A community dedicated to the discussion of 3D printed guns and related topics.
FOSSCAD = Free Open Source Software & Computer Aided Design
r/fosscad is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of 3D printed guns and related topics.
RIP JStark <3
FOSSCAD = Free Open Source Software & Computer Aided Design
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Gun Subreddits
Printing in pet-cf finally. I dont wana waste this stuff. Anyone have a reason why this print orientation wouldnt work. I theorized it would have better later adhesion because of the shorter layer print times
Just curious if anyone has experience with the relatively new product from Polymaker as an alternative to PLA. Supposedly faster printing ability, higher strength, and higher heat resistance. Did a search and did not see any conversations here on it.
Looking at printing a upper and hand guard for my 15-22 project - Currently running a GC1522V2 lower with a M&P 15-22 upper and wondering if the barrel and BCG of my will fit into the Daichi upper. Also - I've played with some print orientations and was thinking of printing with the rail down, anyone have any objections?
Open beta is now live. Explore the sea to find this treasure. Feedback is greatly appreciated now that I'm nearing a release. Thanks ya'll!
So I got a k2 plus combo first print is a decker 380 brace. On my ender 3 s1 pro with sonic pad it took a 8-9 hrs the k2 says 6 hrs. Anyone else use a k2 for 3D2A ? I was going to to get the x1c but I gave in to my curiosity and went with the k2 so far it’s been great the Creality print 6 seems to be ok I was using cura with the s1 pro.
Curious what you guys are chambering your STG44’s in other than 5.56.
Been slowly working on printing and buying everything for the Rogue 9 since it was first released (and re-printed the 1.1 updated parts). Finally just waiting for bushings and the end mills now but have a few questions for those who have built one.
Is there any reason a 7mm end mill with 8mm shaft wouldn't work instead of 10mm shaft that the build guide calls for? It seems like just swapping that bushing to 8x15 (or 8x12 with printed 12x15 adapter) instead of 10x15. 7mm cutting diameter with 10mm shaft seems to be a pretty specialty size.
Would PA6-CF bushings (or bushing adapters) work for 1 time use if I just use plenty of cutting fluid? McMaster Carr has STEP files of every part, so I was thinking the 7mm end mill bushing or adapter could be printed since that is just milling a previously drilled 7mm hole to square the inside edges. Some of the bushing may have too much cutting edge against them without using a drill press but I may use one.
Jig NR 6 references a bushing adapter for the initial 7mm drilled hole then removing it to put in the 10mm bushing. I have not found that adapter in the files and it's not in the materials list. Am I overlooking the STL for it somewhere or was this left out of the shopping list by mistake?
Is there any problem using stainless pipe for abb weights provided that dimensions are the same? They were available cheap and fast on Amazon vs waiting a month from China.
Bonus question: Any particularly crucial cuts/holes to check 10 times that it's perfect? Ejector, extractor, firing pin, firing pin hole, etc. And maybe the reverse if there's parts that being 0.2mm off isn't worth trashing it and starting over?
If you know the answer to even 1 or 2 of those questions, it would be very helpful for anyone looking to build one without searching the globe for parts. I understand the guide is meant to be pretty fail safe and follow the exact build process that the designers used. With the level of intricacy that this project is vs a printed Glock frame, I'd think most people could handle and benefit from some alternative tooling if it reaches the same end result, though. Just want to make sure I don't get halfway through and realize I was wrong on my observations.
i want to print grips in the style of the original tt33 grips, with the ridges, does anyone have a good printable model of this?
Nyalug oem style accessories
The buttplate in my kit was in pretty bad shape with several chunks missing and wanted to keep that oem look without buying a new one. I'm surprised these weren't in the files and I don't see anyone else that has done it so here's a buttplate, trigger and mag release.
I've had quite a few pictures and videos about the bump grip in the last few days and I wanted to ask you if you think it's possible to install one on the FGC9(currently building my first), I've seen some rapid fire of the FGC9 and even one video of an automatic but no bump firing, what do you think it can work on the FGC9?
I’ll provide pics but it seems that I have an issue with loading the magazine spring into a glock 19 style strike 80 frame.
My first go broke the plastic out, so I’m assuming there’s so supports that ended up in the pilot hole.
Anyone else have trouble with this?
Lol glock gap on the db9 alloy 🫠guess I'll reprint this week . I printed rails down flat . I think that's where I messed up