Assistant, or ideally, Staff Accountant (though I understand my chances might be slim).

I’m also applying for AR/AP positions, although I view these as stepping stones unless there’s a clear path for promotion.

While I currently live in a desirable market for accounting jobs, I am open to relocating to other major markets for the right opportunity.

Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.: Would a cover letter be beneficial for my scenario?



1 Comment
15:44 UTC


Roast my resume


Any suggestions are VERY VERY appreciated. Gearing up for new grad+FTE roles and I am scared for it to be like internship hunt where I have no call backs after 100s of application.

Trying to figure out issues with my resume early on before I get hit in my face.

1 Comment
15:07 UTC


AI tools for Cover Letter

What are your thoughts on using AI tools for cover letter? Do you think it gets flagged immediately and dump aside or do you think it is helpful in making the letter more coherent?

What about if you are just using them for better formatting?

1 Comment
13:32 UTC


Didn’t finish college-still include on resume?

Hi there. I’m currently working on my resume and am unsure what to put for education. My mother passed away a few weeks before the first day of freshman year, and due to this timing, I used college as an escape, not a place to attend class and learn. I left school after 1.5 years to be with family and start the healing process. Do I include my time at college or just use high school as my highest level of education?

1 Comment
13:14 UTC


Roast my resume! Been a long time since I've updated this

Hi guys -- I'm currently in the market for a new financial services position. I'ts been a long time since I've looked for a job and from browsing this subreddit, this is what I've come up with. I removed the summary as I gather that they are out of style, and I wanted to keep my resume to one page.

Let me know what you guys think =)

1 Comment
12:57 UTC


Roast my Resume to absolute shreds, no interviews yet for product manager roles

Link to the CV: https://imgur.com/a/I9r1To4

Hi there! I am updating my CV for the first time in awhile and am looking for some feedback. For context, I am late 20s Male living in a Scandinavian country.


What should I add?

What should I remove?

What should I change?

What style choices should I change?

For context, here is a very brief description of the role.

"We are seeking a dynamic Product Manager to lead a new AI-focused team in enhancing tools within a media organization. The role involves prioritizing and scaling AI use cases, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and acting as the primary AI expert for users. Ideal candidates will have excellent communication skills, and experience with AI technologies."

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I think the biggest/most impactful change would be to change the bullets to be more KPI based and highlight explicit accomplishments

12:35 UTC


What should one do about job titles?

I work in Research Administration for a medical school. My institution did a standardization of job titles right before I got hired a couple years ago to make titles fit multiple roles that don't even remotely do similar work. In the work that I do, there are variations in titles across the industry but generally land in a consistent place. I assist faculty with preparing and compiling proposals to the NIH and other entities for grant funding and I manage the funding they have received as well. My title is "financial administration coordinator" but no one in the industry would know what that is. How do I navigate this? Generally, the same roles are called "grant administrators", "contracts and grants specialists", "proposal coordinators", "pre- and post- award specialists", etc. Something that applies to research. My current title applies to this, to accountants, to bursar employees, etc. Is it okay to put my actual title on a resume and then an industry equivalent description in parentheses? Sometimes I feel like organizations do this on purpose to make job hunting harder. The sad thing is, I really love my job and the people for the most part but financially I need more, and my research has shown me the same work I do for other institutions is significantly higher.

12:27 UTC


Tips for a Fresh IT Graduate

Hi, I am an aspiring DevOps engineer and I want to apply for jobs in this field. I am familiar with cloud concepts such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, and I also know Docker and Kubernetes. The only problem is that I have no actual experience, as I have only learned the concepts through courses and self-study. Should I list these as skills on my resume, or is there a dedicated section for this?

1 Comment
12:16 UTC

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