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    70,071 Subscribers


    Can anyone identify this song? First heard in Forsaken Inn. Haven't heard it anywhere else and can't find it on any of the music collections. Help!

    04:13 UTC


    I’m level 19 and my friend says I should already have a milestone skill by now, but I don’t, how do I get one?

    03:03 UTC


    Did I make a mistake by picking this server?

    I’m quite busy these days and I decided I wanted to start a character on lotro and slowly work through the quests and zones whenever I have free time.

    I planned on playing til max level and exploring my favorite fictional world but I made my character on Angmar legendary server and just found out level cap is only 60.

    I’m level 17 right now. Should I restart on a different server where I can get to max level?

    02:44 UTC


    Character time created?

    I know you can use /played to get the total amount of time you've played on a character, but is there any way to get the date the character was created?

    02:04 UTC


    Brand new player, can I start on Mordor?


    I have just downloaded the game on Steam. I am hoping to start on Mordor to play through the game and then transfer to a normal server at some point in the future. The launcher won't let me into Mordor, I get a message 'getting inline to connect' then eventually an error 'failed to queue for server. Do I need to start on another server, purchase VIP and then start another character on Mordor, or do I just need to be patient and keep trying?

    Thanks for reading.

    02:00 UTC


    Fellowship alert sound

    So I've just been told there's supposed to be an alert sound when someone invites you to fellowship. I have been playing for almost 5 years now (consistently the last 3), and I have never has an alert sound when someone invites me to a fellowship and don't see anything in settings nor on Google. Help please? I miss invites sometimes and this would help a lot. Thank you!

    01:22 UTC


    Once Harondor goes live, how long would it take to slow travel from Suri-kyla to Umbar Baharbel?

    What’s your estimate of the slow travel time between the two? This is without pausing to sail, totally overland.

    23:09 UTC


    Just created an account, what server should I join?

    Im EU and the idea of a legendary server seems cool as i wont feel too overhwhelmed by the content but they seem to require VIP, should I get that now or just go into a normal server?

    19:53 UTC


    Less fast travel

    Am I the only one who prefers/tries not to use fast travel? It makes for a much more immersive experience and a chance to appreciate the full world.

    19:26 UTC


    Does the acquisition process for getting this reputation mount make any sense?

    So, I'm looking at getting a reputation faction mount -- specifically the Sea-Breeze, which requires achieving Kindred status with the Pelargir faction. You also need 200 Central Gondor Silver Coins to purchase it. However, apparently (to me) there is something very weird going on with getting this particular faction mount.

    You see, when you finish quests to get rep points for the Pelargir faction, it appears that you also get currency in EASTERN Gondor Silver Coins. Which are of no use to you in purchasing this mount from the Pelargir Quartermaster.

    However, in order to get the necessary CENTRAL Gondor Coins that you need for your purchase, it appears you need to do quests that give you those coins, but reward NO Pelargir Faction Points to advance your standing with the Pelargir faction.

    This setup seems bass ackwards!

    Am I reading this right, or have I made some gross mistake here. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I don't want to embark on a futile venture which will not reward me with what I am looking to accomplish. Thanks in advance.

    17:05 UTC


    imagine the minas morgul metal scene.

    1 Comment
    16:27 UTC


    Help! I rolled a Warden….

    Afternoon hobbits, I’ve created my first Warden and am currently running around Combe randomly practicing my gambits and training muscle memory!

    My damage seems vary low in comparison to the other classes I’ve played, I know I’m still low level but it’s taking an age to drop same level mobs as opposed to guardian, captain and burglar. (My other chars)

    Is there a specific gambits I should be focusing on (I play solo landscape pretty much 100%) I’m in the red tree for dps, wearing best quest gear I come across.

    Any advice greatly appreciated!

    15:55 UTC


    New Peregrin RP server WILL have raiding kins.

    I’m so tired of seeing posts in discords and chatter saying the new Peregrin server won’t have raiders and the only choice is Glamdring. This is simply misinformation. Many raiding centric kins from various servers have committed to Peregrin in supporting a raiding community that isn’t toxic, while also respecting the RP community. Landroval was considered a RP server and there has been plenty of raiding activity, even multiple progression groups working on T4 plus raids, as well as a kinship that were in top 5 of all servers for T5. There may be WAY more raiding kinships on Glamdring in total numbers, but don’t dismiss Peregrin as just a RP server, it will just be probably be a much more chill vibe than Glamdring regarding raid mentality and attitudes while supporting raiders of all abilities.

