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/r/Tampere is for news and discussion related to the City of Tampere, in both Finnish and English.
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Visit Tampere Roof Walk Finlayson Gay Travel Finland Laura Vanzo-30
By Laura Vanzo, Visit Tampere Oy, via Tampere Photo Bank
Visit Tampere Beginning of Spring City center Drone views Laura Vanzo-8
By Laura Vanzo, Visit Tampere Oy, via Tampere Photo Bank
Tampere JormaPeltoniemi kopterivideo
By Jorma Peltoniemi, via Tampere Photo Bank
Haluaisin todella kovasti alottaa tanssi harrastuksen. Commercial dance olisi mieluisin mutta en ole koskaan harrastanut tanssia. Tiedän että olen hyvä tanssimaan ja hallitsen kehoani joten uskoisin että pääsisin nopeasti mukaan mutta en tiedä missä?
Kisat ja esitykset olisivat meininkiä mistä pitäisin kovasti. Mutten tiedä mistä ja missä aloittaa?
Osaisiko joku ihana auttaa?😊
Hey, so I posted last week about studded tires and since it snowed pretty well for two days, I thought winter has started and I got my tires changed like many people I suppose. Mine is the studded kind. Now that everything has pretty much melted, I was wondering is it illegal or if not illegal, is it bad for the road or the tires itself that I'm using studded tires with on no ice/snow? Should I not be driving for the time being?
Minua kiinnostaisi systeman harjoittelu, mutta en löydä paikallisen yhdistyksen yhteystietoja netistä. Sain selville kaupungin liikuntapaikkojen varauskalenterista, että harjoituksia on Ratinan stadionin saleissa. Kuinka pääsisi mukaan harjoittelemaan? Voiko vain ilmestyä paikalle vai tulla peruskurssin kautta vai miten? Keneltä asiaa voisi edes kysyä?
Nautateollisuuden salakuvat järkyttävät, tule mukaan vaatimaan muutosta! Shocking whistleblower photos from beef farm, join us and demand change!
Moro! Olisi tarve löytää parkkipaikka parina arki-iltana noin klo 16-21 välillä yliopiston Hervannan kampuksen lähettyviltä. Vinkatkaa mistä suunnilta löytäisi ilmaisia parkkeja. Oon valmis kävelemäänkin jonkun verran.
Mitä mieltä noista uskonnon levittäjistä ketkä puhuu atm noihin mikrofooneihinsa keskustorilla. Itse vihaa tuommosta tuputtamista jokanen uskokoon mihin tahansa mutta toi tuputtamaninen sais luvan loppua. Ja muiden valintojen kritisointi kuulostaa olevan pääpointti. Mielästäni jokaisen pitäisi pyrkiä olemaan enemmän humaani.
"Sosiaalisten pelkojen työstämiseen tarvitaan pitkäjänteisyyttä, mutta Kotipesä-hankkeen tarjoamat työkalut auttavat nuoria jatkamaan omaa kasvupolkuaan. Ryhmän kautta nuoret aikuiset saavat välineitä ymmärtää, että elämä ilman jännittämisen rajoitteita on mahdollista."
Basically that, doing some research for a project
I tried searching it but couldn't really find much. So, I am asking here.
Are there any public ice-skating slots around the city's ice rinks apart from the one in Hervanta?
Hervannan jäähalli only has public slots around lunch time.
this has probably been asked many times here, but all threads I’ve checked are for international tourists
I am planning a trip with my gf, we’ve lived in Finland for 10+ years, about 6 of which are in Helsinki. Since we have never been to Tampere before, I thought it would be nice to visit.
What places / activities would you recommend? Keep in mind, we are quite familiar with the finnish culture. Doesn’t mean we don’t like to experience it (quite the contrary), but pls no tourist gimmicks. My gf doesn’t drink, but clubs / bars with good music could work. Good restaurants recommendations are welcomed as well!
I’ve heard that Tampere is a much better place than Helsinki from a bunch of people from there, so I am hoping you can really convince me😉 jk tho, but I’m sure Tampere has some unique stuff to offer
Thank you guys in advance!
