
Photograph via //r/conlangs

This subreddit is focused on the discussion of conlangs, tools, and activities to aid you in the construction of your own conlang, and creating a community environment where we can all enjoy conlanging together

Welcome to /r/conlangs! This subreddit is focused on the discussion of constructed languages (conlangs), tools and activities to aid you in the construction of your own conlang, and creating a community environment where we can all enjoy conlanging together.

While this subreddit is not restricted to accomplished conlangers, a certain level of expertise is expected. We recommend that you lurk for a while to learn the basics.

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Due to space issues, an abbreviated list is shown in the sidebar only. For a more detailed explanation, please see the full version here.

Encouraged Posts

If your post falls into one of these categories, then you may post them directly:

  1. Detailed descriptions of parts of your conlang
  2. Interesting activities and translation challenges
  3. Showcases of major achievements
  4. Open-ended questions and discussions about conlanging
  5. Useful resources such as tutorial videos
  6. If you have an idea for a post that isn't listed here but that you think would be a good contribution to the subreddit, please message the mods beforehand to let us know.

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Be civil at all times toward all users, regardless of their sex, sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture, language, or race. Don't escalate arguments or insult or abuse other users during disagreements. Do not discriminate, stereotype, or erase other users or identities. Violations may result in a swift ban.

2. Topic

All posts must be on topic and relevant to conlanging.

2a. Discouraged posts

  • Memes and low effort humour: We would much rather top-level posts be reserved for discussion of and about conlangs and conlanging. As such, memes are a better fit for r/conlangscirclejerk.
  • Phoneme inventories: In order to receive actionable feedback, you will need to give us more than just an inventory of phonemes for your language, such as information about allophony, morphophonology and/or phonotactics.
  • Requests for resources & tech support Requests for resources, tools, or help with specific software are to be posted in our Advice & Answers thread, always stickied at the top of the front page of the subreddit.

2b. Script & orthography posts

While we encourage you to share the writing systems you make for your conlangs, we would like the focus to remain on the languages themselves. As such, posts about scripts/writing systems alone will be removed, as r/Neography is a more fitting place for them.

Posts may still contain images of or details about a conscript (fictional writing system), but the post must have enough content to merit being a front-page post even if the script were not included.

2c. Translations

Translations make for excellent content to showcase your language and its mechanisms. However, we ask that such content always feature:

  • the text in the conlang;
  • a transcription of the text to IPA (phonemic or phonetic);
  • the text translated into English;
  • a gloss of the text, and/or an explanation of the features of the language.

2d. Cross & crown

This subreddit is not the place for political or religious debate. Political content is not allowed, unless it is set in a fictional world and has no ties to recent real-world politics.

Translations of religious or political texts are fine as long as the focus is clearly on the conlanging element. The moderators reserve the right to remove political or religious posts that are too incendiary, include open proselytizing, or handle issues that are otherwise too sensitive for the subreddit.

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Porn and gore are forbidden on the subreddit, but we understand the need to form vocabulary for those topics.

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Before asking a question on the subreddit, be it in the Advice & Answers thread or as its own post, try typing it (or its keywords) into a search engine to see if you get an answer.

3b. Advice & Answers threads

The Advice & Answers thread is for requests for resources or advice, as well as any questions too small for a full post. It is always found stickied to the top of our frontpage!

When in doubt about whether your post has enough content for a standalone thread, feel free to always post in Advice & Answers. You can also ask us directly if you're unsure.

3c. Context, goals & content

When asking for feedback and criticism, do your best to provide us with as much meta-information about your conlang:

  • Why are you creating it/what for?
  • What are your goals?
  • What do you currently like/dislike about the content you are providing in the post?
  • What sort of feedback do you primarily want to get?

Also, please try and review the formatting of your post (or comment!) preferably before, but optionally after, posting it.

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Make your titles clear and indicative of the contents of the post.

