
Photograph via snooOG

A community for learners and enthusiasts of Quenya, the High Elvish language of J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium.


NEW! Introductory Quenya — The most current Quenya course online today, written by the author of Eldamo and receiving ongoing review by the active Elvish linguistic community.
Basic Grammar — An introduction to Quenya grammar for relative beginners. Links to in-depth articles on a wide range of topics.
Atanquesta — A Neo-Quenya primer (Google Doc backup).
Neo-Quenya Grammar Summary — A handy cheat-sheet summary of core topics.

Eldamo — Indispensible lexicon of all source material.
Parf Edhellen — User-friendly compilation of trusted dictionaries.

Amanyë Tenceli — Your go-to resource for the tengwar and the sarati.
Tecendil — Easy-to-use and reliable transcriber.
Glǽmscribe — More advanced transcriber with a wealth of formatting options.

(NOTE: All automatic transcriptions should be double-checked here or in r/Tengwar.)


7,896 Subscribers


Wielder of the flame of Anor translation?

Hey everyone, I was able to find the translation to the first part “I am the servant of the Secret Fire” but I can’t seem to find any reliable translation for the second part. Hopefully someone can help me.

NB. not looking for a tengwar script of the words but an actual translation.

Many thanks!

07:42 UTC


Tattoo translation request

Hello, I was hoping somebody could help me translate the phrase “Be the partner she deserves” for a tattoo. I’ve considered straight transcription to avoid the translation becoming outdated but I think a translation will be better for what I’m looking for. I’m ok with the idea that it might become outdated in the future. I’m ok with tweaks to the phrase itself if it preserves the overall meaning. Also, if possible I would really appreciate an explainer on how to provide the Quenya

1 Comment
09:05 UTC


Wedding ring engraving Translation request

Hello, i would love some help getting a translation for my fiancé’s wedding ring! I would like it to say “More than all the stars…” Thank you so much to anyone who can help!!!<3

19:06 UTC


'Still I Rise' In Quenya

Hi all!

TL;DR: Going to New Zealand in a month and looking to get a Tolkien tattoo with some friends while we're there. I've always been inspired by the first men in the Silmarillion (albeit most of them had some flaws but don't we all...) I love Beren and Tuor (and if anyone has any great quotes by them please lmk - especially any with Beren & Tinúviel - I'm a hopeless romantic) but have always thought Turin was my favourite - something about his ill-fated life reflects some of my history but I loved how he had some redemption near the end by slaying Glarung and overcame great odds doing it himself.

For my tattoo I wanted to get 'Still I Rise' in Quenya on his sword Anglachel (later Gurthang) either on the blade or on the side. Want to t get it on my back near the shoulder blade with the sword pointing down. Any help with the translations on pictures would be super appreciated- thanks my LOTR fam!!

19:03 UTC


Translation review

Hello everyone!

As lots of other people before me, I've been meaning to translate the paraphrase from the movies:

The journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass and then you see it. White shores and beyond a far green country under a swift sunrise.

And yes, it is for a tattoo (shocking, right?).

I have been going back and forth with an AI tool (GPT Elvish Translator by Life Trails Consulting) trying to get to a suitable translation that encompasses both the literal and figurative meaning from the original. During the conversation I have also used the Quenya-English Dictionary by Ambar Eldaron and some previous discussions here in this reddit. After much debate, this is the result I've come up with:

I mentië útyelëa sí. Effírië ná erëa exë tië, tai me quanda vanta. I sindë mistë o sina ambar senë, ar ilya querë silma maril, ar san cenilyes. Fánë falassi, arë ambela palalaiqua nórë nu alarca anarórë.

I would very much appreciate if people with more expertise in this field could revise the result and comment it. Thank you very much to everyone.

PS: If someone is interested in the original full debate with the AI tool to see why some choices were made that way, I could share it with them.

19:45 UTC


Looking to translate longterm nickname

Hey everyone, I could use some help if someone's got a moment :)

I've been using variations of the nickname "skydancer" online for literally the biggest part of my life. For those who are curious - it's a reference to the old 80s version of the kids' tv show "My Little Pony". So yeah, the nickname is important to me and holds a lot of memories for me.

