
Photograph via snooOG

Post your original, creative conlaŋs here. The more glottal trills, the better. DAE polypersonal aspect infixes? Also no drama pls

Post your original, creative conlangs here. The more glottal trills and semantically unnecessary declensions, the better.

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The Zũm alphabet (or abcić) recently increased from 27 to 28, and before I solidify the change, I'm wondering if it's best to make it 29.

Some context:

Zũm has five accent marks: a dot which geminates consonants, a macron or line which lengthens vowels, a tilde which nasalizes vowels, an acute accent and a caron. The reason the acute and caron lack concise descriptors is they don't have them.

The acute, or special accent, is used in the following cases:

  • Ć and Ź are considered separate stand alone letters in their own right, making the /ts/ and /dz/ sounds respectively. These accents are as intrinsic to the letters as the tittle of I and J
  • Í is not a separate letter, rather a clarifying letter. It is used in three contexts: the first is similar to the U used in French and Spanish to make a soft G into a hard one before an E or I. Í combines with L to make the LÍ digraph. L makes a /w/ and the end of syllables and a /ɣ/ at the onset. When a word-medial /ɣ/ comes at the end of a syllable, LÍ is used to show a silent I. It also represents a silent I in HÍ, as HI is a digraph which makes a /c/ sound. Lastly, it is used similar to a diaræsis in French to distinguish UI /wɪ/ from UÍ /u.ɪ/
  • R followed by Ć, D, N, S, T, Z, or Ź makes those letters retroflexed. To indicate the rare instances when this is not the case, Ŕ is used. This letter is also not separate.
  • Ú and Ý are modified U and Y, in which they make /w/ and /j/ sounds, each followed by a schwa.

The problem lies with Ń, the last of the special letters. A vowel can only have one accent mark, which makes it impossible to delineate when a vowel is both lengthened and nasal. To avoid this, Ń is used. It doesn't make a sound, but rather makes it such that the previous vowel is pronounced nasally.

Should Ń join the ranks of letters, or stay considered a modified form of N?