Do not title your post:

  • "my conlang": give us the name of the language or a description of it
  • "Introduction to Gahansre" or "Fġãse, a polysynthetic language" are fine titles
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  • "Thoughts?": it's uninformative
  • Links are not allowed in titles.

    Please also flair your post with the appropriate flair.

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    Content related to activities should be posted in that activity's thread, unless the content goes far beyond the boundaries of the activity (for example, if you have made a speedlang out of your translations from an activity thread).

    If posts of a repetitive nature arise from multiple members, the moderators reserve the right to remove all related content starting from the creation of a Megathread for it.

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    You can advertise a conlanging community in a post, but posts consisting solely of a link to a community will be removed. Please provide enough content for the post to stand on its own as well.

    7. Collaborations

    Collaboration posts must be flaired appropriately, and must abide by the following:

    • you must describe the project as thoroughly as possible, with the set rules and your expectations;
    • you must organise the collaboration somewhere else than this subreddit: it can be your own subreddit, a discord server, a forum, whatever you like.

    Any collaboration post breaking one of these two rules will be removed.

    8. Commissions

    All commission requests are subject to approval by the moderation team.

    While we welcome and encourage people to hire conlangers to create languages for their projects, we have established a few guidelines for it.

    All posts seeking to hire conlangers must contain:

    • a description of the project;
    • a description of the result, and the amount of work, that you expect;
    • a clear price for the work expected, following the minimum amounts advised by the Language Creation Society

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    Appeals are typically reviewed by a different mod than the one who executed the removal/ban.

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    Terms for three levels of possession?

    So my conlang Zhastri has multiple 'possessive' cases/modes (sorry not aware of the correct word). I'm in need of terminology to refer to them. These are

    First is 'perpossessive', marked by the terminal particle -ga. This is used for things not merely possessed by, but mastered and controlled. There's a lot of nuance to how this is used, but in summary, the higher the animacy, the bigger the hubris for using "-ga". In some contexts omitting it is a bigger faux pas; a leader would be cold and detached for not saying "myega bevniki" (my followers, my "boys"), a boisterous youth would be teased by his friends (and perhaps upset his woman) for not saying "myega kocinka" (my girl, my bitch).

    Second is 'plain possessive', marked by "-de". This is widely used for anything that is associated to the subject: held, worn, placed nearby, intended use, owned, inherently possessed etc. Distinctions between things like "the clothes I am wearing" and "the clothes I own" are made by additional context words:

    "ta hyade lakani" - now his clothes - what he is now wearing
    "hyade ucini lakani" - his home(inessive) clothes - the clothes he owns
    "hyade ucide lakani" his home-associated clothes - the clothes he wears when he's home.

    The third, 'humble possessive', is marked by "-no". It is used in reverence about things one is honoured by having the grace to be associated with. It's almost exclusively used of persons like cherished spouses, leaders, and rulers; physical locations like hometowns and countries, and social locations like religions and organisations.

    21:58 UTC


    If toki pona evolved naturally

    Poem in töcinna:
    me zo mogo.
    me viyiyye palla.
    pimaye tassa lukun peme.
    zallaye kin suna ipilince peme.
    töcinseunte, sina ann izenna peme venso.
    teppimayente pogayemte ann itelöyente. pemente, ann iay peme.
    tiyye la pimaye lun.

    1.NOM.SG PASS eat
    1.NOM.SG must destroy black.NOM fill LOC.soul
    GEN.1.SG nobody.NOM ABIL know ACC.suffering GEN.1.SG
    poetry.VOC.PL , 2.NOM.SG COP ACC.friend.SG GEN.1.SG only
    forever LA black.NOM.SG LOC.COP

    Poem in toki pona:

    ijo li moku e mi.
    mi wile pakala.
    pimeja li tawa insa kon mi.
    jan ala li ken sona e pilin ike mi.
    toki musi o, sina jan pona mi wan taso.
    telo pimeja ni li telo loje mi, li ale mi.
    tenpo ale la pimeja li lon.
    wan taso.

