
Photograph via snooOG

r/NevadaForSanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support in Nevada for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President of the United States and to highlight Our Revolution, and progressive policy.

r/NevadaForSanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support in Nevada for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President of the United States and to highlight Our Revolution, and progressive policy.

Community Guidelines

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  53. /r/CanadiansforBernie

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643 Subscribers


What You Need to Register and Vote in Nevada!

You have multiple options to register to vote in Nevada, including online, during early voting, and on Election Day. Here’s everything you need to know:

1.	Online Registration: You can register online up until October 31st. If you miss this deadline, you can still register in person during early voting or on Election Day.

2.	In-Person Registration: You may register in person at the polling place during early voting or on Election Day. Here’s what you’ll need to bring:

•	Nevada driver’s license or state ID

•	If your ID does not show your current address, you’ll need an additional document to prove residency, such as a utility bill, bank statement, or government document with your name and current address.

Make sure to bring the required documents if you’re registering in person, and remember that October 31st is the last day to register online!

Register to vote here, by Oct 31st! - https://registertovote.nv.gov

Learn more here - https://www.vote.org/state/nevada/

See you there!

23:16 UTC


Hey Reddit! I’m Amy Vilela. In 2020, I was Bernie Sanders’ Nevada Co-Chair. Now I’m running in Nevada’s 1st Congressional District to continue the Political Revolution because we deserve more! Ask Me Anything!

1 Comment
03:01 UTC


NEVADA: Amy Vilela: It's official! I couldn't be more excited to announce that I'm running for Congress in Las Vegas to represent #NV01 because we deserve more. Nevada deserves more.

12:46 UTC


NEVADA: F.E.C. Filing: Amy Vilela - NV-01

18:59 UTC


A message from a former Nevada Democratic Party organizer

I was a lowly organizer for the Nevada Democratic Party for 7 months leading up to the February caucuses. It was the worst job I ever had, and a huge part of it was because of the same staffers who just quit after the election of the Dem Socialist slate.

We were discouraged from unionizing (while Will McCurdy simultaneously called us the union party), the digital system our volunteers used for the caucuses were a nightmare that higher ups didn't give us any information about until the first day of early voting, and when we wrote a letter addressing workplace concerns, it never even made it to Alana's desk. That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my and the other organizers' experiences working under the NSDP. Ultimately, the NSDP thought it fair to throw their organizers and volunteers to the wolves while they maintained their dignity and power. It was never a peoples party for them, it was THEIR party.

So with that being said, I'm so happy to hear there's an entirely new, progressive cohort leading the change in Nevada. I've met Judith Whitmer several times and Ahmad Ade was a beloved volunteer of mine. I am relieved no other organizer in Nevada will have to work under Alana Mounce again!

02:40 UTC


NEVADA: Ryan Grim: This Nevada Democratic Party meeting is still going on but so far a slate of progressives, in coalition with DSA, has taken over the state party apparatus. They won every race except treasurer, and that one is separated by 2 votes and still disputed.

1 Comment
14:54 UTC


How did you fill out your census?

Good Morning! How did you fill out your census?

Nevada’s census response rate is 59.3%! We rank #26 in the Country!

This is incredible, but 40.7% still needs to be counted! A complete count is crucial for our future.

This is an opportunity to amplify our voice. This is an opportunity to establish our need for vital resources across Nevada (especially in rural communities). This opportunity only comes around every ten years! Are you going to let it pass you by? You have 3 options and each takes about ten minutes of your time:


(844) 330-2020 (English)

(844) 468-2020 (Spanish)

Mail in your paper form

View Poll

17:28 UTC


Join the Virtual Debate Watch Party in Discord to watch Bernie 1v1 Biden Sunday 3/15 at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT on CNN!

00:56 UTC


📣 Bernie Sanders is still in striking distance for the Democratic nomination! We just have to fight for it. berniesanders(.)com/call

16:18 UTC


No, I will Not Yield!

03:37 UTC


🔥 Pledge to start making at least one call for Bernie every day here 🔥

04:53 UTC


🔥 Want to have an impact on getting Bernie a win? Making calls right now is probably the best way in this whole election 🔥

23:04 UTC


Bernie Sanders wins big in Nevada (already called/projected)! Watch the results come in with the virtual watch party in Discord!

00:58 UTC


Nevada Caucus Info and Discussion Megathread

07:02 UTC


Everyone bring recording devices tomorrow!

This probably goes without saying but with all the nondisclosure stuff going on, everyone caucusing tomorrow should really make sure that they are filming the process in each location. We all want to make sure there's evidence if anything shady is going down! Hope it goes well for us all tomorrow!

1 Comment
04:41 UTC


Tomorrow 2/22 is the Nevada Democratic Caucus. You CAN register to vote or change party affiliation at the Caucus! Recommended time of arrival is 10:00 a.m. to fill out some paperwork. Call to Order is at 12 p.m. So, don't be late. Details below.

Primary date: 2/22/2020 (Registration is at 10am (recommended arrival time), Call to Order is at 12pm

  • Earliest voting date: 2/15/2020 is the first day of in-person early voting.
  • Voter registration deadline: 2/22/2020
  • Do I have to be a registered Democrat to vote for Bernie in Nevada?
    • Yes, you must be a registered Democrat to caucus in Nevada, but you can register to vote / update party affiliation the same day at your Caucus or at Early Voting Site.
  • Can I vote if I’m 17 by primary day and 18 by the general election on November 3, 2020?
    • Yes! If you are turning 18 before the General Election (Nov. 3, 2020), then you can caucus! You’ll need to pre-register to vote, which you can do at registertovotenv.com or when you get to the caucus.
  • How can I register to vote or change my party affiliation?
    • Click here to use the online system to vote or to change your party to Democrat.
    • Or, you can click here to fill out a registration form form and mail it to your county election office.
    • Or, you can register/change party in person at your county election office.
    • Or, you can register/change party when you go to caucus on 2/22/2020. Registration starts at 10am.
    • Or, you can register/change party when you vote early between 2/15/2020-2/18/2020.
  • How can I check my Nevada voter registration?
    • Go to https://www.nvsos.gov/votersearch/ to check the status of your voter registration, and see if you’re affiliated with a political party, or registered at the correct address.
  • Does Nevada have in-person early voting or absentee voting?
    • Nevada has in-person early voting.
  • Do you have to have an excuse to vote early or absentee?
    • No, you do not need an excuse to vote early in-person.
  • How do I vote early in-person?
    • Early voting is available 2/15/2020 - 2/18/2020. Click here for the locations and hours of early voting sites.
    • You can register to vote and register as a Democrat at the early voting site.
    • Anyone eligible to vote can vote early in-person.
    • When you vote early, you must select three candidates on your ballot.

Click here for more information.

1 Comment
17:26 UTC



Am I allowed to caucus at any caucus location or am I required to caucus at a designated location?

My father lives in Summerlin and I live in Henderson and we want to caucus together but I am unsure of the rules. If I go to a caucus location in Summerlin with him but I live in Henderson will I be denied entry?

03:00 UTC

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