
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the hub for blind and visually impaired redditors. We are a support community for people who are blind or visually impaired, their friends and family, those who work with the blind, and those who are just curious. Don't be scared to ask (while respecting the rules) and be glad that there is a community for you from retirees to young guns to specialist.

We're here for you!

Also check out our website: https://ourblind.com!

Welcome to the hub for blind and visually impaired redditors. We are a support and discussion community for people who are blind, visually impaired, those who work with the blind, and those who are just curious.

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Posts and comments must be accessible.

It is strongly encouraged that all submitted content be accessible to screen readers or have audio description available. While inaccessible content is not necessarily forbidden, users are encouraged to vote down content that is inaccessible to them. Pictures of text are inaccessible and individuals posting this content should use caution and be mindful of the audience. For more information please read our Accessibility Policy.

No out of topic content. No medical advice. No personal advertisements.

Posts and comments must be related to vision impairment and blindness. Requesting or providing any medical advice is prohibited. In order to ensure a safe environment for all members of our community, we've chosen to disallow posts of a personal advertisement nature. We are unable to screen posters, and we discourage giving out your personal information over Reddit.

If you are not visually impaired or a parent of a VI child, questions and surveys belong on /r/SampleSize

Most of the regulars here come for the company. r/Blind is a place where we feel accepted, a place where we fit in with the only other people who understand what life is like for us. It's our place to rant and to celebrate, to vent and to compare notes. It's where we grieve the loss of our eyesight and encourage each other to do our best. We don't come here to answer questions from people who assume we're the blind version of r/AskReddit.

While questions are welcome, anything along the lines of "How do blind people do x" should be googled and any surveys and interview requests should be posted on r/SampleSize. This does not include posts from visually impaired people or parents of VI children looking for specific help.

Respect Reddit rules & redditquette.

Please familiarize yourself with the official rules. We will remove any posts violating reddit's official rules.

Meet The Mods

/u/rumster (Twitter) I am a poker enthusiast and an accessibility specialist. I created this subreddit with two goals in mind: to make sure that the visually impaired community knows that we are here, and to create a sense of community by providing guidance and support to new members. The creation of /r/Blind has been a dream of mine for over a decade, and I am thrilled that we have reached 18k subscribers and over half a million views every few months.

/u/fastfinge (Twitter, Facebook): Bitcoin lover, science fiction reader, freelancer, and fanfiction fanatic from the colds of Canada.

/u/SophiaDevetzi: KC patient and community manager of Keratoconus Group. Responsible for the CSS design and subreddit's Twitter.


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24,147 Subscribers


Voice Dream Reader reverses subscription plan for legacy users

18:37 UTC


Voiceover on Telegram app

Is anyone else having trouble with typing and pulling up the keyboard, with voiceover, on telegram? If so, how do get around or fix this issue?

15:39 UTC


Jobs in Environmental Science? Looking to change careers

Hey, I have RP and have about 60 degrees of vision left. I currently work as a treeplanter in Canada and am at the point where I'm looking to change careers and maybe re-educate. I had hoped to work in forestry for most of my life but since that's not looking too realistic, I'm coming here to see if anyone here has some good career advice/ideas.

I have a bachelor's in Environmental Science and love working outdoors. Unfortunately most forestry tech/management jobs require a driver's license. Hiking through steep cutblocks while visually impaired isn't ideal. Same for any kind of environmental remediation/sustainability job (from what I've found). I've been looking into GIS as a potential career change.

I'm curious if there's anyone here who's blind/visually impaired who works in one of these fields and what your experience has been like?

Or if someone has an outdoorsy career that they love and could suggest. I'm very introverted so the idea of working with people all day is very unappealing.


15:27 UTC


Are there any blind or nearly blind diabetics in this group?

I'm a T2 diabetic who's on a pump and since my vision is declining due to retinopathy, it got me wondering a few things.

If you're a diabetic and need shots, how are you managing this with little to no vision? Being able to dose your own insulin sounds like it would be impossible unless you had help. Plus, checking blood sugars sounds like a PITA on its own.

Since I'm losing my vision, are these skills I would learn in vision rehab or will I have to rely on someone else giving me my insulin? Im not at that point, just something I'm thinking about for the future.