    In English:

    I am devoured.
    I must destroy.
    Darkness fills my soul. No one can understand my suffering.
    O poetry! My only friend.
    This ink is my blood, is my life.
    And Darkness shall reign forevermore.

    19:17 UTC


    Im making a language called "taribit",

    Taribit Language


    • a, b, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
    • ç
    • q
    • ɣ
    • š


    • ç: Like Arabic ‘ع’, deep guttural sound
    • : Strong "h" sound, as in arabic "ح"
    • q: Deep "k" sound, as in arabic "ق"
    • ɣ: Like the French "r" or arabic "غ"
    • š: sound as in English "sh" or arabic "ش"
    • r: as in arabic "ر"


    • Pronouns:

      • Me = ni
      • You (singular) = šo
      • Him/Her = ta/ši
      • We = nou
      • They = to
      • It (neutral) = i
      • Us = ninu
      • Them = tonu
    • Articles:

      • The (neutral nouns) = di
      • That = had
      • Which = šmin
    • Verbs (Conjugation):

      • Present: qa
      • Future: ɣa
      • Past: ḥa
      • To Eat = ak
      • To Run = ran
      • To Help = asso
      • To Speak = tar
      • To See = tem
      • To Drink = sekk
    • Verb Negation:

      • To negate a verb, use ma before the verb.
        Example: ma ran (I don't run)

    Sentence Structure:

    • Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) is the default sentence structure. Example: Ni ran aman (I drink water)

    • To form questions:

      • Add laš for "why" at the beginning of the sentence. Example: Laš šo sekk aman? (Why do I drink water?)
      • Add šmin for "which." Example: Šmin atma? (Which tree?)
    • To form negative sentences:

      • Add ma before the verb to negate. Example: Ma sekk aman. (I don't drink water.)


    • Time:

      • Morning = mori
      • Afternoon = šimo
      • Night = anu
      • Week = asu
      • Month = maḥid
      • Year = san
    • Basic Nouns:

      • Mother = yami
      • Brother = sami
      • House = taddart
      • Water = aman
      • Sun = yuk
      • Earth = šatra
      • Sky = iwad
      • Tree = atma
      • City = wadrak
      • Mountain = ammuz
      • Friend = awri
      • Family = akwad
    • Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns:

      • I = ni
      • You (singular) = šo
      • He/She = ta/ši
      • We = nou
      • They = to
      • It = i
      • Us = ninu
      • Them = tonu


    • In = fi
    • On = çla
    • Under = taḥt
    • Near = zwi
    • Far = baɣ
    • To = ɣla
    • From = min
    • Before = qal
    • After = bad
    • During = çand
    • Until = ḥat
    • Without = bala
    • Through = amouk
    • Inside of = al dokal
    • On the side of = ala janib
    • As = si
    • Like = kama
    • Than = min
    • For (purpose) = li

    Expressing Emotions:

    • Happy = ayqi
    • Sad = biqa
    • Excited = wafid
    • Angry = zed

    Compound Words:

    • yami + awri (mother + friend) = yamiwri (mom's friend)

    Tense and Aspect System:

    • Present: qa
    • Future: ɣa
    • Past: ḥa

    Word Formation:

    • Prefix ta-: To become (e.g., taḥmida = to become big)
    • Prefix da-: Agents (e.g., darani = runner, daʕiso = helper)

    Example Sentences:

    • Ni sakk aman. (I drink water.)
    • Šo ḥa sakk aman? (Did you drink water?)
    • Ni ma sakk aman. (I don't drink water.)
    • Laš ni sakk aman? (Why do I drink water?)
    • Šmin aman? (Which water?)
    19:09 UTC


    対多 Tsuita, the Kanji-only Japanese forum (free)

