
Photograph via //r/TheQuibbler

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  • Spreadsheet Wizard - /u/dawnphoenix (R)
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    Editorial Sunday: And now our watch has ended.

    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    You may have heard this by now from my post in /r/harrypotter, but this is the end of /r/TheQuibbler.

    We have been going strong for over seven years. It's time to retire gracefully.

    The /r/TheQuibbler subreddit will be an archive where you will always be able to find all 25 editions and read back on all of our Quibbler fun from over the years. Our Discord server will remain as is, and stay open for anyone who wishes to stick around.

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to our little project by submitting your articles, stories, artwork, Madam Starflash questions, and classified ads. Thank you to all of our editors, managers, and production and administrative staff over the years. And thank you to every single one of our readers. You have all made The Quibbler possible.

    I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to go on this journey with you all. My time as Editor-in-Chief has brought me so much joy.

    So, it’s time for one last party! Butterbeer all around! Please leave your farewell messages in the comments.

    All good things must come to an end. Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.

    May Fortune smile upon you one last time.

    All my love,

    Madam Starflash

    13:03 UTC


    The Quibbler [Winter 2023]


    Enjoy this issue with extra sparkle.

    So long and thanks for the memories!

    Read on Issuu (recommended)

    PDF Version

    23:30 UTC


    Editorial Sunday: Winter 2023 Wrap-up! Happy Holidays from your Quibbler family!

    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    Merry Christmas, happy last night of Chanukah, and happy New Year's!

    Double WizCoin has been posted. Thank you, /u/BriBaek!

    The Winter 2023 edition of The Quibbler is coming your way. We will publish in the beginning of January. The exact date is to be determined. Please be patient, as real-life holiday celebrations with our families take priority.

    There will be a major announcement coming along with the issue.

    Celebrate with your loved ones and be safe!

    May Fortune smile upon you all.

    00:26 UTC


    The Quibbler - December Wizcoin Payroll

    Good day everyone! I hope everyone is staying warm this winter! Today is a great day for some Wizcoin payroll! Even better, it’s double points this month!

    Here is the December Wizcoin Payroll.

    14:23 UTC



    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    Dear lord. It's the middle of December! DEADLINE APPROACHES!!

    The article deadline is Thursday! The submissions form will close at 11:59 PM EDT (UTC-4) on December 15th. SUBMIT YOUR WORK!

    The art deadline is Tuesday, December 20th! ALL ARTWORK MUST BE DIRECTLY DM'ED TO /u/SinsationalDoom once the form closes! Please have all commissioned artwork to Sin by 11:59 PM PDT (UTC-7) on December 20th. No independent artwork will be accepted after the article deadline.

    The editing deadline is December 21st. More information on this will be provided to the editors on Discord later today. Once the editing is done, Production can take over.

    I'll be back next week with more announcements, particularly about staffing changes and needs after our evals go out.

    Keep on Quibblin'!


    16:41 UTC


    Gryffindor Office [December 2022]

    ##Hello! Winter 2023 issue deadline is approaching! Turn in your work! ###Article Deadline: December 15^th ###Theme: Winter Wonderland Turn in your submissions!

    Important Updates and Links

    • The Quibbler Fall issue is out. Check it out here
    • Check out last month's wizcoins here and House points here
    • Get inspiration from prompts here.
    • Chat with the editors and fellow reader on the discord server :)
    • Sign up here to get notifications!
    05:21 UTC



    HOW ARE WE AT THE END OF 2022 ALREADY?! Am I the only one still processing?

    As we approach the end of the year it s a great time for reflection and gearing up for the new year. I've really enjoyed being here as your puffy Managing Editor and am looking forward to another year of beautiful quibblers from your articles.

    Here are the deadlines for the next Quib:

    Articles Due: 15 December 2022

    Artwork due: 20 December 2022

    Submit: Here


    Do you want to get a ping when there's a new puff post? Sign up here

    05:09 UTC


    Slytherin Office (03/12/2022)

    We are now in the last month of 2022! What a year it has been! I would encourage everyone to write up a fun look-back at the year, and a projection of the upcoming year! Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to?

    If you chose to engage with this idea, or anything else your heart desires, it must be submitted by the 15^th!

