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A place to discuss Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and any of Tolkien's work!

For all things Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, Silmarillion, and more ...

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.


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Tolkien Recommended Reading

Lord of The Rings

  1. The Hobbit
  2. Lord Of The Rings (Including Appendices)
  3. The Children of Húrin
  4. The Silmarillion
  5. Unfinished Tales
  6. Beren & Luthien
  7. The Fall of Gondolin
  8. The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
  9. The History of Middle Earth

Other Related Stories

  • The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
  • Bilbo's Last Song

Tolkien's non-LoTR Stories

  • The Fall of Arthur
  • The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
  • Smith of Wootton Major
  • Farmer Giles of Ham
  • The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son
  • Beowulf: The Monster and the Critics
  • Leaf By Niggle
  • Roverandom
  • On Fairy-Stories


  • Tales from the Perilous Realm
  • The Tolkien Reader
  • On Fairy Stories

For a full recommended Tolkien reading list, please CLICK HERE - written by ebneter

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/r/LOTRtattoos - New sub for tattoos!

/r/lotro (Lord of The Rings Online game)

/r/quenya (Quenya Elvish language)

/r/sindarin (Sindarin Elvish language)

/r/tengwar (Elvish script)







/r/ImaginaryMiddleEarth - LOTR artwork

/r/lordoftheringsrp - LotR Roleplaying

/r/lotrmemes <--- memes go here!

Tolkien Related Multi-Reddit to Rule them All

Recommended Sites

LOTR Project

Encyclopedia of Arda

The One Ring

Tolkien Gateway

JRR Tolkien - Wikipedia Page

LoTR - Wikipedia Page

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Gollum is Bilbo's father.

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If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world!

Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli Snoos created by Tom Sexton


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"Hello Witch King of Angmar. And welcome to the town of Honeywood." 🧄👨‍🌾 😆⚔️🛡🏹🎮 [Elden Ring]

08:28 UTC


my 4 favorite scenes, what are yours?

08:17 UTC


I fucked up the chronology....

I completed the LOTR Trilogy(Book) recently...... However I was unaware of the rabbit hole in which I was driving..... Later I came to acknowledge that the LOTR universe is a lot more than I expected, with dozens of other relative book..... So my question is, based on the fact that I have completed LOTR(book) only, what should I read next to understand the previous lores at a better understanding.... Should I read 'The Hobbits' or should I read 'The Simillarion' I am unaware of the timelines...... And here I am asking the councel for their glorifying advice

1 Comment
06:43 UTC


Saruman could have won the war with better supply chain

Shower thought from today. If Saruman ensured proper supply chain of food (maybe some salted pork) for his army, then the party carrying Pippin and Merry will not have descended into chaos due to lack of meat.

  • They may have missed or even fought off Eomer's ambush
  • No Ents, Isengard doesn't fall.
  • Added bonus of information on Frodo though torture of Pippin and Merry
  • Saruman creates more soldiers for a 2nd wave on Gondor
  • No last stand at Mordor.
  • No distraction for Sauron. He may already know about Frodo
  • Sauron wins

Bonus: Middle management Orc retires as SVP of Supply Chain at a government sanctioned villa in Minas Tirith

03:32 UTC


What is the best order to read the books?

I just finished watching the trilogy of The Hobbit and lotr and I want to start the books, yet idk the proper order, the order of the 9 main books to begin at first.

06:03 UTC


Why didn't the Elves summon and marry the Orcs?

They're taller, stronger, rougher than human men and male elves and have more benififts for the female elves/humans to marry since they're stronger and more animalistic.

05:24 UTC


How did Sauron's physical form disintegrate after his fingers were cut off if the ring was still virtually intact?

I know the ring is a part of him but c'mon man, they only cut off his fingers while he was wearing it. I didn't read the books btw

05:19 UTC


Is Galadriel supposed to be the narrator - 2001 film

Maybe a dumb question… the 2001 film opens with a prolog narrated by Cate Blanchett. Who also plays the character of Galadriel. Is Galadriel supposed to be the narrator?


03:43 UTC


What do you think of my narsil tattoo

Check out my other tattoos. Www.jamesjurado.com

03:11 UTC


Something’s going on (with Bilbo)

Somethings going on I don’t know what to say Looks like he hasn’t aged a day Some of the things he says to me I humor him but don’t believe Telling me he wants to leave

Somethings going on Something going on Something going on Something seems wrong Oh no with bilbo

Mountains he wants to see To focus and do some writing In his speech he loses what to say Disappeared on his 111th birthday

Somethings going on Somethings going on Something going on Something seems wrong Oh no with bilbo

Suddenly he gets aggressive Defending the life force from which he gets The long life that he has lived But somehow, he drops it

Somethings going on Somethings going on somethings going on Something seems wrong Something seems wrong Better go see Saruman..

21:14 UTC


What scenes are different between the theatrical versions and extended versions?

It’s been so long since I’ve seen the theatrical movies that I can’t remember which scenes aren’t in it from the extended, but my question is actually, which scenes in both movies vary in terms of how it plays out? Biggest example for me would be when Pippin and Gandalf are at Gondor right before Frodo sets off the red beam. Gandalf tells Pippin “you’re in the service of the steward now, you’ll have to do as you’re told”. I specifically remember the theatrical version of this scene having him speaking fairly normal, but in the extended version he’s coughing up a storm as he speaks.