I would now really like to connect that childhood memory to one of the biggest passions of my adult life and have the name translated into Quenya. :) I've tried to look up the individual components, but I've simply never done anything like this before and have no idea how to put them together... so I ended up coming here instead.

I'd appreciate any help! ❤️

12:45 UTC


Translation request

My favorite quote ever from Tolkiens work is from the Children of Huron: "(for) a man that flies from his dear may find he has only taken a shortcut to meet it."

I'm curious what it would sound like. Much appreciated.

1 Comment
03:46 UTC


Making names in Tolkien's languages

Hi, is there a way of translating or making names in Tolkien's languages? I've tried to translate my name in Elvish languages but since Tolkien's languages are not complete I'm having a hard time. I have two names and I actually would like to translate all of my names and surname but for a start, the main name I use means something like the moon with strong light. I tried a bit and ended up with these:

Isilmë = moonlight

Moon = Isil

with = as

strong = polda/tulca

light = cala






They do not look vey pleasent and they have more than three syllables. What do you think? Since Tolkien's langauges are incomplete, should I just make a random name (similar to the ones above) to my liking and say it means whatever I choose?

21:15 UTC


Translation needed


I am looking for a translation of the line "between the mountains and the sea" for a tattoo, if anyone can be of help?

18:04 UTC


"Pellume sender Feanáro má ar sanar" – a good translation?

Is "Pellume sender Feanáro má ar sanar" a good translation of Tolkien's "Seldom were the hands and mind of Feanor at rest"? Someone in the community suggested it to me and explained it thoroughly. Just looking for a second opinion. When I plugged this into the Tecendil transcriber, I was getting weird output, such as "sender" being Sindarin rather than Quenya.

12:28 UTC


Dedication for my daughters

Hi everyone! I'm working on translating a short dedication for my daughters, and I'd love your insight. In English I wrote:

In the darkest moments
[name] and [name]'s unending light is
The promise of the coming dawn

And in Quenya so far I have:

Mi i ulca lúmincë
Cala [name] ar [name] firúva
Estel orontë tulussë

I enjoy neologisms, and mostly want to convey the meaning while being somewhat poetic. If you want to get creative with it, I'd love that!

21:03 UTC


Where to learn Quenya?

I'm a newbie.

19:19 UTC


"for have I chosen both the sweet and the bitter"

Hi! I am looking to translate Arwen's line: "... for mine is the choice of Lúthien, and as she so have I chosen, both the sweet and the bitter." But I am looking to shorten/tweak it to something like "(for) I choose(/have chosen) both the sweet and the dark".

I'm having great trouble understanding the "I have chosen/choose" part lol. Does "an cilmë(nien?) yo i lissë ar i mornië" have any ring to it at all?

11:43 UTC


Noobasaurus Rex

Hi everyone. Newb here. Would appreciate someones help when possible.

I was looking at the following sentence to be translated and then I can use the online tools to transcribe it. "Do it for her" is the potential tattoo

1 Comment
22:13 UTC


How to translate "nameless"?

What is the best translation of the word "nameless" (as in "nameless things")? I haven't found a direct translation and thought about using compositions like "without name" or "not named", but I'm not sure what the result would be.

08:46 UTC


Can someone translate

I want a good translation of “everyting is always going to be all right” of in dutch, “alles komt altijd goed”. Can someone translate is in elvish please

02:15 UTC


Help with creating a name?

I’m trying to create a name meaning “Small Universe” or “Little Universe” or something along those lines. However, I read in an article that elves don’t use the name of Eru or Valar or the like in their own names. It’s important that the name has to do with space, but I don’t really want to use Star, as it’s not quite fitting for the character. I also have no idea on how to actually combine the adjective with the noun to create a name. I did try googling and reading through grammar help to get an idea, but more so figured out how to construct a sentence, not a name. Any help would be highly appreciated, and I am open to variations of the name!

17:23 UTC


Another (rather general) pronunciation question - vowel quality (or: is there a typo in App. E?)

For the record, I am a native German speaker, fluent in French and English. I am also an academic scientist (biology) and, thus, relatively familiar with Latin.

In general, I would say, this lucky combination gives me a significant advantage when it comes to the desired pronunciation of many of Tolkien's languages over, let's say a native English- or Spanish speaker.