    It's a forum/app where members communicate Japanese by using only kanji (偽中国語 fake chinese), as a way to bridge the gap to chinese. It seems ok for the Chinese to understand too (mostly). I've seen chinese particles like 了 being mixed in by japanese speakers too, so it could be becoming a middle ground between the 2 languages in written form, maybe turn into a new language but its pretty chaotic atm. It can be funny for anyone of either language. Below is an example, it may offend eyes of chinese speakers 😅 漢字限定、仮名抜日本語掲示板有様也。此簡潔的通信可能之言語。但文法是日本的之為、中国人困惑可能。

    19:05 UTC


    Changing syllable structure

    Hello guys! After a break of 2-3 months and I'm slowly coming back to conlang. During my break, I was browsing here for some reference and I came across a post saying their conlang doesn't sound natural [which I've made a post like this here too]. I always thought my conglags didn't sound natural and I found out why.

    Someone [can't remember their name] said that the OP's language sounded like a machine gun, always with the same structure, just changing the sounds. I realized I had just one syllable structure: C(C)V

    Now I've changed to (C)(C)(V)V(C). This diphtong already existed in form of:

    a+e = aye
    a+o = ayo

    and so on.

    My question is: how do I change the previous created words with the old structure? I want to update some old words into the new structure without redoing all over again. Do I have to pick some sounds or shift some letters to it? I'm a little lost

    17:31 UTC



    Exclamations are often fun to make. What are some of yours, and what are their origins? I'll go first:


    Oyvah (/ˈojvɐχ/) comes from the popular Jewish exclamation "oy vey," but a popular eggcorn has taken hold: ayvah (/ˈæjvɐχ/), because ay- is an adjective meaning "supreme" or "divine." Along with ayvah came the noun vah (/vaχ/), meaning something like "insanity" or "problem."

    Another popular exclamation is ayrafja (/ˈʀafʒɐ/), which means something like "ultimate disaster" or "apocalypse." It comes from the previously mentioned ay-, combined with the noun rafja (/ˈʀafʒɐ/), which means "storm" or "disaster."

    1 Comment
    17:28 UTC


    Experience with diglossia?

    I have a language, Classical Quthain, that I want to evolve to the next historical era. Thinking about the history and culture of the region, I thought it would make sense and be cool to do a diglossia. My thought is that High Middle Quthain, which would be the written and spoken form of the elites, would hew closer to the Classical language. And then Low Middle Quthain, which would be more widespread as a spoken language but have less written expression, would be more divergent. Does anyone have any experience with conlanging a diglossia? Any advice?

    1 Comment
    17:26 UTC


    Cool Features You've Added #223

    This is a weekly thread for people who have cool things they want to share from their languages, but don't want to make a whole post. It can also function as a resource for future conlangers who are looking for cool things to add!

    So, what cool things have you added (or do you plan to add soon)?

    I've also written up some brainstorming tips for conlang features if you'd like additional inspiration. Also here’s my article on using conlangs as a cognitive framework (can be useful for embedding your conculture into the language).

    15:03 UTC


    So, what did you choose, then?

    Often, we come here to this forum to seek advice or inspiration. We ask questions and finally find answers to solve a problem or dilemma in our conlang.

    So, how did you choose to solve that problem, then?

    Post a link to a recent question of yours, and tell us what you eventually decided to do.

    10:24 UTC


    The first two verses of the Ayahnic poem "Tenetäsczik"

    00:34 UTC


    Biweekly Telephone Game v3 (650)

    This is a game of borrowing and loaning words! To give our conlangs a more naturalistic flair, this game can help us get realistic loans into our language by giving us an artificial-ish "world" to pull words from!

    The Telephone Game will be posted every Monday and Friday, hopefully.


    1. Post a word in your language, with IPA and a definition.

    Note: try to show your word inflected, as it would appear in a typical sentence. This can be the source of many interesting borrowings in natlangs (like how so many Arabic words were borrowed with the definite article fossilized onto it! algebra, alcohol, etc.)

    1. Respond to a post by adapting the word to your language's phonology, and consider shifting the meaning of the word a bit!