Thanks a bunch

1 Comment
04:23 UTC


r̥̃ʷat̪ˤe m̥y p͡fˠʰonˤoꞎˤoʛʲy


labiallabialized labialpalatalized labialvelarized labialpharyngealized labiallabiodentallabialized labiodentalpalatalized labiodentalvelarized labiodentalpharyngealized labiodentaldentallabialized dentalpalatalized dentalvelarized dentalpharyngealized dentalalveolarlabialized alveolarpalatalized alveolarvelarized alveolarpharyngealized alveolarpostalveolarlabialized postalveolarvelarized postalveolarpharyngealized postalveolarretroflexlabialized retroflexvelarized retroflexpharyngealized retroflexpalatoalveolarlabialized palatoalveolarvelarized palatoalveolarpharyngealized palatoalveolarpalatallabialized palatalvelarized palatalpharyngealized palatalvelarlabialized velarpalatalized velarpharyngealized velaruvularlabialized uvularpalatalized uvularpharyngeallabialized pharyngealpalatalized pharyngealvelarized pharyngealglottallabialized glottalpalatalized glottalvelarized glottalpharyngealized glottal
unvoiced nasal stopm̥ʷm̥ʲm̥ˠm̥ˤn̪̥n̪̥ʷn̪̥ʲn̪̥ˠn̪̥ˤn̥ʷn̥ʲn̥ˠn̥ˤɳ̥ɳ̥ʷɳ̥ˠɳ̥ˤɲ̥ɲ̥ʷɲ̥ˠɲ̥ˤŋ̥ŋ̥ʷŋ̥ʲŋ̥ˤɴ̥ɴ̥ʷɴ̥ʲ
voiced nasal stopmn̪ʷn̪ʲn̪ˠn̪ˤnɳɳʷɳˠɳˤɲɲʷɲˠɲˤŋŋʷŋʲŋˤɴɴʷɴʲ
unvoiced stoppt̪ʷt̪ʲt̪ˠt̪ˤtʈʈʷʈˠʈˤckqʡʡʷʡʲʡˠʔʔʷʔʲʔˠʔˤ
