
Photograph via snooOG

r/WVForSanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support in West Virginia for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President of the United States and to highlight Our Revolution, and progressive policy.

r/WVForSanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support in West Virginia for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President of the United States and to highlight Our Revolution, and progressive policy.

Community Guidelines

Find Your Bernie State Sub:

  1. /r/alaskaforsanders
  2. /r/AlabamaForSanders
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  5. /r/CaliforniaForSanders
  6. /r/Colorado4Sanders
  7. /r/Connecticut4Sanders
  8. /r/dc4sanders
  9. /r/Delaware4Sanders
  10. /r/FloridaForSanders
  11. /r/Georgia4Sanders
  12. /r/HawaiiForSanders
  13. /r/IowaForSanders
  14. /r/Idaho4Sanders
  15. /r/Illinois4Sanders
  16. /r/IndianaForSanders
  17. /r/Kansas4Sanders
  18. /r/KentuckyForSanders
  19. /r/LouisianaForSanders
  20. /r/Massachusetts4Sanders
  21. /r/Maryland4Sanders
  22. /r/Maine4Sanders
  23. /r/Michigan4Sanders
  24. /r/MinnesotaForBernie
  25. /r/MississippiForSanders
  26. /r/Missouri4Sanders
  27. /r/Montana4Sanders
  28. /r/NorthCarolina4Sanders
  29. /r/NorthDakota4Sanders
  30. /r/Nebraska4Sanders
  31. /r/NewJerseyforSanders
  32. /r/NevadaForSanders
  33. /r/NewYorkForSanders
  34. /r/NewHampshire4Sanders
  35. /r/NewMexicoForSanders
  36. /r/ohioforsanders
  37. /r/OklahomaForSanders
  38. /r/OregonForSanders
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  40. /r/PRForSanders
  41. /r/RhodeIsland4Sanders
  42. /r/SouthCarolina4Sanders
  43. /r/SouthDakotaForSanders
  44. /r/TennesseeForSanders
  45. /r/TexasForSanders
  46. /r/Utah4Sanders
  47. /r/VirginiaForSanders
  48. /r/Vermont4Sanders
  49. /r/WashingtonForSanders
  50. /r/Wisconsin4Sanders
  51. /r/WVForSanders
  52. /r/WyomingForSanders
  53. /r/CanadiansforBernie

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336 Subscribers


Join the Virtual Debate Watch Party in Discord to watch Bernie 1v1 Biden Sunday 3/15 at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT on CNN!

01:01 UTC


Bernie Sanders wins big in Nevada (already called/projected)! Watch the results come in with the virtual watch party in Discord!

01:01 UTC


Iowa Caucus is TONIGHT! Support Bernie by attending an Iowa caucus night watch party near you or join the virtual watch party in the Discord server!

Use the Bernie map to find an Iowa caucus night watch party near you:


Or join the virtual watch party in the Discord server:


1 Comment
21:39 UTC


LAST DAY BEFORE IOWA: The campaign needs EVERYONE to make Iowa get out to caucus calls today and tomorrow.

IOWA IS TOMORROW. I REPEAT TOMORROW. WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK. Anyone anywhere can phonebank/textbank for Bernie. Both can be done online using your computer and the campaign's systems.

  1. Sign up here for a phonebank shift or two

  2. Sign up for crucial last hour Iowa countdown calls from 6:45-8pm ET on February 3 Monday (Iowa caucus day)

  3. Can't phonebank? Textbank

  4. If you're nervous about phonebanking or textbanking, we have virtual phonebanking/textbanking party with experts who can answer any questions you have. Join the discord server channel #phonebank-textbank

  5. If you can't do either, then please donate to Bernie

  6. Join a phonebank or Iowa watch party near you

17:32 UTC


8 DAYS UNTIL IOWA: Join the Bernie texting team!

You can either sign up for a live training webinar or go through the self training recordings on your own: https://berniesanders.com/text/

We also have daily virtual textbanking/phonebanking parties in Discord chat: https://discord.gg/QnBw4pZ #phonebank-textbank

Everyone is also welcome to join just to #general-chat


  • Will it use my own phone number? No, texting uses a web browser application called Spoke and uses the campaign's numbers

  • Can anyone anywhere text for Bernie? Yes no age requirement, non-us citizens can volunteer. And since it uses Spoke/campaigns numbers, people abroad can help out as well!

  • I don't know what to say to people. Texting is mostly prefilled messages and responses. You just select the appropriate response and select edit gramatically.

03:08 UTC


🎤🎤 Support Bernie tonight by attending/hosting a debate watch party or join the virtual watch party in Discord chat! Also MONEYBOMB!🎤🎤

Bernie is taking the debate stage tonight at 9 PM EST/6 PM PST!

Attend or host a debate watch party near you!


If there isn't one near you, everyone is welcome to join the virtual watch party in Discord chat!

https://discord.gg/vaC7sct #dnc-debate channel

Tonight's debate is hosted by CNN, the same network publishing smear attacks against Bernie so it's especially important to #Debate Money Bomb Donate $27 to Bernie!

22:49 UTC


Reminder: Drop your “Postcards for Bernie” off to UPS by January 8th

Copying the email reminder:

Hello Bernie supporters!

This email is to remind you to send your “Postcards for Bernie” back to us by January 8, 2020.