    I made this post to ensure that accurate information is shared and that players have the opportunity to make informed choices about their gaming experiences.

    15:05 UTC


    How to get to Minas Morgal, through Stable masters?


    I wanted to know some of the routes that would take you from, say, Rivendell Stables or Lothlórien, to Minas Morgul or near Minas Morgal



    14:53 UTC


    Is possible to transfer chars to the new 64bit server?

    So I just heard about the 64bit server and I never played LOTRO before on a seach I saw rumors that you can transfer character or itens to those new servers. If that is possible then I would start playing now and just move my stuff there, if not I will prob wait to start playing there.

    Also anyone knows the date?


    14:43 UTC


    Australian player seeing what new 64bit server to join

    Hello everyone,

    Just a question on what server I should join, I am currently on Arkenstone with a few characters early on in the journey, would be keen to join the new 64bit server but unsure which one I should join, probably less interested in the RP side, but looking to see if they are any Australian kinships moving or groups being made?

    Thanks everyone

    14:32 UTC


    Continuing my new players journey i started on here

    I just hit level 25 on my main character and level 15 on my second character and have more questions for yall.

    On my level 15 dwarf I've been leveling up metalsmithing and prospecting and I've hit a road block. It takes me forever to mine one node of dwarf iron is there any way for me to mine those as quickly as all other nodes so far?

    14:30 UTC


    A good screenshot from 2019 (or even 2018) Harvest Festival

    12:06 UTC


    Legendary servers (Mordor) still worth it for returning player?

    So, I played on Mordor when it launched back in 2024 but stopped playing around lvl 30'ish. Is it still worth to return and try to catch up or has that ship sailed? To my understanding Mirkwood is just around the corner? And is VIP still required?

    11:43 UTC


    Returning - best server?

    Hi folks - want to come back and start afresh! Is now a good time? Seen a lot about new servers dropping?

    I’m happy to sub if those servers are better for a returning player? Mordor is the newest EU right?

    11:42 UTC


    Hard Tack Crafting Event needs retuning, no one is doing it?

    Besides the fact that players seem to be just ignoring the Hard Tack Event entirely due to lack of rewards for time sink and impossible to really achieve on a regular basis, there are many reasons why the Hard Tack Crafting Event needs retuning.

    - The amount of tasks required is too many

    - The amount of time given to complete all tasks is too small

    - The amount of rewards given is way too small

    - The amount of players doing the event is basically none from what I can tell, this is really bad for a group PVE event?

    - There is very little chance of getting any winning wribbons even if you try for hours you probably will not even get one

    There needs to be some serious retuning of the event or it will just remain as dead content. I actually think it's slightly better than the forester event with the pvp racing which I hated but to be honest very disappointed with the crafting events so far. The idea of new tools, combining them etc is awesome but the implementation, requirements and lack of amount of barter rewards are really really bad.

    07:49 UTC


    What class is your favorite in LOTR of O?

    Pretty new to this great MMORPG called LOTR of O. Really enjoying playing so far! Gotten every class to 20 except Burglar and enjoy most of them...really just not Burglar.

    Easiest by far was Beorning. I played at max difficulty to 20 and only did Thrash and surprised myself with an occasional heal. I don't think I'd be able to look at a never changing bear though for 150 levels.

    My overall favorite, easy difficulty aside is Loremaster. I love the cute animals! Also they are great in red tree, blue tree and green tree. They are a very fun class that I really enjoy.

    I know many have alts, but is any class your particular main?

    04:06 UTC


    What class is your least favorite in LOTR of O?

    Pretty new to LOTR of O, but have gotten most of the classes to 20. The only one I can't get into is Burglar as they keep dying before 20. I haven't tried Brawler or javelineer class yet, and just started a mighty Champion.

    I like most of the classes though so far though.

    04:03 UTC


    Got every class (except burglar) to 20 on fearless without dying

    First, still pretty new to LOTRO. I haven't gotten any class past 20, BUT have gotten every class (except burglar) to 20. Also, this week did fearless and it was a ton of fun! Added a lot of amazing challenge

    I like elf/stout axe and river hobbit the best too for races (river hobbit being my favorite). So mostly did those classes that they can be. Beorning was by far the easiest though, I did max difficulty and just spammed thrash and heals and wasn't any issue at all. For the rest, challenging but fun and doable.