aspirated stoppʷʰpʲʰpˠʰpˤʰt̪ʰt̪ʷʰt̪ʲʰt̪ˠʰt̪ˤʰtʷʰtʲʰtˠʰtˤʰʈʰʈʷʰʈˠʰʈˤʰcʷʰcˠʰcˤʰkʷʰkʲʰkˤʰqʷʰqʲʰʡʰʡʷʰʡʲʰʡˠʰ
voiced stopbd̪ʷd̪ʲd̪ˠd̪ˤdɖɖʷɖˠɖˤɟɟʷɟˠɟˤgɢɢʷɢʲ
breathy voiced stopbʷʱbʲʱbˠʱbˤʱd̪ʱd̪ʷʱd̪ʲʱd̪ˠʱd̪ˤʱdʷʱdʲʱdˠʱdˤʱɖʱɖʷʱɖˠʱɖˤʱɟʱɟʷʱɟˠʱɟˤʱgʷʱgʲʱgˤʱɢʱɢʷʱɢʲʱ
ejective stoppʷʼpʲʼpˠʼpˤʼt̪ʼt̪ʷʼt̪ʲʼt̪ˠʼt̪ˤʼtʷʼtʲʼtˠʼtˤʼʈʼʈʷʼʈˠʼʈˤʼcʷʼcˠʼcˤʼkʷʼkʲʼkˤʼqʷʼqʲʼʡʼʡʷʼʡʲʼʡˠʼ
implosive stopɓɓʷɓʲɓˠɓˤɗ̪ɗ̪ʷɗ̪ʲɗ̪ˠɗ̪ˤɗɗʷɗʲɗˠɗˤᶑʷᶑˠᶑˤʄʄʷʄˠʄˤɠɠʷɠʲɠˤʛʛʷʛʲ
unvoiced affricatep͡ɸp͡ɸʷp͡ɸʲp͡ɸˠp͡ɸˤp͡fp͡fʷp͡fʲp͡fˠp͡fˤt̪͡θt̪͡θʷt̪͡θʲt̪͡θˠt̪͡θˤt͡st͡sʷt͡sʲt͡sˠt͡sˤt͡ʃt͡ʃʷt͡ʃˠt͡ʃˤʈ͡ʂʈ͡ʂʷʈ͡ʂˠʈ͡ʂˤt͡ɕt͡ɕʷt͡ɕˠt͡ɕˤc͡çc͡çʷc͡çˠc͡çˤk͡xk͡xʷk͡xʲk͡xˤq͡χq͡χʷq͡χʲʡ͡ħʡ͡ħʷʡ͡ħʲʡ͡ħˠʔ͡hʔ͡hʷʔ͡hʲʔ͡hˠʔ͡hˤ
aspirated affricatep͡ɸʰp͡ɸʷʰp͡ɸʲʰp͡ɸˠʰp͡ɸˤʰp͡fʰp͡fʷʰp͡fʲʰp͡fˠʰp͡fˤʰt̪͡θʰt̪͡θʷʰt̪͡θʲʰt̪͡θˠʰt̪͡θˤʰt͡sʰt͡sʷʰt͡sʲʰt͡sˠʰt͡sˤʰt͡ʃʰt͡ʃʷʰt͡ʃˠʰt͡ʃˤʰʈ͡ʂʰʈ͡ʂʷʰʈ͡ʂˠʰʈ͡ʂˤʰt͡ɕʰt͡ɕʷʰt͡ɕˠʰt͡ɕˤʰc͡çʰc͡çʷʰc͡çˠʰc͡çˤʰk͡xʰk͡xʷʰk͡xʲʰk͡xˤʰq͡χʰq͡χʷʰq͡χʲʰʡ͡ħʰʡ͡ħʷʰʡ͡ħʲʰʡ͡ħˠʰ
voiced affricateb͡βb͡βʷb͡βʲb͡βˠb͡βˤb͡vb͡vʷb͡vʲb͡vˠb͡vˤd̪͡ðd̪͡ðʷd̪͡ðʲd̪͡ðˠd̪͡ðˤd͡zd͡zʷd͡zʲd͡zˠd͡zˤd͡ʒd͡ʒʷd͡ʒˠd͡ʒˤɖ͡ʐɖ͡ʐʷɖ͡ʐˠɖ͡ʐˤd͡ʑd͡ʑʷd͡ʑˠd͡ʑˤɟ͡ʝɟ͡ʝʷɟ͡ʝˠɟ͡ʝˤg͡ɣg͡ɣʷg͡ɣʲg͡ɣˤɢ͡ʁɢ͡ʁʷɢ͡ʁʲ
