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Why did Moody get caught by Crouch and Pettigrew on GoF?

I’ve just reread it and it doesn’t make sense to me that Moody (as powerful as he is) was so easily caught by them and not able to resist the imperius curse. Is Harry the only one able to do it? No Moody’s artifacts gave him the alert of intruders?

15:26 UTC


Draco tried to warn Hagrid.

Remember how Hagrid had Norbert, a Venomous Dragon? Ron got bitten and Hagrid blamed Ron for “Frightening“ Norbert.

Draco discovered and threatened to tell, which he eventually tried to but wasn’t believed and was out during the night so he got detention. Neville tried warning Harry and Hermione about what Draco was up to and received detention.
Harry and Hermione received detention because they got caught after sending Norbert away and were accused of telling Draco lies.

During the Detention, Hagrid took them into the forest to look for what was attacking the unicorns, which ended up being Voldemort.

Draco was scared and said if His father knew but Hagrid interrupted and scolded him, saying Lucious would say that’s how things are at Hogwarts and that Draco would get expelled if he doesn’t obey. Hagrid also separated the students.

In the Following books, Hagrid‘s place at Hogwarts would be in danger thanks to Lucious Malfoy.
One of which, got Hagrid sent to Azkaban and another, Buckbeak was Going to be executed after he also attacked a student for upsetting it.

Guess Hagrid should have listened when Draco tried warning him about what Lucious might do.

1 Comment
15:19 UTC


If you were Minister for Magic for a day, what would you do/change?

Let's just say you were given Minister for Magic for a day. The day is subjected to you at any time in wizarding history.

You could pass any law or make any change without any need to consult the Wizengamot (this may go against canon but let's have some fun here).

What would you do?

15:01 UTC


Why do so many people think Harry is “arrogant”?

And if u actually think he’s arrogant ur answer has to be more than because of the time that Harry said there’s no need to call me sir professor because that was literally the only time

14:46 UTC


How would the Wizarding world deal with something like a pandemic?

Would they work with the Muggle Ministry to help solve it?

1 Comment
14:42 UTC


What are your favorite Snape moments?

1 Comment
14:41 UTC


It's a tragedy Patrick Stewart was never in Harry Potter

14:18 UTC


What did Umbridge make Hermione write for detention?

Hi everyone,

so I know that Harry has to write '"I must not tell lies" with the blood quill and it leaves a scar he later shows Scrimgeour. And (at least in the film) we see that later on almost everybody has detention, including Hermione.

Is it ever mentioned what exactly she has to write? And if yes, was it mentioned in the books or the films?

Thank you very much for any help! (I need to know for a fanfic...)

13:11 UTC


What do people hate/dislike about the order of the phoenix book

Before reading OOTP I had an understanding that OOTP was not really loved like some of the books but after reading it, I really don’t understand what was bad about the book. I really liked it.

13:07 UTC


how do you rank the Harry Potter movies?

  1. Prisoner of Azkaban ★★★★★
  2. Deathly Hallows: Part 2 ★★★★.5
  3. Order of the Phoenix ★★★★.5
  4. Half-Blood Prince ★★★★.5
  5. Chamber of Secrets ★★★★.5
  6. Goblet of Fire ★★★★.5
  7. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 ★★★★.5
  8. Philosopher's Stone ★★★★
12:52 UTC


I wonder how do first year Muggle Born Wizard/Witches buy school supplies

In the Philosopher's Stone, Hagrid accompany Harry to the Diagon Alley to withdraw money from his family's account and buy staffs, books, etc. But how do other Muggle Born students do it?

I don't think the parents can drive them to Diagon Alley since they are Muggles and I don't know if they have any money to buy school supplies for their kids...

12:23 UTC


A fantastic beast

12:20 UTC


Doubts on Prisoner of Azkaban

I'm reading Prisoner of Azkaban for the third time and just now I feel like something does not quite add up. In the scene in the Shrieking Shack where Sirius and Lupin explain all the Peter Minus shenanigans to Harry.

In the books, Lupin see Harry, Ron and Hermione (and Peter Minus) being attacked by Sirius near the Whomping Willow with the Marauders Map, and rushes at the place. At the same time, Harry and Hermione from the future watch the entire scene, waiting for the group to return to the castle.

So, if Lupin was using the map, why didn't he see that there were two Harry and two Hermione? Maybe the map does not show the name of people who came back from the future, but it sounds strange, given that it's so powerful that it can show the name of a trasformed Animagus.

Maybe Harry and Hermione of the future arrived after Lupin checked the map, but, in the books, the way it's written does not suggest that.

Or maybe I'm just stupid.

Does someone know the answer? Thank you!!

12:13 UTC


What’s a difference between the books and movies that you can’t stand?

