Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is an American late-night talk show airing Sundays on HBO in the United States and HBO Canada, and on Mondays (originally Tuesdays) on Sky Atlantic in the United Kingdom. The half-hour-long show premiered on Sunday, April 27, 2014, and is hosted by comedian John Oliver. LWT takes a satirical look at news, politics and current events on a weekly basis.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is an American late-night talk show airing Sundays on HBO in the US and HBO Canada, and on Mondays on Sky Atlantic in the UK. The half-hour-long show takes a satirical look at news, politics and current events on a weekly basis.
Why isn't LWT on HBO GO right after it airs?
Why are the YouTube clips region-restricted?
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i just subscribed with the hbo max black friday deal assuming i would get access to all the seasons, but i just logged in and i am only able to see season 11 & a few episodes of 10. i had been watching everything on youtube & kept waiting for a good deal so i could subscribe and get access to the whole catalog. but its not there? is there anywhere where you are able to stream all the seasons in one place? i’m just gonna start pirating smh.
Which episode has the joke where he goes "Hey Pig! Your mom fucks pigs! Boom! Roasted!"
Would love an episode on personality tests. I feel like the Myers-Briggs is just pseudoscience. And these days I see a lot more personality tests for jobs that are basically trick questions that use data to just eliminate resumes in order to get through them faster. The problem is they are simply comparing your answers to the employees they like, in order to get someone else like them. I just don't think it can be boiled down that simply. Might as well just throw out resumes at random.
This and this episode https://youtu.be/Ch9--kBhVOs?si=0SEf-zmrIAj1AXW8 covered (in part) Trump’s tariffs. Not sure of the exact points in the episodes that he did them though. Surprised it wasn’t a main topic at a point. Could be the 2025 season opener perhaps.
And I'm not talking plain anger—I mean just seething, enraged, absolutely furious, on the verge of a screaming fit, feeling as though you could actually hurt or kill someone?
Part of what makes it so dark and heartwrenching is that John pulls back on making as many jokes, and there's no audience to laugh along with at the jokes he does make. It's just him in the void, with only depressing clips of ignorant people and incompetent leaders, and his own rage at the state of the world.
We currently have Hulu w/ Live TV and watch new episodes on HBO East on Sunday nights. We're considering dropping the Live TV portion and continue with a Max subscription. When do the new episodes upload on Max? I'm assuming either the same night, by time zone, or the next day. Could someone clarify my assumptions. Thx.
Was watching an older episode. Saw John dive DEEP into a made up creature - Opposite Snakes - so I made a memecoin of it on pump.fun -- looking back this was so dumb, but random internet strangers have been buying a little bit so Opposite Snakes will live on forever in the memecoin world.
Anyone else get jumpscared by nikocado avocado during the tiktok montage?
I can't remember what episode it's from, but John showed a news clip of a journalist at a river talking about how plastic affects fish and he puts a plastic bag over his head and starts yelling "I CAN'T BREATHE." Does anyone remember what episode this was or where I can find that clip?
Edit: I found it! I'll post it here in case anyone else is looking for this gem: https://youtu.be/LIJMWDaWPWc?si=1yxNZPi0NYq1jpsn
Looking for the episode, which I think starts, with the clip from when Krish accidentally c***ed someone off because he didn't know he had a live mic. Thank you
I mean damn, with the way he talks about Biden you'd think that Biden was a terrible president but c'mon John he wasn't THAT bad.
I think Biden was actually a good president.
I believe a return to “traditional” families would actually look more like:
• Multi-generational households • Income from multiple people in the home • Aunties stepping in for support • Grandparents being cared for in the home • Gardens and shared meals made together • Hand-me-down clothes • Kids running around with cousins while everyone pitches in to help raise them
It would mean less isolation—like ONE woman being left alone ALL day, doing all the cleaning, the cooking, the child-rearing, and carrying the mental and emotional labor of it all. It’s too much, especially if she also has to work.
We desperately need more connection, where love, care, and responsibilities are shared by the whole family. A true “tradition” rooted in community.
Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of that. The nuclear family was pushed, and it replaced connection with this unattainable and unhealthy ideal. What made families strong in the first place was togetherness..
Does anyone have a gif or screen cap of John saying “Google it, I can’t do everything for you”?
Or would you remember the episode?
And yes I already Googled it.
Help me find a joke about Glenn close being robbed of Oscars. Thanks