Photograph via snooOG

NOWTTYG: No One Wants To Take Your Guns - dedicated to indexing news stories where law makers try to ban/confiscate/or otherwise severely limit the second amendment.

Welcome to /r/NOWTTYG, "No One Wants to Take Your Guns," detailing evidence contradicting the gun control movement's claim that they merely seek moderate "common-sense gun safety measures."

What we are looking for:

Specific legislative proposals (or laws) which involve seizure of existing firearms or outright bans of guns currently in circulation, or restrict/remove gun rights from people.

Editorials from reputable, substantive media outlets, or written by personalities which can or will affect the debate in months and years to come (i.e. not unknown bloggers or celebrities.) In order to accurately source quotes and make it hard to dismiss them as fabrications, links to original source content are preferred.

What we don't want:

Posts from other redditors, no name figures, people of no importance should go to /r/shitguncontrollerssay

Sites with ideological agendas make it easy for skeptics to dismiss any claims as exaggerations, out-of-context hit jobs, or outright fabrications. Whatever you may make of these outlets, they tend to be considered unreliable by advocates of gun control:

Newsmax, National Review, Breitbart, The Blaze, etc..

Media specifically concerned with firearms

Pro-gun political groups like the NRA, GOA, SAF

Well-known pro-gun writers (Kleck, Lott, etc.)

Relevant content on these sites should ideally be tracked down to their original source. Mainstream media is preferred (e.g., The New York Times) and submissions should be titled without further editorial comment. In every case, a skeptic ought to be able to follow the link and verify its veracity directly. Accordingly, unsourced quotes (the sort you commonly see on hysterical memes) or out-of-context quotes are unwelcome.

Each submission should end with the date of the quote or publication in the form (mm/dd/yy).

Specific legislation ought to be linked to directly, rather than linking to pages discussing the legislation. Quotes of interest from the legislation may appear in the title or comment section.

All posts must include the date of the content (Month/day/year)

Other useful subreddits








/r/shitguncontrollerssay (focus on reddit users)

/r/AsAGunOwner - a home for fudds.

Anti-gun rights, Will ban pro gun arguments.



Important links

/r/GhostGunner make sure nobody takes yours by making your own.


Simple breakdown of terminology of the Second Amendment

US becoming safer compared to Europe in both fatalities and frequency of Mass Public Shootings: US Now ranks 11th in fatalities and 12th in frequency

The FBI concludes that Clinton Assault Weapon Ban had little to no effect on gun crime.

Study: Criminals Don’t Get Guns From Legal Sources

Background checks have not had a substantial effect on homicide rates

Australia: A massive buyback of Low-Risk Guns (University of Maryland)

10 U.S. Code 246- Definition of classes of the Militia - (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are— (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia

Brief history of gun control

Official Song Grand Funk Railroad - Don't Let 'Em Take Your Gun


16,718 Subscribers


Tim Walz' stance on guns laws, according to Kamala Harris

16:26 UTC


Bill introduced in California that would force an annual registration fee or surrender of firearms.

01:00 UTC


250 years today

Fuck bitches, evade taxes.

13:59 UTC


“The NRA lied! The government only took a few guns from law abiding citizens!”

22:16 UTC


"Ambler, her aide and adviser, tries to clarify that she means no more gun violence, but Giffords is clear about what she’s saying. 'No, no, no,' she says. 'Lord, no.' She pauses another 32 seconds. 'Guns, guns, guns. No more guns. Gone.'" [04/26/2023]

19:25 UTC


Alan Dershowitz 2021March23. 2nd amendment from a liberal perspective. The word REGULATION is emphasized.

13:01 UTC


There goes all the positive things I’ve recently had to say about Brazil

05:26 UTC


As the economy continues to melt down, this message is getting more frequent. Wonder why. 🤔

18:16 UTC


Steppers gonna step

11:17 UTC

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