15:26 UTC


College Party and Blindness

I was invited to a party at my college through my email and I went to where it was and was told that I went to the wrong entrance so I tried the only other entrance I knew about and it was locked. I wanted to go since the email said they would have sweets and it was candy themed and to wear your sweetest outfit. I put on brown cotton overalls, a green denim jacket and a flowered jumper under the loose overalls. I called my campuses public safety to go there since it was on the opposite side of campus and walking far distances is difficult. They are aware I’m partially sighted (if my white cane wasn’t a big enough clue). I could not find the entrance and I tried to follow the loud techno-ish music but it didn’t help. I found out this morning that it kind of sucked from a sighted person but I just wanted to experience a party and be included. That’s the end of my rant. How hard can it be to just tell me where the entrance to this thing is than to just say, “you can’t come in this entrance?” I just wanted to enjoy the music and eat sweet foods.

12:31 UTC


I live on a small income and have always liked the idea of living with like 4 responsible fellow blind people. We'd all wind up with better housing I think and could afford things like hiring a weekly cleaner to keep the space tidy and sparkling. What's your take?

We'd also share duties with things like cooking; contributing what skills we could bring to the table. Would it work?

23:46 UTC


Looking for free, good text to voice apps for Android, (please do not suggest iPhone.)


I have a condition that when it flares up I have pressure on my Optic nerve and I am unable to see properly, and would like to be able to use a free text to voice app that will allow me to use it on Android on any website, social media ECT without me having to manually load pages into it or highlight text, because when I have a flare up I cannot even see well enough to do that.

It also needs to have a male voice, because I'm partially deaf, and unable to hear certain tones and those tones I am missing are on a higher pitch, which means sometimes I don't hear all of what higher pitch voices say.

Buying an iPhone is not an option, I'm unable to afford it, I don't even use a standard phone service because we are unable to afford that either.. My household has had zero income for months now, so I am unable to afford anything and I'm looking for a free program to use on my existing Android.

I'm starting to have a flare up and was hoping to find something before it got so bad I can't even see to ask.

Additionally, another app for Windows pc would also be helpful if I am able to get to my computer. My home isn't handicapped accessible so I have to be lifted into a second wheelchair in order to leave my bedroom to get to the computer right now, so I primarily need to be able to use my phone to be able to do anything at all during flare-ups. Sometimes my husband will scoop me up and help me get to the computer but I really hate having to ask him to do that too much.

If anyone has some suggestions that would be wonderful. Thanks for any help or advice anyone can offer.

05:28 UTC


Trouble Coping

[Remove if not allowed] Hey, Reddit. I’m Kazi or Zyta, either work. I’m 24, and I use They/she pronouns. I live in the US.

I was born with seemingly perfect vision and despite some minor setbacks as an infant, my development was normal. Until 2.5-3 years when my vision went funny and my mom was worried about my words (“eye go bye-bye”). Turns out I got a genetic disorder that weakened my eyes muscles that held the lens and we had to get them both removed. From then, I was visionally impaired and in my school years had a 504 Plan. I was never taught to use a cane, braille, or use assistive technology.

Fast forward to my senior year of high school and I got an infection. Uveitis if I recall correctly. The teaching hospital I went to at the time ignored my concerns and didn’t even prescribe anything more than drops - even though without lens I was at a higher risk of complications and infections. I was 18, I knew something was wrong. In 2019, they told me I had a retina detachment.

Then Covid hit.

I started seeing a new hospital in NC. Turns out, my records say that the old doctor knew of my retina as far back as my first appointment but never told me.

Now I’m here, with practically irreversible damage to my eye and ongoing damage to the other.

I’m struggling to sleep, I’m struggling to cope. I have no skills and I hate the hospital that stripped me of my independence. I’ve always had sight issues but now I may be nearly completely blind before I’m 35-40.

How do I cope with this? They took my independence, my desires, everything it feels.

07:10 UTC


Legally blind Dad disseminated against / termination of parental rights

04:25 UTC


Styling hair

Hi, I have long, thick wavy hair and I'm trying to learn how to braid. Any tips?

04:07 UTC


Ladies with afro hair, I want to hear how you manage.

As independent as I am, I have to admit I rely heavily on my hair stylist to manage my natural ghair. Typically, I go in once every six to ten weeks to get it braided. However, as I am working on my hair length, I realize this might not be the healthiest thing. It’s also not very cost affective. I want to explore more natural styles like twists, but I don’t want to have to pay someone. Have any of you had success installing your own twists or other protective styles? If so, how? I would love any general styling tips as well. Currently, I’m able to get by with my detangling brush, water, and lotta body 5-1 detangler and styling cream. When I don’t have a braided style, I just put my hair up in either a bun or pigtails. Help me diversify!

