
Photograph via snooOG

/r/Helsinki has gone private for at least until June 14th. For more info on the protest, see /r/Save3rdPartyApps/

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Muistaako kukaan HSL bussien vanhoja 'sääntölappuja', joissa oli se typerän näköinen hymyilevä bussi lippiksellä?

Tuossa +10 vuotta takaperin HSL:n jonkun bussiyhtiön busseissa oli sellainen lappu, jossa oli bussin säännöt tai jotain vastaavaa. Hienona kuvituskuvana halvalla tehty erittäin typerä bussi, jolla oli naama ja lippis. Olen kovasti toivonut löytäväni kuvan tästä kammotuksesta internetin syövereistä, mutta ei ole onnistunut. Muistaako kukaan tätä?

18:43 UTC


Law Students / Graduates

Hey there!

I am a Law Student from India and wanted to know if someone could help me with the pdf of Guide to Finnish Arbitration Rules by Mika Savola. It is a little urgent.

1 Comment
17:43 UTC


Where’s all the good house plant shop with exotics ?

I’ve been searching for places to get tropical plants and carnivorous plants in the area

1 Comment
15:08 UTC


Are there any good open mic spots in Helsinki?

So far I have only found Lia Bar and it is quite cute but I was wondering whether there are some other places to play at :)

14:05 UTC


Found an old suitcase that I have no idea where it came from.

So I a storage in Espoo which I have bought in 90s. There was absolutely nothing when I bought it , I did the renovation and bought some shelves and other thins to keep different useless items inside. Later it was also partly my office and a bit later I was also renting it to other companies due to me being a constant traveler. And all this time the storage was safely locked. But recently I had finally time to sell different stuff and accidentally I found an old leather suitcase with many different travel stickers. And on one of those stickers I found information ( Arvi Kalevi Hartti) ( home address (Pietarinkatu 13 D 59) And inside there was one plain button and a page from Helsinki sanomat (number 126 of year 1948) Now i wonder how did it end up in my storage and who can be the owner ? And is it valuable? And what should i do next with it ?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

09:34 UTC


How to make friends lol

It hasn't been that long, a month more or less since I am here. Since I arrived later than the start, everyone at university already seem to be in groups. I have tried talking to a few people and initiate plans but nothing worked till now.

I know it takes time and I am ready for that, but I want to atleast have some people to hangout with before the festive season starts

18:38 UTC


Searching for a room / apartment

Hey everyone! Starting from 03.01.2025 I would begin my Erasmus at the Aalto University! Therefore I would be searching for a room / apartment / shared apartment I can stay in! I'm male, 27 and currently in my masters of architecture. My Erasmus will end at around the beginning of June and my budget is aproximatly 700€/ month maximum.

If you know someone who's renting his room / apartment just let me know! Thank you

17:54 UTC


Cheap fishing trips

Hello, is there any places you can go on cheap fishing trips in the Helsinki area?

15:23 UTC


Rakastan Helsinkiä! Mikä upea yhdistelmä kaupunkia ja luontoa. Ehdottomasti suositeltavaa kaikille!

12:48 UTC


Ongelmia Järvenpään mielenterveydenhuollossa?

Mun yks kaveri käy järvenpäässä koulua ja on sit siellä alueella pääasiassa hoidossa. Hän on kertonut paljon ongelmista mitä hän on kokenut siellä ja halusin tietää et onko muut törmännyt tälläisiin alueella?

Kaverini on siis neuron-kirjolla ja on jo aiemmin useampi diagnoosi taskussa. Hänellä on todella vaikeaa elää näiden kanssa joten tietysti on hoitosuunnitelmalla. Suurin osa hänen aiemmista diagnooseista ovat yleisiä Autismin/Aspergerin kirjolla oleilla ja on nyt vuoden aikana miettinyt paljon että voisikohan hänellä olla autismi.

Hän sitten kysyi lääkäriltään että olisiko mahdollista tehdä testi ja hänelle kyllä sanottiin että hänessä on joitain piirteitä selvästi, mutta hänelle annettiin vain psykiatri. Tämä psykiatrikin on todennut huomaavansa selviä piirteitä ja merkkejä jotka osoittaisivat autismin kirjoon.

Hän on monesti pyytänyt uudelleen erittäin vähin tuloksin. Häntä on myös tuomittu ja sivutettu hänen valituksissaan ja oloa huonontavien asioiden edes tuodessa.

