
Photograph via snooOG

City of Joensuu, Finland


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Miten käytät suomen kieltä? Osallistu kielitieteelliseen kyselytutkimukseen!

Miten suomalaiset käyttävät suomen kieltä eri tilanteissa? Ovatko kielioppisäännöt kaikille samat? Millaisia ajatuksia kielenkäyttö herättää eri tilanteissa?

Tervetuloa osallistumaan kielitieteelliseen kyselytutkimukseen – osallistuminen vie vain n. 10-15 minuuttia! 

Toimin Jyväskylän yliopistolla tutkijatohtorina ja olen kiinnostunut suomalaisten kieliasenteista ja kielenkäytöstä eri tilanteissa. Tavoittelen vastaajia kaikkialta Suomesta, ja olisi hienoa saada vastaajia myös Joensuusta. Tutkimukseen osallistumalla autat kartuttamaan uutta tietoa suomen kielestä. Kiitos avusta!

Voit osallistua tutkimukseen jos a) asut pääasiallisesti Suomessa, b) puhut suomea yhtenä äidinkielenäsi, ja c) olet vähintään 15-vuotias. 

Osallistu kyselyyn tästä: https://link.webropol.com/s/kielikysely

Lisätietoa tutkimuksen toteutuksesta ja tietosuojasta saat linkin takaa; löydät myös yhteystietoni kyselylomakkeesta. 

Otan myös mielelläni vastaan palautetta kyselystä lomakkeella tai yksityisviestillä, mutta ethän paljasta yksityiskohtia kyselystä julkisissa kommenteissa, jotta jokainen osallistuja voi vastata ilman ennakkokäsityksiä. Kiitos!

07:59 UTC


Forest Sciences in Joensuu

Hello all,

I am from the US and will be living in Joensuu from September-December as a study abroad for forestry. I am a forestry student in the US and I was wondering how is the forestry program in Joensuu? Also how is the surrounding nature in Joensuu? I love being outdoors and I am not a fan of big cities so that is why I am so excited to be living there soon.


18:08 UTC


Share your life with a foreigner!

Hello everyone! I'm going back to school in September and the program I'm enrolled in requires me to spend a semester in Joensuu (one in France and one in Japan later on, but that's for another post). I thought it might be a good idea to get to know someone living there before coming over on September 1st.

As of me, I'm from Italy and when I'm not working I usually attend too many online courses, I like HIIT workouts (suggestions on workouts are always appreciated since I'm not a professional) and try to improve both my English and French. I tend to be sarcastic but I like to think I have a good sense of humor. As everyone else I "never have enough time" to dedicate to my hobbies: reading, drawing and pretending to play the guitar.

I recently started looking for a camera to buy (I figured it might be the right time to follow an old passion which will push me to travel around even more), so if you're into photography let's open with that!

I would love to make my experience there as much "Finland oriented" as I can: I would love to discover new places around Joensuu (any advice on weekend trips are very welcome!), try the local cuisine (the last thing I want is to find the "best pizza place") and learn more about your culture and the differences between your country and mine! If sharing your life with a foreigner is something you like, then hit me up!

08:47 UTC


Hey guys, due to COVID-19 I can't find a proper description on how it is affecting the airlines flying to/from Joensuu, they all say "It might affect the flights". Do you know which airlines are still working to/from Joensuu? I'd need to come there from Germany, inJuly (if this crazy pandemic stops)

Like in the title, I can't find a proper answer to my question: are there airlines that are still flying from/to Joensuu airlines? I'd need to plan my trip for this summer, but can't find an airline that does the route, so I thought to just ask the locals here on reddit! Can't wait for coming in the stunning nature surrounding Joensuu! Thanks guys

16:48 UTC


Aurinkoista menoa joensuussa :)

09:34 UTC


Joensuun uudistuvan Asemanseudun havainnevideo

19:10 UTC


Best Of: Food in Joensuu?


Looking for some recommendations on food in Joensuu. From what I've heard it's pretty lacking, but I'm a visiting food nerd and would like to see what's on offer while I'm visiting.

So, if you have opinions on these please share why you think your picks are the best... I'm going to try them all if I can squeeze them in before I leave.




Lunch Buffet (this is a "thing" here, no?)

Late Night Post Bar Hangover Helper

Fine Dining

Bakery (fan on korvapuusti)

Other (what am I missing?)

06:06 UTC


Independent radio stations

Are there any small "pirate" radio stations in Joensuu? I enjoy listening to the radio, but not the mainstream stations.

1 Comment
14:23 UTC


Kunnallisvaalit 2017

Keskustelua kuntavaaleista 2017 tänne. Meinasitko äänestää vai nukkua? Annatko äänesi kaverille vai naapurin mummolle? Sana on vapaa.