    The theme is technically: ####Winter Wonderland but we here at the Quibbler are very open and accepting, personally I still haven't removed the Halloween decorations adoring the office. ####Important info: ####Submission Deadline: 15 December
    ####Art Deadline: 20 December

    ##Prompts can be found here ##Submissions go here ##Join our ping list here

    23:14 UTC


    Ravenclaw Office [01/12/22]


    No, you're not seeing things and you're not having a stroke, yes, u/XanCanStand did complain about those colour combinations. But I stand by it, this December and therefore the holiday spirit is A C T I V A T E D. We've got Sinterklaas, we've got Bodhi Day, we've got Hanukkah, we've got Yule, we've got Kwanzaa, we've got Christmas, we've got Winter Solstice, we've got Saint Lucia’s Day, we've got Omisoka, we've got Saturnalia, we've got a Wikipedia list of holidays that fall in December that we're using as inspiration-- December is a time for celebration because MAN it is depressing that it is getting dark at 4 pm now.

    But even though we prepare to celebrate a bunch of wonderful holidays from all over the world, we should not laze about in other aspects of life. Especially not the most important, which is, of course, the fact that

    ###the deadline for submissions to this edition of the quibbler is coming up soon: you need to get your articles in on/before December 15th and your artwork in on/before December 20th.

    And please do not wait till the last minute! Toss a coin some time to your Witcher editors so they can plan their Quibbler duties around their real-life duties! I can assure you, it is much appreciated. But, and don't tell this to anyone: last minute submissions are much appreciated too. ANY submission is much appreciated, to be honest, no matter how long or how short. As ever my reminder that no work ^^^as ^^^long ^^^as ^^^it ^^^is ^^^your ^^^work ^^^and ^^^sfw is too out there for our humble publication.

    So do you want to infodump about different types of rocks? Share your favourite constellation with us? Finally explain to me what on earth this international football (soccer) competition is about (what is the point? is it really just about kicking that ball in the net or is it some very large metaphor for something I'm not getting?)? Or do you have a poem you wrote that you want to share, give us the DIY on perfectly wrapping presents, or give us tips on how to survive Mandatory Family Gatherings ^tm during this holiday season? We embrace it all. Because although the theme is technically ''Winter Wonderland'', I will for sure not object to some nice stories taking place on a wonderful sunny beach, blue water, nice cocktail, some palmtrees, temperatures significantly above the freezing point........

    What, oh, sorry, kinda drifted away there. You're waiting for my monthly reading recommendation? Hoping that one day I will finally do the stereotypical Ravenclaw thing and maybe recommend some books rather than quibbler articles? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but not really -- for do I have some GREAT Quibbler article recommendations for you. /u/Maritown's wonderful guide to the perfect ugly Christmas sweater, for example, in our winter '16 edition. Or /u/sirmeowmixxalot's very clear explanation in our Spring '17 issue as to what, exactly, Wi-Fi is. Or go full Christmassy and read our exclusive interview with St. Nick, conducted by /u/Bowtiesrcool86 published on p. 84-5 of Winter '18! And if you need some edible (and, well, drinkable I guess) inspiration, /u/Macabregoblin has GREAT recipes available here.

    As always, we have a prompt list for you to peruse over here and you can

    #submit everything here.

    This month's present goes to u/nuhanala !!

    Stay safe and sane, and merry Christmas/Hanukkah Sameach/Heri za Kwanzaa/Blessed Yule/良いお年をお迎えください/...


    18:24 UTC


    Editorial Sunday:November 2022 Wrap-up

    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    As we move into December, I humbly remind you that Winter 2023 deadline rapidly approaches.

    Payroll: View November House Points here and WizCoin here, with thanks to our Gringotts Accountants.

    MANAGERS: Your December 2022 offices MUST be posted between December 1st and December 3rd. No sooner, no later!!!

    Department Editors: Please pop into the sheet and start seeing what needs editing!


    Keep on Quibblin'!

    13:06 UTC


    November House Points

    The following table shows wiz coin and house points given for the month of November:

    Total WC21463456501861
    % WC33.11%5.32%10.03%28.71%
    Adjusted House Points200106129179

    For a more in depth look at how we calculated the house points from wiz coin, please take a look here for a step by step process. Feel free to ask questions as well!

