TolkienArt is a place were redditors can post their favorite personal Tolkien Art, or their favorite Tolkien artists. All posts should be related to the works of J. R. R. Tolkien.
List of guidelines:
Enjoy, and hopefully we can soon see some Tolkien inspired art on display here in this corner of the Internet.
As the great Lord Elrond said, "Ála tira acca haiya! Mal si a vanya as márë órelyar! Namárië, ar nai aistalë Eldar ar Atani ar ilyë Léralieron hilya le! Eleni sílar antalyannar!"
Look not too far ahead! But go now with good hearts! Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves, Men and all the Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!
Also check out:
/r/lotro (Lord of The Rings Online game)
There is the Dark Tree, XVI is for chapter 16 and my age when I got the scar, the stars are for morgoth and the silmarils, the eye is for sauron
I found this online but it didn't name the artist, if you know please tell me so I can credit them.
Does anyone have concept art of the Bay of Eldamar? I am dying to see interpretations of the opals, pearls, and crystals covering the beach with the black skies lit only by stars before the creation of the moon
Crafting Kili’s regal armor from the battle of the five armies. It’s made from EVA foam. Ok working on the chain mail next.
Almost finished with my dragon helm of Dor Lomin. Got bored last month and crafted half a dozen swords, crowns, and armor pieces.
(Made from eva foam and a lot of hot glue.)