    2. Sometimes, you may see an interesting phrase or construction in a language. Instead of adopting the word as a loan word, you are welcome to calque the phrase -- for example, taking skyscraper by using your language's native words for sky and scraper. If you do this, please label the post at the start as Calque so people don't get confused about your path of adopting/loaning.

    Last Time...

    Mrakwëli Jadi by /u/Runninglikeaturtle

    Rupljen - to cry, Rupljë - cries, ruplii - crying.

    Tli ruplii gëdë mizki.

    [t͡ɬi ruplʲiː ɣəðə mit͡ski]

    3.POSS. Cry-NOUN. have-PRS. reason-NOUN

    His crying has (a) reason.

    Take care of yourselves!

    Peace, Love, & Conlanging ❤️

    23:40 UTC


    Kyrillic and Conlanging

    Guys, my conlang - as most of all others aren't in kyrillic script, but latin script.
    And im thinking anyways to do an same lvl script, like the serbs do

    But that lead me to one question:

    Why don't YOU use it? Im just curious about it, i mean it looks nice

    19:51 UTC


    High Narnian- A language for the Chronicles of Narnia


    During a few minutes of rest in their time in Narnia, Polly and Diggory thought to teach Frank and Helen a few words in Latin; specifically those related to royalty and war (because really, what else is there to know for Latin?).

    Upon Frank and Helen’s coronation, they thought that Latin sounded rather regal to them; coming from lower-class backgrounds, they wouldn’t have been given the privileges of Latin classes. From their perspective then, Latin was a sign of middle/upper class education, so they tried to use it in court as much as possible.

    However, some words were misheard or forgotten. Summus, for example (Latin: High) was misheard as Semmus, which turned into Semus, which turned into Tsemuts, which turned into Tsehwemuts.

    Some of the Talking Animals in court found it hard to pronounce the trilled ‘R’ and the lateral approximate ‘L’ sound, turning into a ‘w’ instead. This adapted labialization slowly became part of the language itself; most of the consonants are labialized, but still keep the trilled ‘R’. In the same vein, Latin loanwords from Greek that had ‘x’ in them were softened to ‘ts’, which merged with ‘s’ (Hence why it’s Tsehwemuts, and not Sehwemus). The phoneme ‘h’ eventually split into two: ‘h’, and ‘x’.

    As the years progressed, these changes and adaptions, along with some influences from English, turned it from a sort of Latin/English creole into a language in of itself.



    High Narnian also has its ‘lower class’ equivalent: Low Narnian. When Frank and Helen’s children married ‘commoners’ to expand the family, High Narnian was passed down second-hand from spouse to children to grandchildren. This created a sort of pidgin, which turned into a High Narnian/English creole, which itself turned into Low Narnian as it is today. There are also some High Narnian loanwords, which emerged after Peter and Edmund started on a project to make High Narnian more widespread- a project that eventually failed upon their disappearance.

    To most outsiders, High Narnian sounded like the waves of the sea, while the Pevensie’s thought that Low Narnian sounded more like rocks falling, or in the case of Lucy, like waves crashing against a cliff.

    High Narnian kept Latin’s SOV order, and most words are influenced by Latin (with some being influenced by English as well as certain words that were influenced by Greek). Basically, it’s a sort of thought experiment into what would happen if you left Latin and English alone in another world for some-thousand years.


    The unfortunate part of this is that the Pevensie’s disappearance the first time heralded the end of both High and Low Narnian. While their children did take their seats at Cair Paravel, some transitions were made to other parts of Narnia that left key scriptures of High Narnian behind at Cair Paravel. By the time Caspian I took over the lands, both languages were already falling out of use, and quickly became endangered under the Telemarine’s regime. When Caspian X was born, only few Low Narnian speakers remained of the populace- High Narnian had already gone extinct. When Miraz banned Low Narnian from being spoken by his subjects, Low Narnian quickly followed become a dead language as well.