    02:57 UTC


    The Quibbler - November Wizcoin Payroll

    Good day everyone! Today is a joyous day as it's that time of the month.

    Here is the November Wizcoin Payroll.

    16:23 UTC


    Editorial Sunday: Double-Dipping for points is NOT ALLOWED

    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    This is a reminder that if you have submitted something previously for points, you CANNOT resubmit it and get points again.

    We are willing to reuse advertisements but we will not issue points again. That is considered double-dipping, just like submitting a homework assignment from /r/harrypotter for points is considered double-dipping. This is against the rules, and an attempt to resubmit something previously published for more points is grounds for the image or images to be disregarded for future use. Further attempts at double-dipping may result in an Azkaban, at the discretion of myself and /u/SinsationalDoom. I See all, I know all.

    Banned users are not allowed to submit anything to the magazine.

    Once an image has been submitted to the Quibbler, we gain fair usage rights. We will credit your image with every use. If you would like an ad to be used in multiple issues when you submit it, you can let us know! We will gladly use your ad again in future issues.

    Keep on Quibblin'!

    13:39 UTC


    Slytherin Office (04/11/2022)

    Guess who's back? IFF's back. Back again, asking for more content and submissions!

    ####Winter Wonderland

    We will continue to accept anything regardless of the theme! We need articles, art, jokes, creations, puzzles! You make it, we want it!

    ####Important info: ####Submission Deadline: 15 December
    ####Art Deadline: 20 December

    ##Prompts can be found here ##Submissions go here ##Join our ping list here

    23:19 UTC


    Gryffindor Office [November 2022]

    ##Hello! Please turn in your submissions! Check out our editor madam's post here for all the things that you can turn in! ###Article Deadline: December 15^th ###Theme: Winter Wonderland Turn in your submissions!

    Important Updates and Links

    • The Quibbler Fall issue is out. Check it out here
    • Check out last month's wizcoins here and House points here
    • Get inspiration from prompts here.
    • Chat with the editors and fellow reader on the discord server :)
    • Sign up here to get notifications!
    05:24 UTC



    Welcome to the holidays! I hope your autumn was festive and memorable. We’re now nearing one of my favorite seasons as a foodie-puff, BAKING SEASON, and I can’t wait to see what you all will take out of your ovens! I’m looking forward to all the pretty cookies, yummy meals, and fantastic goodies you make, and I hope you share them with us at the Quibbler!

    In fact, this is an excellent time to introduce my new annual series called “Baking with Laughter”! Send me your favorite baked goodies (sweet, savory, etc) and I’ll include it with my recipe cards!

    Have some fun ideas you’d like to add to the Quibbler? submit here by 15 December 2022.

    Big hugs!!

    23:14 UTC


    Ravenclaw Office [03/11/2022]

    Hello everyone!

    I hope you all had a lovely/spooky Halloween! I am very much not a fan of creepy things, and also not of the insistence of people to decorate with spiders (why did it have to be spiders). I do not begrudge /u/VinumCupio enjoying October's dark arts' treasures, but I am happy this whole mess is behind us now and we can see the Christmas lights slowly come closer.

    I, for one, have mostly been spending this October listening to Taylor Swift's new album, which is amazing by the way. And I spent it turning a crackpot hot take I came up with when awake in bed after Goose's nightly meowfest at 3 am into a Quibbler article! See, no idea is too weird to turn into an article, artwork, AMS, classified ad... So go get submitting!

    If you get it in this month, it will earn you both WizCoin AND /r/harrypotter house points, which is a wonderful two-for-one deal you cannot allow yourself to pass up. Remember, our theme is winter wonderland but that is a suggestion, not a rule. All submissions must be in by DECEMBER 15TH (except for art for artworks, which can be submitted till DECEMBER 20TH). But don't underestimate the busyness of December, be kind to yourself and submit asap!

    We have our trusty old prompt list here, if you need some inspiration Or join our Discord server for more fun!

