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Orang2 yang top 1% itu pendapatan nya berapa yah satu tahun?

Di kota yang mahal seperti Jakarta. Saya penasaran saja. Rp. 1 milliar? 10 milliar?

19:00 UTC


Di mana bisa belajar informasi ttg militer Indonesia 101?

TNI-AL, AD, AU. Pokoknya semua2 yang basic2nya, dll. Juga boleh berita2 terbaru military. Forum juga boleh.

Gw merasa ga begitu tau apa2 sbg rakyat jelata yg di kalangan sekitar gw pun dunia militer kurang terkekspos begitu. Terimakasih..

Edit: Bukan yg kayak insider's story bgt juga (ya itu boleh juga si). Tapi lebih kayak level2, apa aja pekerjaan mereka, apa aja yg sudah/tengah mereka lakukan, lembaga2 yg terkait dgn mereka, seragam2, senjata, markas2, etc. Macam detail2 begitu lah

17:45 UTC


“UDAH LAH ME_, Apa-apa yang aku lakuin tuh selalu salah, bikin kamu marah. Kamu bisa gitu dapetin yang lebih baik dari aku….” ini intro lagu apa??

Intro lagu ini stuck di kepala gw selama bertahun-tahun. Ini harusnya lagunya udah ada di jaman 2005-2010an. Kakak gw yg dengerin pada saat itu tapi dia juga lupa. Kalo ga salah ada unsur rocknya. Tapi gw lupa 100% judulnya apa, penyanyinya siapa.

itu “Me_” gw lupa itu man as in “what the fuck, man?” atau man as in mandy atau itu sebenernya ”mel” as in amel atau melly. Sepenuhnya lupa, saya bocah pada saat itu.

Ada yang tahu kah ini intronya lagu apa? Gw jadi arwah penasaran serius kalo seumur idup ga tahu judul lagu ini.

15:41 UTC


Ekskul paling berbahaya 💀

12:38 UTC


Suatu Hal Yang Gw Seneng Pas Sekolah

10:24 UTC


Kelas King

10:03 UTC


How ill are indonesians really?

I've been watching House M.D with my wife (I know it's not medically accurate) and we've ada-indonesia-coy'd at least three times. We appear to be the source of weird tropical diseases, and if it's not real, at least westerners think we are. Gw juga pernah dikasih anekdot ama temen dokter, katanya ada dokter luar ngetes orang indo, basically orang indo itu not supposed to have typhus, but we all do and we're kinda resistant to it makanya tipes identik dengan capek waktu imun lagi turun. Ditambah juga faktor konsumsi rokok di indo itu gede banget jadi lebih gampang sakit pernapasan.

So, how ill are indonesians really, and how did we turn out fine?

09:41 UTC


Kenapa Mandiri sangat gigih telemarketing nya

Jujur ini w yakin dr Bank Mandiri nawarin pencairan dana tunai, ampir tiap hari nelpon, w takut penting ja sih

Apa ad benefit nya ituh program? Ad cara supaya mereka berhenti nawarin ga?

09:40 UTC


Shower thought about people being seruntulan and reckless driving on the road lately

Abis baca thread ini tentang apakah belajar nyetir mobil manual jaman sekarang masih worth it, and it kinda (secara cocoklogi) answers a question that has been lingering in my head quite some time:

"Kenapa jaman sekarang banyak banget orang bajingan asshole ga punya adab bawa mobil serampangan sembarangan seenaknya di jalan (macem fortuner pajero tetot wiu wiu speeding potong kanan kiri lewat bahu jalan dkk)?"

Back then, 20-30 years ago most cars, maybe 90% of them comes with manual transmission. I personally feel that driving a manual has its consequences if we drive reckless and not taking care of how we drive. You're getting the engine stalled if you're not delicate with the clutch, it's harder to brake under high speed condition driving a manual (you have to learn how to engine brake and downshift while steering at the same time), etc etc. People who learn how to drive using a manual first has that "defensive driving" nature deep down in fear of making an error that could lead to those consequences, and they carry that habit when they drive an automatic one too.

On the other hand, learning how to drive using an automatic does not have that consequences. It's as easy as driving a bombom car and in my opinion most people who learned it that way thinks that driving a car is a trivial thing to do hence they're not being as cautious as the one who learned to drive using a stick. And those people who drive reckless as I mentioned before, may be the one who drives only using automatic from day one.

In my anecdotal experience, my cousin and 2 friends of mine who learn to drive using an auto are total asshole on the road and they bump a lot. A contrast to other 3 coworkers of mine, whom I taught how to drive using a stick one, are being more considerable and well mannered.

TL;DR: People who learned how to drive using a manual transmission first are usually more well mannered compared to them who drives an auto from the first time. Orang2 jaman sekarang banyak seruntulan di jalan karena mereka dari awal belajar udah bawa mobil matic (which leaves lots of room for error and less consequences than driving a stick one)

09:27 UTC


Something about Grab food choosing this cat as a mascot has always bothered me but I dunno why

Cats don't eat THAT much.

There is absolutely no correlation between cats and food unless you're talking about Garfield.

Maybe they chose to use a cat because people think cats are cute? But that thought alone makes me feel that Grab is trying to brainwash me or something. I know all ads contain brainwashing to some extent but something about this ad bothers me more than others.

It's like they're using my weakness against cute stuff to drown me in gluttony or something.

And then from gluttony, I'll drown in the other greater sins which are sloth, lust, pride, wrath, and envy.

Maybe I am the only person who feels this way.

Sorry for the shitpost. I felt I need to get this out of my chest.

08:54 UTC


Minggu to Ahad

refering to this post from 11 years ago >> https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/2b0iqt/is_indonesia_changing_minggu_to_ahad/

is now Indonesia officially change hari minggu to ahad? I asked because I got an official 2025 calender from ministry of (islamic) religion and it said ahad instead of minggu. Since government official suppose to use Bahasa Indonesia as their national language, is it now officially no more hari minggu?

This is the official 2025 calendar link


08:46 UTC


Qubika hotel, hotel "unik" pertama di IKN

08:32 UTC


Is it possible that corruption cases in Indonesia are this bad without the public knowing?

bagaimana dengan "sepandai-pandainya menyimpan bangkai, baunya akan tercium juga "?

08:30 UTC

08:11 UTC


Diagram sange

06:49 UTC


Lokasi toko Laptop Gaming trusted bandung

Ada rencana mau beli laptop gaming di daerah Bandung dan butuh lokasi toko trusted yang jual barangnya secara offline. Trauma liat orang orang beli gadget online/olshop terus di jabel kurir dan susah claim kehilangan. Apa di di dalem BEC ada official store juga? Nggak pernah masuk ke dalem tapi tau itu pusat gadget Bandung.

05:53 UTC


ternyata ada deterjen halal 🤣

05:35 UTC

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