For jokes having to do with bears.
For jokes having to do with bears.
All posts must involve bears.
Non-moderators cannot post Bear Joke Life Hacks (or any derivatives thereof). If you have an idea for one, you are encouraged to message it to the moderators for their consideration.
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The philosopher recognized the problem and wisely suggested the priest pray for deliverance from the bear. The bartender, inspired by the priest's prayer, gave the bear some Spanish beans to eat which in turn converted the bear to living a life of godliness instead of eating people.
Moral of the story: always have some free holies around in case you meat an angry bear. Beans are for more than just farting!
The bar was empty except for the very smart bear who had already earned an MDiv and a PhD.
He got a new one eventually but lost all of his accounts. He didn't mind too much but he missed his bearjokes pals on Discord.
A bear eating a fish
He couldn't bear it.
A Subearu
Which is funny because bears don’t wear glasses.
Pooh pure pants.
A bear roll.
He had a flea. So he bit that flea.
Cause this joke ulilizes the Bear Joke Life Hack of the Day.