    And if you can't let the Halloween spirit go just yet, /u/auntiabra has a wonderful series on tarot cards in our fall '21 issue. Or, if you cannot wait for the holiday season, reading /u/silvertail8's article on wizarding Christmas decorations or /u/Demi_fighter's holiday treats recipes in our winter '21 issue is a great way to build anticipation.

    This month's present goes to u/Cody02_07_01!

    Stay safe and sane,


    07:21 UTC


    Editorial Sunday: October 2022 Wrap-up!

    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    Halloween is TOMORROW? Seriously?

    Managers: Your offices MUST be posted between NOVEMBER 1ST and NOVEMBER 3RD. NO SOONER, NO LATER, NO EXCUSES!!!!!

    October House Points were posted by /u/spludgiexx and October WizCoin was posted by /u/BriBaek. Thank you, Gringotts Accountants!

    We need...EVERYTHING. Ask Madam Starflash questions, Classified ads, art, articles, fanfiction, stories, book reviews, film reviews, and show reviews (spoiler-free if possible, please!)...we will take ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! Please note that none of this has to have ANYTHING to do with Harry Potter! It still can, of course, but we will literally take ANYTHING (within reason, we are still PG-13 and we do have submission guidelines)!!!!!!

    ##Submit HERE!

    ######Not feeling JKR? Neither are we. We at The Quibbler do not support the views of Rowling and we are not affiliated with her in any way.

    Happy Halloween! Keep on Quibblin'!

    14:11 UTC


    October House Points

    The following table shows wiz coin and house points given for the month of October:

    Total WC45053264871150
    % WC5.22%6.17%75.26%13.34%
    Adjusted House Points111115200150

    For a more in depth look at how we calculated the house points from wiz coin, please take a look here for a step by step process. Feel free to ask questions as well!

    00:29 UTC


    The Quibbler - October Wizcoin Payroll

    Good day everyone! I bring you the Wizcoin Payroll for October.!

    Here is the October Wizcoin Payroll.

    16:23 UTC


    Editorial Sunday: A Thank You and Farewell

    #Greetings, Quibbler-ers!

    Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday: I am eleventy-one today! Oops - wrong speech! Let's start this over:

    #Greetings, Quibblers-ers!

    As many of you know, I have accepted a research position at the Pacific Northwest Institute of Technomancy, and have therefore made the difficult decision to step down from the Quibbler. Today is officially my last day, and Madam Starflash insisted I take today's Editorial Sunday slot.

    Thank you to /u/clariannagrindelwald and /u/dawnphoenix for taking on the respective roles of Archivist and Spreadsheet Wizard! I hope the wiki and spreadsheet+bot behave themselves well, and I am always reachable by enchanted paper airplane in the chance that something explodes :)

    Thank you to all our staff and contributors, past and present, for making The Quibbler what it is today! It's been an honour, and I have learned so much working with y'all. Thank you to all our readers, because as Star says, without our readers, there is no Quibbler.

    And thank you, Star, for bringing me on. I certainly wasn't expecting this journey when you contacted me back in 2017, and I am so grateful to have been part of this cool thing you lead. Thank you for your perseverance, enthusiasm, and most of all, your friendship. <3

    Keep being awesome y'all, and don't let the Muggles get you down!

    <3 wik

    Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate...

    16:51 UTC


    Castles & Burrows [Winter 2023]

    You head down the corridor, a skip in your step. You just can't wait to get a taste of those pancakes- soft, warm, and having a sweet wheatish flavor. But just as you're two steps closer to the door, you notice something round on the floor and bend down. Getting closer, you realize it's a plate with warm pancakes on top. Taking the plate and standing back up, you spot something on the door held on by a cat-shaped clip. "...A note?"

    Boo! Or should I say- brrr! Get your coat, mittens, and blankets out! Not only prepare for your hot choco and aweeeesome decor- but also for this issue's theme WINTER WONDERLAND!! Ahh, the time of struggle and beauty. The signal of a long productive year! Plants shut down, making food. Animals migrate to warmer climates, and witches/wizards snuggle up and stay indoors.

