
Photograph via //r/Wandsmith

This Subreddit is a forum that encourages the respectful exchange of woodworking knowledge and projects related to wand making, both fantasy and real. Everything from construction, to magical properties.

''The wand chooses the wizard... it's not always clear why.''

r/Wandsmith is a forum that encourages the respectful exchange of woodworking knowledge and projects related to wand making. Before presenting a wand, check that your content doesn't violate our rules below.

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Artwork done by u/PastelPurrfect. CSS done by u/rightypants & u/permagrinfalcon. Sidebar last updated on February 8th, 2024. Rules are subject to change at the mod team's discretion.


13,540 Subscribers


What would the Hogwarts founders wands looked like?

15:33 UTC


Two piece wand

18:21 UTC


The past week’s work. I was busy.

There Indian Ebony in there, Purple Heart, Walnut, Brown Mallee Burl, and Brazilian Walnut. Lots of resin and Borosilicate Glass.

00:16 UTC


Solstice harvest

On this day of high sun, I gifted and harvested holly from the grove I tend. I look forward to crafting wands from this harvest in the weeks ahead.

1 Comment
22:34 UTC


Professor Flitwick Wand made by "Wands and Reviews"

1 Comment
05:23 UTC


Carbon Fiber two piece wand

1 Comment
17:34 UTC


New record!

Two knives, a dremel and sanding wheels and a belt sander mounted to the bench!

Not as fast a lathe would have been but close. And I think I like the curvy (organic?) flow. Not what I started design wise but happy with the results.

Tulip wood again, dyed and a little stain. Trying Danish Oil on this one.

03:35 UTC

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