
90 Subscribers


Bill Maher: Joe Biden shit the bed at debate

19:42 UTC


Mayor of Magaville - Trump Trump Baby (Starring Amber Rose)

21:32 UTC


Top moderator of r/LibertarianPartyUSA is banning people who argue against US intervention in Ukraine

20:26 UTC


According to Voter Registration data from 1997 and 2020, Kansas Libertarians have increased in registration by 90%, compared to Republicans and Democrats with 25% and 13% respectively! Keep in mind the population of the state has only gone up by about 11%

So, I was looking around for information on voter registration by party in Kansas. This is what I found and how I came up with the % increases for each party:

1997 Data: https://www.kssos.org/elections/98elec/97vr.html

2020 Data: https://sos.ks.gov/elections/elections-statistics.html

the 1997 data has it by county which is much nicer than the 2020 picture of the 4 HoR districts in the state. In the 2020 data, I just added up the house districts and did a simple percentage change formula (new minus old divided by old) to get the percentages

Obviously, this is slow change over 23 years, Obviously because Reps and Dems are both bigger their % increases are larger than our % increase in terms of actual number of people. However, the optimistic point is that if we pick up the pace this next decade, then we can truly make strides in this state and make real change!

Another side note is that Libertarians increased nominally by about 9,000 voters whereas the democrats (despite their size) only gained about 50,000 votes. That is good progress and I want us to make note and celebrate this! but remember we still have a liberty dominated future if we just keep making the in roads.

17:14 UTC


Hello fellow KansasLibertarians, I’m an Economics Grad-Student at K-State, and your new moderator for the subreddit. AMA!

As you can probably tell, I have been trying to post more and liven up this subreddit. I do believe we should be an important community within the party. I asked the previous mods to make me a moderator so that I can make more of an impact.

Born and raised in Wichita (ICT) and I love it here in Kansas. I hope to economically grow the community for decades to come.

1 Comment
20:06 UTC


What would be the first rule you would change here in Kansas?

Tryna start discussion and make this Sub come to life. It’s sad that we have very few subscribers and discussions here. We have a relatively large reach in this state compared to the national party in terms of voting percentage. we shouldn’t be a dead subreddit.

16:09 UTC


What should we make our game plan for the next year, 2 years, and 4 years?

Just kinda thinking about the future of this party in this state and wanted to spitball some ideas.

21:35 UTC


Well folks I’m sad we didn’t get more people this election

Let’s try to do better in 2024

02:16 UTC


Why is it that Kansas can't get on the Libertarianism train?

Seems like every election, we're lucky to get anywhere near 5% of votes. I don't understand why this number is so low. Kansas has always seemed like a moderate state in general in the past and the Libertarian party as a whole seems to represent what most people believe in, do they just not realize it? I wish the part itself would start focusing on states where they could make some ground like Kansas and invest in educating voters on what Libertarianism really is.

1 Comment
13:33 UTC


Your Congressional Third District Options This Year

17:14 UTC


Convention is over. Which of our candidates excites you?

For me, it's Caldwell. His platform makes a lot of sense for Kansas, and most importantly, he has a plan to win his race.

Who are you stoked about?

1 Comment
17:39 UTC


We got 5% in Kansas!!!

We did a little over 1.5% in 2012, which was the 4th highest voter-%-per-state that year. Does anyone know how we are comparing to other states in 2016?

What do you guys think? Thoughts? Disagreements? Opinions? Let's hear them!

EDIT I was wrong about KS percentage 2012, corrected facts.

22:40 UTC


Help Spread Libertarianism To /r/MHOC - VOTE UKIP!

I am the UK Independence Party (UKIP) candidate in the English Borders Constituency. We are a party on the Model House of Commons (/r/MHOC).

MHOC is a simulation of the British Parliament, and is welcome to anybody with an interest in it, British or not. We are currently holding a General Election for a new government, and I would like to ask for your vote. It only takes a minute and helps UKIP beat parties who would see us become little more than a star on the EU flag, and little more than a state in the Federal Republic of Europe.

The UK Independence Party are on the ballot in every constituency in the country, and we are the only party standing up for the ideals of Liberty and Freedom. We want to get the government out of your bedroom and your wallet. The Conservatives, CNP and the Nationalists won't get out of your life, and the Liberal Democrats won't get out of your wallet. Only UKIP will get out of both, and leave you to live how you see fit. A vote for UKIP is a vote for true Libertarianism in Parliament, who will say no to unlimited government spending, and no to draconian social laws.

Thank you for your time, I hope you will consider voting for UKIP in the election, it really helps us out!


If this community would prefer not to receive /r/MHOC advertisements, then please contact the /r/MHOC Triumvirate

20:27 UTC


Serious question: How would libertarians be running Kansas differently than the GOP?

If libertarians were in charge of KS, going back to 2010 before Brownback and the tax cuts, what things would have been done or not done differently than how the GOP ran it the last 6 years?

I'm primarily interested in your thoughts about economics, not so much the social policy.

19:45 UTC

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