    Some important thingies to remember:

    Gosh, I wonder how I'd decorate and get in the mood once I get back! I'll be sure to get you some souvenirs from France! Sorry for leaving on such short notice- But in the meantime, why don't you munch on these pancakes I've kept especially warm for you? Enjoy and have a fantastic day, au revoir~

    1 Comment
    12:18 UTC


    Slytherin Office (08/10/2022)

    You can claw my halloween decorations out of my cold dead hands! I'm not ready to move on but apparently the Quibbler is already looking forward to Winter 2023, if you are obliged to join them then the theme is the ever festive...

    ####Winter Wonderland

    Otherwise, we will continue to accept anything regardless of the theme (let's just extend halloween through till next year shall we?)

    ####Important info: ####Submission Deadline: 15 December
    ####Art Deadline: 20 December

    ##Prompts can be found here ##Submissions go here ##Join our ping list here

    22:54 UTC


    Divination Office [Winter 2023]

    Hello, hello! Welcome to the Divination office! With Winter imminently upon us, it’s time for our next issue of the Quibbler!

    With the daylight diminishing, we have reached a time of reflection, and what better way to reflect than with divination! This issue I specifically invite you to perform your own divination, no matter what it may be, and write up what happened and how you feel about it!

    Whether it’s reading tea leaves, a tarot spread, or something else you come up with on your own, tell us about your process, the reading, and how you feel about the result.

    Otherwise, the sky is the limit! Our theme this issue is Winter Wonderland, and I will have more information to follow. In the meantime, I highly suggest that you check the many other brilliant offices!

    21:32 UTC


    Lickity Split -- [Education Office Winter 2023]

    doors to your safe haven swing open. the scene is the same as usualstudents scattered around reading books to their liking and music softly echoing throughout the room. the one in charge wasn't around for once and you found that to be odd. with a bit of asking around, you discover that they were hiding out in their tiny office at the back— 'doing paperwork' as someone put it.

    knocking softly at their door, you hear a soft 'hmm' from the other side. you wait a couple of seconds and before long they called out. "oh! come on in!" you glance around the room: stacks of papers were on either side of them and a couple stacks of books were on the floor beside their desk. quill steadily scribbling along. finishing whatever they were writing for the moment, they looked up, smile bright despite the amount of work they were buried under.

    "terribly sorry that i'll have to make this quick! but good thing i know what you're here for — and that's information!" they pushed themselves back in their chair, twirling around after their little exclamation, arms in the air. completing the full circle, their hands smacked on their desk and they slid their chair forward in its original place. "heh, as you know, our Fall's Publication is here! we've got a lot'a fun articles lurkin' through the pages— so why don't'cha check out what our lovely creatives put in this go 'round! you can access this quarter's publication here!"

    pushing aside some of the papers on their desk, they folded their arms in front of them, leaning forward, their wide smile ever present. "now, i'm certain you want to know 'bout our next theme, right?"

    you nod and if their smile was any bigger, you would think it would be stuck like thatthough, you've got a feeling they wouldn't mind that one bit.

    "haha! excellent! so! the winter's theme will be Winter Wonderland! such a fittin' theme, isn't it? feel free to toss in your best winter wonderland works here. though, if you're havin' a lil trouble with thinkin' up an article with this theme, remember that you can write 'bout anythin' as long as it doesn't go against our rules, 'kay? submission deadlines'll be December 15th for articles and December 20th for art! you wanna send somethin' in for art? be sure to check with Sin at their Art Office!" their smile softened and they straightened their posture. "you got all that down? yeah? now, i hate to rush you off, but as you can see, i've some papers that needs my attention. may we meet again!"

    you respectfully bow, leaving them to their piles of paperwork. heading to the door, you look over your shoulder to see that their nose was buried in their work again. as they worked, you noticed a mischievous glint in their eyes mixed with a great focus. but before you could think too hard about it, their door gently ushered you out their office, closing behind you. their enthusiasm in their work piqued your curiosity, but you had bigger fish to fryor rather, smaller cookies to munch on. you didn't even have to check your pockets to know that those delightful, little cookies were on your person.these meetings worked like clockwork after all.

    1 Comment
    03:28 UTC


    The Entertainment Office [Winter 2023]

    Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays

    There's a special delight that comes from rolling out some home-made (or possibly store-bought) cookie dough on a kitchen counter.

    'Cause no matter how far away you roam

    That satisfying feeling of pushing your Dobby-shaped cookie cutter all the way through is one of the many joys of the season.