I went to a variety of independence programs from age 7 to 16. It wasn’t until I was 16 that I actually met a counselor that could provide some tips because she had the same hair texture as mine. So, please withhold your judgement. Hair like mine is hard enough without the added complication of not being able to see.

TIA :)

00:26 UTC


Audio description humor?

Has anyone else noticed any humor in ADS narration?

Last night I was watching something and noticed one but can’t remember what it was but it was pretty subtle so it could’ve been just my mind assuming there was humor where there wasn’t any.

However this afternoon I decided to rewatch G.I. Joe the rise of cobra I know not a great movie but I wanted to give it a rewatch anyway. And during the early convoy attack when the Baroness first steps out of the cobra attack craft, the narrator describes her as a “glamorous woman in a tight fitting black suit, packing a magnificent pair of… pistols.” And I’m not just inserting the… For any extra humor. It was an actual identifiable pause in the narrators speech. He also put a little extra punch in the emphasis on pistols!

I know that they’re working on new narration techniques and improving the overall ADS experience but I never noticed this until today, and the movies from 2009! And back then I could still see so I didn’t have any need to do the ADS when I purchased it.

Anyway… Anyone else experience this?

20:58 UTC


Navigation apps

I would like to know what everyone thinks of the following navigation apps. Please be honest and give details. I want to suggest the best one for transit systems. and other navigation uses. Navilens GoodMaps Waymap Blind Square Blind Square Event

20:19 UTC


What are your favorite road trip games?

My husband, who has low vision, and I are about to head on a seven hour road trip, and I would love to hear what your favorite road trip games are! Ours is twenty questions.

20:07 UTC


what's your experience with hcaptcha?

At first a few unimportant services used it, but the cancer is spreading. I'm calling the hcaptcha that, because I wasn't able to get it working ever. I won't sit in hours of conversation with support to get into discord, but stripe is a different topic.

This time, aparently I registered for developer account and ofcourse there is no way without contacting them to do anything...

So i got curious is it me or is it them?

18:16 UTC


Checking In: How Are We All Doing?

As the title says this is just a quick check in with everyone here on r/blind to see how we are all doing as of late.

16:02 UTC


Device for directly reading texts into ancient Latin and Greek?

Hello, I am looking for an OrCam Myeye type device which allows you to read Latin and ancient greek vocally from a book, or ideally which allows you to translate it into your mother tongue. Thanks

14:43 UTC


Looking for friends

Hi, nice to meet everyone, my name is Fatima, I am 21 years old, and I am from Mexico, I like to listen to music, learn new things, and learn new languages. And I like to make new friends, hope to make new friends here.

14:05 UTC


Netflix audio description... what do you think?


I have low vision, so I don't really need audio description if I can sit close to a TV. But a new season of a show I love has recently come out, and I just noticed the show has audio description. I've been a fan of this series since I was a kid, so this was super exciting. There were some random background blind characters in the last show, too.

This new show is distributed or whatever by Netflix, its marked as a Netflix show.

I checked out the audio description (video is linked in this post - I'm sorry if it's weird, I'm still new to Reddit) and... I find it pretty barebones at best. The voice sounds like a machine, but according to the end credits it's read by a person.

People on Twitter said this is common for Netflix shows... is that true? How do you feel about it? Because last night when I discovered this I went from excited as hell to disappointed in the span of not even a minute. I've watched the first two episodes of season one with it on, and... didn't find it too helpful, or very descriptive. And the robotic voice is quite distracting.

10:25 UTC


Setting Up Mush Client

Hi all, I'm a big dumb dumb and can't figure out how to set up Mush client to run with NVDA.Ican'tgetittoreadtheoutput.Cananyone please give a step-by-stepguideonsettinguptheclient?Thank you!

06:52 UTC


Constructive advice?

Hello - I was sharing a ride with a blind person the other day. We were conversing and she mentioned her husband is a cyclist. She looked fit too so I mentioned someone 'local' to our area who is somewhat famous who is a triathlete, mountain biker cyclist who I had met sharing a ride too. I thought she might have heard of him. She didn't know him it seemed. (He also is a speaker/advocate that shares his experience with blindness and she had said she goes to "talks" regularly).