#Hyödyllisiä linkkejä:

Karjalaisen vaalikone

Ylen vaalikone

Ylen vaaligalleria

Ylen kuntatutka

Emävaalilanka /r/Suomessa

1 Comment
06:08 UTC


Is Joensuu worth spending 6 months there?

Hey, recently I was given the opportunity to go to Joensuu for six months (exchange studies). Frankly, though, after I consulted Google Maps, I am not sure if I want to spend so much time somewhere where it seems that there is almost nothing to do. Are there any museums, monuments, interesting places to go, travel, things to experience? Google was not able to offer more than 6-8 "attractions", some of which are some hundreds of kilometres from Joensuu. Could you help me with deciding by listing some things worthwhile?

00:43 UTC


Any basketball teams in Joensuu

Hi guys!

I am new student in town and I am looking for a basketball team. I tried to find on internet but the only team in Joensuu seems to be Kataja basket...and I am not a professional level player, neither young enough to be on the junior teams...

Is there any minor league here?

Thanks for the help!

14:37 UTC


Verkkopelit 2015 Joensuun Urheilutalolla 11.-14.6.2015

Hoi kaikki /r/Joensuun pelaajatyypit - tulkaa tapaamaan muuta samanhenkistä porukkaa ja viettämään kaunis alkukesän viikonloppu Joensuun Urheilutalolle!

Dataday Verkkopelit ry:n luotsaamassa lanitapahtumassa on mukana ohjelmaa aina kilpapelaamisesta lautapelailuun. Paikkoja on vielä runsaasti jäljellä, joten vielä mahtuu hyvin mukaan isommankin kaveripoppoon kanssa :)

Hoy all the gamers of /r/Joensuu! Come to spend a nice early summer weekend to the Joensuun Urheilutalo with fellow gamers. The LAN parties hosted by Dataday Verkkopelit ry includes activities from competitive gaming to board games. There's still lots of computer places left so gather all your friends and come join the parties :)


12:05 UTC


House music in Joensuu

I admit I've only ever been out to one club in the center and they were playing the standard college bar 90's hits and bad out of date pop music. But is there an underground music scene at all? Anybody doing good house music anywhere?

19:32 UTC


Joensuun seudulla tapahtuu (x-post from r/Suomi)

16:35 UTC


Last Aurora Activity in Joensuu

22:21 UTC


Miten päästä helposti harrastuksien pariin?

Miten pääsisi jonkinlaiseen aikuiseen ryhmään tai kerhoon jonka mukana pääsisi mukaan erilaiseen liikuntaan kuten lentopallo,koripallo jne. Onko joensuussa mitään tälläista vai pitääkö hakeutua isompiin seuroihin?

23:12 UTC


Looking for recreational mixed choirs in town

(by mixed choirs I mean those with both male and female singers)

I'm desperately looking for a choir to sing in that's just doing it for fun but is NOT a jazz/pop music choir. I'm most comfortable with singing conventional (ie. "classical") sacred and secular choir music, but I can't seem to find any groups that do that on a recreational basis; I know about Canzonetta but they're way above the amateur level.

My other option is trying to join a (Lutheran) church choir, but I have absolutely no idea whether I'd have to be a baptized Christian to participate. Does anyone here know?
(Of course one doesn't have to be Christian to attend mass but perhaps singing in the church choir is a different thing. I've also been part of "guest" choirs at mass and having non-Christians in the group didn't seem to be a problem in that context.)

06:22 UTC


New questions about shopping

I have new questions about shopping... I am thinking to buy a pair of skis... I have skied just one time in my life, the past march. I talk about cross-country ski. I have skied downhill also just once.

I enjoyed the cross-country skiing the last year, and I think it is a very good sport, so I have decided that I want to learn. I am forest engineer, so it is something practical for me to be at outdoors in winter.

Nevertheless, let's go to the point... I have seen a pack in prisma and that looks just the right thing for me to begin. My question is, are there any other shops where I can find a good deal on skis? I was thinking to go to Intersport and Carlsons and perhaps to Eratukku (they do not have skis).

Tomorrow I have planned go to the center and see the prices and ask to the shops assistants about what is the best option for me.

Tomorrow, we are going to Kuopio to buy some furniture in Ikea. Are there any better options there? if I bought in the Kuopio's Prisma the skis, and something happens, can I change or interact with the Joensuu's Prisma instead?

We do not have car in Joensuu yet. We are going to rent a van to bring the Ikea boxes. I do not want to buy something in Kuopio that I cannot change or return because it has a flaw.

Thanks you so much in advance!

14:26 UTC


Where to shop....

Hi Joensuu!!!

I have move to here recently and I have some questions...

I am looking for lighter fluid but I cannot find it anywhere. Where can I buy it in Joensuu? In Clash Ohlson they told me that it could be available in the outdoor shops. Where are a shop like that in Joensuu?

Other question is... I am looking for a small piece of thin board... Are there any shop to buy handicraft supplies or a carpentry store?


12:24 UTC

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