    When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze

    The only thing better than smelling that waft of warm cookie-infused air as you take the freshly baked batch out of the oven

    For the holidays, you can't beat home, sweet home

    Is the warm hug of your friends and family when you bring them a plate.

    When you get home from your holiday party, laden with all of the leftovers you couldn't bear to leave behind, you are woken from your food-induced stupor by the gently hooting owl on your carapace. Being the polite host that you are, you open a new bag of Owl Nuggets and pour a generous helping into a small bowl. In return, the owl lets you untie the message on its leg.

    "My Dearest Cousin,

    It's been so long since we last spoke, I've been missing you dearly. I know I've been harder to reach since I went on my study abroad trip which turned into an internship and then job but that may change for a short while! I found this traveling troupe of acrobats who are willing to teach me a little of their trade and I should be in town soon! They're called "The Quibblers" and they're letting me participate in a few of their performances! We'll actually be performing in your town on December 15th! They also have a history of doing audience participation so I would do some stretches first! Do come out and see me. I've learned quite a few tricks like balancing spinning plates, cartwheeling through fire..."

    You've honestly stopped reading at this point. Your cousin has a habit of embellishing the truth a little bit.

    Even so...an evening of entertainment doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world. Maybe you'll write it down in your calendar.

    And if they're willing to teach you how to balance a spinning plate or even something half as cool, that's worth it right?

    Submit your audience participation via owl by December 15th for a chance to appear onstage with The Quibblers!

    1 Comment
    02:36 UTC


    Crafts, Brews, & Hobbies Office [Winter 2023]

    ###Winter Edition of The Quibbler, let's go! 🎄🦌❄️


    Alas, the crisp autumn is fading away, but we're pleased to welcome you all to gear up for another blistering white winter! You can enjoy a peppermint hot cocoa in our break room, hang up your tinsel on the decorative evergreens, and prepare to share your most festive Crafts, Brews, and Hobbies as we delve into the Holiday season. Here at the quibbler I serve as your resident wizard in woolen robes. This season we want you to share your best tree decorating tips, dried orange and cranberry garlands, how to wrap the perfect holiday present, and everything seasonal in between! If you need to reach our department we’re located in the office next to the kitchen (just follow the smell of crushed candy canes). In our department we focus on: recipes, woodworking, knitting, painting, cooking, baking, and more!


    The Crafts, Brews, and Hobbies Office is for sharing your creative projects. You are encouraged to submit anything relating to the arts. Written, drawn or pictured. Crafts of all kinds, food and drink recipes, things you've carved, painted, mixed, sculpted, knit etc. Please write about how you’ve made these things, and what inspired you! I insist on your work being unique and original. Otherwise the only limit is your imagination, and creativity. Our brand-new winter focused theme will be Winter Wonderland as usual! Your submissions don't need to be suited to the theme, articles can focus on just about anything! But we encourage you to think outside the box. Last year's winter edition can be found here for some inspiration!

    • Submit using this form!

    • We also have a list of prompts you can use in case you're needing a little inspiration!

    • If you want an owl to remind you of Quibbler related updates, then join the ping list using this form if you'd like to get notified about updates!

    • You should also join us in live discussion through our Discord Server.



    If you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to send me an Owl or PM me on Reddit or Discord (my username is Mathias_Greyjoy#5010), or if you want feedback on your projects. Trust me when I say, I love seeing what you talented people are working on! Let's have a holly-jolly one!

    1 Comment
    00:59 UTC


    Dark Arts Office [2023]

    While the lower corridors are at first quite cold, the deeper into the subterranean levels of the castle you go, the more the air seems to reach a chill but consistent temperature; more tolerable than even some of the upper levels. After some time you come to the door with a silver serpent as the handle. Seeing no threatening signs or dire warnings, you knock and are invited in. The office is more modestly lit this time, primarily from the fireplace over which a kettle and a cauldron of something fragrant and spiced is bubbling. The most notable change is an abundance of soft wool blankets scattered and draped about the room.