We need you to drop your finished postcards off at your local UPS store or drop-off location by January 8 to ensure that they reach our mailhouse in time to be reviewed and sent off to voters in Iowa.

Important note: It has to UPS. If you drop your postcards off at USPS or Fedex or any other company, they won’t reach us. Find your nearest UPS location here.

Thanks for writing these postcards, sharing your stories, and encouraging voters in Iowa to caucus for Bernie. We had supporters from coast-to-coast participate in this effort, and have been blown away by the response.

Together we can win this thing,

The Bernie 2020 Team

P.S. - If you are missing your UPS return label, there are two options: 1) You can mail the postcards back yourself to this address:

Bernie Postcard Project

c/o Morel Inc.

5250 High Banks Road, Suite 750

Springfield, OR 97478

Or 2) You can email info@berniesanders.com and we’ll email you a return label. Note, because of high volume, this option may be slower.

21:18 UTC


Have 30 minutes to spare? It's only a 30 min training video + short quiz to get started text banking for Bernie!

Text banking is all done on web browser through the campaign's system. Anyone in the world can volunteer for Bernie! There are also training webinars if you would like to attend instead of self training.

  1. Join the Discord chat channel https://discord.gg/vaC7sct #phonebank-textbank
  2. Go to https://berniesanders.com/text/
  3. Watch 30 min training videos + short quiz or RSVP for a training webinar
  4. After passing the quiz, you'll automatically be invited to join the Bernie Slack texting channel

Also everyone else is welcome to join the Discord just to #general-chat!


20:23 UTC


🎤🎤Bernie is taking the debate stage tonight! Support him by attending/hosting a watch party near you or joining the virtual one in Discord chat! 🎤🎤

Attend or host a debate watch party near you!


If there isn't one near you, everyone is welcome to join the virtual watch party in Discord chat!

https://discord.gg/vaC7sct #dnc-debate channel

19:25 UTC


Live in West Virginia? Want to Become a Delegate for Bernie? Here's some information to get you started.

Here's a link to contact Bernie's Campaign about becoming a Delegate

#West Virginia has 34 delegates

  • 19 district

  • 6 at large

  • 3 Pledged PLEOs

  • 6 Superdelegates

Superdelegates: Sen. Joe Manchin, Belinda J. Biafore, Michael Blake, Elaine A. Harris, William Laird, Pat Maroney, John Perdue

Important dates:

  • Primary: May 12, 2020

  • Filing Deadline to become a District, At Large or PLEO Delegate: TBA Phone (304) 342-6606

  • State Convention & Executive Committee: June 12 - June 13, 2020

West Virginia Delegate Selection Plan- NOT online


This is my understanding of the process.

District Delegates (19)

  • Make sure you are a registered Democrat

  • Determine the congressional district where you are registered

  • File a Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support with the West Virginia Democratic Party, P.O. Box 11926, Charleston, WV 25339, Phone (304) 342-6606 Contact to get forms and filing date

  • Start organizing your friends and supporters to vote for you.

  • Show up with your supporters to vote at the June 12, 2020 District caucus at the State Convention in Charleston. All Democratic voters are eligible to attend the caucus and vote for the District Delegate candidates that filed by the date TBA.

  • District level delegates are elected during the District Caucuses at the June 12, 2020 State Convention.

At Large Delegates (6)

  • If you did not get elected as a District delegate you can try to become an At Large Delegate or an Alternate delegate.

  • File a Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support with the West Virginia Democratic Party, P.O. Box 11926, Charleston, WV 25339, Phone (304) 342-6606 Contact to get forms and filing date

  • At-Large and Alternate delegates are elected during the June 13, 2020 State Executive Committee Meeting in Charleston.

PLEO Delegates (3)

You have to be eligible to be a PLEO delegate. PLEOs are eligible according to the following priority: big city mayors and state-wide elected officials (to be given equal consideration); state legislative leaders, state legislators, and other state, county and local elected officials and party leaders. Help Bernie by encouraging qualified Bernie supporting people to file to become PLEO delegates.

  • File a Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support with the West Virginia Democratic Party, P.O. Box 11926, Charleston, WV 25339, Phone (304) 342-6606 Contact to get forms and filing date

  • PLEO delegates are elected during the June 13, 2020 State Executive Committee Meeting in Charleston.

Standing Committee and Delegation Chair

Standing Committee members (each on the Credentials, Platform and Rules committees) and the Delegation Chair are elected during the June 13, 2020 State Convention in Charleston. You don’t have to be a delegate or alternate to be elected.

Convention Pages (2)

Convention Pages are selected by the State Democratic Chair before June 13, 2020.

If you have questions contact the West Virginia Democratic Party

For a description of why delegates are so important see this prior post

10:31 UTC


Travel to an Early State for Bernie! We need your help to win early states like Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada. Whether you have just one day or are ready to move to a state for a few months, we have opportunities for you to get involved.

These early states are crucial for Bernie getting elected. The campaign will help you arrange housing/transportation:

  1. Sign up: https://act.berniesanders.com/signup/oos_vol_interest_form/
  2. Join the Bernie Slack and navigate to the #bernie-journey channel: https://volunteersupporthub.berniesanders.com/slack/invite/general
  3. Schedule an OOS call using the link at the top of the #bernie-journey Slack channel
  4. Questions? Please email oos@berniesanders.com

Everyone join the S4P's Discord: https://discord.gg/vaC7sct
We have lots of fun chatting :)

23:56 UTC

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