Hän on vastikään lähiaikoina täyttänyt 18 vuotta ja häneltä odotetaan jo aikuismaista suhtautumista ja vastuullisuutta. ("Älä pillitä nyt tälläisistä", "sä nyt regressoit vähän", "kyllä sun pitäis nämä jo itse osata hallita")

Hänellä ei muunmuassa ADHD:n ja masennuksen takia mene koulussa kovin vahvasti ja onkin nyt vaihtanut lukiosta ammattikouluun jossa hänellä pitäisi olla mahdollisuus saada extra tukea mutta ainut mitä hän on saanut on herätys, oma ohjaaja vahtimassa tunnilla työskentelyä ja huonon laadun stressilelu.

Hän on näistä asioista valittanut ja hänelle on kummassakin paikassa sanottu että hänen pitäisi nyt "vaan pärjäillä". Koulun henkilökunta oli ymmärtäväisempi muttei kovin avulias.

Näiden lisäksi ystäväni lääkäri on ilmeisesti muuttamassa hänen lääkitystä, hänen toiveidensa vastaisesti. Tämän ollessa vielä prosessissa hän ei ainakaan toistaiseksi voi vaihtaa hoitopaikkaansa. Hänelle on sanottu sen olevan ehkä mahdollista 2 viikon päästä mutta hänelle on sanottu aiemmin samaa tuloksetta.

Halusin vain tietää onko muilla ollut epäilyttävän samanlaisia kokemuksia ja kannattaisiko tästä heittää jotain eteenpäin?

(Ps. Anteeks mahollisista kirjoitusvirheistä, ei ollut oikein aikaa tai jaksamista hioa enempää.)

12:38 UTC


KELA is stressed me out


I got laid off not a long time ago. I applied for housing allowance. My apartment is owned by my ex-employer. In the lay off statement, it mentioned that there is no additional cost for my apartment. In our rental agreement, it states that “if the employment ends, the rent will be increased to 100€ more”. But since it states in my lay off statement there will be no additional charges, KELA is still asking me to send them “proof” how much I paid, when it’s automatically charged from my salary. I sent my payslip, rent agreement and the lay off statement, they are still not enough, they asked me for the bank statement that I sent the money to my employer as a proof that I paid my rent. Which is not possible because it’s deducted from my salary automatically. I have been crying all morning because honestly, I don’t have money to pay my rent. I have been working for years and paid tax with no issues every month, but then, when I need their help, they make it difficult. I need part of the tax that I paid so I won’t be homeless. I really don’t know what to do and I’m so frustrated right now.

08:30 UTC


Unresponsive Airbnb host - looking for long term stay in Helsinki

Hi all,

I'm getting frustrated as I'm on a tight deadline to find an affordable place to live in Helsinki for an internship starting in January. I found the perfect place, requested to book it, and even messaged the host a few days prior (which he read but didn't respond to). Unfortunately, the host was unresponsive (and still is) and my booking request expired. Now, the entire three-month period is blocked off on the calendar, so I can’t send a new request to book.

Is there anything I can do other than hopelessly waiting for the host to respond? I don’t want to give up on this place since it’s ideal for my needs and budget, and everything else I’ve found is too expensive.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks!

20:16 UTC


Bars / Clubs for the weekend

Hi guys, 2 friend of mine and me are visiting Helsinki till sunday and we would be happy about any suggestions for partyevents. We are ~30 years old and open to any music. Only hard rave music is not our kind of vibe.

Also is halloween a thing here? We usually dont dress up for it but we would if we should.

Thanks in advance!

14:18 UTC


HJK Jersey

I’ve been looking everywhere for an HJK jersey (hjk.fi, eBay, Grailed) and cannot find one at all. Are there any finnish football retailers that could possibly be selling some?

Thanks in advance!🇫🇮

20:48 UTC


Cyclists, you have to stop at crosswalks for pedestrians

I see this all the time in Helsinki. Just now I saw two cyclists (not even Wolt drivers) blast through a crosswalk and pedestrians had to step back to not get hit. I stopped to let them pass but some other asshole behind me just overtook so they had to step back again to dodge him. I see this all the time and it pisses me off. The majority of cyclists here don't seem to understand the rules of the road or they don't care about it.

That's it. That's my rant. If you're a cyclists who doesn't stop for pedestrians in crossroads or who rides on the opposite side of one way bike lanes do better.