    ”Hello there. Feel free to have a seat, and have a drink to warm yourself. No need to worry about the blankets, they are perfectly safe and in fact I have been working on some of my defensive enchantments of late. Blankets seem to take especially well to protective magics, and are so practical as well. I plan on taking some of these over to the Dark Arts Society to wrap ourselves in while we swap stories and theories.”

    ”Everyone always focuses on All Hallows Eve as the most dangerous time of year, but the darkest night of the year at this castle is not to be taken lightly. In fact, this time of year used to be the most popular for ghost stories and the like during the Victorian era. There’s nothing like sitting around a warm fire and sharing terrifying tales, drinking something mulled and warm while wrapped up nice and cozy. Or there’s trudging into the snowy woods, bare of leaves with skeletal branches barely filtering the moonlight from overhead, and conjuring something you have been warned about but clearly not warned enough.”

    Welcome to the Dark Arts Department

    The Dark Arts. Even the very name carries a sense of the forbidden with it, yet it is a wide category under which all manner of spells, creatures, artefacts, and other aspects of magical lore falls under. To understand magic and the wizarding world, you must look at all the factors and forces, both Light and Dark, that have in the past and continue in the present to shape the wizarding world.

    Here you are free to discuss and submit for publishing your ideas regarding all manner of subjects that may fall under the label of Dark Arts:

    • Jinxes, hexes, and curses

    • Wizarding history and infamous individuals

    • Dark creatures (from Boggarts to Inferi, not your Aunt Gertrude unless she is a werewolf or there is more to her than meets the eye)

    • Dark Rituals (Body creation, blood magic, etc.)

    • Artefacts (Cursed necklaces, hands of glory, etc.)

    • Knockturn Alley (Borgin & Burkes, ideas for other shops, Hagrid’s aggressively thorough garden supplies and pest control)

    • Potions (anything out of Moste Potente Potions)

    • Defensive measures

    This edition’s theme is Winter Wonderland. You are free but not obligated to use this theme as inspiration for any Dark Arts ideas you might have for this season’s edition. There are also a number of global holidays and traditions to choose from for inspiration as well, should you wish. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the season with the longest nights of the year, in the Southern Hemisphere the nights are shortest but no less dark. Content should be geared towards readers as young as 13 years of age (if you need specifics, Google a PG-13 film rating guide or ask via message or The Quibble Discord). The submission deadline for this edition is 15h of December for written works, 20th of December for artwork.

    If you have any questions, want help with your content or ideas, etc, please feel free to message me, comment in here, or in The Quibbler Discord server and I will respond as I have time and am able to. Feel free to go to the Dark Arts subreddit and talk or share your published Dark Arts writings, articles, and art there. Content posted online before being submitted to The Quibbler is accepted, but counts for Wizcoin instead of house points.

    Please keep in mind that any art found in documents does not count as a proper artwork submission. For submitting your artwork, either connected to an article or independently, please see the Art Department Office for the requirements.

    The Quibbler official list of prompts


    23:08 UTC


    Sports Office [Winter 2023]

    Imagine walking down the corridors of the one and only, great Hogwarts (“Hogwash” as some rival schools would call it, thanks Queenie🙄)...

    You sense the great urge to take your seat among your house members to shout, boo, hooray at the upcoming Quidditch match… The adrenaline, the joy of (“friendly”) competition, the noise, the crowd itself… Everything becomes a bit too much. 

    Some Muggle experts say that high external stimulus triggers a certain area in the brain that enables creativity 🤓

    Soon you reach the supposed “Sports Department Office”

    Plumpton Pass poster hanging on the dark blue wall seems suffice

    Ornaments in the shape of little golden snitches lustring the ever-waiting Spruce tree

    Right beside the open window, you feel the chill Scottish breeze

    Turning your head around to see the source of the sound which is unmistakable

    Slightly rasping, low, but a powerful hoot of a snowy owl, standing on the refined oaken table

    Daring to reach out with your hand for a gentle stroke

    Eventually, to witness an Animagus who deems every great mind far from being broke

    Pardoning the absurd show-off intro, you have your seat to listen 

    Autumn Quibbling edition gives only inspiration, your heartbeat starts to fasten

    Right at that moment, you realise, fall will turn into winter

    Too late to submit you ask, the answer never gets better 

    Marvellous as always been, dear Star, gives you quite a bit of time

    Engaging with your thoughts, dreams, and fantasies which are all just fine…

    Nearby you seem to hear other notionate voices 

    Tendering, debating, contemplating on “wonder”, perhaps in a land of (always) Winter?