Are there any other scenes similar to this where they’re more or less acted out slightly differently?

01:10 UTC


Advice on books /collection

Hello all! I am new to reading Tolkien ( really fairly new to novel reading in general) and have been enjoying the first 3 books ( hobbit, FOTR and two towers ). Intend on reading more after I finish the main LOTR stories but I’m curious as where to go next! I have read some online and sounds like I finished tales or silmarillion next,

I am also weird with having sets all the same and I have been buying the versions shown in picture,

However I do not see the complete history of middle earth , the fall of numenor, or the adventures of Tom Bombadil in this style , Does anyone know if they exist? Are they necessary to read?

Any advice would help! Enjoying the journey!

01:03 UTC



00:49 UTC


Were Frodo, Bilbo, and Tom the only ones to willingly give up the ring or attempt to give it up?

We see that Bilbo, although under much stress, willing gave up the ring to Frodo. We see Frodo attempt to give the ring to Gandalf, Galadriel and Aragon. I’ve never read the books but heard Tom gave it up. Are there any others in LOTR history of anyone else willingly giving up the ring or attempting to?

1 Comment
14:33 UTC


If Sauron Had Repented or Never Turned Evil

15:34 UTC


Rings of Power Post Teases Dwarven Rings in Season 2

17:33 UTC


Ulmo and the One Ring

Why didn't the Fellowship seek out Ulmo so that they could destroy or master the One Ring?

We know from Letter 246 that a being of similar Will to Sauron could master the One Ring, and doing so would undo Sauron the same as if the Ring had been destroyed. But the new Ring master would be corrupted by the Ring's influence.

Ulmo is a Valar, so they would be minimally corrupted by the Ring, even though they would be diminished by the Third Age.

1 Comment
17:57 UTC



I didn’t read the books but why did gollum have trouble with the stew Sam was making and wanting potatoes in it. Does gollum/Sméagol not remember eating potatoes back in the day?

23:55 UTC


Boromirs death.

Man, that shit hits hard when you've been drinking... Love these movies.

22:51 UTC


Ents. What’s the backstory?

So I get that the ents were created by the elves to protect the woodlands of middle earth from the ever advancing dwarves and their insatiable need for timber in the mines and their dwarves technology, but my question is where did they learn to fight. We see them quite successfully and rapidly take down a fortified and heavily garrisoned orc stronghold and are supposedly a peaceful race so my question is, is there anything in Ent lore that says they once fought their own battles or war, or was it just the elves teachings that had been passed down (which would also ask the question how did they train future generations of ents)?

21:28 UTC


Female elves are generally not bad-ass in the Tolkien universe?

It has always been my understanding that the male and Female elves are more or less equal in terms of warfare. However, the more I read, I get the impression that this is not the case.

My first encounter with elves in the Tolkien universe was through the Peter Jackson movies. Here Arwen is given a notably bigger part of the story, being the one to save Frodo from the ringwraiths (instead of Glorfindel). One of the first elves we are properly introduced to, is therefore the bad-ass Arwen, bravely defying the forces of Sauron by herself.

The more I read, it seems that Arwen, as presented in the movies, is not representative in terms of the 'average female elf'. Particularly when reading The Fall of Gondolin, there are few (if any?) female elves fighting the battle, and they are rather hidden in different parts of the city trying to avoid fighting altogether. The female elves in Gondolin are (in my eyes) more 'frail' and 'in need of protection'.

Has anyone else had this experience?

20:41 UTC


What's your opinion on this game as I've heard divisive opinions about it?

20:15 UTC


Recreated Helm's Deep for my players in a VTT.

19:40 UTC


I have finished reading the Silmarillion

Wow what a lot. I thought The Lord of The Rings was a lot more, but my goodness, this is like 50 times that. I’ll admit I can’t remember most of the stories because of how much there is.

There’s no doubt in my Mind Christopher is JRR Tolkien’s son. The Tolkien’s know how to write books.

Morgoth is the real deal. Much better and more crazy villain than Sauron.

Great to read a lot of stuff from the First Age.

This was obviously a very well written book but all that info is just my goodness.

19:26 UTC


As Gandalf was more powerful when he was sent back, did that mean the original plan of the Valar failed?

The real plan of the Valar with the Istari was to send them as old, wise men so that they could assist and advise the races of Middle Earth.

But when Gandalf was sent back, he immediately took on a higher authority role and was more powerful, albeit still advising.

So does that mean when he was sent back, the Valar assumed their original plan with the Istari failed and as such, they changed their plan for the sake of the peoples of ME?

19:14 UTC


The all-mighty God Eru Ilúvatar explained

18:48 UTC


Lotr with commentary?

So I’ve been looking to find the lotr movies with the commentary on top. I obviously can’t find tbe dvds or blurays easily anymore at least in my country, so what options do I have? Do I just have to attempt to sync them on top of each other and hope for the best? Thank you in advance !

18:30 UTC

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