
Photograph via snooOG

r/NorthDakota4Sanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support in North Dakota for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President of the United States and to highlight Our Revolution, and progressive policy.

r/NorthDakota4Sanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support in North Dakota for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President of the United States and to highlight Our Revolution, and progressive policy.

Community Guidelines

Find Your Bernie State Sub:

  1. /r/alaskaforsanders
  2. /r/AlabamaForSanders
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  4. /r/ArizonaForSanders
  5. /r/CaliforniaForSanders
  6. /r/Colorado4Sanders
  7. /r/Connecticut4Sanders
  8. /r/dc4sanders
  9. /r/Delaware4Sanders
  10. /r/FloridaForSanders
  11. /r/Georgia4Sanders
  12. /r/HawaiiForSanders
  13. /r/IowaForSanders
  14. /r/Idaho4Sanders
  15. /r/Illinois4Sanders
  16. /r/IndianaForSanders
  17. /r/Kansas4Sanders
  18. /r/KentuckyForSanders
  19. /r/LouisianaForSanders
  20. /r/Massachusetts4Sanders
  21. /r/Maryland4Sanders
  22. /r/Maine4Sanders
  23. /r/Michigan4Sanders
  24. /r/MinnesotaForBernie
  25. /r/MississippiForSanders
  26. /r/Missouri4Sanders
  27. /r/Montana4Sanders
  28. /r/NorthCarolina4Sanders
  29. /r/NorthDakota4Sanders
  30. /r/Nebraska4Sanders
  31. /r/NewJerseyforSanders
  32. /r/NevadaForSanders
  33. /r/NewYorkForSanders
  34. /r/NewHampshire4Sanders
  35. /r/NewMexicoForSanders
  36. /r/ohioforsanders
  37. /r/OklahomaForSanders
  38. /r/OregonForSanders
  39. /r/PAForSanders
  40. /r/PRForSanders
  41. /r/RhodeIsland4Sanders
  42. /r/SouthCarolina4Sanders
  43. /r/SouthDakotaForSanders
  44. /r/TennesseeForSanders
  45. /r/TexasForSanders
  46. /r/Utah4Sanders
  47. /r/VirginiaForSanders
  48. /r/Vermont4Sanders
  49. /r/WashingtonForSanders
  50. /r/Wisconsin4Sanders
  51. /r/WVForSanders
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  53. /r/CanadiansforBernie

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Our Revolution

Sanders Institute

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236 Subscribers


Part 3 of North Dakota's Socialist Revolution after WW1. This video dives into the major reforms the NPL implemented after wrangling control of all 3 branches of ND's state government. It truly was a "Political Prairie Fire". [5:13]

13:17 UTC


Join the Virtual Debate Watch Party in Discord to watch Bernie 1v1 Biden Sunday 3/15 at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT on CNN!

00:52 UTC


March 10th Voting Information and Discussion Megathread

03:16 UTC


Part 2 of North Dakota's Socialist Revolution after WW1. This video dives into how the state stood up to the kleptocrafic power of Minnesota's exploitative businesses while making extremely progressive reforms in a "Political Prairie Fire". [5:10]

12:56 UTC


Moving forward from Super Tuesday!

11:42 UTC


Bernie Sanders wins big in Nevada (already called/projected)! Watch the results come in with the virtual watch party in Discord!

00:56 UTC


North Dakota Voting Highlights

##North Dakota Voting Highlights

Request a Primary Mail in Ballot January 20 - February 25 and Return by March 5, 2020 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpeUtg85bf7aNcq3qWB_6vqQNveIiVhpHq5sQkzd5hZ6fkyQ/viewform

Primary Caucus: March 10, 2020- 11AM to 7PM CT or 10AM to 6PM MT

General Election: November 3, 2020 - Open 7AM to 9AM close between 7PM to 9PM

Election Information: https://demnpl.com/primary

Register to Vote: No Voter registration in North Dakota. Just show up with ID.

Find your caucus location: https://demnpl.com/primary

ID Requirement: Yes with (Name, Address and DOB) https://vip.sos.nd.gov/IDRequirements.aspx?ptlhPKID=103&ptlPKID=7

Bernie State Subreddit: /r/NorthDakota4Sanders

Other States:

Alaska | Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Illinois | Iowa | Louisiana | Maine | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Nevada | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Puerto Rico | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington

1 Comment
20:05 UTC


Iowa Caucus is TONIGHT! Support Bernie by attending an Iowa caucus night watch party near you or join the virtual watch party in the Discord server!