breathy voiced affricateb͡βʱb͡βʷʱb͡βʲʱb͡βˠʱb͡βˤʱb͡vʱb͡vʷʱb͡vʲʱb͡vˠʱb͡vˤʱd̪͡ðʱd̪͡ðʷʱd̪͡ðʲʱd̪͡ðˠʱd̪͡ðˤʱd͡zʱd͡zʷʱd͡zʲʱd͡zˠʱd͡zˤʱd͡ʒʱd͡ʒʷʱd͡ʒˠʱd͡ʒˤʱɖ͡ʐʱɖ͡ʐʷʱɖ͡ʐˠʱɖ͡ʐˤʱd͡ʑʱd͡ʑʷʱd͡ʑˠʱd͡ʑˤʱɟ͡ʝʱɟ͡ʝʷʱɟ͡ʝˠʱɟ͡ʝˤʱg͡ɣʱg͡ɣʷʱg͡ɣʲʱg͡ɣˤʱɢ͡ʁʱɢ͡ʁʷʱɢ͡ʁʲʱ
ejective affricatep͡ɸʼp͡ɸʷʼp͡ɸʲʼp͡ɸˠʼp͡ɸˤʼp͡fʼp͡fʷʼp͡fʲʼp͡fˠʼp͡fˤʼt̪͡θʼt̪͡θʷʼt̪͡θʲʼt̪͡θˠʼt̪͡θˤʼt͡sʼt͡sʷʼt͡sʲʼt͡sˠʼt͡sˤʼt͡ʃʼt͡ʃʷʼt͡ʃˠʼt͡ʃˤʼʈ͡ʂʼʈ͡ʂʷʼʈ͡ʂˠʼʈ͡ʂˤʼt͡ɕʼt͡ɕʷʼt͡ɕˠʼt͡ɕˤʼc͡çʼc͡çʷʼc͡çˠʼc͡çˤʼk͡xʼk͡xʷʼk͡xʲʼk͡xˤʼq͡χʼq͡χʷʼq͡χʲʼʡ͡ħʼʡ͡ħʷʼʡ͡ħʲʼʡ͡ħˠʼ
unvoiced fricativeɸɸʷɸʲɸˠɸˤfθθʷθʲθˠθˤsʃʃʷʃˠʃˤʂʂʷʂˠʂˤɕɕʷɕˠɕˤççʷçˠçˤxχχʷχʲħħʷħʲħˠh
aspirated fricativeɸʰɸʷʰɸʲʰɸˠʰɸˤʰfʷʰfʲʰfˠʰfˤʰθʰθʷʰθʲʰθˠʰθˤʰsʷʰsʲʰsˠʰsˤʰʃʰʃʷʰʃˠʰʃˤʰʂʰʂʷʰʂˠʰʂˤʰɕʰɕʷʰɕˠʰɕˤʰçʰçʷʰçˠʰçˤʰxʷʰxʲʰxˤʰχʰχʷʰχʲʰħʰħʷʰħʲʰħˠʰ
voiced fricativeββʷβʲβˠβˤvððʷðʲðˠðˤzʒʒʷʒˠʒˤʐʐʷʐˠʐˤʑʑʷʑˠʑˤʝʝʷʝˠʝˤɣɣʷɣʲɣˤʁʁʷʁʲɦɦʷɦʲɦˠɦˤ
breathy voiced fricativeβʱβʷʱβʲʱβˠʱβˤʱvʷʱvʲʱvˠʱvˤʱðʱðʷʱðʲʱðˠʱðˤʱzʷʱzʲʱzˠʱzˤʱʒʱʒʷʱʒˠʱʒˤʱʐʱʐʷʱʐˠʱʐˤʱʑʱʑʷʱʑˠʱʑˤʱʝʱʝʷʱʝˠʱʝˤʱɣʱɣʷʱɣʲʱɣˤʱʁʱʁʷʱʁʲʱ
ejective fricativeɸʼɸʷʼɸʲʼɸˠʼɸˤʼfʷʼfʲʼfˠʼfˤʼθʼθʷʼθʲʼθˠʼθˤʼsʷʼsʲʼsˠʼsˤʼʃʼʃʷʼʃˠʼʃˤʼʂʼʂʷʼʂˠʼʂˤʼɕʼɕʷʼɕˠʼɕˤʼçʼçʷʼçˠʼçˤʼxʷʼxʲʼxˤʼχʼχʷʼχʲʼħʼħʷʼħʲʼħˠʼ
unvoiced nasal approximantʋ̥̃ʋ̥̃ʷʋ̥̃ʲʋ̥̃ˠʋ̥̃ˤɹ̪̥̃ɹ̪̥̃ʷɹ̪̥̃ʲɹ̪̥̃ˠɹ̪̥̃ˤɹ̥̃ɹ̥̃ʷɹ̥̃ʲɹ̥̃ˠɹ̥̃ˤɻ̥̃ɻ̥̃ʷɻ̥̃ˠɻ̥̃ˤj̥̃j̥̃ʷj̥̃ˠj̥̃ˤɰ̥̃w̥̃ɰ̥̃ʲɰ̥̃ˤʕ̥̃ʕ̥̃ʷʕ̥̃ʲʕ̥̃ˠ