That being said, Tolkien was a native English speaker and so his own pronunciation was rather strongly coloured in that fashion. So who knows... 😜😉

Either way, I don't usually have many problems or doubts when it comes to pronunciation. However, there is one quote regarding vowel quality that baffles me, and I hope that someone might be able to enlighten me!

The quote is from Appendix E of the LotR ('Vowels') and goes as follows:

That is, the sounds were approximately those represented by i, e, a, o, u in English machine, were, father, for, brute**, irrespective of quantity.**

I absolutely get all of these approximations as being the best one can do (or the closest one can get) with English vowels - except the 'e'.

As far as I can tell, Tolkien is going for very 'Germanic' vowel qualities, so for a, i, o, u he would probably use IPA ä, i, o, u in most cases (with slight variations depending on surrounding consonants etc.)

My assumption is that for e, he would have used IPA e and/or ɛ. The former possibly in the beginning of a word, the latter in other places, as for example in eˈlɛsːar (Elessar).

Now, there is no sound in English that comes really close to IPA e, but the vowel sound in 'were' is closer to the vowel sound in 'bird', which is somewhere between IPA ə and ɜ. This sound seems most definitely wrong for an 'e' in Eldarin languages. I cannot even think of any accents, regional or historical, that might pronounce it anywhere close to the desired sound.

Is it possible that there is a typo in the Appendix, or a misinterpretation by Christopher Tolkien, and it should actually say "where" or "we're"? Both these sounds don't seem very appropriate either but maybe closer.

Has this been discussed before? Is there any consensus on that question? Can anyone shed some light on the mystery? 😊

Grateful for any comments and thoughts!

14:38 UTC


Is there an elvish word that describes something like gasoline? Explosive? Or perhaps a compound elvish word for “fire accelerant”?

17:55 UTC


How is my translation?

I have attempted to translate the following sentence: "[name] writes on this staff to give it breath." The attempt is as such: "[name] tece apa si olwena itan sá antuva súlë." It is inspired by real-life runic inscriptions meant to enact magic, and I am using súlë for its metaphorical definition as "the emission of power (of will or desire) from a spirit".

I am trying to learn the language, so all feedback is appreciated :-)

02:42 UTC



Hey y’all!! I really wanna get a tattoo of my name (Ashley) but idk if I can thrust those automatic translators... Can some one help me ?😭☝️

1 Comment
20:59 UTC


Help if someone can translate a phrase for me

Dear all gurus of tolkien's languages, i come to you now and seek for help. My wife and I want to make some inscriptions into our wedding rings, more specifically, this phrase: "I will love you for the rest of my life; in this life and the next". Could you, wise people and if able, translate it into Quenya? I'll leave in the comments the links of the suggested translitarations in tengwar. Thanks to all and may the light of Eärendil light your way!

20:53 UTC


How would you translate something that hints to a new life/new beginning/rebirths? I'm looking to use it as a name in a DnD setting

18:04 UTC


Pronunciation of Elessar

Firstly, apologies if this is one of the things that are brought up all the time. I have not found a satisfying answer anywhere to the specific question I have.

As far as I know, Elessar is a word from Quenya. Furthermore, from what I know (mainly from App. E of the LotR), Quenya follows the same stress-rules as Sindarin, in principle (which are rather straight-forward in most cases).

I believe that the commonly accepted pronunciation of Elessar is ɛˈlɛsːar, or maybe eˈlɛsːar.

In App. E it says:

"Note that consonants written twice, as tt, ll, ss, nn, represent long, 'double' consonants."

My issue/question is, thus, whether the 'ss' should or should not be counted as a single consonant. From how I understand the quote above, it should be a single consonant (comparable to dh and th), which would, in turn, lead to the pronunciation of Elessar to be 'ɛlɛsːar.

I think that the 'ss' is one distinct symbol in Tengwar as well - but I am not sure.

I would be glad to hear thoughts on that! 😊

16:24 UTC


Correct form of 'Blue Jewel'?

Hi all,

I'm trying to craft a name meaning 'Blue Jewel' in Quenya and I'm unsure of what the proper form should look like.

Using the root words 'luinë' (blue) and 'mírë' (jewel/treasure), what should this look like when put together?

Would dropping the ending of the first word be acceptable? (ie. luimírë'?)

And how would this inflect if we are applying to a masculine vs feminine subject?

1 Comment
04:23 UTC

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