    In any case, other department doors are never too far to knock 

    Sense of belonging and joy, among us, is ever full-on stock

    Daunting I hope not this office may be

    A badge of honour perhaps, for you, my good fellow who read this far

    Bottom of my heart makes me say “thank you”

    Everlasting inspiration, fortune and wit; may the force be with you

    Say no more of your doubt about what and for which department to write 

    Tides of time are flowing for those who want their articles to shine bright

    What can I say, it’s great to be back :) 

    u/Ukpikjuaq (a.k.a Seeker Scandiacus)

    1 Comment
    22:39 UTC


    Travel Office [Winter 2023]

    #Office Update

    Ah, welcome, young one. Don't mind the big white fridge in the middle of the office. While I was on a recent month-long stay in the UK, I picked it up from a muggle store called Currys. They sell all sorts of things powered by electricity; it made me a little dizzy, I must say. However, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed that they didn't have a corner cafeteria where they sell... curries, you know? I mean, it begs the question: why the store name, but no salan? Where's my dhaal, my korma, my savoury paneer?

    No, no, don't try to explain that "Currys" doesn't equal "curries", I'm just exercising my right to complain about something incredibly unimportant. It's a very British thing to do. Both muggles AND wizardfolk here do it all the time... but where was I?

    Oh, yes! The fridge!

    I decided that I needed a new travel collection of sorts, particularly after the Ministry very much grounded us for the past two years. I wanted to find one thing from each country or city to commemorate my visit there. Something inexpensive. Something small. Something that wouldn't have Mr. March ripping his hair out because "why is there a stuffed giraffe on my side of the bed, Mrs. March?!" (His name is Harold and he is very lovely and I got him from a toy shop -- the stuffed giraffe, not my husband. I got that one from Canada, but I think I got a dud. He's ambivalent about poutine and doesn't understand the first thing about any sport, let alone hockey or baseball. Not very stereotypically Canadian, is it? Anyway).

    So my muggle friend, Clemmie, suggested fridge magnets! Granted, I needed a fridge to begin with -- and those were not cheap, let me tell you -- but if you ignore that small hiccup, it really is a wonderfully frugal way to take a piece of your holidays back home with you! Clemmie told me to place my fridge in the kitchen, but I avoid that place like the plague, so why not have it where everyone can see it? Sure, the fridge makes an odd humming noise and it's in an inconvenient location, but I can admire my collection whenever I grab some milk now!

    Now, I could regale you with tales of awe and woe from my trip to England, but I see that I've already been talking for forty five minutes and my tea is getting cold. I should brew you a pot before you leave, tonight. It's a wonderful blend called "Jane Austen" and I bought it in a quaint little place called Bath which, indeed has baths! Roman ones!

    At least one place in England didn't completely lie to me.


    It's the most wonderful time of the year!

    I'd say it's the perfect time, too, if you've been bitten by the winter writing bug.

    So many things happen during this time of year: Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, Festivus. It's a time of reflection as the year winds to an end and a time for reconnection with loved ones. For me, since I don't partake in these festive events, this season is a time where I update my planners, cram in as many books for my yearly reading goal as I can, and begin to get excited about my other goals for the new year!


    1. This issue's theme is Winter Wonderland but please don't feel as if you need to strictly adhere to this. After all, it's a suggestion. We'd love to see everything you've got!

    2. QUESTION: What do you usually do this time of year? If, like me, you don't celebrate a winter holiday, what do you like to do?

    3. BONUS Q: Name me one country or city you'd love to visit next year. Mine would be New York City!

    As always, if you need any assistance, send me an owl, or ping me on the handy-dandy Quibbler Discord Server! Despite conspiracy theorists claims, I'm not a brain-eating alien. Honest :D

    Have fun, enjoy your upcoming vaycays, and I will see you for the next issue where, hopefully, I've found a better placement for this bloody fridge because I'm already sick of it getting in my way.

    #Important Information

    1 Comment
    21:55 UTC

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