    (Explanation to come in the neography subreddit on the script)

    Reposted to fix formatting issues.

    1 Comment
    19:29 UTC


    Creating diphthongs?

    Hi all, I'm very new to creating conlangs, as well as the IPA, and am kinda confused about creating diphthongs.

    I've decided on these vowels to be letters within my conlang:

    ɛ, ä, ø, ə, o̞ , yː

    How do I go about creating diphthongs from these? Do I just combine two and find a different IPA sound which seems to match the combination? Thanks for any help, sorry for the dumb question haha

    17:13 UTC


    Is having separate verb tenses for every caste to add up to 37 too much?

    I am creating a conlang for spoken Alternian and have already assigned 4 main verb tenses. Past, present, future, and eternal(things like time and the universe)That planet has 12 blood castes as shown here and from left to right is trash to royalty. Some trolls don't care about blood castes, while others discriminate based on blood color and that's normal. But what if that was even more ingrained in everything? What if every caste conjugated past, present, and future differently?(Eternal tense is left out. Everyone uses that the same.) It's how the grammar could be taught there and everyone understands it or else they wouldn't be able to talk to each other. Is that too much?

    01:43 UTC


    Post your (subjectively) aesthetically pleasing words/phrases

    What are your favorite words or phrases in your conlangs based on the way they sound? I'm having trouble lately with building a lexicon or finding inspiration because I'm starting to find all words in all languages to be... Just words. Nothing sounds particularly pleasant anymore.

    The aesthetics of my main conlang are meant to sound like Native American languages (specifically Tanoan and Athabaskan) mixed with some subtle Bantu and Semitic influences, and with lots and lots of aspiration, pre-aspiration, sibilants and ejective sibilants. h s sh zh f th ɬ tɬ (sorry for the lack of IPA I'm on my phone and lazy rn). I also like using a 3 tone system: high, low, and falling, with tone lowering sandhi. I don't care for rising tones or for utterances ending in high tone too often. Anyway lately it's been feeling repetitive and uninspired.

    So... Even if your conlang doesn't have anywhere near that aesthetic, I'd love to hear words you're proud of based on their phonaesthetics (sp). It might reawaken my inspiration.

    Drop them below?

    00:33 UTC


    How Does Everyone Say Goodbye?

    In real life, off the top of my head I've heard literal translations that become "Hello then," "Until then," and obviously an antonym of hello. (Can't remember source, probably etymology_nerd or human1011)

    So I got curious, how does everyone say it in their languages?

    In Ha'Ikalm

    Há'ik mákál

    /heɪʔik meɪkeɪl/

    edit: spelling

    00:31 UTC


    Input-output mapping

    Input-output mapping

    Hello, dear Conlangers

    I have a question regarding the input and its correspendent output while creating a language. Does a conlang work like a natural language? For example, the word [bags] is surfaced as [bag+z] after the voicing assimilation. Or does it have only outputs? For example, you just create a word that has no underlying input.

    Thanks in advance.

    15:31 UTC


    How do you use punctuation in your conlangs?

    I'm currently torn on whether to make a super complicated punctuation system or stick to the bare minimum.

    And perhaps unrelated, but how do you space words, if at all? Are word spaces necessary to understand the language?

    09:25 UTC


    I can't tell you how thankful I am, right now, for this sub.

    Some of the posts I've responded to have really pushed some of my projects. I didn't even notice until I decided to come back to one after a long (couple years) break and realized I had hardly any notes for it stored in digital media, and no idea where my notebook is.

    I went back to my comments in here. Not only did I recover things, but I also realized how much more progress i made than i remember.

    I'm now going to have to work backward on that project, in order to recover my thoughts before working forward again.

    Thanks r/conlangs community!

    05:55 UTC


    Kinship terms and the sorts

    I just became an uncle for the second time!! Not sure why, but this has inspired me to ask what the kinship terms, terms of endearment and the sorts are in everyone else's languages.