Hi Hobbyists of Tampere!
This is my (32M) first post on Reddit ever.
I moved to Tampere this year and finally got my life settled. So, I figured it to be time to try and revive the old hobby. :-)
I've got minis for various games and game modes, such as AoS Spearhead, 40k Combat Patrol/Killteam and recently bought some Star Wars Legion and the Necromunda Hive Secundus box. Besides that I can muster up anything between 1000-2000pts of AdMech and Orks, though it is just a random pile of stuff I found cool over the past years, not a thought-out army.
Basically, a beginner painter and a novice to the games.
It would be cool to find some people to actually play. Besides that, I am into Retro-Gaming, have some experience in DnD and I exercise a lot. Still, I don't say no to having a drink or two.
I know about Fantasiapelit and Puolenkuun Pelit but I found it difficult to just randomly chat up someone or butt into ongoing games (in Finnish) in English. I speak English, German and a bit of Finnish so far.
Hi, I need electrician services near kaukajärvi . Any suggestions please Thanks
Omistusasunto hakusessa ja Lintuhytistä näyttäisi löytyvän vielä budjettiin mahtuvia koteja. Tuolla on ollut aikaisemmin hajuhaittaa ja kesäisin prätkäkisoja Ruskontiellä. Mikähän mahtaa olla tilanne nykyisin?
Muutenkin olisi kiva kuulla paikallisesta elämänmenosta. "Sosiaalinen kylämeininki" (positiivisessa mielessä) tuntuu toistuvan, kun paikallisten vanhoja haastatteluja lukee. Lähimmät koulut ilmeisesti Etelä-Hervannassa eli matkaa vähän tulee, jos lapsia vielä siunaantuu. Palvelut myös Hervannassa.
Oma työpaikka keskustassa ja sivutoimipiste Ruskossa (mikä olisi hyvä sijainnin kannalta). Puoliso käy kerran-kaksi viikossa Helsingissä. Auto löytyy, mutta kahta ei haluta. Taittuuko tuolta matka keskustaan puolessa tunnissa aamuruuhkassa?
Ja onko ylipäätään muuta mitä kannattaisi ottaa huomioon jos muuttoa tuonne aletaan oikeasti harkita?
It's like kids have let off 100 stink bombs or something
I have one free ticket I can transfer through link for lippu.fi in private message. First person who replies gets the ticket. I can't make the trip after all.
All I ask is only take it if you're really going to be able to go. I want to avoid it being wasted.
Enjoy the game and Go Stars! :-)
Hello everyone,
over 8 years ago, my wife and I visited Tampere to see a good friend who was studying there at the time. My wife bought the mug in the photo, which even has her name on it, from a market in Tampere (as far as we remember). She still loves it to this day. We now have a young daughter who occasionally asks to drink from the mug, which my wife reluctantly allows, always with wide eyes and the fear that the mug might fall and break. Especially after the passing of a close friend from Finland, who had guided us through Tampere, Turku, and other places back then, the mug has gained even more sentimental value.I started wondering if there might be a way to get another one, just in case, or if the makers no longer exist or have moved on to other models or designs. After unsuccessful attempts with Google Lens and other searches, I thought I’d try my luck here on the relevant Reddit.
Long story short: Does anyone happen to recognize the mug from the photo or know if it might still be available somewhere (locally)?
Best regards from Germany
Hei reddit tonttut! I'm looking for advice. Today's snow has made my friend and I feel like having some waffles, crepes or something like that, sweet, warm and decadent. Where would you recommend us to get waffles from? In the city center or easily accessible by tram. There used to briefly exist a nice place in Duo but alas it closed too soon. Thank you all!
Are there any options or future plans for bus service to Ranta Tampella? Doesn't seem like there are any stops close by.
I have some appliances like a game chair, blender, book racks and African foodstuffs that I would love to give to anyone that is interested freely this weekend. If you’re interested and you’re in Tampere 🇫🇮, please indicate. Travelling and would love to give them out instead of disposing them.