voiced nasal approximantʋ̃ʋ̃ʷʋ̃ʲʋ̃ˠʋ̃ˤɹ̪̃ɹ̪̃ʷɹ̪̃ʲɹ̪̃ˠɹ̪̃ˤɹ̃ɹ̃ʷɹ̃ʲɹ̃ˠɹ̃ˤɻ̃ɻ̃ʷɻ̃ˠɻ̃ˤj̃ʷj̃ˠj̃ˤɰ̃ɰ̃ʲɰ̃ˤʕ̃ʕ̃ʷʕ̃ʲʕ̃ˠ
unvoiced approximantʋ̥ʋ̥ʷʋ̥ʲʋ̥ˠʋ̥ˤɹ̪̥ɹ̪̥ʷɹ̪̥ʲɹ̪̥ˠɹ̪̥ˤɹ̥ɹ̥ʷɹ̥ʲɹ̥ˠɹ̥ˤɻ̥ɻ̥ʷɻ̥ˠɻ̥ˤj̥ʷj̥ˠj̥ˤɰ̥ɰ̥ʲɰ̥ˤʕ̥ʕ̥ʷʕ̥ʲʕ̥ˠ
voiced approximantʋʋʷʋʲʋˠʋˤɹ̪ɹ̪ʷɹ̪ʲɹ̪ˠɹ̪ˤɹɹʷɹʲɹˠɹˤɻɻʷɻˠɻˤjɰwɰʲɰˤʕʕʷʕʲʕˠ
unvoiced nasal tapⱱ̥̃ⱱ̥̃ʷⱱ̥̃ʲⱱ̥̃ˠⱱ̥̃ˤɾ̪̥̃ɾ̪̥̃ʷɾ̪̥̃ʲɾ̪̥̃ˠɾ̪̥̃ˤɾ̥̃ɾ̥̃ʷɾ̥̃ʲɾ̥̃ˠɾ̥̃ˤɽ̥̃ɽ̥̃ʷɽ̥̃ˠɽ̥̃ˤ
voiced nasal tapⱱ̃ⱱ̃ʷⱱ̃ʲⱱ̃ˠⱱ̃ˤɾ̪̃ɾ̪̃ʷɾ̪̃ʲɾ̪̃ˠɾ̪̃ˤɾ̃ɾ̃ʷɾ̃ʲɾ̃ˠɾ̃ˤɽ̃ɽ̃ʷɽ̃ˠɽ̃ˤ
unvoiced tapⱱ̥ⱱ̥ʷⱱ̥ʲⱱ̥ˠⱱ̥ˤɾ̪̥ɾ̪̥ʷɾ̪̥ʲɾ̪̥ˠɾ̪̥ˤɾ̥ɾ̥ʷɾ̥ʲɾ̥ˠɾ̥ˤɽ̥ɽ̥ʷɽ̥ˠɽ̥ˤ
voiced tapⱱʷⱱʲⱱˠⱱˤɾ̪ɾ̪ʷɾ̪ʲɾ̪ˠɾ̪ˤɾɾʷɾʲɾˠɾˤɽɽʷɽˠɽˤ
unvoiced nasal trillʙ̥̃ʙ̥̃ʷʙ̥̃ʲʙ̥̃ˠʙ̥̃ˤr̪̥̃r̪̥̃ʷr̪̥̃ʲr̪̥̃ˠr̪̥̃ˤr̥̃r̥̃ʷr̥̃ʲr̥̃ˠr̥̃ˤʀ̥̃ʀ̥̃ʷʀ̥̃ʲʢ̥̃ʢ̥̃ʷʢ̥̃ʲʢ̥̃ˠ
voiced nasal trillʙ̃ʙ̃ʷʙ̃ʲʙ̃ˠʙ̃ˤr̪̃r̪̃ʷr̪̃ʲr̪̃ˠr̪̃ˤr̃ʷr̃ʲr̃ˠr̃ˤʀ̃ʀ̃ʷʀ̃ʲʢ̃ʢ̃ʷʢ̃ʲʢ̃ˠ
unvoiced trillʙ̥ʙ̥ʷʙ̥ʲʙ̥ˠʙ̥ˤr̪̥r̪̥ʷr̪̥ʲr̪̥ˠr̪̥ˤr̥ʷr̥ʲr̥ˠr̥ˤʀ̥ʀ̥ʷʀ̥ʲʢ̥ʢ̥ʷʢ̥ʲʢ̥ˠ
voiced trillʙʙʷʙʲʙˠʙˤr̪ʷr̪ʲr̪ˠr̪ˤrʀʀʷʀʲʢʢʷʢʲʢˠ
unvoiced lateral affricatet̪͡ɬ̪t̪͡ɬ̪ʷt̪͡ɬ̪ʲt̪͡ɬ̪ˠt̪͡ɬ̪ˤt͡ɬt͡ɬʷt͡ɬʲt͡ɬˠt͡ɬˤʈ͡ꞎʈ͡ꞎʷʈ͡ꞎˠʈ͡ꞎˤc͡ʎ̥˔c͡ʎ̥˔ʷc͡ʎ̥˔ˠc͡ʎ̥˔ˤk͡ʟ̝̊k͡ʟ̝̊ʷk͡ʟ̝̊ʲk͡ʟ̝̊ˤ
aspirated lateral affricatet̪͡ɬ̪ʰt̪͡ɬ̪ʷʰt̪͡ɬ̪ʲʰt̪͡ɬ̪ˠʰt̪͡ɬ̪ˤʰt͡ɬʰt͡ɬʷʰt͡ɬʲʰt͡ɬˠʰt͡ɬˤʰʈ͡ꞎʰʈ͡ꞎʷʰʈ͡ꞎˠʰʈ͡ꞎˤʰc͡ʎ̥˔ʰc͡ʎ̥˔ʷʰc͡ʎ̥˔ˠʰc͡ʎ̥˔ˤʰk͡ʟ̝̊ʰk͡ʟ̝̊ʷʰk͡ʟ̝̊ʲʰk͡ʟ̝̊ˤʰ