    An optional detail if you have it, I would also like to the etymologies of the terms. Just wanna see how other's derive kinship terms.

    04:29 UTC


    Random Compound Activity (9)

    This is a bimonthly game of combining random words into compounds with new meanings! This can give our conlangs a more (quoting telephone game) "naturalistic flair".
    Having the compounds be random allows for more of a naturalistic usage of words you may have forgotten about or even giving you an opportunity to add a translation for a word you may not have thought about adding.

    How this activity works:

    1. Make sure all of your normal words have a number assigned
      • Spreadsheets do this for you :>
    2. Open a random generator and set the range between 1 and the amount of words you have.
      • The one built into google is perfect for this
    3. Generate 2 numbers, combine the words' and definitions, and give it a new fitting definition
      • I like to combine word's proto forms so they come out looking more interesting
    4. Put in the comments:
      • Your Language name
      • Your 2 words (optionally their numbers too)
      • The new compound(s'), their definitions and IPA
      • And more info abt it to make more sense of it

    Extra (optional): Since 'calque-ing' is something that rarely ever happens in the telephone game, I thought it would be fun if you could also do some of that in this activity. (my compounds are also open for calque-ing, just mention if you're doing that)

    So, if you see a word combo with a result you like, you can reply with the combination of your native words to get the same result. Telephone game's example: "taking skyscraper by using your language's native words for sky and scraper"

    Now I'll go first:
    (I do 3, but you don't have to do that many)


    odēlamurai /o.ðeː.la.'mu.ɹai/ - order, governance (307) + helloÿeoÿe /he.ʎo.'ɥeo.ɥe/ - flower bulb, plant husk (148)

    odēlamuraoÿeoÿe /o.ðeː.la.mu.ɹao.'ɥeo.ɥe/ - command structure
    a "command structure" being the "husk of governance" idk


    helōmya /he.'loː.mja/ - to flash^((as in quick light)) (151) + nufego /nu.'ɸᵝe.ɣo/ - feast, buffet (278)^((yes, I got it again lol))*

    nufegyōmya /nu.ɸᵝe.'goː.mja/ - quick/small meal, finger food
    I would 100% add "fastfood" as a translation if it was used in the modern world

    čaula /'tʃau.la/ - to deny, negative auxiliary (39) + hyebo /'hje.βo/ - fast, quick (173)

    čayebo /tʃa.'je.βo/ - to quickly deny (usually without looking at the options)

    02:41 UTC


    Sound changes

    Can anybody tell me if these sound changes I've been playing with make logical sense? I am comfortable with the basics of phonology but not so much with the finer details, so I want to make sure my thoughts are going in the right directions. Also, sorry for any formatting issues. Most people usually say its because they're writing on mobile, but its actually my first time writing from the web so I'm not sure how all of this will end up in the final post.

    1. /θ/ → /ð/ → /d/

    Example: άνθρωπος → άνδρωπος → αντρος (/ˈan.θɾo.pos/ → /ˈan.ðɾo.pos/ → /ˈa.dros/)

    1. /θ/ → /s/

    Example: θέλω → σέλο (/ˈθe.lo/ → /ˈse.lo/)

    1. /θ/ → /f/ (this one seems the most logical to me because I myself often mispronounce 'th' as 'f')

    Example: αισθάνομαι → αισφάνομαι → έσφετε* (/eˈsθa.no.me/ → /eˈsfa.no.me/ → /ˈes.fe.te/)

    *this looks like a drastic change but has more to do with grammar and orthography. The verb form was simplified (it comes from αισθάνεται /eˈsθa.ne.te/), and all remaining instances of aι (as in /e/) were simplified to ε (which is also /e/).

    1. /θ/ → /t/

    Example: Αθήνα → Ατήνα → Ατένα* (/a.ˈθi.na/ → /a.ˈti.na/ → /a.ˈte.na/)

    *Again, the η → ε change has little to do with phonology and more to do with the word for Athens being 'Atenas' in Spanish, which is another language that I am pulling from.