    Hunter...this class did by far the best. It did really well in crowded tight spaces, even without being able to kite.

    Warden, needed to heal fast but did really good and was 2nd easiest. The lag made it hard though, and I spazzed out sometimes.

    Captain (yellow) dead at 8 not enough damage so it was the slowest, tried red and it was the same tbh. But was super easy with being heals and tanky.

    I got various classes to 20 normally before trying fearless, as with fearless you get some titles and stuff and the gameplay is super fun imo. Its like playing a roguelike, die if before level 20 and then delete the character and try a new one (only burglar died though before 20, it was by far the hardest).

    Some tips on surviving to at least 20 without grinding and following the quests normally is take it slow and easy. Or play beorning as that is the easiest class in the game even on max difficulty. Just sit there spam thrash and surprise yourself with the occasional heal and they kinda win the game as far as I can tell xD Its a very strong good class that is perfect for soloing, co-op (cause my friend plays the game with me when he isn't working and doing college work), groups everything... just...you have to like looking at the bear butt from 1 to 150 and it will never change or look different...

    Very fun and loving LOTRO :)

    1 Comment
    03:35 UTC


    Can't get any class (except beorning) to 20 on fearless without dying

    First, still pretty new to LOTRO. I haven't gotten any class past 20, BUT have gotten every class (except burglar) to 20. Also, today finally tried fearless and only class (that I've tried so far) that has made it to 20 is beorning. Except don't really like beorning as mostly just a bear and the cosmetics are just ok. Good and extremely funny class, just being the bear is kinda limiting for cosmetics.

    I like elf/stout axe and river hobbit the best too for races (river hobbit being my favorite). But hunter...dead at level 8 in the first bandit camp the quests send you to from mossward (the village in the sky place I think its called, the fort the bandits occupy) that is tight spaces and tons of mobs in crowded spaces). This class did by far the worst for me in this camp, as its tight spaces and lots of mobs so no kiting.

    Warden, level 9 dead (blue). Did pretty good and almost survived, but couldnt get the heal fast enough and I kinda spazzed out and messed up the gambit heal lol. Also game kept lagging which didn't help.

    Captain (yellow) dead at 8 not enough damage, went back as red and it was the same tbh. Probably 2nd hardest class.

    I got various classes to 20 normally, but with fearless you get some titles and stuff and the gameplay is super fun (except keep dying before 20 lol) imo. Its like playing a roguelike, die if before level 20 and then delete the character and try a new one.

    Class I'm trying next is Loremaster. But...

    Any tips on surviving to at least 20 without grinding and following the quests normally like you can on normal mode? Like said, so far only beorning has been no issue at all. Just sit there (probably could even go up 2-3 difficulty levels and gameplay would be exactly the same tbh) spam thrash and surprise yourself with the occasional heal and they kinda win the game as far as I can tell xD Its a very strong good class that is perfect for soloing, co-op (cause my friend plays the game with me when he isn't working and doing college work), groups everything... just...bear...

    But kinda want a class where can see the character and can be a river hobbit/elf/dwarf as I like those best. Just all the ones I try thus far compared to beorning whimper away on fearless.

    Like said though, LM might be different its pretty powerful in normal anyway.

    I haven't tried guardian or mariner/minstrel/RK or burglar and brawler.

    03:13 UTC


    Quickbar pages help!

    EDIT: I feel like an absolute fool. Abilities’ quickbar positions are saved and tied to which ability profile you use. So no page turning required! I’m going to leave the post up jusssst in case someone else has the same specific kind of brain fart I did, but mods feel free to nuke this post if you don’t want it here. Happy questing everyone!


    I’ve recently decided to try and dual spec my guardian, so I can flex DPS or Tank when needed. The problem I’m having is that when I swap skill trees the “unlearned” skills on page 2 completely disappear!

    So to give a specific example of flow here- I swap to blue tree, skills on quickbar page one are where I put them. I swap red tree and turn to page two and my red skills are all gone.

    Is there something I’m just not seeing in the menus? I’d really like to be able to hotswap red and blue but after an hour of fiddling with it I’m losing it. Any help is much appreciated.

    02:59 UTC


    How is endgame?

    I moved from classic wow to lotro a month ago and I've been loving the change of scenery. I am not a hard-core raider but I do like a little bit of endgame. How is endgame on legendary servers and regular?

    02:13 UTC

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