I shared that I got to know him some - as he's lives near me - and despite his athletic triumphs, he had told me it was still terrifying to go out everyday just to cross the street with his guide dog. (Earlier in the conversation I had mentioned I wanted to look for more trails to ride my bike to avoid cars at my back - as this was scary).

She got somewhat quiet - mentioned she used to walk the couple of miles to a store but now avoids it due to crossing a major intersection - people just aren't looking. The energy in the car got tense after that :( I felt I'd said something wrong. The conversation ended.

I don't expect to be perfect but I want to be thoughtful in conversations. Did I step into something I should never do again - ie. mentioning another blind person? Or is it that this was possibly a personal overstep for her? I was trying to connect but obviously failed.

*I ask that you are kind and constructive in your feedback, if you have any. I have some trauma around socially connecting. I would love to know how I could have been better though.

17:19 UTC


Document cameras vs digital magnifiers

I'd like to hear about people's experiences with digital magnifiers and document readers for someone with macular degeneration.

My dad (89) has macular degeneration which has reached the point where handheld magnifiers no longer help. The center of his vision is mostly gone, and they're too small to work effectively with his peripheral vision.

He can, however, still read on a computer monitor, so we're looking at purchasing a digital magnifier. The ones on the medical device sites are prohibitively expensive ($1500-4000 !), and the screens aren't big enough anyway, so we've turned our attention to document readers (the kind teachers use as overhead projectors), which are mostly in the $100-400 range. At that price we can afford to get him a new extra-wide monitor as well.

Any advice or recommendations would be warmly appreciated. TIA

02:55 UTC


Mira Guide Dog School

Hello everyone! So I know someone who is getting her guide dog up in Canada from the Mira Foundation. I once considered this school very very seriously and still wonder if I made the right choice going to the Seeing Eye. I believe so but I'm curious what everyone thinks. I know two people who got their dogs from there and one of them expressed not being very happy with it saying she probably wouldn't go back. I've heard this from a few other people as well. So my question is, has anyone else had experiences with this school? I love that the commands are in french which is why I considered it and I'm not to fond of having english commands so in theory it holds a pretty high spot. I'm also wondering if it's because of how well known Molly Burke is. Nothing against her or her experience, I'm just curious if people tend to go there because of this without looking into other schools. I really have no ill intent towards Mira at all but there has seemed to be a shift in the experiences people have had and I'm not sure if it's just the people I've talked to or an overall change? Another reason I think people apply there is because they offer dogs as early as age 11 for people in the USA.

23:11 UTC


When people decide to touch my cane

Hello as you seen in the title, I am Kane user when I am walking in like a hallway in the mall or in like a store or just out in the street trying to get to Perry transit people and not even when I’m like holding onto somebody people always treat me like I can’t talk. They do these things like grab McKay treat me like I can’t talk. Just be silly and I’m independent. I don’t hold onto anybody’s elbow. I don’t do any of that. I mean only when it’s like an emergency, but I don’t. I don’t do that any of that And it’s like what I’m going to work and all that and like new people it’s just really annoying. Any advice.

23:01 UTC


Disability business startup advice.

I am partially sighted and I am looking to set up a care staffing agency. Any advice on support from charity organisations and disability employment advice services for entrepreneurs.

18:48 UTC


I need a good free IRC client

I was using kiwiirc with darkmode and large font. But they made a change and now it does not want to connect to some of my servers that I use. What are alternatives? Mirc has a paywall now. And is hard to read.

15:27 UTC


Blindness & eds? This might not stay up

A throw-away account for obvious reasons. Thought about dancing around the topic by asking about bvi people who struggle with body dysmorphia. Easier to rip off the band-Aid this way. I’m mostly talking about anorexia and bulimia. I’ve found maybe two or three studies on blind women with anorexia, nothing recent. Only met one other bvi person who shares these struggles with me. Has anyone here recovered from something like this? How? Did the normal methods used for sighted people work at all? Are there any specific support groups for this? For those who were born with very low vision, did the body dysmorphia ever get better? The studies I found focused on fully blind women who lost their sight before their disorders developed. I’ve been in and out of ed support communities for almost a decade and haven’t come across any bvi people in them, probably because blindness on top of an ed would draw out the usual “if you’re blind how can you type?” comments.

1 Comment
14:07 UTC

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