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Keep calm, highlight the lefts condemnation of violence, continue to speak out, and wait for the right to squander any good will it has gained

15:29 UTC


Labour Party victory in the UK

The Labour Party won an overwhelming majority in yesterday's general election. What are your thoughts on the Labour Party?

I've heard the party described as socialist, democratic socialist, liberal, center-left, left, etc. What is the best description of the party under Keir Starmer's leadership?

(I'm especially interested in hearing from people who live in the UK)

21:15 UTC


What does this sub think of the US/European involvement in the war in Ukraine?

It seems like there's an anarcho leaning here. I'm curious what you think is the best way to deal with the problem of Russia. I take for granted that the libertarian left regards Russia's government as a particular problem.

17:52 UTC


US Election 2024: under what conditions do we arm ourselves

A lot of us own guns already.

But many of us don't.

What set of circumstances should prompt a US Left Libertarian to go to the gun store?

Yeah I know we're supposed to talk about theory, complain about those who are 'not us', and word slam infiltrators, but we might be on the cusp of a lot of people getting killed.

Not to discuss this topic seems negligent.


Here's a starter list of the obvious:

  • Trump wins the election?

  • Trump ahead in the polls with X days to go?

  • Widespread violence on election day?

  • Trump wins and starts persecuting LGBT+, atheists, etc?

  • Trump loses the election and widespread violence kicks off?

  • Trump loses the election and your state votes to secede from the union?

What would it take to make you buy a gun?

22:07 UTC


Are anarcho communist allowed here?

Hey I do Believe that anarcho communism is a form of libertarian left right? I Believe the state is oppressive because of coercion and has a serious problem with Mass incarceration. I also believe capitalism is oppressive because It makes where you can never move up But only if you're in a wealthy family everybody else is pushed down.

02:12 UTC


Who are the best contemporary left-lib writers whose work will likely be read for years to come?

I'm looking around for companies that I might pitch my editorial illustration practice to and it's occured to me that I'd like to direct my attention and energy towards longer-lived written material. It's not really the "done thing" to illustrate work from past writers for a number of reasons, although I think it can be done tastefully and effectively. At least with contemporary writers they may be able to sign off on the inclusion of illustrations. Quite a few come to mind for me but I'm sure I'm missing some names.

15:10 UTC


What do Y’all think of Libertarian Marxism and council communism

I’m getting into marxist literature and i am ofc on the anti authoritarian part of it, i like the idea of a small state that’s only purpose is to prevent bad stuff like murder and capitalism, and it would be directly controlled by the people, no political parties run by corporations, any thoughts?

04:13 UTC


Guess thats a "no" then 💀💀💀

I like how we say the libertarian right doesnt exist and they say we dont exist, first time i see a "libertarian" say "captalism is the only sistem who defends liberty" tho, and exchange of goods isnt voluntary if you need to buy and sell to survive, its necessity, and libertarians stand for liberty and liberty/freedom is only possible without a state controlling your life, and Yes the people can do redistribution of wealth by themselves theres nothing stopping them, tough word for someone whos entire sistem is based from an ideology who comes from the left, ancap is just captalism without anarchism and ancap isnt even a real thought as captalism cant function without an authority and you are Just replacing politicians with corporates, its corporatocracy and if corporations take power it is a new state not the abolition of the current, anarchism is not the freedom of the bourgeoursie its the freedom of the comon worker, and it is not true freedom if you just replace the state with a corporate owned/goverment nation

15:27 UTC


I'm searching for people interested in creation of remote, horizontal game dev worker cooperative

06:37 UTC


Interview with Akiva Malamet

13:33 UTC


Thoughts on the POUM?

The POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista/Workers' Party of Marxist Unification) was a communist party that rose to prominence during the Spanish civil war. They were apparently larger than the Stalinist communist party and we're highly critical of the soviet Union. During the civil war, they promoted things such as worker's democracy, federalization and autonomy for the other cultural and linguistic realities within Spain. They also seemed to get along well with the anarchists of the FAI-CNT.

What do you think about them? Are there any exponents of the party that are worth learning about? I know that George Orwell was a member, and that he fought in the international brigades, tough I still had no chance of reading "homage to Catalogna" just yet.

05:34 UTC


What do you think about nation-states?

Most people (at least in the West) take for granted the dominant European model of sovereign states representing particular national communities. The nation-state is so entrenched today, many people don't realize other models of political organization are possible.

Do you think nation-states can be changed to become more ethical, just, and democratic? Or is there a better way?

00:57 UTC


Whats going on with leftist subs?

I don’t understand why things are becoming so hostile on forums like lostgeneration and workersstrikeback. People seem to be eager to put words in my mouth with respect to Biden. I do not support Biden. I see voting as a strategic game, not perfection or bust.

The tendency to infight and paralyze feels like a psyop to render the topical foci of organizing workers and generational deprivation under late stage capitalism.

It seems that we are contending with two types of cancer with this election, and one is easier to treat. Abstaining from voting entirely and also failing to organize is like bellowing while staring at ones own navel. Elect and organize leftist causes locally, and treat the remaining game of the executive noise as abstract and strategic.

Perfectionism is a paralytic! Inaction is absurd in the face of what is going on. If you refuse to vote, it is doubly incumbent on you to work towards the benefit of the cause in your community, not to relish in a vain attempt to only undertake action that is perfect.

Feed someone, house someone, talk about unions, or organize your community in other ways. Strong dogma and perfect adherence to a specific in-language is not the answer, dammit.

I don’t understand the preoccupation with protest by way of hypercritical internal disintegration and resulting inaction. I am dismayed by the infighting. Can’t slight variations of political thought unify to a mean cause of interest to all left-leaning individuals? Our political momentum is growing and as the older generation passed on, we can either work towards the better, kinder world we want, or we can relent and have others decide the situation for us.

Signed, A lefty anarchist

20:41 UTC


Any good readings for someone trying to learn more about libertarian Marxism?

I'm looking for some good authors that can help me understand libertarian Marxism a bit more. I know about the ideology itself, but I don't really know any important author related to it.

07:34 UTC


Vote for labor activist Lewis to defeat the fascist La Follette, who is an ally of Charles Lindbergh in this timeline! Socialists such as Norman Thomas support Lewis!

15:19 UTC


What do you think of the author Kevin Carson? Any favorite books or quotes from him?

Last I read him was in 2008 with his homebrew revolution book, curious what other's opinions/criticisms/recommendations are.

1 Comment
23:24 UTC

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