voiced lateral affricated̪͡ɮ̪d̪͡ɮ̪ʷd̪͡ɮ̪ʲd̪͡ɮ̪ˠd̪͡ɮ̪ˤd͡ɮd͡ɮʷd͡ɮʲd͡ɮˠd͡ɮˤɖ͡ɭ˔ɖ͡ɭ˔ʷɖ͡ɭ˔ˠɖ͡ɭ˔ˤɟ͡ʎ̝ɟ͡ʎ̝ʷɟ͡ʎ̝ˠɟ͡ʎ̝ˤg͡ʟ̝g͡ʟ̝ʷg͡ʟ̝ʲg͡ʟ̝ˤ
breathy voiced lateral affricated̪͡ɮ̪ʱd̪͡ɮ̪ʷʱd̪͡ɮ̪ʲʱd̪͡ɮ̪ˠʱd̪͡ɮ̪ˤʱd͡ɮʱd͡ɮʷʱd͡ɮʲʱd͡ɮˠʱd͡ɮˤʱɖ͡ɭ˔ʱɖ͡ɭ˔ʷʱɖ͡ɭ˔ˠʱɖ͡ɭ˔ˤʱɟ͡ʎ̝ʱɟ͡ʎ̝ʷʱɟ͡ʎ̝ˠʱɟ͡ʎ̝ˤʱg͡ʟ̝ʱg͡ʟ̝ʷʱg͡ʟ̝ʲʱg͡ʟ̝ˤʱ
ejective lateral affricatet̪͡ɬ̪ʼt̪͡ɬ̪ʷʼt̪͡ɬ̪ʲʼt̪͡ɬ̪ˠʼt̪͡ɬ̪ˤʼt͡ɬʼt͡ɬʷʼt͡ɬʲʼt͡ɬˠʼt͡ɬˤʼʈ͡ꞎʼʈ͡ꞎʷʼʈ͡ꞎˠʼʈ͡ꞎˤʼc͡ʎ̥˔ʼc͡ʎ̥˔ʷʼc͡ʎ̥˔ˠʼc͡ʎ̥˔ˤʼk͡ʟ̝̊ʼk͡ʟ̝̊ʷʼk͡ʟ̝̊ʲʼk͡ʟ̝̊ˤʼ
unvoiced lateral fricativeɬ̪ɬ̪ʷɬ̪ʲɬ̪ˠɬ̪ˤɬɬʷɬʲɬˠɬˤꞎʷꞎˠꞎˤʎ̥˔ʎ̥˔ʷʎ̥˔ˠʎ̥˔ˤʟ̝̊ʟ̝̊ʷʟ̝̊ʲʟ̝̊ˤ
aspirated lateral fricativeɬ̪ʰɬ̪ʷʰɬ̪ʲʰɬ̪ˠʰɬ̪ˤʰɬʰɬʷʰɬʲʰɬˠʰɬˤʰꞎʰꞎʷʰꞎˠʰꞎˤʰʎ̥˔ʰʎ̥˔ʷʰʎ̥˔ˠʰʎ̥˔ˤʰʟ̝̊ʰʟ̝̊ʷʰʟ̝̊ʲʰʟ̝̊ˤʰ
voiced lateral fricativeɮ̪ɮ̪ʷɮ̪ʲɮ̪ˠɮ̪ˤɮɮʷɮʲɮˠɮˤɭ˔ɭ˔ʷɭ˔ˠɭ˔ˤʎ̝ʎ̝ʷʎ̝ˠʎ̝ˤʟ̝ʟ̝ʷʟ̝ʲʟ̝ˤ
breathy voiced lateral fricativeɮ̪ʱɮ̪ʷʱɮ̪ʲʱɮ̪ˠʱɮ̪ˤʱɮʱɮʷʱɮʲʱɮˠʱɮˤʱɭ˔ʱɭ˔ʷʱɭ˔ˠʱɭ˔ˤʱʎ̝ʱʎ̝ʷʱʎ̝ˠʱʎ̝ˤʱʟ̝ʱʟ̝ʷʱʟ̝ʲʱʟ̝ˤʱ
ejective lateral fricativeɬ̪ʼɬ̪ʷʼɬ̪ʲʼɬ̪ˠʼɬ̪ˤʼɬʼɬʷʼɬʲʼɬˠʼɬˤʼꞎʼꞎʷʼꞎˠʼꞎˤʼʎ̥˔ʼʎ̥˔ʷʼʎ̥˔ˠʼʎ̥˔ˤʼʟ̝̊ʼʟ̝̊ʷʼʟ̝̊ʲʼʟ̝̊ˤʼ
unvoiced lateral approximantl̪̥l̪̥ʷl̪̥ʲl̪̥ˠl̪̥ˤl̥ʷl̥ʲl̥ˠl̥ˤɭ̥ɭ̥ʷɭ̥ˠɭ̥ˤʎ̥ʎ̥ʷʎ̥ˠʎ̥ˤʟ̥ʟ̥ʲʟ̥ˤ
voiced lateral approximantl̪ʷl̪ʲl̪ˠl̪ˤlɭɭʷɭˠɭˤʎʎʷʎˠʎˤʟwʟʲʟˤ
unvoiced lateral tapɺ̪̥ɺ̪̥ʷɺ̪̥ʲɺ̪̥ˠɺ̪̥ˤɺ̥ɺ̥ʷɺ̥ʲɺ̥ˠɺ̥ˤ
voiced lateral tapɺ̪ɺ̪ʷɺ̪ʲɺ̪ˠɺ̪ˤɺɺʷɺʲɺˠɺˤ

