
Photograph via snooOG

Home to the most interesting, and often humorous, anecdotes and short accounts from history.

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Here, we post the most interesting, and often humorous, anecdotes and short accounts from history. History of any culture and era is welcome here.

Ultimately, the purpose of HistoryAnecdotes is to entertain and inform, but we encourage any academic discussion that may be the result of a submission. We heavily encourage other fans of history to post their own content - the more the better!




a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

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Rule 1: All submitted content must be a historical anecdote.

Submissions should either be a historical anecdote or account. For our purposes, we tend to follow this definition. If you are confused as to whether or not your submission would qualify, feel free to contact the mods and we will be happy to weigh in on the issue.

Rule 2: Submissions must be verifiable.

Either link directly to a reliable source that supports every claim in your submission, or cite your sources in the text post. Citations do not necessarily have to follow a specific format, but they should include a title for the source-material, author, page, and year published, when available.

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Rule 6: No pseudo-history or holocaust denial.

The merits of these things are best discussed elsewhere and are inappropriate material for the sub. This is not the place to "wake up the sheeple."

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Submissions & comments that are overtly political will be removed; political topics are only acceptable if discussed in a historical context. Comments should discuss a historical topic, not advocate an agenda. This is entirely at the moderators' discretion.

Rule 8: Follow the 20 Year Rule.

We consider an event to be appropriately historical if it happened 20 years or more in the past. Anything taking place in the last 20 years will be removed. This is similar to rule 1 in that we do not allow contemporary politics and events.

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If a guy you just met at a bar is really into indo-european culture and send u links to many video essays about it later in the night etc. is that a red flag?

is he lowkey a nazi

01:10 UTC


The picture of the hole human in history

a fantastic painting in which the beginning of all life, all life on land and in the air comes has close ties to the fish. the painting is to be with the fish and the fish's scales which hide a long timeline of man everything from homosapiens to cavemen, stone age men and different warriors of different ages who gradually develop the closer they get to the cutting fin in the middle. the back fin is also concealing corset and has jesus nailed on it. at the top of the fish's head, there are dinosaurs that grow together with the fish scales, and a large dinosaur creates with its sharp, tender part of the fish's teeth. after Jesus' crucifixion, man must be in different fighting and acting clothes. at the back of the tail fin, robots will play out and before them an armored car and some aircraft will also be there.

11:24 UTC


“Bernard, King of Falls: The Involuntary Art of Faux Pas”

One day, in a town where everyone seemed to take things too seriously, there lived a man named Bernard, who was a master in the art of... falling. Yes, Bernard was incredibly good at tripping over just about everything: sidewalks, carpets, small dogs. But these were not simple falls; They were shows! He always managed to fall with an inexplicable grace, like a ballet dancer in full choreography.

One day, during the big town festival, Bernard decided to go to the market. It was crowded, and sure enough, he tripped over a crate of tomatoes. But this time something special happened. As he fell, he did an involuntary somersault, caught a balloon in the air, and eventually landed in a hot dog stand, where he bounced onto a pile of soft bread.

People were amazed. They applauded, thinking it was an artistic performance. Bernard, a little dazed, got up, struck a pose as if he had done it on purpose, and received an ovation. The mayor, impressed by this improvised "acrobatic", offered him the opportunity to become the host of the city's shows.

Thus, Bernard officially became the "Master of Faux Pas", famous for his involuntary stunts, and he even won an award for having "redefined the art of falling with class".

13:46 UTC

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