Reddit's home of scripts invented for secret notes, fictional languages, semantic experiments, and more. Post creative uses of existing constructed scripts or showcase your own!
Reddit's home for scripts for secret notes, fictional languages, semantic experiments, and more. Post creative uses of existing constructed scripts or showcase your own!
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Non-original content includes scripts you found in movies or games, resources you found online, and your writing in someone else's script. This content is allowed, but you must give credit and state its source in your post title or in a comment. If you searched but still don't know, state that it's not your creation. Taking credit for content you didn't create will result in post removal and possibly a ban.
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I have created a syllabary, but I do not know where to start with making the symbols. I can tell you any information you need to know in the replies. How would I start?
Also also sorry for the bad handwriting im not fluent in it yet
im making a language called "Kekní" or "Tsitsikwaqinkaw" thats based on Nuxalk and Okanagan salish, my current writing system kinda sucks since it looks too similar to the latin alphabet and is hard to read for me. im thinking of making a syllabic thing based on hangul but i dont know yet
I've made a syllable block writing system based on korean hangul for writing Serbo-Croatian. I noticed that the limitations of a syllable in Serbo-croatian fit perfectly in nine symbol blocks, 8 representing phonemes and 1 for pitch accent. So i made a 3×3 grid where you can place "radicals" representing sounds and accents in order to form syllable blocks. I've already made a post in this community (with the key and the process of making it).
1 - /sabuweː/
2 - /muli apu/ muli=7
3 - /koka koːla/
Whats the largest alphabet you guys have made not like a logography or something but like one symbol one sound cause im trying tomake an extensive alphabets and idk if i got every sound in english
Zørgi is one of the alphabetical scripts used to write the Denkan language. Denkan is a group of dialects spoken by the descendants of the Sir Empire and Zørgi was adopted during the Zør Dynasty. This fragment is the Kemir dialect, and it is written from left to right and top to bottom.
How did I come up with this alphabet? First I created a logographic system (Kørgi) and then derived an alphabetical one (with a cuneiform style) called Sirgi. Zørgi comes from the latter, but with a more cursive calligraphy. Let me know if you have any questions.
not mistake those in the first for capitals, they're logographs as in japanese))), second one is for my native language(kazakh) for keeping secrets, i mean it was, now it's just another scribbles for a conlang... boredom