13:33 UTC


First time in Helsinki for an Apocalyptica concert - need some accommodation tips

Hi everyone So I just bought myself a ticket to an Apocalyptica concert after I saw them in my Poland, where I live, two weeks ago. They're one of my favourite bands and I just felt I had to see them again as soon as possible. However, I've never been to Helsinki or Finland before so I feel I might need some tips from the locals. The concert venue is Finlandia-Talo and I would like to stay as close to it as possible. Which areas should I look into? Has anyone got a specific place/Airbnb they could recommend? I'll be travelling with my husband and daughter, so that's for 2 adults and one child aged six.

12:35 UTC


Help me choose my trip!

Okay so, i am trying to plan a three day trip with my boyfriend (im Dutch hes Belgian) in december, either to Warsaw or Helsinki, and i am not sure which to choose… we first considered Helsinki but one of my friends said it would be too small for three whole days, so we added Warsaw into the mix. One of my boyfriend’s coworkers then said we should skip Warsaw altogether so now we dont know where to go… we want to visit museums, eat and shop and just walk around and explore the city! any help or recommendations would be much appreciated!

11:11 UTC


Coffee Shop in töölö <3

Hi everyone! We have opened a cafe in Helsinki, we have Colombian coffee and original recipes.

We have specialty coffee and special coffee, desserts, kakao, salads and more.

insta: ibicaffee

address: Mannerheimintie 19, 00250 Helsinki

thanks all! and see you soon!

07:17 UTC


Living in Helsinki next year, plan to go to London @ end of stay...luggage storage?

Hi all,

I’ll be living in Helsinki from January to April for an international internship (I’m from Wisconsin, USA). I’ve booked a long-term Airbnb in Kamppi from January 8th to April 10th. Since I’m only allowed to stay in Finland (and Schengen area) without a visa until April 6th (90 days after Jan 8th), I’m considering a quick round trip to London to reset my visa (AKA gain more days in Schengen area) then returning to Helsinki to catch my flight back to the U.S.

My main concern is needing to leave the airport after returning from London, just to grab my bags from my apartment, and then heading back to the airport for my flight home. It's probably better than traveling with two large suitcases, which wouldn’t be ideal for a Ryanair flight to London. IS there a luggage store system in the city or at the aiport? I know there is for arriving passengers, but I will be departing Helsinki and I want to bring only my backpack, leaving my checked bags in Helsinki until going back to US.

Does anyone have suggestions for a better plan?

22:09 UTC


Take away -kahvi Juhla Mokka -kupista?

I need to find a red Juhla Mokka cup like this: https://shop.pauligpro.com/fi/juhla-mokka-take-away-muki-255-ml-1600-kpl-800188

So if anyone knows a cafe, gas station, restaurant or store that sells take away coffee in cups like that, please let me know!

18:19 UTC


things to do in helsinki

I will be in Helsinki in mid November for 5 days. I'm traveling for work but will have ample free time each day. what are some cheap things I can enjoy on my own. any places where I could hang out with young people my age since I don't want to constantly be alone?

18:05 UTC


Where to find Magazine Style Photobooth for Wedding?

16:42 UTC


Hi everyone do you know where i can play Volleyball in Helsinki-Vantaa thanks

I've been playing for a year looking to play more ✌️

14:53 UTC


December run clubs/races near Helsinki?

Hello! I will be visiting my partner in Helsinki in December for a couple weeks and would love to meet some fellow runners. Any good run clubs or events to check out? Yes, I am fully aware it will be cold and snowy :D thanks!

04:29 UTC


Night life in Helsinki

Hi! I'm 19 F from America, I've been living in a small town north Finland for a month and I'm visiting helsinki for the first time for two nights.

Any suggestions for bars/clubs?

How safe is it?

What are some sights I should see?

Thanks! ❤️

19:10 UTC


8- hours layover in Helsinki on Winter morning

I am landing at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport at 4 am and have to catch another flight at 12:30 pm in mid December on a Friday. What can I do in this time, considering the time of the day and winters?

Open for sightseeing, Sauna, food

23:54 UTC


Is the Rocky Horror showing at the Riviera interactive?

I've asked everyone I can think of in my friends circle, asked at work, and contacted the venue directly, but don't have an answer yet. So, does anyone in here know if there will be people yelling at the screen while watching Rocky Horror at the Riveria? I bought tickets already just to take the gamble, but I really want to know ahead of time.

For the record, I want to yell at the screen. Ideally, I'd be throwing stuff and dancing as well, but I'll settle for just regular heckling.

15:26 UTC

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