    Do these make sense? Are they sound changes that could realistically happen? I'm leaving /θ/ in my inventory for now in case I decide that I don't want to get rid of it after all, but this is an idea I am definitely playing with. Thank you for any assistance!

    23:25 UTC


    Looking for collaborators for a liturgical conlang

    Summary / TLDR

    I'm currently looking to create a liturgical language for my own personal use in worshiping the universe as a giant living being. TLDR; i see humans as the microorganisms living in the gut biome of the universe. Or like, humans as the mites living in the universe's skin. You'd think I'd want to create this language by my lonesome, but honestly I'm just feeling somewhat out of ideas for a conlang and would like someone(s) to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to see this as more of a fictional project for a conworld or something, I don't really mind. I just wanna work on a language with someone folks!


    Collaborators would be expected to just chime in with any ideas they have, or help work things out in google docs, etc. There's no real pressure to help all too much, you could dip your foot in or your whole leg into the project, up to you! I'm really just looking for people to bounce ideas off of. I could also use some major help with the phonetics, as I'm trying to go for a bit of an Arabic + Greek mix but I'm not sure where to start.

    Where is this happening?

    The conlang would be worked on through google docs and sheets, and discussions between collaborators would be facilitated through discord. I can send a discord link to anyone interested!

    22:18 UTC


    Write in your conlang using English grammar.

    I asked y'all yesterday to write in English using your conlang's grammar.

    Now write down a sentence in your conlang, but strictly following the English grammar.

    21:34 UTC


    How flexible is your conlang's word order?

    My conlang, Ladash, is SOV, and quite rigidly so. The subject can be moved from its initial position and placed right before the verb phrase (so the order is OSV then), that topicalizes the object instead of the subject, this way you get an equivalent of "the man was eaten by a bear" instead of "a bear ate the man".

    The morphosyntactic alignment is ergative, just like Basque. Another thing that's kind of like Basque, is that person and some other markings are not put directly on the verb but on a word called the verbal adjunct, that's kind of like the auxiliary verbs in Basque. Although the syntax is different, the verbal adjunct in Ladash goes right before the verb phrase.

    So the basic word order of Ladash is SOXV, where X is the verbal adjunct. The S can be moved as I said, producing OXSV, where the O is topicalized.

    It's also possible to suffix the verb with the verb coordination suffix -m and then use it at the beginning of the sentence, like this:

    V-m X S O

    Beyond these options, shuffling words around is not really possible.

    The indirect object is marked with a dative case suffix but the dative can also be used adnominally and even derivationally, so the indirect object must be put in the verb phrase, if you put the dative-marked noun elsewhere it would mean something different.

    Nouns, adhectives, verbs and adverbs all have the same basic morphological form, which one of these a given word is depends entirely on its place in the sentence. Just like in Toki Pona. If you move the word somewhere else the meaning will be different.

    Another consequence of this, just like in Toki Pona, you have to know where a sentence ends and another one begins.

    Also similar to how Toki Pona has the topic marker la, Ladash has u, and it can be used very much the same way syntactically, although the semantics are a bit different and more precise.

    When you say things correctly, Ladash has inambiguous word boundaries (thanks to the phonology), is syntactically inambiguous within a sentence and it's also quite overt in how stuff binds across sentences, there's s clear system to participant tracking where you always know what each proximal (there's proximal and obiative) pronoun refers to.

    So even though the ability to shuffle stuff around seems quite low for a language that has case marking and polypersonal marking (on the verbal adjunct), there's this benefit to it that it is insmbiguous. One thing that kind of throws a wrench into that, is that it all that inambiguous niceness falls apart when you don't know where sentence boundaries are. Exactly like in Toki Pona.

    What are your conlangs like when it comes to stuff like this? Where are they on the spectrum from totally fixed word order to totally free (nonconfigurational), and in what ways? Any interesting details?

    18:57 UTC

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