Besides the obvious “Dumbledore asked calmly”, what other changes make you roll your eyes? They have to be changes, not random scenes. E.g. Ginny and Harry’s shoes.
In my case:

  • Not having Snape’s riddle in Philosophers Stone. (Granting her points for remembering a spell… seriously)

-Voldemort’s death scene -Harry not fixing his wand

11:57 UTC


Ernie eating sound in Prisoner of Azkaban

So I was rewatching the Prisoner of Azkaban and noticed that they used the Minecraft eating sound when Ernie eats his sandwich in the knight bus scenes?

Am I right and also why would they do this?

11:37 UTC


I was a huge hp fan growing up but then life happened and…

I only watched 5 and 6 two years ago, and finished deathly hallows yesterday. When i tell you my jaw was on the floor the entire time i was watching both parts. The cinematography is insane, especially the first 30 minutes of part I when they enter the underworld or however you call it. The fact that it was a city like world without a sky but there were buildings in it was absolutely crazy to me. I ve never seen any movie production like that. I loved that entire sequence. One other thing that caught me off guard was Snape’s death - that was brutal. I like how the finale made the entire series make sense.

11:35 UTC


"Peskipiksi Pesternomi". That's not a spell. Was Lockhart that incompetent that he didn't even know the spells? (Rather than just being bad at them)

11:20 UTC


What do you think would’ve happened if wizards came out of hiding in the books?

11:19 UTC


emma watson is right, hp really makes life richer

I'm almost a grown man. I've known harry potter for majority of my life. I simply love it. it makes life so much better. "ooh such a geek" blah blah stuff it man I just get so happy when I start reading the books and even fanfics bring such a smile on my face. some may call me obsessed but I'm skiving off exam revisions to read book 1 for like the 10th time perhaps.

it's just so relaxing and some ppl read it because it calms them but I dont even get relaxed I genuinely get excited my heart rate increases, my cheeks hurt from smiling at the end of the books. ik its all fantasy and the real world is far crueler. some may call me a child but to hell with the tags I simply am a nerd, only for hp.

I'm more of a non fiction, history, football guy but good god harry potter has my heart. and for all the bitching I do about each of the trio they're still such sweethearts and I love them all so much.

11:06 UTC


Harry's really lucky he didn't break his wand like Ron. Otherwise he'd be dead at the end of book 4 in the graveyard

11:02 UTC


This question is purely out of curiosity and I'm not attacking the subreddit or anything

Why was discussion week created

10:05 UTC


Did Regulus make the potion before he went to the cave with Kreacher? How did he know what potion/ingredients/procedure if Voldemort alone knew it? And if he didn’t have any potion with him, how was it refilled when Dumbledore and Harry went there later?

When Voldemort made Kreacher drink the potion, he had refilled it with more potion. So, it means the basin doesn’t get auto-refilled with the potion.

09:30 UTC


If you could choose, in which HP family would want to get born into and why?

09:30 UTC


No Stupid Questions Sunday!

Have a question about the series that you don't feel like making your own thread for? Maybe it's something you've been wondering, or maybe it's something kind of silly? Post it here! Answer questions from others while you're at it!

09:00 UTC


Who made and used the first wand?

I've just been curious if it has ever been stated who made the first ever wand in the harry Potter lore? And if it has what where some of the first spells used with a wand?

08:48 UTC


Voldemort is stupid and weak

I'm rereading the books. WTF is the Triwizard tournament plan? All of this hooplah with numerous opportunities for Harry to mess up just to get him to touch something? Why not "hey Harry can you grab that for me?". Also, his end goal of controlling the muggles is absurd. Can you imagine Voldemort and his 15 followers against the Royal British Navy? Gimme a break. The worst spell he's got kills 1 person if it connects. Basically a six shooter. The muggles have NUCLEAR WEAPONS and untold tools of destruction.He's not even tough. Dumbledore could have ended it anytime he wanted he just wanted to let the kids do it. Why is everyone so scared?

07:46 UTC


Origins of gryffindor

Was Godric Gryffindor goblin or half goblin ? In the Crimes of Grindelwald there are many half-breeds . In deathly hallows the goblin mentions the sword of gryffindor was stolen by him . But what if he himself was a goblin or half goblin and made it himself ?

06:43 UTC


How does wizard chess work?

In theory, it's simple - instead of moving the pieces, you tell them where to go. But there's a detail that confuses me - in some book it was said that Ron's pieces got used to him and obeyed him, but Harry borrowed someone else's pieces that didn't trust him and had difficulty moving according to Harry's orders, which made it difficult for him to play. Like... You can't physically move them? Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem for Harry to just move the pieces himself.

06:10 UTC


Why wasn't young Tom Riddle and the others at the orphanage evacuated during the war?

Basically what the title asks. I've been doing some research for a fan fiction story I'm writing and it set me wondering why Albus met Tom in the city's orphanage instead of out in the countryside where hundreds of kids were sent to avoid the aerial bombings and rocket attacks by the Germans.

06:07 UTC


Who would have been the keeper of the keys at Hogwarts before hagrid?

We know that Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts but Dumbledore decided to keep him as the keeper of keys. But who did this job before Hagrid? Was it another expelled student from Hogwarts or someone else

05:30 UTC

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