no vowels.

04:08 UTC


grammar suggestions

hello, ive made 2 conlangs before, but they were based on real langauges

i want to make a completely fictional langauge with no ties to any real languages

i feel like i can make a cool orthography and lexicon, but not a interesting grammar or syntax

any ideas? the sky is the limit but note that im a idiot

1 Comment
18:40 UTC


How to make q Cloη whitouth getting rid of it?

I had this problem for a long time,idk why but theres just a point were i just get bored of the Cloη,help me.

15:46 UTC


Missle deixis

A cloŋ where spacial deixis works how the missle copypasta describes the missle's guidance subsystem, the copypasta reads:

"The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error."

All this for one affix

12:48 UTC


What's the least used phoneme in your conlang?

Mine's /f/,cause,like,it is kinda boring.

22:19 UTC


my latest phonology that i might not get thrug with

behold, the phonology of alghepic

it's spoken in the same universe as douleur, as is my other phonology varnish

since david j peterson created a ŋ with k*****p number of cases that he didn't explain in full, i shall henceforth give this language an onion morphology. it shall also have twelve genders based on the elements times rock-paper scissors to determine which of the four paradigms shall be used to inflect the verb

19:13 UTC


Alveolar flap vs Shortened voiced alveolar stop

1 Comment
05:26 UTC


I need ideas for my English 2 conlang. And yes it will be considered a conlang because of how different from English it will be.

13:10 UTC

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