Use the Bernie map to find an Iowa caucus night watch party near you:


Or join the virtual watch party in the Discord server:


21:29 UTC


LAST DAY BEFORE IOWA: The campaign needs EVERYONE to make Iowa get out to caucus calls today and tomorrow.

IOWA IS TOMORROW. I REPEAT TOMORROW. WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK. Anyone anywhere can phonebank/textbank for Bernie. Both can be done online using your computer and the campaign's systems.

  1. Sign up here for a phonebank shift or two

  2. Sign up for crucial last hour Iowa countdown calls from 6:45-8pm ET on February 3 Monday (Iowa caucus day)

  3. Can't phonebank? Textbank

  4. If you're nervous about phonebanking or textbanking, we have virtual phonebanking/textbanking party with experts who can answer any questions you have. Join the discord server channel #phonebank-textbank

  5. If you can't do either, then please donate to Bernie

  6. Join a phonebank or Iowa watch party near you

17:26 UTC


8 DAYS UNTIL IOWA: Join the Bernie texting team!

You can either sign up for a live training webinar or go through the self training recordings on your own: https://berniesanders.com/text/

We also have daily virtual textbanking/phonebanking parties in Discord chat: https://discord.gg/QnBw4pZ #phonebank-textbank

Everyone is also welcome to join just to #general-chat

02:57 UTC


Live in North Dakota? Want to Become a Delegate for Bernie? Here's some information to get you started.

Here's a link to contact Bernie's Campaign about becoming a Delegate

Here's a link to the Bernie Delegates Network

#North Dakota has 18 delegates

  • 9 district

  • 3 at large

  • 2 Pledged PLEOs

  • 4 Superdelegates

Superdelegates: Ondine E. Baird, Patrick M. Hart, Wayne Larsen, Kylie Oversen

Important dates:

  • Deadline to file to become a District Delegate: March 6, 2020

  • Firehouse Caucuses (party run primary): March 10, 2020

  • Legislative District Conventions: March 11 - March 14, 2020

  • State Convention: March 19 - March 21, 2020

  • Select Committee on Delegates: April 4, 2020

This is my understanding of the process.

North Dakota Delegate Selection Plan

District Delegates (12) District level Alternates (2)

  • Make sure you are a registered Democrat

  • To become a District Delegate you do not have to be elected as a state delegate. File Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support by March 6, 2020

  • To become a legislative district delegate start organizing your friends and supporters to vote for you.

  • Show up with your supporters to vote in the March 11 to March 14, 2020 Legislative District Conventions. All Democratic voters are eligible to attend and vote in their District Convention.

  • At the March 11 - March 14, 2020 Legislative District Conventions delegates to the State Convention are elected.

  • At the March 19 - March 21, 2020 State Convention in Minot the State delegates elect the District delegates who filed by March 6, 2020.

At Large Delegates (3)

  • If you did not get elected as a District delegate you can try to become an At Large Delegate or an Alternate delegate.

  • File Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support by March 23, 2020

  • At-Large and Alternate delegates are elected by the North Dakota Democratic-DPL Select Committee at an open meeting on April 4, 2020.

PLEO Delegates (2)

You have to be eligible to be a PLEO delegate. PLEOs are eligible according to the following priority: big city mayors and state-wide elected officials (to be given equal consideration); state legislative leaders, state legislators, and other state, county and local elected officials and party leaders. Help Bernie by encouraging qualified Bernie supporting people to file to become PLEO delegates.

  • File Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support by March 23, 2020

  • PLEO delegates are elected by the North Dakota Democratic-DPL Select Committee at an open meeting on April 4, 2020.

Standing Committee (3) and Delegation Chair

3 Standing Committee members (1 each on the Credentials, Platform and Rules committees) and the Delegation Chair are elected at an open meeting by a quorum of North Dakota’s National Convention Delegates on April 4, 2020. You don’t have to be a delegate or alternate to be elected.

Convention Pages (2)

Convention Pages are selected by the State Democratic Chair on April 4, 2020.

If you have questions contact the North Dakota Democratic Party https://demnpl.com/

For a description of why delegates are so important see this prior post

08:46 UTC


VoteForBernie.org - BIGGEST UPDATE YET!

1 Comment
17:55 UTC

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