
Photograph via snooOG

John Oliver is a comedian most noted for his stint on the daily show, and his new show last week tonight.

John Oliver is a comedian most noted for his stint on the daily show, and his new show last week tonight.

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John Oliver, did you write this?

John Oliver, did you write this?

03:32 UTC



I was on blackout and came home to watch the Derby! Can’t wait to hear the pod at the end of the year with Roger Bennett! 4 weeks to create one liners. Let the Al Davis jokes begin

01:14 UTC


John nearly got to this last week

This is a movie on the Wilson Davis memo. A leaked memo about documents inquiring on pentagon funding and a secret org in it. These papers were released ina hearing to Congress


23:50 UTC


Bonobos are endangered-adopt one!

Bonobos are endangered but you can help by adopting one! They are kind, gentle creatures that love to “handshake.” Please consider raising awareness and embracing all things bonobo.

02:06 UTC


John Oliver on Smartless

John Oliver was on Smartless podcast a few weeks ago and it was a hilarious hour. I have two questions after hearing it though,:

  1. why didnt he mention "the Bugle" when giving his bio /backstory?

2). What were the political issues his British standup commented upon back in the day before he jumped to American and the Daily show ?


18:34 UTC


John Oliver being wrong on the responsibilities that come with rights when it comes to the Palestinian Golden Gate Bridge protesters.

“That’s the point of protests, to be disruptive.”

But you can’t shout fire in a crowded theater. What if an ambulance or an organ donor was stuck in this traffic? It’s a major artery and that’s why it was chosen. Did they have a permit?

Edit: not sure how I double posted, but the other post has been deleted. Labeling this as rage bait is a juvenile attempt to minimize a good point that goes against the way you think. Any rational adult can see this, but I see there aren’t many here.

Edit: for the cherry pickers:

Shouting fire in a crowded theater" is a popular analogy for speech or actions whose principal purpose is to create panic, and in particular for speech or actions which may for that reason be thought to be outside the scope of free speech protections. The phrase is a paraphrasing of a dictum, or non-binding statement, from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the draft during World War I was not protected free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The case was later partially overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which limited the scope of banned speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. an immediate riot). The paraphrasing differs from Holmes's original wording in that it typically does not include the word falsely, while also adding the word crowded to describe the theatre. The utterance of "fire!" in and of itself is not generally illegal within the United States: "sometimes you could yell 'fire' in a crowded theater without facing punishment. The theater may actually be on fire. Or you may reasonably believe that the theater is on fire".Furthermore, within the doctrine of first amendment protected free speech within the United States, yelling "fire!" as speech is not itself the legally problematic event, but rather, "there are scenarios in which intentionally lying about a fire in a crowded theater and causing a stampede might lead to a disorderly conduct citation or similar charge."

14:42 UTC


I really wish LWT would make another trans episode.

With all the anti-trans laws coming from republicans and the many bizarre conspiracy theories being spread by politicians, it really seems like there would be so much for them to talk about.

1 Comment
23:19 UTC


Anyone else think the last several episodes of LWT have been a little disappointing?

I'm not sure what it is. They weren't bad, that's for sure, definitely worth watching! But they just seem to be getting a bit more predictable or just not written as well. And the subject matter to me isn't as intriguing. Don't get me wrong, I still look forward to each episode. But I get to the end each week and feel a little disappointed...wanting more I suppose. Like the shows used to deliver "more."

01:49 UTC


Anyone else think the last several episodes of LWT have been a little disappointing?

I'm not sure what it is. They weren't bad, that's for sure, definitely worth watching! But they just seem to be getting a bit more predictable or just not written as well. And the subject matter to me isn't as intriguing. Don't get me wrong, I still look forward to each episode. But I get to the end each week and feel a little disappointed...wanting more I suppose. Like the shows used to deliver "more."

01:49 UTC


Disappointed in y’all

No comments on that Easter egg of a final photo of Ilgar Pashayev stabbing John’s spousal cabbage?! 4/7/24 episode of course. Am I misremembering that John marrying a cabbage started on Reddit?

1 Comment
00:26 UTC


Diners - John Oliver and Jenny Eclair

09:56 UTC


And Now - Five Minutes of John Oliver's Hands - Fan Video

Not sure who made this, but it's amazing

1 Comment
07:26 UTC


Medicaid fraud segment - where’s Rick Scott?

I’m surprised John Oliver didn’t round out his segment on Medicare fraud with Rick Scott.

I kept waiting for the cutaway to his cueball excuse for a head, but nothing! Don’t know about Rick Scott? Well….

He is currently a U.S. Senator and previously was CEO of Columbia/HCA. Oh, and he was governor of Flori-duh.

He was CEO at Columbia/HCA when the company defrauded Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs.

The Department of Justice won 14 felony convictions against the company, which was fined $1.7 billion in what was at the time the largest healthcare fraud settlement in U.S. history.

Rick Scott’s name,and his cueball head, should forever be associated with Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

02:40 UTC

10:47 UTC

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